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1、Quantities of pens were spread on the table. 3. taste 尝,尝起来;体会,领略 n. 味道,味觉;口味;趣味,品味,爱好The milk has got a strange taste, and I think it may have gone sour.Most Chinese people love the taste of tea rather than coffee.I dont go in for rock n roll. Its much too noisy for my taste. I cant say which wine

2、is the bestits a matter of personal taste. 那是个人爱好的问题The cook tasted the soup to see if it tasted tasty.The meat has been overcooked and doesnt taste of anything.The old couple are tasting the joys of the happy life. 这一对老人正在体会幸福生活的快乐To his surprise, the soup he likes is not to his taste at all this t

3、ime.拓展:have a taste in/for喜欢to ones taste合某人的口味 taste of / like尝起来有的味道 tasty 味道好的 tasteful 有鉴赏力的,文雅的4. be obsessed with 痴迷,迷住Many foreigners are obsessed with Chinese food. 许多外宾痴迷于中餐The naughty boys are obsessed with their toy cars.You have been always obsessed with making money. 你总是念念不忘想着挣钱5. Its n

4、o wonder that (口语中 No wonder) Its a wonder 难得,奇怪的是Its no wonder that he is good at maths; he works hard and his parents are maths teachers.Its no wonder that they look similar; they are sisters.No wonder he isnt hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.- Brad was Janes brother. - No wonder he remin

5、ded me so much of Jane!Its a wonder you recognized me. 难得你还认得我do / work wonders 创造奇迹 in wonder 惊讶地 I wonder if . 6. feel like 感觉好像是; 想要The surface of the desk is so smooth that it feels like ice.Do you feel like a cup of coffee? I am so tired now and I dont feel like dancing.7. manner (个人的)举止,态度,风度;

6、(做事的)方法,方式,风格 manners 礼貌,礼节 (做主语用复数谓语动词) in this way / in this manner / with this method / by this meansI dont like his talking manner; its very rude. He always has a pleasant manner 她总是举止优雅The sheets are usually folded in this manner.Children should be taught to be persons with good manners. Its ba

7、d manners to be rude to the old / to talk with a full mouth. Its good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friends when they are talking.8. make out 看出,听出,辨认出;理解,弄懂;开具,填写;设法应付,过活;假装I cant make out the words on the blackboard; they are not so clear.His handwriting is so bad that I can hardly mak

8、e it out.It was dark and we couldnt make out who was coming along the road.To this day I couldnt make out why he did so. Please make out a bill for these goods.Teachers no longer make out the report cards and give them to the students to take home.How did he make out while his wife was away from hom

9、e?He was ill, but he made out to be all right.make ones way 前进,行进 make for 朝方向移动; 有助于做,促成make up 组成;化妆;弥补;编造;铺床 make sure 确信 make off 匆匆离开make it 办成,做到,成功,及时到达 make over 转交,转让 Constant arguing cant make for a happy marriage. Its getting dark and wed better turn and make our way home.He made up some

10、excuse about his daughter being sick.I could just make out a figure in the dark.Money cant make up for bad taste and bad manners. 金钱并不能弥补粗俗的品位与举止In Britain today, women make up 44% of the work force, and nearly half of the mothers with children are in paid work.-Sorry Im late again, sir. Well, what

11、excuse can you make up this time?Some students dont realize the good use Tom made of the time.比较:find out 查明(事实、真相等)bring out 阐明;使显现出来(常指含义、意义等)Did you ever find out why he left his last job?Could you give us an example to bring out the meaning of the word? I could hardly make out anything in the th

12、ick fog.9. go against 违反,违背,反对,对不利He wouldnt go against his parents wishes. Paying for hospital treatment goes against her principles. 拿钱到医院治病有违他的原则10. end up 最终成为 最终处于If you go on like this without having a fixed occupation, youll end up in prison / as a beggar.At first they hated each other, but t

13、hey ended up getting married.If her carries on driving like that, he will end up dead.11. according to ones requirements 按照的需求12. have in common with与.有共同点13. have an appetite for 爱好 to ones appetite 合某人的口味(心意) 单词拼写1. Whats food to one man may be _(毒药) to another. 2. I must work hard to pay back the

