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人教新目标英语七年级下册unit 3《how do you get to school》教案docWord下载.docx

1、修订、增减Warm-up1. T: Hi! Everyone. Nice to see you again.How are you today?2. T: Do you want to listen to an English song?3. T: Ok. Lets listen to a song Lemon Tree.Step1:Lead-in T: Lets learn the new words.(让我们来学习新的单词)subway take the subway train take the train Ss: Read the new words.subway take the s

2、ubway train take the trainStep 2: 1a Section A 1aFirst ask students to look at the picture. And read the sample sentences to them. Ask them to repeat.T: Hey, Dave. How do you get to school?Then let Ss say how other Ss in the picture get to school. Give them some help if necessary.然后让学生说在图画中别的学生是怎样去上

3、学的,如果需要帮助就给予帮助。Then read the phrases to them and ask them to repeat. Then ask them to write S1: I walk. How about you, Sally?S2: I ride my bike.Step 3: Pairwork1. Ask the Ss to read the dialogue in the speech bubbles to the class.(让学生读出对话)2. Have Ss work with a partner. Let them make their own conve

4、rsation about how the people in the picture get to school.(让学生两人一组做对话。谈论图中的人都是怎样上学的)3. Ask the Ss to work in pairs. Ask and answer how Ss get to school in the picture.4. As they talk, move around the room, offering language or pronunciation support their as needed.(当学生做对话的时候,老师四处巡视,看是否有需要帮助的)5. Ask

5、some pairs of the Ss to present their conversation to the class.(让几组同学到班级前做对话)板书Step 4: 2c 1.T: Look at the transportation pictures. Ill ask a student to identify each picture.(看交通图画。让学生描述图画)Picture 1 a trainPicture 2 a busPicture 3 walkPicture 4 a subwayPicture 5 a bikeStep 5: 2a,2bListen1. Listen

6、and repeat.2.Write the correct number under the word.HomeworkWrite a transportation plan.take a/the bike= go by bike.take the bus=go by busride a bike=ride ones bike= go by bike.walk=go on foot 注重短语的运用练习。尤其是介词短语和动词短语的用法区别。学生最容易错; I on foot to school.I on foot go to school.教学反思:首先,本节课词汇较多,但由于词汇均涉及学生的

7、生活实际,而且在课堂中,我采用图文并貌,突出真实性,同时,我在教学中采用了任务型教学,设计了有层次和一定剃度且有启发性的问题,让他们在富有情趣的交际中愉快地主动地接受信息、加工信息、交流信息。而且和谐、融洽的课堂气氛,有利于激发他们的学习兴趣,在有兴趣的前提下是他们的想象力得到了充分发挥,他们把学习变成了自己主动、渴望的一种行为。因此本课的教学目标在愉悦的课堂气氛中得到落实和巩固。 其次,我创造性的使用教材,对教材知识进行教学重组和整合,选取更好的内容对教材深加工,设计出活生生的、丰富多彩的课堂教学,充分有效地将教材中的知识激活,形成自己的轻松的英语教学风格。例如在本节课教学中,我通过读一读、

8、划一划的方式,让学生在课堂始终保持学习兴趣。特别在口头操练环节中学生把课堂气氛推向了高潮。本节课也有不足之处。在做练习方面题型设计方面不够精,题量再少多些会更好,同时所设计的任务有些偏难,未能兼顾到中下层的学生。在听力练习方面,我做的也不太好,没有花足够的时间练习。今后在教学过程中,还会不断地与同行探讨有效的教学教法,以提高课堂教学效率。教师集体备课(第2课时)1能够询问他人如何到达某地;准确表达自己如何到达某地;读懂简单的路线说明。2学习完成任务所需要的语言词汇:bus stop, bus station, train station, subway , how far, kilometer

9、, mileI ride my bike.How does he get to school?He walks to school.完成课本 Grammar focus-3c的教学任务。 Good morning! Im very glad to see you again. Do you remember what words we learned in the last lesson Good! Now look at activity 2d. Can you read the dialogue in 2d?3. Can you ask your partner the same ques

10、tions?s see what information you will get?4. T: Will you present your conversations to the class?s have four pairs.5. The teacher summarizes this activity and points out common mistakes, if any.1. 交通方式的常见表达法:1)take +a/the +交通工具名称。例如:take a/the bus/train/subway/taxi/boat/plane 等。表示骑自行车时用ride。 2)“by+交

11、通工具名称”这一介词短语。注意by后的名词一律用单数,而且这一名词前一 Grammar focusThe teacher points out the sentence pattern. Explain the following to the students:We can take a bus or take a train,. and we also use take to talk about a length of time. For example, we say something takes five minutes or takes one hour. So we use t

12、he same word, take, in two different ways.Can you find more examples from this unit?Ss compare the sentences listed in the book and their own conversations. Reading Ask a few students how they get to school in the morning? How long does it take? Now lets look at 3a. What questions do we have here? C

