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1、A. Words and expressions: New words: helpline separate explain mention refuse treat herself whether lonely regret patient introduce encourage Phrases: mention sth to sb refuse to do be/get separated from explain to encourage sb to do no problem B. Patterns The object clauses with these conjunctions

2、: if, whether, who, where, how, when, why, what, and the right word order.Ability points:1. To talk about your friends with others.2. To understand the object clauses with different conjunctions . Emotional points:To learn how to make friends and how to solve the problem.4、Key points:New words and p

3、hrases;5、Difficult points:6、Teaching Aids:PPT, blackboard二、教学过程:Step1: Play a song named Auld Lang Syne before class.(设计意图:通过播放Auld LangSyne这首歌,和学生唱有关友谊的歌,能快速地调动课堂气氛,同时较自然地引出下面有关友谊的话题,整节课的开展作了很好的铺垫。)Step2. Greeting &Warming-up1. Greeting:引入:T:Just now we listened to a song about friendship. I think

4、all of you have friends and the same to me. I have a friend called Sally. We havent seen each other for a long time. How can we stay in touch with each other? Can you think about some ways to stay in touch with your friends?S1:I think sending emails to friends is a good way.S2:Why dont we call them?

5、.让学生思考与朋友联系的方法有哪些,并说出最便利的联系朋友的方法是打电话,为下面的电话英语作铺垫。2. Let the students to think about the sentences about calling and say them out.For example:Making telephone callsWho is calling, please?This is Sally Maxwell speaking.Is Chen Huan there?Is that Chen Huan speaking?Hold the line, please. Sorry. He isnt

6、 here right now / at the moment.Can I take a message?Ill call back later.让学生回忆常用的电话英语有哪些,复习巩固旧知识,并为下面学习对话打基础。Step3 Dialogue11. Listen and choose the correct answer.T: The phone is ringing, what happened? Now, lets listen to the short conversation and find out the answer.1) Lingling wants to speak to

7、 Betty / Mrs King.2) Betty is in / out. 3) Bettys friend / Mrs Kings friend works on the Friendship Helpline.Answers: Betty, out, Mrs Kings friend听力训练,可以训练学生听懂主旨大意的能力。核对答案看看学生的预测是否正确,让学生有成就感。初步感知对话。2. Number the sentences. OK, we have understood what happened now. Listen to Part 2 and number the sen

8、tences in the order you hear them. a. Im sorry , shes not in at the moment.b. Is that Mrs. King?c. Could I speak to Betty, please?d. May I have the number?e. Can I take a message?f. Thanks so much. 再次听这个小对话,培养学生听的技能以及整体获取信息的能力)3. Role play Then, I want to invite some students to practice the convers

9、ation and you have to learn how they communicate on phone in foreign countries.表演这个小对话, 培养学生的使用电话会话英语的能力。Step 4. Dialogue21.Listening Lingling has got the phone number of Friendship Helpline .But what happened between her friend and her? Now, we will hear a dialogue and learn what happened and how d

10、id the person advices Lingling to do when she has problems with her best friend. Please close your book . A:Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions. 1)Whats her problem?Her best friend dislikes her to see her other friends.2)Whats the solution taken by Lingling?She will encourage her fri

11、end to join in more. B: Now open your book and check the true sentences. . Linging called to ask for advice about her schoolwork. . Linging and her best friend are now in the same school. . Linging is happy to see her best friend at the same school. Linging is having a hard time in the new school. .

12、 Linging gets help from the helpline. At the same time,get the students to correct the false sentences. (设计意图:通过两次听这个大对话,回答问题和做是非判断题,加深学生对对话内容的了解和把握。2. Competition Last unit we have learned the object clause, now let us review it.Could I ask (if youve mentioned this to her?Now, all of you are divide

13、d into four teams, and you should find out the object clauses in Part3, the winner is the team which spend the least time Get the students to tell what they have found. At the same time, the teacher writes these sentences on the blackboard. 这一任务以分组竞赛的形式,充分调动学生的参与课堂的积极性,帮助学生彻底理清对话脉络,充分理解对话,并引出重难点宾语从句

14、。3. Conclusion : The object clauses with these conjunctions :从句来源连接词陈述句that一般疑问句if / whether特殊疑问句连接代词:who; whom; whose; which; what 等 连接副词:when; where;why; how等 和学生一起总结if/whether和疑问词引导的宾语从句)4.Exercise. We have totally understood the dialogue, Now complete the passage with the correct form of the wor

15、ds from below. encourage herself introduce lonely patient regret separate treat When you get (1)_ from a friend, it may create problems youre your friendship. She may not want you to see your other friends, if this is the case, she probably (2)_ you like that because she does not feel sure of (3)_.

