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1、I wish (that) I could be like you. “我希望能跟你一样” that在口语中总是被省略。要表示自己欣赏对方,除了直接陈述对方的优点,也可以直接说这一句,表示欣羡。1) advice (n.) 建议 2) shy (a.) 害羞的 3) geek (n.) 电脑玩家,负面的意义是沉迷电脑、不擅与人交往的怪人。4) computer programmer (n.) 电脑工程师,程序设计师。02. 你一定要踏出第一步 Every time Im near a girl, I get tongue-tied. 每次我一靠近女孩子,就会变得结结巴巴。 You have t

2、o make the first move, Herbert. 你一定要踏出第一步,赫伯特。 Like what? 比如说? Why not write a letter? 为什么不写封信? Im not good with words. 我的文笔不好。 Ill write a great love letter for you. 我来帮你写一封很棒的情书。 Would you? Thanks! 真的?谢啦。 I get all tongue-tied when I talk to him. 我跟 他说话时舌头都紧张得打结。 Ah, thats love. 喔,那是恋爱了 【Why not w

3、rite a letter?为什么不写封信?】 这句省略句还原为Why dont you write a letter?,当你建议别人去做什么事的时候,就可以说Why not.? (为什么不) 【Would you?你真的要吗?当别人表示要帮你做事的时候,你可以说Would you?来表示意外得助的感谢,这句省略句还原为Would you do that for me? Would you ever consider marrying me?你有没有可能考虑跟我结婚? No. We have absolutely nothing in common. 没有。我们完全没有共通点。1) tongu

4、e-tied (a.) 结巴的 2) make the first move 踏出第一步 3) good with words 文笔好03. 我害你弄得一团糟 I gave the letter you wrote to a girl. 我把你写的那封信拿给一个女孩子。 Did it work? 有没有用? I was shaking when I gave it to her. 我拿信给她的时候在发抖。 So what did she say? 她怎么说? She laughed and then showed it to all my colleagues. 她大笑,然后把信拿给所有同事看

5、。 So what happened? 然后呢? They said, how could a geek like Herbert write something like that? . I think I need a beer. 他们说“赫伯特这个只懂电脑的怪人,哪能写出这种东西来?” 我想我需要啤酒。 Sorry I got you into this mess, Herb. 对不起,我害你弄得一团糟,赫伯特。 Why did you quit your job?你怎么把工作辞了? Basically, I didnt like my colleagues. 基本上是我不喜欢同事。【w

6、ork 起作用,可行的】 work作名词用时是表示“工作”的意思,在这里则是作动词用,表示“可行的/有用的”之意,如:Did it work?(有没有用?/有用吗?),如果是It works!,它可以用在事物发挥了它的作用时,是个又短又好用的小句子,例如: Does this tie look OK with this suit?这条领带配这西装好看吗? Yeah, it works. 嗯,它蛮配的。也可以说某事进行得符合预期,很顺利: Did your plan work out?你的计划顺利吗? It worked. 它成功了。1) shake (v.) 发抖 2) colleague (

7、n.) 同事 3) get. into the mess 让陷入混战04. 我要回家去上网了Sue: Hi, Rose. Have you finished teaching for the day?苏: 嗨,柔丝。今天的钢琴课都教完了吗?Rose: Yes. Im going home and getting on the Net. 柔丝: 对。我要回家去上网了。 Really? You use the Internet?你使用网络吗? Yes, I do research for my piano lessons. 是啊,为了替钢琴课作研究。 There is information ab

8、out music on the Internet? 网络上有关于音乐的资讯? Yes, but thats not the only reason I use the Net. 有,但那不是我上网的唯一原因。 So whats the other reason, to meet a guy? 那另一个原因是什么,找男友? No. Its to understand my students. They all use the Internet. 不是。是为了了解我的学生。他们都上网。 Is the interview over? Did you get all the information

