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1、Li Hua 2中国英语能力等级量表已由教育部、国家语言文字工作委员会又发布,于2018年6月1日起实施。该表将英语能力划分为九个等级,综合考查听、说、读、写、译等各方面。请结合此话题,写一篇英语短文, 并向你校英文校报 Hot Topic栏目投稿。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当増加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:中国英语能力等级量表 China s Standards of English Language Ability高One possible version:Chinas Standards of English Language Ability has been in effect

2、 since June 1, 2018. It defines the English language ability-Listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating and interpreting- -with nine levels in total. In my view, the publishing of the new standard is good news for all English learners in China.Obviously, the new standard will be helpful in c

3、ombining various kinds of English tests in China that have different standards. With a clearer evaluation system, students and teachers can assess learning results more accurately and efficiently. Meanwhile, it will make English tests focus on testing students practical skills at using English, rath

4、er than skills at taking tests.3假定你是李华,你从网上得知来自英国的Mr. Smith在你市开了一家外文书店,想招聘一名周末兼职店员。请你写一封求职信,内容包括:1.自我介绍; 2.申请理由及承诺; 3.表达谢意。1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mr. Smith,m Li Hua,a senior 2 student. Learning from the Internet that a part-time shop assistant is in demand in your bookstore, Id like to ap

5、ply for it.First of all, my spoken English is fluent, which makes it easy for me to communicate with foreign customers. Secondly, Im deeply interested in English literature; I have learned a lot about English novels, dramas, films and so on, which is my advantage over other applicants.In addition, I

6、 have gained relevant working experience.I would appreciate it if you could take my application into account. If accepted, Ill try my best to do the job well. Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerelLi Hua4随着人工智能(AI)的快速发展,很多人担心未来会失去工作。某英文报社就此话题进行征文。请你写一篇英语短文投稿,内容包括:1.简要说明人们担忧的现状;2.应该以何种心态对待人工智能的

7、发展;3.从未来职业发展的角度,我们应该怎样应对人工智能的挑战。 1.词数100左右;Its true that people feel a lot of anxiety about job losses due to the rapid development of Al. In the face of great challenges from Al,We should always stay optimistic and think positively.From the angle of career development, we need practise our skills i

8、n the following two areas.The first one is creative labour. Robots are repeated, mechanical and dull, while we human beings are unique, creative and innovative. We can always perform better than them in essay writing, art designing and scientific discovery.And personalized service comes second. Robo

9、ts do not have emotional intelligence that humans have. We humans are sensitive to the needs of others and can offer better service in managing, caring and teaching.5假定你是李华,你校英文校报近日就同学们最喜欢的电影进行征文活动。请你以八十天环游地球为例写一篇英语短文投稿,内容包括:1.电影八十天环游地球( Around the World in Eighty Days)根据作家儒勒凡尔纳的小说改编;2.故事梗概:英国绅士菲利斯福

10、格( Phileas Fogg)与朋友打赌两万英镑,要在80天内环游地球一周回到伦敦。他与仆人Passepartout于1872年10月2日出发,克服了路途中的艰难险阻,最终成功返回伦敦。3.你对电影的评价。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。The film Around the World in Eighty Days is adapted from one of Jules Vernes most celebrated novels.Phileas Fogg, a gentleman from England,bet his friends 20.000 pounds that he c

11、an travel around the world in eighty days. After that Phileas Fogg leaves London on October 2, 1872, with his servant Passepartout, an honest, charming man who truly cares about Fogg. During the journey.whatever difficulties and obstacles they meet.they never give up. In the end, they succeed in ret

12、urning to London.Phileas Fogg, the hero of the film, always does anything to get what he wants. The plots of the film are so interesting and exciting that its well worth seeing.6时下,网络文学越来越受到人们的青睐。有些人对网络文学欢呼赞扬,也有些人批评网络文学中存在的低俗内容。某英文网站发起名为Say Yes or No to Online Literature?的讨论,请你写一篇英语短文参与讨论。内容包括:1.我们应

13、以何种态度对待网络文学; 2.说明你的理由。We have to admit that both excellent works and vulgar contents coexist in online literature. As a result, we should take an objective and just attitude towards it.On the one hand, we should encourage writers to create more excellent online works. Its good to let a hundred flowe

14、rs bloom. Great online works are needed to satisfy the common people as well as the educated.On the other hand, we must take effective measures to crack down on vulgar online works. Such works go against core socialist values and have negative effects on young people. What we need is healthy works t

15、hat spread positive energy throughout our society.7假定你是李华,你校英文校报的一名通讯员。端午节那天你校20名学生到幸福敬老院和老人们一起过节。请你写一篇新闻报道,内容包括1.主要活动;2.同学们的体会或感受。On the Dragon Boat Festival, 20 students from our school went to the Happy Nursing Home to celebrate the festival with the elderly there.On arriving there, the students

