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1、本句话用To开头,其实就是一个to不定式词组,它并非完整句,是一个祈使句。To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke,有点“这里,我想引用18世纪的政治家埃德蒙柏克的话,大概可以这样来解释他的话”这样意味。那既然要引用,干嘛不直接用quote,而用paraphrase这个词呢?或许是作者对原话记忆不清,记得个大概,或者这句话到底Edmund Burke埃德蒙柏克怎么说的,本来就有争论。是的,我稍微查了一下,的确有争论。一般更习惯用的是“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is tha

2、t good men do nothing.”,尽管这样,这句话到底是不是Edmund Bruke说的,也有争论。那我们就不追求Edmund Burke怎么说,这里我只想解释一下,作者为什么用To paraphrase这个结构。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第2句 One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of the theory that animals have rights ruling out their use in research.biomedical /adj. 生物医学的bio- / 生物

3、的rule out / 排除;阻止 One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research (主干) /because of the theory (because of原因状语)/that animals have rights ruling out their use in research(that同位语从句,其中ruling out是分词短语作定语,修饰rights). 现在就有这样一种受到误导的事业,它试图终止生物医学研究,因为有一种理论认为,动物是有权利的,不能将其用来做研究。句子间承接和行文逻辑文章第一句话,引用了名人名言,“all

4、 that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing.”这个名言有两点信息,其一是the triumph of a misguided cause;其二是good people do nothing。第二句话,马上开始解答疑惑,One such cause now seeks to end biomedical research because of,作者用such来承接,说明这个cause就是上文的那个misguided cause,而这个cause的triumph就是要end

5、to biomedical research;再用because of来进一步解释原因。由此,解答了读者的第一个悬念,what is the misguided cause?还有第二个悬念,who is the good people?大概可以从because of后面的内容看得出来because of the theory that animals have rights,再进一步用分词短语补充,是什么rights,就是ruling out their(指animals) use in research。但是,还不确信到底谁是good people,由此可以吸引读者接着往下看。唐静 考研阅读

6、逐句翻译2003年第2篇第3句 Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates, whose arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care.respond /v. 回答;回应,反应advocate /n. 支持者,拥护者 Scientists need to respond forcefully to animal rights advocates(主句), /who

7、se arguments are confusing the public and thereby threatening advances in health knowledge and care(whose定语从句,其中and并列的是位于动词confusing和threatening). 科学家需要对动物权利倡导者做出有力的回应,因为他们的言论混淆了公众的视听,从而威胁到健康知识和医疗保健等方面的发展。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第4句 Leaders of the animal rights movement target biomedical research because

8、 it depends on public funding, and few people understand the process of health care /v. 对准,把作为抨击的目标 Leaders of the animal rights movement target biomedical research(主句) /because it depends on public funding(because原因状语从句), /and few people understand the process of health care researc

9、h(and连接的并列句,与it这个句子并列). 动物权利运动的领导者将矛头指向生物医学研究,原因在于它靠政府拨款,并且很少有人懂得医辽研究的过程。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第5句 Hearing allegations of cruelty to animals in research settings, many are perplexed that anyone would deliberately harm an animal.allegation /n. 陈述,宣称;陈词cruelty /n. 残忍setting /n. 地方,环境perplexed /adj. 困惑的,糊

10、涂的deliberately /adv. 故意地 Hearing allegations of cruelty to animals in research settings(分词短语作状语), /many are perplexed (主句)/that anyone would deliberately harm an animal(that宾语从句). 当听到实验室里动物受到残忍对待的说法时,许多人都不明白为什么有人会故意伤害动物。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第6句 For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rig

11、hts booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animalsno meat, no fur, no medicines.staff /v. 担任员工booth /n. 小隔间;售货摊,摊位fair /n. 集市,游乐场,展销会distribute /v. 分发,分配brochure /n. 小册子 For example, a grandmotherly woman

