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1、Attach a label to the parcel before you post it. 寄包裹前在上面贴上标签。(3) 参加attach oneself to 和在一起;缠着He attached himself to me at the party and I couldnt get rid of him. 在聚会上他老是缠着我,我简直无法摆脱他。(4) 伴随,(与)相联系All blame for the accident must attach to you. 事故的一切责任必须由你承担。【拓展】attach ones name to 在上签名;be attached to 喜

2、欢;依恋的;所附的She is attached to the children she works with. 她很喜欢和她一起工作的孩子们。The hospital is attached to the medical college. 这家医院附属于这所医学院。辨析:attach,join与connectattach 把小的东西附属在大的东西之上。Attach a recent photo to your form. 在你的表上附张近期照片。join 表示两样东西连接在一起。 We joined hands and danced. 我们手牵手跳舞。connect 把各自具有独立性的东西连

3、接在一起,暗示其容易分离。 Connect the printer to the computer. 把打印机和电脑连在一起。3. form v. & n. formal adj. 外形的;正式的;informal adj. 非正式的(1) v. 形成,构成,组织Love and trust should form the basis of a marriage. 爱和信任应该是构成婚姻的基础。(2) v. 养成,培养form the habit of 养成的习惯Form good habits when you are young. 年轻时要养成好习惯。(3) n. 形状,外形,形式Swim

4、ming is the best form of exercise. 游泳是最好的锻炼形式。(4) n. 表格fill in the form 填表格Please fill in this form. 请填写这张表。【拓展】in the form of 以的形式;take the form of 采取的形式4. earn vt. earnings n. 薪水,工资(1) 赚;挣钱Young as he is, he earns a good salary in a big company. 尽管他很年轻,他在一家大公司挣得一份不错的薪水。(2) 获得,赢得Qian xuesens achiev

5、ements earned him respect and admiration. 钱学森的成就为他赢得了尊敬和仰慕。【拓展】earn money = make money 赚钱,挣钱;earn ones/a living= make ones/a living 谋生He earned his living by selling newspapers when he was young. 他年轻时靠卖报谋生。5. familiar adj.(1) 熟悉的,通晓的be familiar with 通晓,对熟知(=have a good knowledge of);be familiar to 为

6、所熟知(=be well known to)Li Gang is familiar with English. 李刚通晓英语。This song is familiar to me. = I am familiar with this song. 我很熟悉这首歌。(2) 通常的,常见的He thought of the familiar scenes of his childhood. 他想起了儿时常见的情景。(3) 亲密的be on familiar terms with 与交情很好Are you on familiar terms with Mr. Johnson? 你和约翰逊先生交情好吗

7、?be familiar with的主语是人,表示某人对很熟悉;be familiar to 的主语是物,表示对于某人来说是很熟悉的。6. confident adj. 自信的;肯定的,有把握的 confidence n. 信心,信任;confidently adv. 有把握地He gave her a confident smile. 他对她报以自信的微笑。be confident about/of/that 对有信心/有把握He is confident that he will pass the driving test. = He is confident of passing the

8、 driving test. 他确信自己能通过驾驶考试。confident与confidence的搭配:confident 是adj.,后常接of或about,confidence是n.,后常接in,构成搭配:have/show confidence in (对有信心)我们对未来充满信心。We have confidence in our future. = We have confident of our future. 7. brief adj. & n. briefly adv. 简要地,短暂地(1) adj. 暂时的;简短的Life is brief. 生命是短暂的。She rose

9、and made a brief speech. 她站起来做了一个简短的演说。(2) n. 摘要,概要The brief of the essay is too simple. 这篇论文的摘要太简单了。to be brief (= in short) 简单地说;in brief 简言之;总之;briefly speaking 简单地说【拓展】“总之”的多种表达法:in brief, in short, in a/one word, all in allin brief与in shortin brief 着重于突出重点。There is not much time left, so Ill te