14、 money I _(欠) him.3. Its a bad year for the films, in terms of _(数量) and quality.4. With more forests being destroyed, huge _(大量) of good earth are being washed away each year.5. The student was punished severely for his being _(痴迷) with computer games.6. The meals he cooked were always nourishing b

15、ut never particularly _(开胃的)7. I find it _(令人惊讶) that you cant swim.8. The training programme covers every _(方面) of the job. 9. A state _(宴会) was given in honor of the visiting president.10. The museum has a _(惊人的) collection of jewels.11. The little boy was so hungry as to eat up all the food on th

16、e plate _ (贪婪地)12. The doctor told the boy to put out his _(舌头) and say “Ah”13. The melon Mr. Smith _(端上)at dinner would have tasted better if it had been put in the fridge for a little while.14. She made up her mind to complete her fathers unfinished task _(不管) the cost.15. The government tries to

17、meet the citizens _(要求)16. Youd better _(捣烂) the fruit (up) with a fork so that the baby can eat it.17. My parents had _(固定的) ideas about what I should become in the future.18. Many young people would lead a cozy life, but young Banks had an _(欲望) for knowledge.19. She is _(臭名昭著) for her dishonesty

18、and laziness.20. Its impossible to be given some _(佳肴) at such a remote place.21. He was _(无法辨认) without his beard.22. Little children are always eager to get some _(甜食) to eat.23. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be _(咀嚼) and digested.24. You will get used to usi

19、ng _(筷子) soon. 25. Everyone was hungry, so there were no _(剩饭)B8 Module3 (第一课时) 随堂检测题 单项选择1. - Jonny shouldnt have shouted at Jonna at the meeting.- Why? _ did you feel when being laughed at?A. How B. What C. Who D. Where2. Proper first aid can save a seriously injured person, especially when he or

20、she is bleeding heavily or _ A. has poisoned B. was poisoned C. is poisoning D. has been poisoned3. _ you I owe a thousand apologies _ having doubted your ability. A. To; for B. For; to C. To; to D. For; for4. The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beautiful of nature.

21、 A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt5. None of them had expected that the middle aged engineer died _ his design uncompleted. A. with B. from C. without D. of 6. A person _ up late finds it hard to get up early. A. is used to staying B. used to stay C. is used to stay D. used to staying7

22、. _ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising8. He is a man with good manners and his _ of eating food is graceful. A. manners B. manner C. method D. means 9. Regular exercise will surely _our good health. A. make out B. make f

23、or C. make up D. make sure 10. He hasnt slept at all for three days. _ he is tired out. A. There is no point B. There is no need C. It is no wonder D. It is no way11. The old tower must be saved , _ the cost. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. wherever12. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre y

24、esterday afternoon, so he _ your lecture. A. couldnt have attended B. neednt have attended C. shouldnt have attended D. mustnt have attended13. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I dont think we _ it without you. A. can mange B. couldnt have managed C. could manage D. can have managed14. Sh

25、e _ have left school, for her bike is still here. A. cant B. wouldnt C. shouldnt D. neednt15. The situation required that he _ present. A. is B. was C. be D. must be16. A great many words and expressions have come into the language from American English, _, movie, gas and so on. A. namely B. for exa

26、mple C. such as D. like17. Its so nice to hear from her. _, we last met more than thirty years ago. A. Whats more B. That is to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not18. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _ the exit as quickly as possible. A. made for B. made over C. made out D

27、. made up19. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldnt _ what color it was. A. make out B. make over C. make up D. make it 20. We all demanded the new type of machine _ put into use as soon as possible. A. referred to B. referred to be C. referring to D. referring to be 21. Their son _ t

28、he Internet and couldnt pay attention to his study. A. owed to B. ended up C. was obsessed with D. make for 22. It was in so poor light that I couldnt _ what the newspaper said. A. make out B. speak out C. let out D. turn out 23. Where are they? - They _ be in the hospital for its getting darker and darker. A. mustnt B. cant C. wont be D. shouldnt 24. As is well known, a teacher should _ as well as teac

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