12、staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure (主句,其中staffing分词短语作定语修饰woman)/that encouraged readers not to use anything (that定语从句)/that comes from or is tested in animalsno meat, no fur, no medicines(that定语从句,破折号后面是同位语,解释anything). 例如,在近期的一次街头集市上,一位张罗了一个动物权利宣传摊的

13、老奶奶正在发小册子,规劝人们不要使用动物制品或者动物实验制品包括肉类、毛皮、药物。抓主干翻译这个句子较长,长难句除了拆分断开句子结构以外,要善于抓主干,这个句子的翻译思路可以这样展开:一个老奶奶在发小册子一个staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair的老奶奶在发小册子一个最近街头集市上,张罗了一个动物权利保护宣传摊的老奶奶在发小册子小册子是鼓励人们不要用任何东西小册子是鼓励人们不要用任何来自动物或者在动物身上做过实验的东西大概看到这个程度,最后再理顺一下逻辑关系,调整个别词汇就可以了。需要注意,最后翻译的时候把破折号后面的几个

14、no省略没有翻译,因为中文逻辑说得通顺了。上文是“不要使用任何东西包括”,这样就不需要再说no。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第7句和第8句 Asked if she opposed immunizations, she wanted to know if vaccines come from animal research. When assured that they do, she replied, “Then I would have to say yes.”immunization /n. 免疫接种vaccine /n. 疫苗assure /v. 保证,确保;弄清Asked

15、if she opposed immunizations(过去分词asked所带的状语,其中还有if引导的宾语从句), /she wanted to know(主句) /if vaccines come from animal research(if宾语从句). When assured that they do(when引导的状语从句,相当于when she was assured;后面的that是宾语从句), /she replied, “Then I would have to say yes.”(主句是she relied,后面引号是直接引语) 问她是否反对免疫接种时,她说想知道疫苗是

16、否来自动物实验。得知答案是肯定的,她回道,“那我不得不说,是的,我反对”。补充替代的信息英语中用do, so等词来作为替代手段,翻译的时候一般需要重复一下前面替代的内容。一个简单的例子:Whether you believe it or not. I do. 不管你信不信,我信。在Asked if she opposed immunizations, she wanted to know if vaccines come from animal research. When assured that they do, she replied, “Then I would have to say

17、 yes.”这两句话中,when assured that they do中的do意思是 come from animal research, 主语they当然指vaccines。还有then I would have to say yes中yes之后包含的意义是:Yes,I oppose immunization.。翻译的时候,需要重复一下,把中文逻辑说清楚。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第9句和第10句 Asked what will happen when epidemics return, she said, “Dont worry, scientists will find

18、some way of using computers.” Such well-meaning people just dont understand.epidemic /n. 传染病,流行病well-meaning /adj. 善意的,出于好心的问她传染病暴发怎么办,她说,“不用担心,科学家会用计算机找到某种解决方法”。这些好心人压根就不明白。 注意这一段结束的最后一句话Such well-meaning people just dont understand.中的well-meaning people和文章第一句中的good people的照应。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第11

19、句 Scientists must communicate their message to the public in a compassionate, understandable wayin human terms, not in the language of molecular municate /v. 传递,传达compassionate /adj. 怜悯的,有同情心的molecular /adj. 分子的 Scientists must communicate their message to the public (主干)/in a compassionate, underst

20、andable wayin human terms, not in the language of molecular biology(in介词短语做状语,破折号后面的in介词短语是对前面短语的补充). 科学家们必须用一种有亲和力的,可以让人理解的方式和公众们沟通他们的科研信息,要用一般人能明白的语言,而不是用分子生物学的术语。(改编自新浪微博:花依然_9511)大家比较一下这三个译文细微的差异,我觉得第三个好,是学生翻译的:译文一:科学家必须把他们的意思传达给公众,并且要使用有同情心和通俗易懂的语言,一般人能够明白的语言,而不要使用分子生物学的语言译文二:。科学家必须把他们的信息传达给公众,

