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1、 Drop it on them! 投掷吧!把它掷向他们!2.The Thin Ice Momma loves her baby 妈妈爱她的宝贝(孩子) And daddy loves you too. 爸爸也爱你 And the sea may look warm to you babe 大海在你面前也变得温暖啊,宝贝 And the sky may look blue 天空也看起来蓝了 But ooooh Baby 但是,噢,宝贝 Ooooh baby blue 噢,宝贝好忧伤啊 Oooooh babe. 噢,宝贝 If you should go skating 如果你要去滑冰 On t

2、he thin ice of modern life 在那现代生活的薄冰之上 Dragging behind you the silent reproach 拖着你的是无声无息的责备 Of a million tear-stained eyes 来自那百万双含着污浊眼泪的眼睛 Dont be surprised when a crack in the ice 当那冰破裂时你别惊讶 Appears under your feet. 即使那就发生在你的脚下 You slip out of your depth and out of your mind 你滑倒在你的深度和思想之外 With your

3、 fear flowing out behind you 你的恐惧也流露在你的身后 As you claw the thin ice. 当你抓住这层薄冰 3.Another Brick in the Wall (Part 1) Daddys flown across the ocean 爸爸飞过了大洋 Leaving just a memory 留下的只有回忆 Snapshot in the family album 简单的印象在家庭的相册 Daddy what else did you leave for me? 爸爸,你还留给我什么别的了吗?Daddy, whatdja leave beh

4、ind for me? 爸爸,你还留给我什么了?All in all it was just a brick in the wall. 这些都不过是墙上的又一块砖 All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. 这些全都不过是墙上的又一块砖 You! Yes, you! Stand still laddy! 你,对,你!站着别动 4.The Happiest Days of our Lives When we grew up and went to school 当我们长大去上学 There were certain teachers who wo

5、uld 那儿一定有某些老师会 Hurt the children in any way they could 以任何可能的方法伤害那些孩子们 OOF!By pouring their derision 传步他们的嘲笑 Upon anything we did 在我们做的所有事之上 And exposing every weakness 并揭露我们的所有弱点 However carefully hidden by the kids 即使孩子们怎样小心的隐藏 But in the town, it was well known 但在镇子里,有件事众所周知 When they got home at

6、 night, their fat and 当他们晚上回到家里,他们又胖 Psychopathic wives would thrash them 又神经质的妻子们会一暴力对待他们 Within inches of their lives. 渗透他们的每一寸生命 5.Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2) We dont need no education 我们不需要(呆板的)教育 We dont need no thought control 我们不需要被思想控制 No dark sarcasm in the classroom 我们不要在教室里被黑色讽刺 Te

7、achers leave them kids alone 老师们离孩子们远远的吧 Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! 嗨!老师们!离孩子们远远的吧!All in all its just another brick in the wall. 这些都不过是墙上的又一块砖 All in all youre just another brick in the wall. 你都不过是墙上的又一块砖 Wrong, Do it again! 错啦,再做一次!If you dont eat yer meat, you cant have any pudding. 如果

8、你不吃完你的肉,你就不能得到一点布丁 How can you have any pudding if you dont eat yer meat? 你怎么能得到布丁如果你不吃完你的肉 Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy! 你!对,站在脚踏车棚后的你,站着别动!6.Mother Mother do you think theyll drop the bomb? 妈妈,你认为他们会掷下炸弹吗?ll like this song? 妈妈,你认为他们会喜欢着首歌吗?ll try to break my balls? 妈妈,你认为他们会尝试接

9、受我(抛过去的球吗)?Mother should I build the wall? 妈妈,我应该筑起心墙吗?Mother should I run for president? 妈妈,我应该支持总统吗?Mother should I trust the government? 妈妈,我应该信任政府吗?Mother will they put me in the firing line? 妈妈,他们回把我放在战斗最前线吗?Mother is it just a waste of time? 妈妈,它只是浪费时间吗?Hush now baby, baby, dont you cry. 安静吧,宝

10、贝,宝贝,你别哭 Mothers gonna make all your nightmares come true. 妈妈将要实现你所有的梦魇 s gonna put all her fears into you. 妈妈将要将她所有的恐惧灌输在你身上 s gonna keep you right here under her wing. 妈妈将要将你留在她的羽翼之下 She wont let you fly, but she might let you sing. 她不会让你哭,但她会让你歌唱 Mama will keep baby cozy and warm. 妈妈会让宝贝安逸温暖 Oooo

11、h baby ooooh baby oooooh baby, 噢,宝贝,噢,宝贝,噢,宝贝 Of course mamall help to build the wall. 当然,妈妈会助你筑起那堵墙 Mother do you think shes good enough - to me? 妈妈,你觉得她对我来说够好吗?s dangerous - to me? 妈妈,你觉得她对我来说太危险吗?Mother will she tear your little boy apart? 妈妈,她会让你的小男孩(PINK)和你分开吗?Mother will she break my heart? 妈妈

12、,她会伤我的心吗?Hush now baby, baby dont you cry. 安静吧,宝贝,宝贝,你别哭 Mamas gonna check out all your girlfriends for you. 妈妈会帮你检查你所有的女朋友 Mama wont let anyone dirty get through. 妈妈不会让任何肮脏的东西通过(检查) s gonna wait up until you get in. 妈妈会不休息的等待直到你收获 Mama will always find out where youve been. 妈妈永远都会知道你去了哪里 s gonna ke