9、you need?访问结束了吗?你想要的资讯都有了吗? You bet. Thanks for your time. 当然。感谢你。【finish的用法】 finish这个字是表示“结束,完成”的意思,后面可以直接接受词,比如说是工作或是家庭作业等。 Have you finished that assignment yet?指派给你的那项工作完成了没? Um.not quite. 呃不完全。另外,需要特别注意的是如果finish后面接动词的话,则动词需为动名词形态。 I knew if I kept at it, Id eventually finish writing my book. 我

10、知道如果我持续下去,最后一定可以写完这本书。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。1) .for the day 今天的 2) get on the Net上网 3) research (n.) 研究 4) information (n.) 资讯 5) guy (n.) 男人,家伙05. 那你为何不充分利用网路呢? So why dont you take full advantage of the Internet? 那你为何不充分利用网路呢? What do you mean? 你的意思是? All you think about

11、is your students and music! 你满脑子想的都是学生和音乐! Thats my job. I love my job! 那是我的工作。我热爱我的工作。 But 2) theres more to life than a job, Rose. 但生活除了工作还有其他的东西,柔丝。 Youre talking about men again. 你又在说男人了。 You guessed it. 你猜对了。m NOT interested. 我没兴趣。re welcome to stay at my place until you find an apartment of yo

12、ur own. 你在找到公寓前都可以待在我那里。 I dont want to take advantage of your hospitality. 我不想这样利用你的好心。【You guessed it.你猜对了】 当别人在你的话中得到足够的线索,接着说出你想说的话,你可以说You got it.(你说对了)假如你讲得很含糊,对方还是猜出你的意思,你应该说You guessed it. Dont tell me shes been listening to the fortune-teller again. 别跟我说她又听算命的话了。 You guessed it. She says we

13、 have to get married on January 2nd, or well have bad luck. 你猜对了。她说我们得在一月二号结婚,否则就会倒霉。1) take full advantage of. 充分利用advantage 是“好处” 2) theres more to life than. 生活除了还有更多 06. 用电脑交朋友 Do you want to 1) end up an 2) old maid? 你想变成老小姐吗? Im happy as a 3) single woman. 我乐于做单身女郎。 Maybe now, but what about w

14、hen youre old? 或许现在是,但你老的时候怎么办?ll worry about that then. 我到那时再担心也不迟。 A lot of women like you meet nice men in 4) chat rooms. 很多像你这样的女人,在网路聊天室碰到不错的男人。 You mean where you can talk with people 5) one-on-one? 你是指那种可以跟人一对一谈话的地方? Sure! Lots of people do it. 是啊!很多人这样做。 Use a computer to find friends?t know

15、. Its not for me. 用电脑交朋友?我不确定耶,这不适合我。 I keep gaining weight. 我的体重一直在增加。 If you dont watch out, youll end up as big as your mother. 若是你不留意,你最后就会跟你妈妈一样大块头。【Ill worry about that then.我到那时再担心也不迟】 假如别人在你面前乌鸦嘴,说你现在不如何如何,以后就会怎样,但你根本听不进去的时候,就可以说这句话。【Its not for me.这不适合我】 这句话是用在别人劝你接受一样东西,而你不愿意的时候。1) end up

16、结束,落得的下场。2) old maid 老小姐 3) single woman/man 单身女子/男子 4) chat room 网络聊天室 5) one-on-one 一对一07. 没时间 The Internet is a 1) safe way to meet lots of different people. 要结交各式各样的人,网络是个安全的方法。 But I dont have time. I need to do my research. 但我没时间。我必须作研究。 If you find someone with the same 2) interests, it might

17、 help your research. 假如你在网上找到有共同兴趣的人,对你的研究或许有帮助。 Well, maybe Ill 3) give it a try, for my research. 嗯,为了研究,我或许会试试看。 Great! Let me know what happens! 太好了!结果怎样要告诉我喔! Did the robbers take anything valuable?小偷拿走了贵重财物吗? No. Thankfully they couldnt find my safe. 谢天谢地他们没找到我的保险箱。【give it a try 让试试看,放手一搏】 gi

