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1、 B) The place has changed beyond recognition. C) The man used to run a candy shop. D) The two speakers are going to a bank.4. A) He is the son of a fisherman. B) He likes fishing when he was a boy. C) He is very fond of his home village. D) He wants to go back home after college.5. A) To go to a dis

2、tant place. B) To study career development. C) To do abstract thinking. D)To go to graduate school.6. A) The unusual heat is the result of global warming. B) 38 degrees is quite unusual at this time of the year. C) It is likely to go even higher in the coming years. D)It will go down if air-conditio

3、ners are available.7. A) She is looking for a job. B) She is selling insurance door-to-door. C) She is filling out an application form. D)She is having an interview.8. A) He is a professional photographer. B) Hes just started to learn photography. C) He is looking at some beautiful pictures. D)He is

4、 learning art from a professional.Now youll hear two long conversations.Conversation one9. A) She is afraid she might lose her job. B) She is angry at being laughed by the producer. C) She is frustrated because nobody likes her songs. D) She is worried that she cant deal with the job on hand.10. A)

5、He is a successful painter. B) He appreciates Maryannes songs. C) He is an English teacher. D) He thinks there is always a way out.11. A) Persuade Maryanne to go to college. B) Make a discovery. C) Comfort Maryanne. D) Warn Maryanne to prepare for the worst.Conversation two.12. A) All tickets have b

6、een sold out. B) The computer is out of order. C) The flight has been cancelled. D) The woman is unable to write.13. A) It sums up the situation very well. B) It shows the mans unusual sense of humor. C) It reflects the man s ignorance of technology. D) It highlights the importance of computer.14. A

7、) The airport is a small one. B) It involves too many technical problems. C) The computer is usually very reliable. D) It is too costly.15. A) Computers play an important role in modern life. B) Man is getting too dependant on computers. C) Credit cards are useless when the computer is down. D) Air

8、fares in America change very frequently.Section BPassage one16. A) A girl with a sweet voice. B) A telephone service. C) A wonderful device. D) A telephone company.17. A) He hurt his finger. B) He got a call from Information Please. C) He fell terribly ill. D) He fell down the stairway. 18. A) He go

9、t a terrible pain. B) He felt frightened being left alone in the house. C) He now had someone to give him sympathy. D) He is in bad need of a friend.19. A) The boy was very clever. B) The family was very rich. C) The mother was rather careless. D) Every household in the neighborhood had a telephone.

10、Passage two20. A) People find it difficult to talk about it. B) People rush to comfort the patient. C) people are scared out of their wits. D) people find it hard to adjust to the disaster.21. A) She thought he was at a loss for words to express his love. B) She thought he didnt care for her. C) She

11、 thought he shouldnt have talked about trivial matters. D) She thought he shouldnt have left her alone in this time of crisis.22. A) The husband was a man of few words. B) The husband had never before kissed his wife in public.C) People neednt panic about breast cancer. D) Moral support is essential

12、 to the recovery of the cancer patient.Passage three.23. A) It is celebrated at home. B) It is celebrated every year. C) It is celebrated with a feast. D) It is celebrated as a national holiday.24. A) They roasted a large turkey for the feast. B) They observed it after their first harvest. C) They m

13、ade a wish with the wishbone. D) They observed it with prayer and fasting.25. A) He sends them to a quiet farm live the rest of their lives. B) He gets them all dressed up for Thanksgiving celebration. C) He pardons one and uses the other two for meal. D) He gives them away to the poor on Thanksgivi

14、ng Day.Section C:In 1932, Bill Piper dispatched his salesmen in $1,300 cars. They were paid $15 a week, given another $25 for 26). _, and told not to return to the factory in Pennsylvania until their airplane were sold.More than 70 years later, not much has changed for airplane salesmen. Now, as the

15、n, they spend countless 27). _ hours flying across the country in 28). _ of customers. During demonstration flights, salesmen are turning over control of their airplanes to total 29). _ without much knowledge of their flying abilities. Like peddling 30). _ drugs, selling airplanes is one of the few

16、occupations in which a prospective customer can kill you.When the job isnt downright 31). _, its often wearying. Weather strands you at small airports. There you sit in a 32). _ restaurant on Thanksgiving, washing down your burned burger with a flat Coke. 33). _ in a cheap motel, you have nothing bu

17、t instant coffee, a bad television, and a weak shower for comfort, but you are so exhausted it just doesnt matter.34)._ And a top light-airplane salesman can take home more than $250,000 per year.35)._ He understands what he is peddling. “It is a way of life I am selling, not just metal,” he says. “

18、I want the customer to share that with me. If you look at my airplane and you sit in it, you are going flying.”36)._: if you want to travel to a new city, theres no need to adjust your schedule to a commercial airlines timetable or stand in airport security lines with the masses.Part II. Reading Com

19、prehension (Reading in Depth) (25minutes).Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice

20、in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 37 to 46 are based on the following passage.Right now nearly 15 million Americans are out of work, and with the unemployment rate holding 37). _ at 9.6%. People are looking for jobs that have

21、 little to shake them out of the post-recession 38). _. But a new report from Money Magazine offers an encouraging look at our future with a list of the industries expected to grow most and offer more high-paying jobs in the next 39). _. So think that you can start trying for now in hopes of landing

22、 something really good in the future. This is the list. You got software architect, thats No.1 on the list.So architects design building, and software architects are going to create the 40). _, then the software engineers follow. Technology is becoming increasingly 41). _, so they are in very high d

23、emand right now. And a lot of programming jobs are being 42). _ overseas, but software architects. And this is something you would recommend to a college student someone going into school right now or if youre 45 now and out of work, you can now train to be a software architect.You want to go throug

24、h the list physician assistant, management consultant, physical therapist. Going back to physician assistant No.2 on the list. What you do if you are a physician assistant?Physician assistants say they love their job, because they get to interact with patients and do some of the medicine that doctor

25、s do. They dont have to go to school for nearly as 43). _, and they usually dont have the crazy on call hours that doctors have. So they are in really high demand right now, particularly when we need more doctors; the American population is 44). _.And when you say best jobs, is that just about money

26、? Or is that about the 45). _ of the job?Well, we actually worked with the company called PayScale. They surveyed 40,000 workers to read these jobs on quality of life 46). _, flexibility, stress levels, because you do want to take all of those into account. There are 2 passages in this section. Each

27、 passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. Questions 47 to 51 are based on the follo

28、wing passage.I started keeping a gratitude journal several years ago, and, though I go through phases where I write more often or skip a few nights, Ive found that I tend to drift to sleep more easily and happily after Ive gotten myself into the warm and fuzzy place that comes from counting my blessings. Thats why I wasnt completely surprised when I ran across this research study about gratitude journaling: researchers have found that differences in gratitude levels actually affect sleep quality!Researchers assessed 186 men and 215 women (40% of which had clinically

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