10、ll you about it in brief. 剩下的时间不多了,因此我会简明扼要地告诉你。in short 含有“综上所诉”的意思。In short, he is a liar. 总之,他是个说谎的人。8. invitation n.(1) n. 邀请(不可数)Thank you for your kind invitation. 谢谢你的盛情邀请。(2) n. 请帖,邀请信(可数)Did you get an invitation to Keris party yesterday? 昨天你收到参加克里聚会的请柬了吗?【拓展】at the invitation of (= at ones

11、 invitation) 应的邀请;send sb. an invitation to dinner 向某人发宴会请帖9. perform v.(1) vt. 演出;表演perform a party in a play 在剧中扮演一个角色The play was first performed in 1987. 这部喜剧于1987年首次上演。(2) vt. 执行,履行perform ones promise 履行诺言;perform ones duty 尽职责;perform an operation/ experiment 动手术/做实验She performs an important

12、role in our organization. 她在我们的组织中发挥着重要的作用。The surgeon has performed the operation. 外科医生做了这次手术。(3) vi. (非正式)(人)表现Most students performed very poorly even though they had taken the test before. 尽管他们参加过这个测验,大多数学生还是考得很差。【拓展】performance n. 演出;执行 give/put on a performance 演出;上演(节目)The band will give/put

13、on two more performances this week. 这个乐队本周将加演两场。10. sensitive adj. sense v. 觉得n. 感觉;意义;sensibility n. 识别力,敏感性;sensitivity n. 灵敏(1) 易生气的;易被惹恼的be sensitive about/to 对敏感的/过敏的Shes very sensitive about her weight. 她最自己的体重非常敏感。Her reply showed that she was very sensitive to criticism. 她的回答显示出她对批评很敏感。(2) 敏

14、感的;灵敏的My teeth are really sensitive to cold food. 我的牙齿对冷食非常敏感。(3) 体贴的;善解人意的be sensitive to 对体贴/体谅的Nurses have to sensitive to patients needs. 护士必须善于体察病人的需要。sensitive与sensiblesensitive 一般指对事物的反应和洞察力,即“敏感的”。The movie may upset a sensitive child. 这部影片可能使敏感的孩子感到很难过。sensible 一般指通情达理或切合实际的,即“明智的,有判断能力的”。S

15、he gave me some very sensible advice. 她给了我一些很合理的建议。练习(一)用适当的单词完成句子1. She _(假装) that she was not at home when we rang the bell.2. That group of pop singers will be giving five _ at the Workers Club.3. He is a _ person. He often makes others laugh when talking.4. We should _ great importance to learni

16、ng English.5. Are you _ with this kind of music?6. Although he is young, he can play a few kinds of _.7. He feels _in passing the College Entrance Examination, which pleased his parents.8. Shortly afterwards, he received an _ (invite) to speak at a conference.9. She is a s_ girl so youd better pay a

17、ttention to your words.10. The doctor decided to _ an operation to save the patients life.二Phrases and Language Points1. Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? 你是否曾梦想过在音乐会上面对成千上万的观众演唱,而音乐会上的每个人都欣赏你的音乐并

18、为你鼓掌呢?dream of/about 梦想;梦见(后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语)When she was a little girl, she dreamed of becoming a dancer. 当她还是一个小女孩的时候,曾梦想成为一名舞蹈演员。Lang Lang dreamed of being a pianist at the age of five. 朗朗5岁的时候就想当一名钢琴家。【拓展】 dream that 梦见;想到;dream a dream 做了一个的梦Ones dream has come true. = One has realized his/her dre

19、am. 某人梦想成真。She dreamed a terrible dream last night, which woke her up. 她昨天晚上做了个噩梦,把她惊醒了。dream 常与not,little,never等词连用,表示出乎意料,意为“想不到”。I never dreamed that Id actually get the job. 我做梦也没想到会真的得到这份工作。单词积累:dreamer n. 梦想家;dreamlike adj. 如梦的,梦幻的2. To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to bec

