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1、发生;引起”。题意“这些措施将提高俱乐部的收入。5. An extra lock on the door is an added against burglars. A. insurance B. assurance C. reliance D. resistanceAA. insurance“ n.保险;保险费;安全保障” B. assurance “n.保证;担保;确信;自信” C. reliance “n.信赖,所信任的人或物” D. resistance “n.抵抗;抵触;反对”。题意“门上额外的锁增加了抵御窃贼的安全保障。6. The health club charges an a

2、nnual membership . A. fare B. fee C. pay D. paymentBA. fare “n.车费;路费” B. fee “n.费用;酬金” C. pay “n.薪资;雇佣” D. payment “n.支付;支付的款项;报偿”。题意“健康俱乐部每年要向会员收取会员费。7. Theres been an increase in offences, such as traffic violations and petty theft. A. major B. delicate C. minor D. massiveA. major “adj.较多的;主要的” B.

3、 delicate “adj.微妙的;精美的;纤细的;脆弱的” C. minor “adj.轻微的;较小的;次要的” D. massive “adj.巨大的;大量的;大规模的;大范围的;严重的”。题意“近来较轻微的案件有所增加,比如违反交通规则和偷窃。8. I hardly watch any television, from news and current affairs.A. away B. aside C. free D. immune解析: 本题考查固定短语aside from “除.以外”的用法。题意“除了新闻和时事,我几乎不看其他电视节目。9The firm has drawn

4、up a for the coming financial year.A. policy B. list C. budget D. predictionA. policy “n.政策;方针” B. list “n.目录;名单” C. budget “n.预算” D. prediction “n.预言;预报”。题意“这个公司为下一个财政年度拟定了预算。10Nuclear weapons cause destruction on a massive .A. scale B. extent C. degree D. level 本题考查固定短语on a massive scale“大范围”的用法。题

5、意“核武器会造成大范围的破坏。11. A lot of companies will from the fall in interest rates.A. profit B. benefit C. expand D. bankrupt 本题考查固定短语profit from “从.获益”的用法。题意“很多公司将会从利率下跌中获益。12. He is concerned with his work, not his family.A. excessively B. partly C. merely D. primarilyA. excessively “ad.过分地;过度地;极度地” B. pa

6、rtly “ad.在一定程度上;部分地;不完全地” C. merely “ad.仅仅,只不过” D. primarily “ad.主要地;起初地;”题意“他主要考虑他的工作,而不是他的家庭。13. Some vegetarians like to their diets with iron tablets.A. supplement B. integrate C. reinforce D. nourishA. supplement “v.补充;增补” B. integrate “v.整合;结合” C. reinforce “v.加固;加强;增强” D. nourish “v.滋养;培育;给营养

7、”。题意“许多素食主义者服用补铁的药片作为对日常饮食的补充”14. The government has announced plans to on defense spending by 10% next year.A. cut up B. cut off C. cut out D. cut backA. cut up“切碎;谴责” B. cut off“切断;使隔绝;剪下” C. cut out “切断;删除;停止;取代” D. cut back“削减”。题意“政府宣布明年的计划,削减国防开支的百分之十。15. Of all the fibers now used by man, a ve

8、ry large is man-made.A. percent B. percentage C. ratio D. sectionA. percent “n.百分比” B. percentage “n.百分率;比率;部分;好处” C. ratio “n.比率;比例” D. section “n.部分;部门;章节;区域”。题意“当今人们使用的所有纤维,很多都是人造纤维。 Unit 3 SecurityPart One Building up Your Vocabulary and Grammar1. The red words against the white wall.A. stand by

9、 B. stand for C. stand out D. stand back【参考答案】CC. stand out 意为“突出”;A袖手旁观;准备行动;忠于;支持;B:代表;表示;象征;C:突出;脱颖而出;D:退后;靠后站;不介入;故选B。题意:这些红字衬着白墙特别醒目。2. Since 1970s this small town has gradually been into a huge modern city.A. transferred B. transplanted C. transmitted D. transformed【参考答案】DD. transformed意为“改变;转

