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1、 Game. 教师出示一张地图,一名同学站在地图前,指出正确的方向,一名同学使用短语such as: point north south east west.其他同学在第一个学生指出正确的方向时,鼓掌,错误的重新指正,最少找5组,以上学生练习.2. Practice.教师出示一张world map. Ask: What countries are north? 找3-5名学生回答,用同样的方法以学生一问一答的形式练习.S1: What countries are south?S2: is south.Step3: Lesson57 N2 Where are they from? says: W

2、hat do the students already know about English speaking countries?Does anyone English-speaking countries?Now please look at the blackboard.(教师出示世界地图,和学生一起指出说英语的国家.)Step4: 1.指导学生练习读对话一遍.2. Play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student book. Then ask the students to read each senten

3、ce aloud with you.3. 要求学生分组练习:Teacher says: Practice in pairs. 练习3分钟后,要求学生分组表演对话.)Class closingToday we learnt lesson 57. Dont forget to remember them after school. At the same time, lets finish off the activity book and preview lesson58.Lesson58 Ask for the students act out the dialogue in lesson57

4、.(至少要3至5组学生进行表演).N1 a map of the world 教师出示一张世界地图. Look, my little friends! This is a world map.(领读map遍)Lets guess. Whats the meaning of the world?(要学生猜测world的含义)Ask: What color is China?(请一名学生回答). Where is the United States?(请一名学生上前面来指出United States的位置). What color is the United Kindom?4. What colo

5、r is Canada?5. What country is yellow?(教师针对每一个问题分别找学生回答。出示幻灯片:Discuss:(分别出示Australia, UK, USA, Canada的风土人情幻灯片)。 practice. Ok, We a lot about English speaking. Now lets read the part in pairs. (给大家分钟时间分别成组练习。 Play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books. 3. Ask the students

6、to read each sentence aloud with you.4. Ask the students to practice in pairs and act it out.(再给学生分钟的时间练习读对话,分钟后找组学生分别到前面来示范表演对话。N2. Lets sing a song. Look, class. 出示幻灯片,领读north, south, east, west 这几个单词,教师领读一遍后,找名学生继续领渡这几个单词。 Today well learn the song . At first, lets listen to the tape.(出示幻灯片这首歌曲的歌

7、词)。. Learn the song line by line.3. Sing the song twice.First time point to north south east west.Second time face to north south east west.Class closing.Homework. 1). Finish off the activity book.2). Read the dialogues in this lesson.Lesson 59 Good morning, class! Now, please look at the blackboard

8、. (教师出示一张地图).Whats this? This is a map of our country. Yes, This is a map of our country.We live in China, We speak Chinese.(教师教授speak, Chinese).教师领读遍,找组学生分别读这几个单词。We speak Chinese. Chinese is the meaning of “汉语“。Now please answer my question “ whats the meaning of the speak? 出示幻灯篇,讲解speak的用法。 We li

9、ve in China. Beijing is the capital city of China!(出示Beijing的图片)Now please lets guess capital “Whats meaning? 首都 Very good.(教师领读capital单词) We know Beijing is the capital city of China!Who can answer? What country is east of China? Yes, excellent, The US is east of China!They speak English, We speak

10、Chinese!出示幻灯片,对话练习。(要求学生同桌之间进行对话练习)。What does your book, turn to for page 74. Look at part 1. Please red the dialogue loudly. (要求学生大声朗读课文一遍)。 Play the audiotape as the students follow along in their students books.(学生跟读录音机) Please read each sentence aloud with me and answer the question:Where is Li

11、Ming from?What is the capital city of China?What do you know about Beijing?4. Beijing anmen Square. (接着出示五星红旗,天安门,故宫的图片,介绍单词flag, Tiananmen Square, Palace Museum.以及三幅图片。 出示幻灯片. What color is Chinas flag?Its .It anmen Square in Beijing.Its the Palace Museum.小结:We studied Tiananmen Square, Palace Muse

12、um, Dont forget to remember them after class.Now class is over, good-bye class.Lesson 60教学目标:掌握词汇及短语:Canada, know认知词汇及短语:French, Niagare Falls, waterfall, Rocky Mountains, famous句型:I know about Canada.重点知识讲解:I know they speak English and French.我知道他们说英语和法语。加拿大的官方语言是英语和法语。这是因为加拿大成为国家时,有很多的法国移民住在加拿大。教

13、学用具:录音机,图片教学步骤:step1;RevisionDuty Report 汇报完必说的内容后,让同学们自由提问:Where do you live?what do you speak?Whats the capital of China?What do you know about Chinas flag?Presentation1.取出一张Canada with a map. Ask the students questions they probably can answer about Canada. For example.where do Jenny and Danny li

