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1、英语专四真题语法单选题2005年英语专业四级考试真题 51. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he _ able to advise you much better than I can. A. would be B. will have been C. was D. were 52. _, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class. A. Although he is a socialist B. Even if he is a socialist C.

2、 Being a socialist D. Since he is a socialist 53. His remarks were _ annoy everybody at the meeting. A. so as to B. such as to C. such to D. as much as to 54. James has just arrived, but I didnt know he _ until yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 55. _ conscious of my mo

3、ral obligations as a citizen. A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 56. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _ solar heating device in our home. A. some type

4、of B. some types of a C. some type of a D. some types of 57. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I _ the journey in exactly two days. A. must take B. must have made C. was able to make D. could make 58. I know he failed his last test, but really hes _ stupid. A. something but B

5、. anything but C. nothing but D. not but 59. Do you know Tims brother? He is _ than Tim. A. much more sportsman B. more of a sportsman C. more of sportsman D. more a sportsman 60. That was not the first time he _ us. I think its high time we _ strong actions against him. A. betrayedtake B. had betra

6、yedtook C. has betrayedtook D. has betrayedtake 61. Whats the chance of _ a general election this year? A. there being B. there to be C. there be D. there going to be 62. The meeting was put off because we _ a meeting without John. A. objected having B. were objected to having C. objected to have D.

7、 objected to having 63. _ you _ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice. A. If, had B. Have, had C. Should, have D. In case, had 64. He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, _ that he paid me back the following week. A. on occasion B. on purpose C. on cond

8、ition D. only if 65. Children who stay away from school do _ for different reasons. A. them B. / C. it D. theirs 2006年英语专业四级考试真题 51. _dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive. 1 / 18 A. Although B. Whatever C. As D. However 52. If only I _play the guitar as well as you! D. mig

9、ht C. should A. would B. could 53. The party, _I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable. B. for which C. to which D. at which A. by which ests. 54. Its high time we _ cutting down the rainfor D. stop A. stopped B. had to stop C. shall stop 55. The student said there were a few points in th

10、e essay he _ impossible to comprehend. C. had found would D. find A. has found B. was finding 56. Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone_ an opportunity to hear the speech. A. ought to have B. must have C. may have D. should have 57. I am surprised_ this city is a dull place to live in

11、. A. that you should think B. by what you are thinking D. with what you were thinking C. that you would think 58. Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not_ for her work. D. as enough C. as good enough A. enough good B. good enough 59. It is imperative that the government _ more investment into

12、the shipbuilding industry. D. has to B. shall attract C. attract A. attracts there is _ thing as private ownership of land. 60. Land belongs to the city。D. no such B. not such C. not such a A. no such a 61. My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk_far. D. as C.

13、that A./ B. such 62. The statistics _ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times. D. prove C. are proving A. proves B. is proving 63. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _ the spoilt ones. B. not to count A. not counting D. having not counted C. dont count

14、 64. It was _ we had hoped a more B. a success more than A. success than D. a success as much as C. as much of a success as 65. There used to be a petrol station near the park, _? B. doesnt there A. didnt it D. didnt there C. usednt it? 2007年英语专业四级考试真题 51. There are as good fish in the sea _ever cam

15、e out of it . A.than 52.All the Presidents Men _one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal. A.remain B.remains C.remained remaining 53.You _ borrow my notes provided you take care of them, I told my friend. A.could B.should C.must D.can 54.If only the patient _a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might

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