10、换”;A转移;调任;转乘;移居;移栽(植物);移植(器官);传达;传染;传送;代代相传;改变;转换;故选D。自1970年以来,这个小城镇已逐渐转变为一个大型的现代化城市。3. The poorly-paid civil servants are to bribery.A. vulnerable B. sensitive C. subjected D. susceptible【参考答案】AA. vulnerable意为“易受伤害的;有弱点的;脆弱的”; “vulnerable to”易受 . 的攻击A易受伤害的;脆弱的;灵敏的;敏感的;感光的;易受伤害的;善解人意的;从属的,隶属的;易受外界影响

11、的;易受感染的;容许的;故选A。薪水低的公务员很容易受贿。4. Influenced by the financial crisis, export has dropped by a large since last year.A. gap B. difference C. balance D. marginD. margin意为“易边缘;余地;幅度;利润;差额;页边空白;定金;【商】原价和卖价之差”; “with/by a large/small margin”大、小幅度地A缺口;裂缝;差距;空白;差异;平衡;天平;平静;结余;调和;制衡;易边缘;【商】原价和卖价之差;受到金融危机的影响,从

12、去年以来出口大幅度地减少。5. When children are criticized by their teacher, parents often see it as a reflection_ themselves.A. on B. to C. up D. a reflection on sth/sb意为“是某人或某事物的反映”;当孩子们被老师批评的时候,家长通常会把批评看成对家长的反映。6. Hearing the news, I was in enormous joy. A. buried B. indulged C. bathed D. absorbedC.

13、be bathed in意为“沉浸于;沐浴于”;故选C。听到这个消息,我沉浸于巨大的喜悦之中。7. She endured the hardships without a complaint. A. as much as B. so much as C. as many as D. so many as【参考答案】BB. so much as意为“甚至连都没有”;她经历了苦难甚至连一点抱怨都没有。8. The firm moved to its new in 1997. A. sites B. places C. premises D. locationsC. premise意为“(包括地基在

14、内的)房屋”; A地点;位置;现场;B地方;地位;职位;获奖的名次C:(包括地基在内的)房屋;D位置;外景拍摄地;定位;地点;这家公司1997年搬到了新的经营场所。9. The discrimination against women was system from the very beginning.A. built into B. built up C. built on D. built overA. built into意为“使永久成为体制、协议等的部分”; B:逐渐增加;发展;使情感积累,增强;增加;以某事物为基础;以建筑物覆盖;从一开始,歧视妇女已成为这个体制的一部分。10The

15、 commander ordered his troops to on the enemies.A. close up B. close down C. close off D. close inD. close in意为“包围,合拢,靠近”; A停业;歇业;关闭,停业;隔离,封锁;包围,合拢,靠近;指挥官命令部队包围敌军。11This film two of my favorite actors.A. features B. shows C. specializes D. specifiesA. feature意为“以为特色,是特征,是重要组成部分”;证明;显现;展示;解说;指示;表现;流露

16、;带路;标示;描绘;陈列;上映;出现;专攻;详细说明;指定;阐述;这个影片的特色是有我最喜欢的两个演员。12. delicious food, she is determined to become a gourmet. A. Hooked up to B. Hooked off C. Hooked on D. Hooked inC. hooked on意为“吸引”;A连接到; C:吸引;为美食所吸引,于是她决定成为一名美食家。13. His father a fence around the garden to protect the flowers inside.A. put into B

17、. put up C. put off D. put downB. put up意为“建造;设置”;A输入; 使进入; 把 . 译成; 表达;建造;设置;不安;延期;摆脱;欺诈;镇压;记下;批评;奚落;反驳;他父亲给花园建造了围墙来保护花朵。14. The students found it easy to what the young professor taught.A. take to B. take on C. take off D. take inD. take in意为“接受;让进入;理解;包括;欺骗;改短,改小;接待,留宿;订阅;摄入”;A开始; 从事; 喜欢; 形成 . 的习惯

