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1、get up9.点钟oclock32去上学go to school10种类kind33各种各样的all kinds of 11大门gate34当然sure12如此,这么;非常35阅览室reading room13引,带,领show36只,只有,仅only14到处,向各处around37向借borrow from15领某人参观show sb around38信,函letter16前面front39不多的,少数的det/pronfew17在前面in front of40一些,少量a few18建筑物,房子,楼房building41离开,远离away19地,地面ground42远离far away

2、from20底层,一楼ground floor43走路,步行on foot21明亮的adj.birght44最好的22现代的;新式的modern45日记diary23礼堂,大厅hall46看一看look at47墙wall二、短语在开放日on the Open Day去.的路the way to了解learn about在去.的路上on the way to告诉某人关于某事tell sb about sth48在某人去.的路上on ones way to 准备做某事be ready to do 49以这种方式in this way 50回家的路on the way home 在.前面in fr

3、ont of 51回去的路on the way back 在.内部的前面in the front of 52去那的路on the way there 教学楼the classroom building53来这的路on the way here 在墙上(表面)on the wall 地点是副词时不加to在墙上(内部)in the wallhome back there here 都是副词let me see 54通过电话和某人玩耍play with sb 55接电话answer a phone 想要某人做某事want sb to do sth 56讲故事(两种)tell a story/tell

4、 stories 想要某人不要做某事want sb not to do sth 57撒谎(两种)tell a lie /tell lies在学校门口at the school gate58听说hear of 干净明亮clean and bright59收到.来信hear from/get a letter from这边走this way60一种a kind of开会have a meeting /have meetings61许多种many kinds of穿着白衬衫in a white shirt62all kinds of在这一天on this day63不同种类的different ki

5、nds of 去那儿go there64向左转turn left向某人问好say hello to sb65在你左边on your left向某人道歉say sorry to sb66几乎没有,表否定(修饰不可数)little向某人告别say goodbye to sb67一点(修饰不可数)a little到校get to school68几乎没有表否定(修饰可数)few 从.到.from to 69一点(修饰可数)乘公共汽车去某地take a bus to70离开be away from半小时half an hour71立刻 马上 right away72一切都好all the best上学

6、go to shool73我(主格)I 74我们(主格)we在营业be open75你、你们(主格)you借某物给某人lend sb sth/lend sth to sb76他(主格)he从某人/某处借到某物borrow sth from sb/sp77她(主格)she向左、右看look left/right 78它(主格)it过马路(两种)cross the road/walk across the road79他们(主格)they给某人带某物(两种)bring sb sth/bring sth to sb 80我(宾格)me唱这首英文歌sing this English song81我们(

7、宾格)us步行上学(两种)walk to school/go to school on foot82你、你们(宾格)在会议上at the meeting83他(宾格)him举办运动会have a sports meeting84她(宾格)her环顾,四处看look around85它(宾格)第一层(英式英语)86他们(宾格)them第二层(英式英语)first floor 人称代词做主语是用主格,在动词和介词后面用宾格第三层(英式英语)second floor87在绘画俱乐部in the Drawing Club88我最喜欢的运动员之一one of my favourite playerson

8、e of +可数名词复数89去散步(两种)go walking /go for a walk三、句子这些学科中你最喜欢哪一个which of the subjects do you like best?我有两块蛋糕,你有一块。I have two cakes and you have oneone是代词,意为一块蛋糕,指代前面的cake。One用了代替同类或事物中的一个,表示泛指,它只可以指代可数名词,其复数形式是ones英语中表示与前文对象相一致的,要用it或则them我的笔坏了,我得借一只My pen is broken and I have to borrow one.他不喜欢这个黑包,

9、他想要那个绿色的He doesnt like the black bag. He wants the green one他买了一件合适的衬衫,我买了一件黄色的He buys a black shirt and I buy a yellow one我有一个玩具,我喜欢它I have a toy and I like it 这本书真有趣,我想要一本,你在哪买的它。This book is interesting. I would like one. Where did you buy it?家长会下午两点开始The parents meeting begins at two oclock in t

10、he afternoon.在具体的某一刻用at,in the afternoon泛指在任何一个下午几点钟(两种)what time is it ?whats the time?你的生日是什么时候When is your birthday?what time 询问的是具体时间,如一天的几点几分,when询问的时间比较笼统,不一定是具体时间,可以是年月日上午下午我的教室在一楼my classroom is on the ground floorground 室外的地的表面,floor室内的地板或地面那个穿白色衬衫的男士是谁?Whos that man in a white shirt?穿绿色外套的

11、那位女士是我的老师The woman in a green coat is my teacher.今天谁没到校who isnt at school today. whos 是who is 的缩写,询问对方的姓名或与某人的关系,当用who提问时,不知道是谁和人的数量时,问句的谓语动词常用单数介词短语in a white shirt 意为“穿着白色衬衫”在句中修饰that man,介词短语修饰名词时,长放在被修饰的名词之后;对此类介词短语提问,一般用whichin 为介词,后面接表示衣服的名词,意为“穿着”那个穿蓝色衣服的是我的表妹The girl in blue is my cousin.The

12、 book on the desk is Millies对划线部分提问Which book is Millies你们是好朋友,对吗?You are good friends ,right?我想和她打声招呼I want to say hello to her.我在电话里听不清你说话I cant hear you well on the phone你怎样到达学校how do you get to school从我家到学校有很长的一段路It is a long way from my home to the school它从上午八点到下午五点三十开放It is open from 8 a.m to