20、oming rich and famous. 说实在的,很多人把名和利看得很重。to be honest 说实在的,实话说(用作插入语,多放在句首,用逗号隔开)To be honest, I dont think we have a chance of winning. 说实在的,我认为我们没有获胜的可能。To be honest, thats all the money I have. 实话说,那就是我所有的钱。【拓展】be honest with sb. 对某人说实话;be honest in doing 在做某事方面诚实;be honest about sth. 对某事诚实的态度Poli

21、ce: You must be honest in telling the details of the murder. 警察:你必须老实说出谋杀细节。Criminal: Sure. Im quite honest with you and Im quite honest about what I do and say. 罪犯:当然,我对你是很诚实的,而且我对我做的事和说的话也都是很诚实的。honesty n. 诚实,正直;dishonest adj. 不诚实的【拓展】常见的插入语有:to begin with 首先;to tell you the truth 说实话;honestly spe

22、aking 老实说;whats more 此外;generally speaking 一般来说3. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. 组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。play joke on (= play a joke on)开的玩笑,戏弄(经常是善意的)Dont play jokes on the poor boy. 不要戏弄这个可怜的男孩了。

23、He played a joke on me by pretending hed lost the tickets. 他假装把票丢了,跟我开了个玩笑。【拓展】tell jokes 讲笑话;have a joke with sb. of sth. 与某人一起以某物取笑;make a joke of sth. 拿某事开玩笑4. As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other musicians to help them. 因为这些演员中有些人唱得不是很好,他们不得不依靠队里的其他人帮助。re

24、ly on (=rely upon)(1) 依赖,依靠rely on sb. to do/doing 依赖某人做某事;rely on sb. for sth. 依赖某人提供某物We have to rely on our own effort. 我们得自力更生。You cant just rely on your patents lending you the money. 你不能只指望父母借钱给你。You may rely on it that she wont be late. 你可以放心,她不会迟到的。rely on 后不直接跟宾语从句,必须接it作形式宾语,再接真正的宾语从句。(2)

25、信赖,信任rely on sb. to do 相信某人会做某事We should rely on our own judgment. 我们相信我们自己的判断。You can rely on her to keep your secret. 你可以相信她一定会为你保守秘密的。5. However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band. 然而,经过大约一年

26、以后,“门基乐队”逐渐对自己的工作认真起来,他们开始像一支真正的乐队那样表演并演唱自己创作的歌曲。or so 大约;左右;上下It took us half a year or so to complete the project. 完成那项工作花了我们大约半年的时间。They started in the hotel for two weeks or so. 他们在那家旅馆住了大约两周。or so位于数次之后,表示“大约”;而表达同样含义的about,around和some都位于数词之前。I have about/around/some five yuan on me. = I have f

27、ive yuan or so on me. 我身上带了大约5元钱。6. The band broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s. “(门基)乐队”大约在1970年解散,但是令人高兴的是,到20世纪80年代中期他们再次聚首。break up (1) 解散;散开The meeting broke up at eleven oclock. 会议在11点散会。(2) 破碎;拆开The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞碎了。(3) 关闭(公司等);结束The company has

28、been broken up and sold off. 这家公司关闭并被卖掉了。(4) 放假When do you break up for the Spring Festival? 你们什么时候放假过春节?(5) 与某人绝交Shes just broken up with her boyfriend. 她刚刚和男朋友分手。【拓展】break down 出故障;break into pieces 破成碎片;break into破门而入;break in 插话;break away from 脱离;break off 打断;折断7. in addition 另外;也The products are nice. In addition, the price is low. 产品优良。另外,价格低廉。In addition, he was taught how to tie up parcels. 此外,他还被教会了如何捆扎包裹。in addition相当于as well,可单独用于句首(通常用逗号与句子分开),也可用于句末(可不用逗号与句子分开)。in addition与in addition toin addition “另外(= as well)”,相当于连接副词。In addition, the owner of the land may charge an extr

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