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1、fees have already been paid in full, a refund will issued to the student.Unless otherwise stated, Entrance Awards are distributed to students whohave graduated from a Canadian secondary school entering their 1st year directlyfrom High School and who register full-time for two terms (Fall/Winter) in

2、theirfirst degree. Scholarships are awarded up to a maximum of 4 years whereapplicable.劳伦森大学有加拿大一些最丰厚的奖学金和助学金,在麦克林大学本科奖学金排名中排在第四位。经济支持以奖学金、助学金、补助金和联邦贷款的形式提供。仅在去年,劳伦森大学就为其本科生颁发给超过870万加元的奖学金和助学金。劳伦森大学本科奖学金认可并奖励学术优秀,提供给注册全日制课程并向学校支付学费的学生。不是所有奖学金每年都颁发。奖学金的发放收到可用资金的限制。为了确保奖学金平等发放,劳伦森大学保留限制任何奖学金金额的权利。奖学金和

3、助学金将直接发到你的学费账户。在奖学金总金额超过学费数额,或者已经支付全额学费的情况下,余款将退还给学生。除非有特别声明,入学奖颁发给已经从加拿大中学毕业直接进入第一年学习并且全日制注册第一学位两个学期课程的学生。在适用的情况下,奖学金最多期限为四年。通过上面的介绍可以看出,劳伦森大学不仅有丰厚的奖学金和助学金,并且在入学奖学金方面也有严格的规定。那么劳伦森大学具体都有哪些奖学金呢?请看以下的翻译介绍。Academic Excellence ScholarshipsApplication: NoHigh-School AverageNew GPAAcademic Excellence Scho

4、larships80%- 84.9%7.50to 8.49upto $4,500 ($1,000 in 1st year, renewable in subsequent years provided average ismaintained increased to $1,500 in 4th year)85%- 89.9%8.50to 9.49upto $6,500 ($1,500 in 1st year, renewable in subsequent years provided average ismaintained increased to $2,000 in 4th year)

5、90%- 94.9%9.50to 9.89upto $10,500 ($2,500 in 1st year, renewable in subsequent years provided averageis maintained increased to $3,000 in 4th year)95%- 100%9.90to 10.00upto $14,500 ($3,500 in 1st year, renewable in subsequent years provided averageis maintained increased to $4,000 in 4th year)* Calc

6、ulating your average For admission and award purposes,Laurentian University calculates admission averages based on the topsix finalmarks from grade 12 or level 4 U/M courses, regardless of prerequisites for theintended program of study (except Midwifery). Eligibility for renewal will bebased on full

7、-time status in previous academic year (30 credits of which 24credits must have been taken in the Fall/Winter term)学术优秀奖学金是否需要申请:否。高中平均新GPA学术优秀奖学金到8.49不超过4,500加元(第一年1,000加元,在往后学年可以延期,前提是保持平均分,第四年增加到1,500加元)到9.49不超过6,500加元(第一年1,500加元,在往后学年可以延期,前提是保持平均分,第四年增加到2,000加元)到9.89不超过10,500加元(第一年2,500加元,在往后学年可

8、以延期,前提是保持平均分,第四年增加到3,000加元)到10.00不超过14,500加元(第一年3,500加元 ,在往后学年可以延期,前提是保持平均分,第四年增加到4,000加元)*平均分的计算处于录取的颁奖目的,劳伦森大学根据高三六门最佳课程或六门四级U/M课程成绩计算入学平均,不考虑所选课程的入学要求(助产学除外)。延期资格基于前一学年的全日制注册,即30个学分中有24个学分是在秋/冬学期获得Major ScholarshipsMajor scholarships include the Chancellors Scholarship, PresidentsScholarship, Dea

9、ns National Scholarship. Students who receive majorscholarships are not entitled to receive an Academic Excellence Award, CommunityService Bursary, or Leadership Award.Chancellors Scholarships ($10,000 / year, renewable)Criteria: To be eligible, students must: present a minimum of 90% on 6 best4 U/M

10、 courses or equivalent, including required courses for his or her program,have made a significant contribution to his or her school and community, andhave demonstrated leadership qualities. YesPresidents Scholarships ($7,500 /year, renewable)Deans Scholarships ($5,000 /year, renewable)主要奖学金主要奖学金包括校长