14、ve?What do they speak?Point to Beijing and Ottawa and say:Beijing is the capital city of China.Ottawa is the Capital city of Canada. What do you know about Canada? Practice1. Read and Play the audiotape as the students follow along in their student books. Then ask the students to read each sentence

15、aloud with you.2. Explain. Note that in Canada, they speak English and French because many French people lived in Canada when Canada became a country.3.Read. 同时要求同学模仿对话,两个人一组表演对话,然后向全班同学展示。 Presentation1. 介绍Canadas flag,Niagara Falls and the Rocky Mountains.2. 组织学生进行讨论:What do you know about them?St

16、ep5:1. 要求学生跟读录音机,然后教师逐句进行领读两遍后,给学生3分钟的时间进行练习。2.找3-5名同学对这段话。3. Practice the dialogue.Divide the class into two groups. One group Lives in Canada and the other group lives in China. Make a dialogue as follows: What country is this?ChinaCanada. Where do we live? China CanadaWhat do we speak?Chinese Eng

17、lish.We speak , but they speak .Step6: Homework英汉互译:1,我了解一些加拿大的情况。2,我知道我的朋友詹妮和丹尼住在加拿大。Answers: 1. I know about Canada.2. I know my friends Jenny and Danny live in Canada.Blackboard Handwriting:Lesson60Words: Canada , knowSentences: I know about Canada.I know they speak English and French.Lesson 61Wa

18、shington D.C., White House, Statue of Liberty, New York, stripe, president.China is west of the U.S.This is Statue of Liberty. Its in New York.这是自由女神像.它在纽约.注意:纽约是美国的最大城市,但不是首都,华盛顿是首都,自由女神像在纽约,不在华盛顿.step1:Class opening.Greeting 2. Sing a song.L61 N1 A map of the U.S.使用一张地图,以对话问答的形式,和学生一起复习上几课学习的内容.如:

19、(在地图上指向中国或加拿大,问一名学生)Do you know? . Yes!, You know this country. This country is China Canada.(指向另外一名学生继续下一个问题.)What do they speak in China Canada? Do you know?Is Canada east of China?Continue the dialogue to include the U.S.(What country is this?) 可能有一些学生已经从英语书上知道一些关于U.S.的事情,所以当他们能说出一些相关内容的时候要及时的表扬鼓

20、励他们.而后和学生一起讨论U.S. 的相关内容. 2.Read. 同时要求同学模仿对话,两个人一组表演对话,然后向全班同学展示。Show the pictures to introduce the flag of the U.S. the White House and the Statue of Liberty.(出示图片分别介绍他们.)1. 要求学生跟读录音,然后教师逐句进行领读两遍后,给学生3分钟的时间进行练习。3. Ask and answer:What do Americans speak?Whats the capital city of it?What country is we

21、st north of the U.S.?What color is the flag of the U.S.?Where does the president live?Which city is the Statue of Liberty in?Finish off the activity book.Lesson61 Washington D.C., White House, Statue of Liberty, New York, stripe, president.Lesson 62Target language 目标语言 1. Words and phrases 生词和短语 eas

22、y, king, queen, London, as, palace, Buckingham Palace2. Key sentences 重点句子Do you know what country this is?Is the U.K. south of China? Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to know about the U.K. and say something about it.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn English. Teaching important and di

23、fficult points 教学重难点How to describe U.K. in English.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I Revision and lead-inAsk and answer about the three countries we this unit using the map of the world.Ss: Canada and the U.S. Do you know what country is south of Canada? Yes, its the U.S. The U.S. is south o

24、f Canada.Step II DiscussionShow Ss a map of the U.K.Ss discuss in groups: What do you know about the U.K.? Maybe Ss cant say anything in English. Tell them Chinese is OK.Step III PresentationAfter listening to the results of the discussion, show some pictures on the screen to introduce the flag of t

25、he U.K., London, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben (大本钟) and so on. Look at the flag of the U.K. What colour is it? I think its very easy for you. Its red, white and blue. Right. Its the same colour as the flag of the U.S. Look at this picture. Its called Big Ben. Its a symbol of London. Do you know London

26、? Yes, its the capital of the U.K. This is Buckingham Palace. Its also in London, very famous in the world. But do you know who lives in it?Do some listening practice. Play the tape for the students to listen to L62. Think about the following Qs before listening to the tape:1. Whats the capital city of the U.K.?2. What country is east of it?3. What do they speak?4. What colour is the flag of the U.K.?5. Where do the kings and queens live?Let Ss listen to it twice to try to catch the main sentences in the dialogue. Check the answers. Language points:wha

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