13、an someone read the questions for us? Now please read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions. Can you share your answers?The teacher asks a couple of students to give their answers to the questions.5. The teacher checks the answers. And then the teacher asks a few students how the

14、y are different from Lin Fei. Summary The teacher calls students attention again to grammar focus and highlight the functions of the structures.Students reflect what they have done.般不加冠词。by bike /by bus / by car / by train / by plane/air/ by ship/boat 等 。但是,表示步行时,要用on foot。注意by后的名词一律用单数,而且这一名词前一般不加冠

15、词。这是第四单元的第2课时,就本课我做了以下思考:课前游戏切入的答案能否设计成开放性的?只要学生踊跃参与,并言之有理,就可以评价为:Wonderful!我们不吝啬表扬,因为我们知道学生很想从老师那得到鼓励,给学生多些关爱和理解,让他们快乐也是我们希望的。在英语教学中设计开放性的活动,旨在培养学生兴趣,发展智力和个性,展现才能。至于“正确答案”就不是唯一的。关键要看学生在学习过程中的表现,他们是怎么去完成任务的,怎样去拓展思维的。(第3课时)bus stop, bus station, train station, subway stationcountable noun, uncountabl

16、e noun(只要求理解)完成课本1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2a,2b,2c的教学任务。m very glad to see you again. Do you remember what transportations we learnt in last lesson?(老师用交通方式卡片指引学生说出所学单词。)所说单词顺序为:bus, subway, train, ship, bike, plane, taxi, boat, bicycle.2) T: Do you know how to spell them?Look at the words in the picture

17、. Please read the words and translate them into Chinese one by one. 请大家读出图片中的单词,并把它们翻译成中文。 Group work 练习时你们可参考下面的语言:A: How do you get to school?B: Well, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.Tape together several pieces of large chart paper and ask students to use colored mark

18、ers to make a transportation mural. First help students draw in some streets. Use a local street map as a pattern. Then have students add various forms of transportation, such as buses, bikes, and so forth. Include places that various forms of transportation stop such as bus stops, train stations, a

19、nd so forth. Ask different students to describe the finished mural to the class. Boys and girls, would you like to show your conversations? S3 and S4, please.4. Very good, thank you. 板书同学们,我们先看一下书上的例子,我找两名同学读一下这组对话。然后我们来仿照这组对话完成自己的对话。Well done! Thank you.Now please work with you partner. You may do

20、like the example: suppose you use two kinds of transportation to get to school (bus, train, subway, walking, bike etc.) Tell how you get to school, you may use the phrase in 1a. Then I will ask different pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.After a while. Ok, now please show

21、 me your own dialogues in order.(老师请学生作对话)1最后,请大家看黑板,把今天我们速学的说法再读一遍。2After class, ask your classmate about the transportation in the chart. Find out what they like and dislike and what they usually take.How does Nina get to school?Well, I ride my bike to the subway station.Then I take the subway.补充练

22、习1. The _(village) never leave their village. 2. There are many _(boat) on the river. 3. Its difficult _(do) the job. 4. Jim runs _(quick) to school. 5. It takes him five minutes _(cross) the river. 法制教育:让学生了解教育法本节课通过大量的活动,练习运用新知识,培养集体合作意识,提高语言运用能力。在真实的环境中把各种交通工具形成一个连贯完整的描述,锻炼了口语表达能力。通过小组活动灵活运用所学句型在

23、第三人称情况下的使用,学生掌握知识较全面。教师集体备课教案(第4课时)复习表达如何向别人询问道路:继续学习表达采用怎样的交通方式去某地:Well, I ride my bike to the subway station.Then I take the subway.学会转述他人怎样通过交通方式去某地。Some students also walk or ride bikes o school.了解不同国家交通方式的差别。m very glad to see you again. Do you remember what transportation we learnt in last les

24、son?Lead-in (老师用引导出交通方式句子的卡片指引学生说出所学句子。)How do you get to school? Do you know how to make them? 电视机前的同学们你们还记得吗?Look at the picture. Please make the dialogue as last lesson.我们一起看图片。请大家仿造句子。 Practice1) Read the e-mail from your pen pal Tom in the US. Fill the blanks with the words in the box. 1. He li

25、ves five kilometers from his grandparents home. (对画线部分提问)_ _ does he live from his grandparents home?2. I go to see my uncle by boat. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you go to see your uncle?3. My brother walks to school. (改为同义句)My brother goes to school _ _. 4. Many people watch TV every day. (改为同义句)_ _ people watch

26、TV every day. 5. what, she, does, of, think, food, the (?)(连词成句)_ 2) OK, Lets listen to it once again, this time you should follow the tape.How do students around the world get to school?He gets to school by a subway.S4: Do you take a plane to school?No, I dont.S5: How does your father get to work?He take a taxi to work.3b. Write an e-mail toe To

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