11、奖学金和院长国家奖学金。获得主要奖学金的学生不能获得学术优秀奖、社区服务助学金或领导奖。校长奖学金Chancellor(每年10,000 加元,可延期)标准:为了符合标准,学生六门最佳的四级U/M课程成绩必须不低于90%或同等,包括所选课程的所要求的课程。必须为所在学校和社区做出过重要贡献,并且证明具备领导品质。是。校长奖学金President(每年7,500 加元,可延期)院长奖学金(每年5,000 加元,可延期)Academic Pathways Scholarships ($1,000) Awarded to qualifying students who have transferre

12、d directly froma Canadian university or who are graduating from an Ontario College with anOntario College two or three year Diploma, with a minimum GPA of 80% and who areregistering in a full time first degree undergraduate program.Athletic Athlete Award (up to $4,000/ year, renewable) Awarded on th

13、e recommendation of the athletic director andcoaches to athletes admitted with 80% on high school grades.Aboriginal Studies Excellence Award ($1,500) present a minimum of 80% on 6 bestand have successfully completed one Grade 11 or Grade 12 credit in NativeLanguages or Native Studies.Francophone Exc

14、ellence Award ($1,250 /year)4 U/M courses or equivalent, including required courses for his or her program.Students must register in 24 credits, (i.e. 80% of a full course load) taught inFrench.Community Service Bursaries ($1,000 / year, renewable)have made a significant contribution to his or her s

15、chool and community, havedemonstrated leadership qualities, and have financial need.学术道路奖学金(1000加元)直接从其他加拿大大学转学,或者从安大略某一学院毕业、学过学院的两年或三年制文凭、GPA 达到80%,并且注册全日制第一学位本科课程。体育运动员奖(每年不超过4,000加元,可延期)得到体育指导员和教练的推荐、高中成绩达到80%土著研究优秀奖六门最佳的四级U/M课程成绩不低于80%,包括所选课程要求的课程;已顺利完成高二或高三本土语言或本土研究学分。法语母语学生优秀奖(每年1,250 加元)必须注册2

16、4个学分即全日制课程量的80%的法语课。社区服务助学金(每年1000加元,可延期)对所在学校和社区做出过重要贡献;有领导品质和经济需求。Leadership Awards ($1,000) present a minimum of 75% on 6 bestdemonstrated leadership qualities.Access to Opportunities Bursary ($1,000) Offered to students who demonstrate financial need.French Immersion Excellence Award ($1,000)and

17、 have graduated from a French Immersion of Extended French high schoolprogram. Students must register in a minimum of 2 three credit courses taught inthe French language.Board of Governors Scholarship ($1,300) To be eligible, students must be entering the 1st year of aprogram in arts or science. The

18、 applicant must have obtained a min. 75% averagein an Ontario secondary school (in six U/M courses) or the equivalent and mustnot be in receipt of any other major award.Carl and Lyle Sanders Scholarships (2) ($2,200) Awarded to 1st-year students enrolled in a Bachelor of Artsprogram, with a minimum

19、80% average in an Ontario secondary school (in six U/Mcourses)领导奖(1000加元)六门最佳的四级U/M课程成绩不低于75%或同等,包括所选课程要求的课程;对所在学校和社区做出过重要贡献,有领导品质。机会助学金(1000加元)有经济需求。法语课程优秀奖(1000加元)已从法语高中毕业;至少注册两门三学分法语授课课程。理事会奖学金(1300加元)入读第一年文科或理科课程;已从安大略中学毕业;六门U/M课程成绩平均不低于75%或同等;为获得任何其他主要奖项。卡尔和莱尔桑德斯奖学金(两个名额,2200加元)颁发给注册第一年文学学士课程的学

20、生。从安大略中学毕业;六门U/M课程成绩平均不低于80%。Carl J. Sanders Scholarships (2) ($1,200) Awarded to 1st-year students enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts,Science or Commerce program, with a minimum 80% average in an Ontario secondaryschool (in six U/M courses)Faculty of Management Scholarship ($2,500)The purpose of this a

21、ward is to recognize a full time student in anyprogram in the Faculty of Management at Laurentian University.Concours Provincial de Franais Entrance Prizes (2) (Covers TuitionFees) Awarded to the top two contestants in the Concours provincial defranais secondary school language contest, enrolled in the 1st-year of anyprogramConcours de Franais Langue Seconde Entrance Prizes (2) (CoversTuition Fees) Awarded to the top two contestants in the Concours de franais -langue seconde secondary school langu

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