21、并且要使用有通俗易懂且能够引起共鸣的语言,而不要使用分子生物学的专业术语。译文三:科学家们必须用一种有亲和力的,可以让人理解的方式和公众们沟通他们的科研信息,要用人们的日常用语,而不是一些分子生物学领域晦涩的专业名词唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第12句 We need to make clear the connection between animal research and a grandmothers hip replacement, a fathers bypass operation, a babys vaccinations, and even a pets shots

22、.hip /n. 臀部,髋部replacement /n. 代替,替换bypass / n. 旁道,旁路;(医学)分路,分流术shot /n. 射击,发射;注射 We need to make clear (主干,谓语是makeclear,make这个动词的宾语后置了,clear是宾语补足语)/the connection between animal research and a grandmothers hip replacement, a fathers bypass operation, a babys vaccinations, and even a pets shots(conne

23、ction, operation, vaccinations, and shots是四个并列名词词组,作make的宾语). 我们需要说明动物实验与祖母的髋骨更换手术、父亲的心脏搭桥手术、婴儿的免疫接种、甚至宠物的防疫注射之间都密切相关。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第13句 To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful a

24、t best and cruel at worst. To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines(to介词短语作状语,其中who引导一个定语从句,produce动词带了三个并列宾语treatments, new treatments, 和vaccines), /animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst(主干). 做这些

25、治疗必须拿动物来研究,获得新的治疗方法和疫苗也是如此。对于那些不了解这些情况的人而言,拿动物做研究说得好听一点是浪费,说得难听一点就是残忍。逻辑的安排To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.这个句子的翻译,首先要抓住一个大的主干结构“对于那些人来说,动物研究似乎是”。有了

26、这个大主干,我们再考虑其中“对于那些人来说”这个部分的逻辑。“那些没有明白到动物研究是必须的要去生产这些治疗,还有一些新的治疗方案和疫苗”这个部分太长,去修饰“人”这个核心词,不通顺。所以需要重新安排逻辑。先说“要去生产这些治疗,还有一些新的治疗方案和疫苗必须要拿动物做研究”,再说,“对于没有明白到这一点的人来说”逻辑就清晰了。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第14句和第15句 Much can be done. Scientists could “adopt” middle school classes and present their own research. 还有很多事情可以做

27、。科学家可以“走进”中学课堂,向他们介绍自己的研究。加了引号的“adopt”既然作者在adopt上加了一个引号,其实就有其特殊的意味。Adopt本来的意思是“收养,过继;接受;挑选”等含义。这里的adopt其实是第一层含义,“收养”,作者的大概意味是:科学家可以慢慢培养几个中学生的课堂,向这些中学生孩子们介绍自己的研究成果。翻译的时候,我们中文也有类似的案例,比如某一个名人“走进了某某学校的课堂”。所以,还是翻译为“走进”最好。原文加引号,译文也加上。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第16句 They should be quick to respond to letters to th

28、e editor, lest animal rights misinformation go unchallenged and acquire a deceptive appearance of truth.respond /v. 回答,反应,回应misinformation /n. 错误信息,假情报unchallenged /adj. 不受质疑,全盘接受deceptive /adj. 欺骗的,导致误解的 They should be quick to respond to letters to the editor(主句), /lest animal rights misinformatio

29、n go unchallenged and acquire a deceptive appearance of truth(lest引起的目的状语从句,其中and acquire与上文的go并列).他们应该尽快回复读者来信,以免有关动物权利的错误信息大行其道,披上真理的骗人外衣。这句话有几个常用词组需要注意:respond to是“对做出回应”。letters to the editor是报刊杂志上“给编者的信”,是编者和读者的一个互动,习惯称“读者来信”。go unchallenged也习惯搭配be unchallenged,是“不受质疑的;不管对错,全盘接受”的意思。唐静 考研阅读逐句翻译2003年第2篇第17句 Research institutions could be opened to tours, to show that laboratory animals receive humane care.institution /n. 机构 Research institutions coul

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