16、Try to find out whether she feels (4)_without you. It is natural to feel like that. She probably (5)_ hurting you. Be (6)_ with her, (7)_ her to your other friends and (8)_her to join in more. Answers: separated, treats, herself, lonely, regrets, patient, introduce, encourage 通过练习考查学生的语言运用能力。Step5知识

17、点拨一、从课文中找出下列短语的翻译1. 某人有一个问题 2.分离 3.和某人保持联系 4.拒绝做某事 5.象那样对待某人 6.对某人感到自信7.找出,发现 8.懊悔做某事9.对某人有耐心 10.对某人解释11.鼓励某人做某事二、选择题1.The good friends got _ when they went to different colleges.A. part B. separate C. separated2. Dont refuse _ to the new song, its so wonderful.A. to listen B. listen C. listening3.

18、My father often _ the importance of study to me. A. mention B. mentions C. mentioned4. When others dont understand, you should be patient _ them. A. to B. at C. with D. for通过练习掌握课本的知识点并能灵活运用)Step6走入友谊诊所,处理友谊问题。Everyone needs friends, but being a good friend can sometimes be hard work. Hearing how to

19、 solve problems in a friendship can make you a better and happier person. Four people a group todiscuss the situation below and solve the problems wisely.Common problems among teenagers solutionSome of the common problems include forgetting friends birthday,not keeping problems,letting out friendsse

20、crets and so onSituation1:friends get angry with each other when they try to talk about sth difficult.Situation2:friends dont know how to apologize。Situation3:some friends dont know how to keep secrets设置朋友间相处常见的现实问题,使学生在认识“真正友谊”的基础上运用正确判断力解决实际问题,学生自由发表见解,提高表达能力。Step 7 Homework本节课作业是让学生写一封书信,告诉收信人为何选

21、择他或她为朋友。以此深化课堂内容,同时锻炼学生应用语言点以及进行写作的能力。三、 Blackboard design1.have a problem with sb. 2.get separated 3.stay in touch with sb. 4.refuse to do sth. 5.treat that 6.feet sure of oneself 7.find out 8.regret doing sth. patient with sb. 10.explain to sb. 11.encourage sb. to do sth四、学习效果评价设计教师效果

22、评价Have all the teaching aims been reached? _Have all the students learnt something in the lesson? _ What can be improved? _学生效果评价1. What impressed me most in the class? _2. what havent I understood yet?3. In what aspect do I need improvement?学生课堂活动评价Class:Name:Score:ItemsUnderstandable5 4 3 2 1Logic

23、alCreativeActiveCooperativeOthers五、教学反思 案例点评 1. 本节课我通过不同的任务设置,让学生通过合作和探究来完成各个任务,不同的任务设置激发了学生的学习兴趣和用英语表达的欲望,同时小组竞赛和课堂评价表的非测试性评价手段对学生日常学习过程中的表现、所取得的成绩以及所反映出的情感、态度、策略等方面的发展做出评价,达到激励学生学习,帮助学生有效调控自己的学习过程,使学生获得成就感,增强自信心,同时培养了学生的团队精神。在设计任务型教学活动时,我主要注重到了以下几点:( 1)活动的目的性和可操作性;(2)活动中以学生的真实生活和爱好为焦点话题,内容形象生动,学生易理解把握;(3)通过活动让学生习得英语语言知识、更重要的是发展学生的语言技能;(4)分组活动时尽量创造机会,促使学生主动获取、处理和使用信息,尝试用英语与他人交流,提高用英语解决实际问题的能力。思考与探讨 1.如何在课堂活动中兼顾语法教学?2初中生课堂纪律松懈,如何治理英语课堂,做到放而不乱,活而有序?如何在英语教学活动中引导个别学困生?如何利用有效的方法,使那些对英语不感爱好、成绩差、注重力不集中的学生也自始至终参与课堂活动?这些问题还需要在今后的教学过程中进一步进行探究和思考。

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