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高中英语必修三Unit 2 Morals and Virtues知识点归纳单词短语句型语法Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、minority n少数;少数民族be in the minority占少数3. complain vivt抱怨;发牢骚“Why should girls learn so much? Finding a good husband should be their final goal!” her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees想到高额的学费,她哥哥抱怨道:“为什么女孩子要学这么多?找到一个好丈夫才应该是她们的最终目标!”常用搭配 complain to sb about sth向某人投诉抱怨某事He threatene

2、d to complain to the boss about not feeling appreciated at work他威胁说要去向老板投诉在工作中不受赏识。联想句 complaint n抱怨;投诉make a complaint to sb about/of sth向某人投诉抱怨某事a letter of complaint投诉信Customers made a formal complaint about the way they were treated顾客因他们被对待的方式提出了正式的投诉。4. respond vt回答;回复 vi作出反应;回应She responded, “

3、Id rather stay single to study all my life!她回答道:“我宁愿一辈子单身也要学习。常用搭配 respond to.回应;对作出反应Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies掌握基本的急救技能将有助于你对紧急情况迅速作出反应。联想词response n反应;回答;回复in response (to)作为(的)答复;作为(的)反应The law was passed in response to public pressure迫于公众压力,法

4、律得以通过。朗文当代5. reject vt拒绝接受;不录用Dr Lin,however,rejected the offer然而,林医生拒绝了那个提议。He tried to join the army but was rejected because of poor health他想参军,但因身体太差未被接受。易混辨析refuse与reject的用法区别refuse为普通用语,常用于refuse to do结构,表示拒绝做某事,也可接名词,表示不接受。reject语气比refuse强,表示断然拒绝。He refused to take the money.他拒绝接受这笔钱。They rej

5、ected damaged goods.他们拒收损坏的货物,联想词rejection n拒绝接受;否决6. appoint vt任命;委派;约定,确定(时间、地点)In 1941, Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital, but just a few months later, the department was closed because of the war1941年,林医生成为首位被任命为北京协和

6、医院妇产科主任的中国女性,但仅仅几个月后,这一科室就因战争而被关闭了。They have appointed a new head teacher at my sons school他们在我儿子读书的学校任命了一位新校长。常用搭配appoint sb (as) sth任命某人某个职位appoint sb to do sth委派某人做某事appointed time/date约定的时间日期Mr White is a careful and experienced engineer, so he is often appointed to finish some challenging tasks

7、怀特先生是位细心且有经验的工程师,所以他经常被派去完成一些有挑战性的任务。联想词 appointment n约会;预约;任命have an appointment with sb与某人有约make/arrange an appointment预约;约时间keep an appointment守约She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor.她为儿子预约了看医生的时间。7. elect vt选举;推选;决定(做某事)In 1954, she was elected to the first National Peoples Congr

8、ess and, over the next several decades, she held many important positions.1954年,她当选为第一届全国人大代表,在接下来的几十年间,她担任过许多重要职务。常用搭配 be elected to. 入选;被选为elect sb (as). 选某人为elect to do sth决定选择做某事He was elected (as) the new Prime Minister他被选为新一届首相。You can elect to delete the message or save it你可以选择删除或者保存这条消息。联想词

9、election n选举;当选8. tendvt照顾;照料She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors她更感兴趣的是照顾病人,发表妇女和儿童护理方面的医学研究,以及培训下一代医生。常用搭配 tend (to) sb照顾某人Sofia was in the bedroom tending to her son索菲娅在卧室里照料她的儿子。vi倾向;趋

10、于常用搭配 tend to do sth易于做某事;往往会发生某事tend towards/to. 有的趋势;倾向于People tend to need less sleep as they get older.随着年龄的增长,人需要的睡眠通常会减少。The sort of music I listen to varies, but it tends towards light music我听的音乐种类繁多,不过倾向于轻音乐联想词 tendency n倾向;趋势a tendency to/towards的倾向have a tendency to do sth有做某事的趋势This drug

11、is effective but has a tendency to cause headaches.这种药很有效,但可能会引起头疼。9. scared adj.害怕的:对感到惊慌或恐惧的She was so scared during the interview that she completely forgot how she should respond to the questions她面试的时候太害怕了,以至于完全忘记了该如何回答这些问题。常用搭配 be scared to death吓得要死联想词 scare vt惊吓;使害怕 vi受惊吓 nC惊恐;惊吓(用作单数);(社会上的)

12、大恐慌scare sb/sth away/off把某人某物吓跑scare sb into/out of doing sth恐吓某人做不做某事scare sb to death把某人吓得要死You really gave us a scare!你真的吓了我们一跳!Our guides will have guns with them for defence-they can use the guns to scare the animals away if they come too near我们的导游将随身带枪用于防卫如果动物靠得太近,他们就可以用枪将它们吓跑。Some parents try

13、 to scare their children into behaving well有些父母试图去吓唬孩子让他们守规矩。scary adj恐怖的;吓人的(多用于形容事物具有令人惊恐害怕的特征)scary movies/stories恐怖电影故事10. replace vt接替;取代;更换The student union will hold a special meeting in January to elect someone to replace the secretary学生会将在一月份举行一次特别会议,选举出接替秘书的人选。常用搭配 replace sth with/by sth用

