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1、Descriptive: Prescriptive and descriptive represent two different types of linguistic study. If a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive; competence: Chomsky defines competence as the ideal users knowledge of the rules of his lang

2、uage. Performance: Chomsky defines performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.Synchronic: The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study; Diachronic: The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic s

3、tudy. Linguistics:Linguistics may be defined as the systematic (or scientific) study of language. language: Language is a form of human communication by means of a system of symbols principally transmitted by vocal sounds.”2. Does the traffic light system have duality, why?No. No discrete units on t

4、he first level that can be combined freely in the second level to form meaning. There is only simple one to one relationship between signs and meaning, namely, re-stop, green-go and yellow-get ready to go or stop.3. Communication can take many forms, such as sign, speech, body language and facial ex

5、pression. Do body language and facial expression share or lack the distinctive properties of human language?Less arbitrary, lack duality, less creative, limited repertoire, emotional-oriented.4. Why is competence and performance an important distinction in linguistics?According to Chomsky, a languag

6、e users underlying knowledge about the system of rules is called his linguistic competence. And performance refers to the actual enables a speaker to produce and understand an indefinite numbers of sentences and to recognize grammatical mistakes and ambiguities. A speakers competence is stable but h

7、is performance is often influenced by psychological and social factors. Thus, Chomsky proposed that linguists should focus on the study of competence, not performance. The distinction of the two terms “ competence and performance” represents the orientation of linguistic study. So we can say compete

8、nce and performance is an important distinction in linguistics.5. In what basic ways does modern linguistics differ from traditional grammar?Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar in the following basic ways:Firstly, priority is given, as mentioned earlier, to spoken language. Secondly,

9、 focus is on synchronic study of language, rather than on diachronic study of language. Thirdly, modern linguistics is descriptive rather than prescriptive in nature. Linguists endeavor to state objectively the regularities of a language. They aim at finding out how a language is spoken: they do not

10、 attempt to tell people how it should be spoken. Fourthly, modern linguistics is theoretically rather than pedagogically oriented. Modern linguists strive to construct theories of language that can account for language in general. These features distinguished modern linguistics from traditional gram

11、mar. The two are complementary. Not contradictory. Knowledge of both is necessary for a language teacher: knowledge of the latter is necessary for a language learner. Chapter 2 Phonetics1. Give the description of the following sound segments in English1) voiced dental fricative2) voiceless alveolar

12、fricative3) velar nasal4) voiced alveolar stop5) voiceless bilabial stop6) voiceless velar stop7) (alveolar) lateral8) high front lax unrounded vowel9) : high back tense rounded vowel10) low back lax rounded vowel2. How is the description of consonants different from that of vowels? Consonants are d

13、escribed according to manner and place of articulation while vowels are described with four criteria: part of the tongue that is raised; extent to which the tongue rises in the direction of the palate; kind of opening made at the lips; position of soft palate.3. Which sound may be described as a voi

14、ced bilabial plosive a voiced labio-dental fricative a voiceless velar plosive 4. Why might a photographer ask the person she is photographing to say cheese? The vowel of the word cheese : is produced with the lips spread, this resembling a smile.5.Account for the difference in articulation in each

15、of the following pairs of words:coast ghost; ghost boastboast most; ghost mist;The words coast and ghost are distinguished by the fact that the initial segment is voiceless in the case of the former and voiced in the case of the latter.The word ghost and boast are distinguished by the place of artic

16、ulation of the initial segment, being velar while is bilabial.Boast and most are distinguished by the manner of articulation of the initial segment, being nasal.Most and mist are distinguished by the fact that the former has a rounded back vowel shile the latter has a spread front vowel.Chapter 3 Ph

17、onology1. Define the following termsPhonology: Phonology is concerned with the sound system of languages. It is concerned with which sounds a language uses and how the contribution of sounds to the task of communication.Phone: A phone is a phonetic unit or segment. The speech sounds we hear and prod

18、uce during linguistic communication are all phonesPhoneme: Phoneme is the abstract element of sound, identified as being distinctive in a particular language. Allophone: Allophone refers any of the different forms of a phoneme is an allophone of it in English. Compare the words peak and speak, for i

19、nstance. The / / in peak is aspirated; phonetically transcribed as while the / / in speak is unaspirated, phonetically . , are two different phones and are variants of the phoneme / /. Such variants of a phoneme are called Allophone of the same phoneme.Suprasegmental features:. The phonemic features

20、 that occur above the level of the segment are called Suprasegmental features. Suprasegmental features include: stress, tone and intonation.2. Transcribe the realization of the past tense morpheme for each of the following words:Waited waved wiped waded. account for the in “waited” an

21、d “waded” follows another alveolar plosive. d in “waved” follows voiced consonants.t in “wiped” follows voiceless consonants, there being voicing assimilation.3. which of the following would be phonologically acceptable as English words?Thlite grawl dlesher shlink tritch sruck stwondle“grawl” and “t

22、ritch”4. Why can we not use the sequence kl in twinkle as an example of a consonant cluster?The sequence kl bridges two syllables. 5. For each of the following pairs compare the position of the stress. Comment. Economy/economic wonder/wonderfulBeauty/beautiful acid/acidicIn adjectives ending in ic t

23、he stress moves to the following syllable, in adjectives ending in ful it does not.6. Explain why somebody might choose to stress the following utterances as indicated by the bold type:a) John wanted to do this today. b) John wanted to do this today. c) John wanted to do this today.The first utteran

24、ce implies that John was unable to do what he wanted.The second implies that he was only able to do something else.The third implies that he was only able to do it some other day.Chapter 4 MorphologyMorpheme: the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content, a un

25、it that can not be divided into further small units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.Compound: Polymorphemic words which consist wholly of free morphemes, such as classroom, blackboard, snowwhite, etc.Allomorph: any of the different form of

26、 a morpheme. For example, in English the plural morpheme -s but it is pronounced differently in different environments as /s/ in cats, as /z/ in dogs and as /iz/ in classes. So /s/, /z/, and /iz/ are all allomorphs of the plural morpheme.Bound morpheme: an element of meaning which is structurally de

27、pendent on the word it is added to, e.g. the plural morpheme in “dogs”.Free morpheme: an element of meaning which takes the form of an independent word.2. Complete the words with suitable negative prefixesa. ir removable g. in humanb. in formal h. ir relevantc. im practicable i. un evitabled. in sen

28、sible j. im mobilee. in tangible k. il legalf. il logical l. in discreet3. “Morpheme” is defined as the smallest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content. Then is morpheme a grammatical concept or a semantic one? What is its relation to phoneme?Since morpheme is defined as the sm

29、allest unit in terms of relationship between expression and content, it at the same time covers the grammatical and semantic aspect of linguistic unit. A morpheme may overlap with a phoneme, such as I, but usually not, as in pig, in which the morpheme is the whole word, i.e. and independent, free mo

30、rpheme, but the phonemes are /p/, /i/ and /g/.4. Identify in the following sentence four bound morphemes. State the function ofeach and say whether each is derivational or inflectional.The teachers brother considered the project impossible.The er and the s of teachers are bound morphemes, the former being derivational, as it produces a lexeme that denotes the person who does an acti

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