13、ep baby healthy and clean. 妈妈要保持宝贝健康干净 Ooooh baby oooh baby oooh baby, 噢,宝贝,噢,宝贝,噢,宝贝 ll always be baby to me. 你永远是我的宝贝 Mother, did it need to be so high? 妈妈,它(筑的墙)需要那么高吗?7.Goodbye Blue Sky Look mummy, theres an aeroplane up in the sky 看啊,妈咪,天空有辆飞机 Did you see the frightened ones? 你看到受惊的人们了吗?Did you

14、 hear the falling bombs? 你听到掷下的炸弹(声)吗?Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky? 你有没有想过为什么我们必须要跑到掩蔽处当这个勇敢世界的保证展露在干净的蓝天里 The flames are all gone, but the pain lingers on. 火焰褪去,但苦同苟沿残喘 Goodbye, blue sky 再见,蓝天 Goodbye, blue

15、 sky. 再见,蓝天 Goodbye. 再见 The 11:15 from Newcastle is now approaching 11点15分,纽卡斯尔来的飞机正在接近中 18 arrival. 11点18分到达 8.Empty Spaces What shall we use 我们要用什么 To fill the empty spaces 来填补着空虚的空间 Where we used to talk? 我们惯于在哪里说话 How shall I fill 我要怎样填补 The final places? 这最后的地方 How can I complete the wall 我要怎样筑

16、完着堵墙?9.Young Lust I am just a new boy, 我只是一个新来的小男孩 Stranger in this town. 这个镇上的陌生人 Where are all the good times? 所有的美好时光在哪儿?Whos gonna show this stranger around? 谁要带我这个陌生人走一转?Ooooh, I need a dirty woman. 噢,我要个肮脏的女人 Ooooh, I need a dirty girl. 噢,我要个肮脏的女孩 Will some cold woman in this desert land 会有些冷酷

17、的女人在这不毛之地吗?Make me feel like a real man? 会让我感觉想一个真正的男人吗?Take this rock and roll refugee 接受这个摇滚难民 Oooh, baby set me free. 噢,宝贝,释放我吧 Phone rings.Clunk of receiver being lifted 电话铃响.话筒的沉闷的金属声升起 Hello.? 你好.?Yes, a collect call for Mrs. Floyd from Mr. Floyd. 是的,一个对方付费的找Floyd先生的电话来自Floyd太太 Will you accept

18、 the charges from United States? 你会同意支付来自美国的电话费用吗?clunk! of phone being put down 沉闷的金属声!电话被放下了 Oh, He hung up! Thats your residence, right? I wonder why he hung up?噢,他挂了电话!那是你的住所,对吗?我奇怪他为什么要放下电话?Is there supposed to be someone else there besides your wife there to answer? 有没有可能有其它什么人在那儿,就在你妻子旁边回答电话?

19、Phone rings again.clunk of receiver being picked up 电话再次响起.话筒的沉闷的金属声(由于话筒)被拿起而终止 Hello? 你好?This is united states calling, are we reaching. 这是个美国的电话,我们要找. interrupted by phone being put down 由于挂了而中断 See he keeps hanging up, and its a man answering. 看来他有挂了,是个男人在接电话 whirr of connection being closed 连接的

20、呼呼声被关上了 10.One of My Turns Day after day, 日复一日 Our love turns gray, 我们的爱变得暗淡 Like the skin on a dying man. 就像一个死人的皮肤 And night after night, 夜复一夜 We pretend its all right, 我们假装没事发生 But I have grown older, 但我已变得苍老 And you have grown colder, 你也变得冷酷 And nothing is very much fun, anymore. 没什么东西依旧显得有趣 And

21、 I can feel, 我也感觉到 One of all my turns coming on. 我的一个转变正在来临 I feel, 我感觉 Cold as a razor blade, 寒冷得像剃刀的利刃 Tight as a tourniquet, 紧得像止血带 Dry as a funeral drum. 干枯得像出殡的鼓 Run to the bedroom, 跑到卧室里 In the suitcase on the left, 就在左边的衣柜里 ll find my favorite axe. 你会发现我的最喜爱的斧头 t look so frightened, 别看起来那么害怕

22、的样子 This is just a passing phase, 这不过是一个中间阶段 One of my bad days. 只不过是我的一个糟糕的日子 Would you like to watch TV? 你想看电视吗?Or get between the sheets? 还是上床躺躺?Or contemplate a silent freeway? 还是想凝视那寂静的高速公路?Would you like something to eat? 你想要些什么吃的吗?Would you like to learn to fly? 你想学学怎样飞行吗?Would ya? 想吗?Would y

23、ou like to see me try? 你想看看我的尝试吗?Ooohh. No! Would you like to call the cops? 噢,不!你想叫警察吗?Do you think its time I stopped? 你认为这时候我应该停止了吗?Why are you running away? 你为什么一走了之?11.Dont Leave Me Now Ooooh, babe 噢,宝贝 t leave me now. 现在别离开我 t say its the end of the road. 别说这就是路的尽头 Remember the flowers I sent.

24、 还记得我送的花吗?I need you, babe 我需要你,宝贝 To put through the shredder 穿过搅拌机 In front of my friends 在我的朋友之前 Ooooh Babe. 噢,宝贝 Dont leave me now. 现在别离开我 How could you go? 你会去哪儿啊?When you know how I need you 当你知道我有多么需要你 To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night 在星期六晚敲打肉浆(这句很费解) How could you treat me this way? 你怎么

25、可以这样对待我?Running away. 就这样一走了之 I need you, Babe. Why are you running away? 我需要你,宝贝.为何你就这样一走了之?Oooooh Babe! 噢,宝贝 12.Another Brick in the Wall (Part 3) Sound of many TVs coming on, all on different channels 很多电视由远而近的声音,并且是不同的屏道 The Bulls are already out there 那些壮如公牛的人已经等在外面啦 Pink: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh! Pink打叫:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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