18、ve it a try就是放手去试试看的意思,同样的意思你也可以说成Lets give it a shot.或是Lets give it a go. Do you think we can finish this project today?你觉得我们今天能把计划完成吗?t know, but lets give it a try. 我不知道,不过我们试试看。1) safe (a.) 安全的 2) interest (n.) 兴趣,喜好 3) give.a try 让试试看08. 我最近有点忙 Hey, Herb! 1) Whats up? 嗨!赫伯特,最近如何?ve been busy la

19、tely. 我最近有点忙。 Doing what? 忙什么?ve been spending a lot of time 2) on-line. 我花很多时间在网络上。 On-line? 网络上? On the 3) Internet, talking to people in chat rooms. 就是网络上,我在网络聊天室里跟人交谈。 Is that helping you with your 4) shyness? 这样你就不会害羞了吗? Yeah!s easier than talking 5) face-to-face. 这比面对面说话容易多了。 The Internet era

20、is upon us. 网络时代已经来临。 I guess I have to buy a computer then. 我想我得去买台电脑了。【What怎么了?/什么事?what是常见的用法,表示“什么事?/在做什么?”的意思。例如你一见到朋友就笑起来,朋友就会问你What“怎么了?” Wait! Amy!t go!等等!爱米!别走啊 What is it?怎么回事?1) what 最近如何?2) on-line 连线 3) Internet (n.) 网络,互联网 4) shyness (n.) 害羞 5) face-to-face 面对面09. 有遇到什么人吗? So have you

21、met anyone yet? 遇到过什么人吗? Lots of people. 多啰。 I cant imagine you meeting lots of people. This is 1) incredible! 很难想象你遇到很多人。真是不得了! Yesterday over one hundred people wanted to talk to me!昨天有超过一百人想跟我聊天! About what? 聊什么? This restaurant is incredibly expensive. 这家餐厅真是贵得不可思议。s because the food is so incre

22、dible. 那是因为食物实在是太好吃了。【This is incredible! 真是不得了!这句话有许多意思相近的说法,都表示惊奇,好比This is unbelievable!(真是不敢相信!)但这句话也可以用作负面的意思,表现出意外多于惊喜的感觉。若要表现惊喜,可以说This is wonderful!(真是太棒了!)。1) incredible (a.) 不可思议的 10. 什么都聊! About 1) anything and everything! 什么都聊! Really! 真的! One even said that I was his 2) dream girlfriend

23、. 甚至有一个人说我是他梦寐以求的女友。 What?t you mean dream boyfriend? 什么?你是指梦寐以求的男朋友吧? Oh. I forgot to tell you I 3) pretended to be a 16-year-old girl. 喔。忘了告诉你,我装成一个十六岁的女生。 4) Are you nuts? 你疯啦? I had to. Nobody wanted to talk to me as a guy. 我一定得这么做。当我是男人的时候,没人想找我聊天。t know about this. Herbert. 我觉得这样不太妙喔,赫伯特。 Are

24、you fluent in English yet?你的英文很流利吗? I dream in English, so I guess Im halfway there. 我做梦都在讲英文,所以我猜我已经快成功了。【Nobody wanted to talk to me as a guy.】 这句话真正的意思是“如果别人知道我是男的,就不会愿意跟我说话。”所以说这句话的赫伯特并没有变性,只是让人以为他是女人。【I dont know about this. 我并不是那么同意(这件事)】 当你无法同意别人所说的话,又无意争吵时,就可以用这句话结束讨论,改变话题。1) anything and ev

25、erything 无所不包的 2) dream girlfriend/boyfriend 梦中女友/男友 3) pretend (v.) 假装 4) Are you nuts?nut是“干果” ,也作“疯子”解释。11. 我交到一个新的网络之友了! I have a new Internet friend! 我交到一个新的网络之友了! You mean the guy who thinks youre 1) Ms. Right? 你是说那个把你当作梦中女郎的家伙? Were meeting on Friday night! 对!我们星期五晚上要碰面。re what? 2) Have you lost it?你疯啦!Her

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