18、; 容易学会;承担;呈现;接受;从事;较量;开始雇用;起飞;脱掉;取消;匆匆离开;去除;模仿;摄入;学生们很容易理解这位年轻教授所教授的内容。15. are that he will not show up at the board meeting.A. Opportunities B. Possibilities C. Chances D. OccasionsC. “chances are that”很可能;他很可能不会在董事会上露面。Key: 1-5 CDADA 6-10 CBCAD 11-15 ACBDCB班第三次自主学习作业Section A VocabularyDirections:

19、 Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D).1. The new theory is gaining _ with economists.A. trust B. credit C. reputation D. moneyB. credit 意为“信用;荣誉;学分;赞扬;贷款;赊欠;贷方;存款 (复)credits: 演职员名单.”A信任;信用; 演职员名单;好名声;声誉,名声,名气;财产;钱;货币;新的理论得到了经济学家们的赞扬。2. There a

20、re certain standards of civilized behavior in international relations which it should be possible to _ in the family of nations.A. take for granted B. come into being C. be occupied D. be intent onA. take for granted 意为“想当然; 认为理当如此”;A想当然; 认为理当如此; 存在; 产生; 形成; 成立;无暇抽身;对 . 一心一意(专心于);在国际关系中文明行为的标准也理当作为国

21、家间的标准。3. She won the competition three times in a _.A. chain B. line C. row D. bankC. in a row 意为“连续地”;A束缚;链条;链; (一) 连串;连锁店(常用复数);线;界线;皱纹;路线;航线;行;台词;行业;绳子;家族;连续地;银行;岸;筹码;库;田埂;堤;积云;一系列;一组;一排;一团;用于循环再利用的废旧物品回收站;她连续三次赢得了比赛。4. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _ when judging my examinat

22、ion.A. regard B. counting C. account D. observationC. take into account 意为“考虑 (注意;顾及;体谅)”;我希望老师在考试打分时能考虑一下我最近生病的情况。5. In criminal psychology, the absence of facial expression is as important as the _ of it.A. beingB. presenceC. existenceD. beautyB presence 意为“出席;存在;到场;【生】存在度”;A存在;人;生物;本质;出席;【生】存在度;生

23、存;美人;美丽;美的东西;在犯罪心理中,罪犯有无面部表情都同样重要。6. The changing image of the family on television provides _into changing attitudes toward the family in society.A. insightsB. fabricsC. revelationsD. specificationsA. insights 意为“洞察力;见识;深刻的理解”;A洞察力;深刻的理解;B结构;织物;构造C:揭露;泄露;发觉;启示;规格;详述;电视中不断变化的家庭影像为我们提供了对家庭不同态度的深刻见解。7

24、. The doctrine that “_ is right” is not true in all cases.A. power B. might C. muscle D. forceB. might 意为“威力;力量”;A力量;力;能力;权力;威力;力量;肌肉;武力;暴力;影响力;力量大的人或(事物);(为某目的组织起来的)一群人;军队;部队;武装力量;警察部门;强权即公理不总是对的。8. They were all dressed _ in white dresses.A. alike B. same C. similar D. likeA. alike意为“一样;以同样的方式”;A一

25、样;以同样的方式;同样地;类似的;大概;和 . 一样;她们都穿着一样的白衣服。9. Its two oclock in the morning but the children are still wide_.Awake B. awake C. wakeful D. alertB. awake 意为“醒着的,警觉的”;A醒来;唤醒;意识到;醒着的,警觉;(人)醒着的;(夜间)不眠的;睡不着的;警觉的;已经凌晨两点但孩子们还很清醒。10. If you want to call me _ ,Ill be there all day.A. if anything B. or anything C. anything but D. anything elseB. or anything 意为“或者什么的”;A要说有什么区别的话;甚至正相反;或者什么的;根本不;别的;如果你想给我打电话或者别的事,我都在。11. It would be co

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