16、presented gifts to the elderly. Seeing the students, the elderly felt very delighted. First of all, the students accompanied them to a beautiful park nearby. Though tired, the elderly felt happy. After that, some students made dumplings and cakes and others put on wonderful performances, which made

17、the elderly very cheerful. At about 4 p. m, the students returned to school.All the students thought the activity was very meaningful, hoping they could regularly visit the elderly there.8假定你是李华。你的外国笔友Jim发来一封邮件,询问你家乡近几年发生的变化。请根据以下要点提示,给他写一封电子邮件。内容包括1.陈述家乡的变化;2.谈谈你的感受。 1.词数100左右2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯Dear J

18、im,Thank you for your letter. I am glad to tell you the great changes that have taken place in my hometown in the last few years.More and more people have private cars, which makes it convenient for them to get around. A lot of people have smart phones and it is easy for them to keep in touch with t

19、heir friends. More importantly, new roads, schools and hospitals have been built, so our living conditions have greatly improved.All in all, the people in my hometown are now living a happier life than ever before.Yours,9假定你是李华,某英文网站的学生栏目就一个运动员应该具备的品质展开讨论。请你写一篇英语短文,给该网站投稿,内容包括:1. 团队精神;2.拼搏精神; 3.刻苦训练

20、、遵守纪律; 4.好的心理素质。1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。In my opinion, a sportsman needs to be physically and mentally fit if he wants to succeed.First of all, he should have team spirit, or it will be difficult for him to become a good sportsman. Secondly, he should never give up. Fighting spirit is as essenti

21、al as team spirit. Thirdly, hard work and discipline are definitely required in any sports. Practice is the key; the more he practices, the better he will become. Lastly, a good sportsman should be mentally tough and be ready to face any circumstances in the match.In short, many good qualities are w

22、hat a good sportsman should have.10假定你是李华,你班同学利用暑假对大兴安岭的野生动物进行了一项调查,结果如下:1. 林区有很多野生动物,包括哺乳动物、鸟类、两栖类等;2. 严重破坏的栖息地以及滥杀行为导致野生动物数量减少;3. 近年来,加强了对森林的保护,严惩滥杀行为,野生动物数量有所上升。请你给你校英文广播站写一篇英语短文,说明调查结果,并呼吁大家保护野生动物。1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。During the summer vacation, our class carried out a survey about the wild

23、 animals living in Greater Khingan Mountains.The result shows multiple species of wild animals live in the forests, including mammals, birds, amphibians and so on. The main reason causing the number of wild animals to decrease is too much illegal hunting and the destruction of animals habitats. In r

24、ecent years, with effective measures taken, the forests are under good protection. Moreover, the people who hunted illegally have been punished severely. Therefore, the number of wild animals is increasing. Animals are our friends. It is our duty to do everything we can to protect wild animals. 11来自

25、丹麦的师生访问团将于近期到你校参观,你将贡接待工作。请根据以下要点提示,用英语写一篇欢迎辞。1.表示欢迎;2.个绍活动安排3.祝愿访问顺利。注意2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear friends,Welcome to our school. Its my pleasure to share with you the schedule for today.First of all, we are to gather at the meeting room, where the headmaster will make a welcome speech. Then there will b

26、e some wonderful performances given by our students. After that I will show you around our school.You can walk around and chat with the students during the break. At 11: 30 am you are supposed to have lunch in the school canteen. It is a good opportunity to taste the Chinese food. I hope you will ha

27、ve a good timeThats all. Thank you.12假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter参加了“中国文化之旅”。他对中国人用“筷子”进餐非常感兴趣,发邮件向你询问相关情况,请你回复邮件,内容包括:1.筷子在中国使用的普遍性、便利性和健康性;2.筷子的历史(约有3000年)和传播情况等3.愿意赠送筷子,交流筷子的使用方法。Dear Peter,m glad to learn that you have gone on the Cultural Tour of China. As you have seen, chopsticks are very popular among

28、 us while having dinner. For one thing, it is very convenient for us to prepare and use chopsticks to get the food we like. For another, according to the studies, using chopsticks leads to a clever mind and deft handsChopsticks have a long history of more than 3,000 years in China. They have been taken to many foreign countries and widely used at table. I shall offer you a pair of chopsticks as a gift next time you come here. In addition, I can teach you how to use them if you like.Bestwishes Yours13你市博物馆将于近期举办一个中国传统文化展,请给交换生Jack写一封电子邮件,邀请他一起参加。1.时间和地点2.展品介绍;3.发出邀请。参考词汇:木偶剧 pup

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