13、5.30 p.m在我们的图书馆里有各种各样的书There are all kinds of books in our library你从图书馆里借书吗Do you borrow books from the library在你回来的路上给我带一个生日蛋糕Bring me a birthday cake on your way back我喜欢在回家的路上购物I like shopping on the way home你能以这种方式做些什么呢/What can you do in this way你能告诉我去学校路吗Could/can you tell me the way to the sch

14、ool?way 可以表示去哪里的路,也可以表示方式,in this way 以这种方式我每天步行去上学(两种)I go to school on foot every day。I walk to school every day. 我到学校要花大约一个小时的时间It takes me about an hour to get to schoolIt takes sb some time to do sth 做某事花费某人多长时间,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 to do sth.take 还有拿走的意思,take是拿走 bring 是拿来carry是携带 无方向,一般比较重,可以翻译

15、成“搬”我乘公共汽车去学校I take a bus to school今天是几号?今天是2015年10月14号Whats the date today? Today is October 14,2015今天星期几?今天是星期五What day is today? It is Friday.一年有365天There are 365 days in a 日期,可数名词,可以包括年月日,day指“日子、天”下周我们学校将举办一场运动会There is going to be a sports meeting in our school next week桌子上有本书There i

16、s a book on the desk我有一本书I have a book there is going to be 将要有什么的意思,是there be 的将来时态there be 和 have 翻译成中文都是有的意思,have表示的是“拥有”的有,我有一本书,是我拥有这本书,这本书是属于我的而there be 表示的是“存在”有,桌上有一本书,是表示这本书是在桌子上,是客观存在的事实,还有比如说那有一棵树也是用there be让我们一点半在学校门口见面吧Lets meet at the school gate at 1.30请关门Please close the door我打开门,看见一

17、个人站在大门口(过去时)I opened the door and saw a man standing by the gate .gate 表示大门,院门,也指出入口,指院落四周围墙上的门,一般比较结实而且有门栓,door,表示门,通道,是建筑物内部的门,或者通往户外的门,就是房间里的房门或则房子的大门她是我们班最好的学生She is the best student in our class不要走这么快Dont walk so fast 我很渴,所以我想喝点水I am thirsty ,so I want to drink some 有“如此,这么,非常”的意思,也有 “

18、所以” 的意思让我带你四处转转Let me show you around 他经常把他的照片给我看He often shows me his photos.He often show his photos to me把某物给某人看,show sb sth ,show sth to sb看!孩子们在四处奔跑Look!The children are running around. Around 介词,围绕,在四周他家房前有一条小河There is a river in front of his house戴维坐在教室的前面David sits in the front of the classr

19、oom房子前面有一条小汽车,有一个人坐在小汽车的前排There is a car in front of the house and a man is sitting in the front of the front of 在前面,指某场所外的前面,其反义词是behind,in the front of 在前部,指某范围内的前部,其反义词是at the back of工人们建造了许多高层建筑The workers build a lot of tall buildingsbuild 动词,建造,building 名词 建筑 她准备带她的妈妈四处参观She is ready to

20、 show his mother around我们为考生做好了准备We are ready for exams 丹尼尔总是乐于助人Daniel is rady to help othersbe/get ready for sth 为某事做好了准备be ready to do sth 准备做某事,乐意做某事墙上有块黑板There is a blackboard on the wall墙上有个大洞There is a big hole in the wall教室墙上有一幅画,和一扇窗户There is a picture on the wall and a window in the wallon

21、 the wall 表示某物悬挂于墙的表面,in the wall 表示某物按在墙上,可以透过墙体让我和你说一说它吧let me tell you about it请告诉我这个消息Please tell me the news=Please tell the news to me我爸爸告诉我不要迟到My father tells me not to be latetell sb sth=tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事凯特非常喜欢游泳Kate likes swimming

22、very much我喜欢下课后后和他们玩I like to play with them after classlike to do sth 意为(这时候)喜欢做某事,是偶尔一次的爱好,表示希望、想、愿意like doing sth 表示喜欢做某事,是长期的爱好他经常帮助我学英语He often helps me with my English =He often helps me (to) learn sb with sth = help sb (to)do sth. 帮助某人做某事我经常听说这个人I often hear about/of the man 你经常收

23、到你父母的来信吗Do you often hear fromm your parents?我刚才听见她在她的卧室唱歌I heard her singing in her bedroom just now.我经常听见她唱歌I often hear her sing hear of /about 听说 hear from 收到.来信 hear sb doing ,听见某人正在做某事(指正在进行的动作)hear sb do sth 听见某人做某事(指完整的动作)我仔细听他说,但什么也没听见I listen to him carefully,but I hear nothing.listen to 和

24、 hear 都是听的意思,但是前者是强调听的过程,而后者强调的是听的结果我有把握通过英语考试I am sure of passing the English exam 你肯定会赢You are sure to win 我确信他会来这I am sure he will come here要确定书在包里Make sure the book is in the bag be sure of (doing) sth 对(做)某事有把握;be sure to do sth 一定做某事;be sure+从句 确信。;make sure 确保,务必借给我这么多书,你真好Its very kind of yo

25、u to lend me so many kinds of bookskind 做名词时,是种类的意思,做形容词时,是“友好的”意思。学习英语对我们来说是很重要的s very Important for us to learn English It is +形容词+of sb to do sth. 这个用of的句型里面的形容词是形容人的,上句中你借我书,你真好,kind 是形容youIt is +形容词+for sb to do sth. 这个用for的句型里面形容词是形容事情,上句中的important就是形容learn English 这个事情的当考到这个句型不知道是用of还是for的时候就看这个形容词是形容人的还是形容事情的我从图书馆借了一本书,但是今天上午我把它借给玛丽了I borrowed a book from the l

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