14、代替Teachers will never be replaced by computers in class.课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。联想拓展 表示“代替”的其他表达:take the place of,take ones place, in place of, in ones place, instead of。Natural methods of pest Control are now taking the place of chemicals自然方法正在取代化学品来控制虫害。I had to find someone to take Jennys place我必须找个人来替珍妮。

15、If I refuse to go, they would send someone else in my place如果我不去,他们会派其他人代替。You probably picked up my keys instead of yours你可能没拿你的钥匙而错拿了我的。11. whisper vt& vi悄声说;耳语;低语 vt私下说;传说I saw her whispering something into his ear, obviously not wanting to be heard.我看见她在他耳边悄声说了些什么,显然是不想被听见。Let your heart guide y

16、ou. It whispers, so listen closely.跟随你心的指引吧,它悄声诉说,所以请仔细聆听。小脚板走天涯常见用法 whisper sth to sb向某人低声说某事whisper to sb that.轻声对某人说whisper about sth嘀咕某事It is whispered that.私下说;秘密告诉;悄声暗示Mum whispered to us, “Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping”妈妈轻声对我们说:“安静!你们的小妹妹正在睡觉。n耳语(声);低语(声);传言;谣传常用搭配 in a whisper = in

17、a low voice低声地;耳语地12. assist vt帮助;援助;协助Despite the difficult situation, Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people尽管条件困难,白求恩大夫还是尽其所能帮助中国人民常用搭配 assist sb within sth在某事上帮助某人assist sb in doing sth帮助某人做某事The family decided to assist me with my chores全家人决定帮我做家务联想词 assistant nC助手;助理;商店店

18、员 adj助理的;副的assistance nU帮助;援助易混辨析 assist,help和aid的用法区别易混词 用法 assist 指帮助者在援助过程中只起辅助作用,事情主要由被帮助者来做。He asked us to assist him in carrying through their plan他要我们帮助他完成他们的计划。 help 最普通用词。指一般性的或迫切需要的 帮助,侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神 或其他方面的帮助。He tries to help people in trouble,but firmly believes they should do more to he

19、lp themselves池尽力 帮助有困难的人,但仍坚信他们更应该 努力自救。aid 侧重强者对急需帮助的弱者的帮助。 This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users这项特色是为帮助没有经验的用户 而设计的。13. memory n记忆力;回忆After Dr Bethunes death, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article in memory of him, in which he praised Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China白求恩

20、医生去世后,毛泽东主席写了一篇文章纪念他,文章中毛主席称赞白求恩医生是一名英雄,在中国将被铭记。常用搭配 in memory of sb (=in honour of sb)/to the memory of sb作为对某人的纪念have a good memory记忆力好from memory凭记忆;根据记忆in/within memory记忆中的For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要去

21、扫墓、烧香,以纪念他们的祖先。A film will be shot in memory of these brave firefighters.一部纪念这些英勇消防员的电影即将开拍。Testing yourself repeatedly before an exam teaches the brain to recall and apply knowledge from memory在考试前反复测试自己,这样能够教会大脑从记忆中回想及运用知识。联想词 memorise v记住,熟记memorable adj.值得纪念的;难忘的联想拓展 “in +n+of”形式的其他常见短语in honour

22、 of为了对表示敬意纪念in favour of支持;赞成in place of代替in need of需要in terms of就而言in search of寻找in face of面对;面临14. tearn眼泪;泪水(常用复数)She picked herself up and limped away in tears她站起来,一瘸一拐地哭着走了。常用搭配 in tears流着泪;含着泪(作状语)burst into tears/burst out crying突然大哭起来fight/hold back tears强忍住泪水A swimming player talked in tear

23、s of his training with injuries in a live TV interview.一位游泳运动员在一次电视直播采访中含泪说起自己带伤训练的经历。vt(tore,torn)撕破;撕扯常用搭配 tear sth apart撕碎某物;使某物分崩离析;使某物分裂tear sth down推倒,拆毁(建筑物)tear sth up把(纸或布)撕碎In animals world, a hungry animal cant wait to tear its prey apart在动物世界里,一只饥饿的动物会迫不及待地把它的猎物撕碎。15. harm n& vt伤害;损害“Is

24、there no one in this village who feels any responsibility to keep their neighbours from harm?“难道这个村子里没有人觉得有责任保护他们的邻居免受伤害吗?常见用法 do no/great harm无害有极大的伤害do sb harm/do harm to sb对某人有害mean no harm没有恶意there is no harm in doing sth做某事没有什么坏处He means no harm by saying what he thinks, but people tend to be u

25、pset by it他想到什么就说什么,并无恶意,但人们听了往往会感到不快。They may not be able to help but theres no harm in asking them他们可能帮不上忙,但问他们一下倒也无妨。联想词harmful adj.有害的be harmful to对有害harmless adj无害的16. a great/good deal (of)大量After a great deal of effort, she finally succeeded in moving it to the side of the street经过大量的努力,她终于成功

26、把它移到了街道的一边。There is a great deal to learn from Hals expert approach.从哈尔熟练的方法中可以学到很多。Our patient is a great deal better today我们的病人今天好多了。特别注意 a great/good deal of只可修饰不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。A great deal of practice and research has been done in some developed countries.在一些发达国家已经做了大量的实践和研究工作。二、重点句子讲解1. In 1941 Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital, but just a few months later, the department was closed because of the war.句意:知识拓展 动词不定式作后置定语

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