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PEP五年级英语下册U5The third period第三课时教案与反思Word文件下载.docx

1、教学难点能够通过课本动画观察单词结构,并根据发音规则试图读出新单词并判断读音。教学准备1.预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。2.PPT课件课文录音、视频、卡片等。Teaching purpose歌曲可以有效地活跃课堂氛围,也为接下来的语音知识学习做好准备。教学过程Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in1. Greetings.2. Enjoy a songPhonics song.Step 2: Presentation1.Learn the pronunciation of “ng”. (1)Learn the word “sing”.在故事情境中教学单

2、词可以提升学生的学习兴趣,并巩固学生对于“ng”组合的认读,强化学生对发音规律的记忆。让学生通过听音和观察来总结字母组合ng的发音规则,培养学生的自主探究学习能力。T: Look! This is Meimei. What is she doing? (课件出示:女孩Meimei唱歌图片)Ss: She is singing. She is singing. She can sing.Students read the word “sing” after the recoding.(2)Learn the word “long”.Show two rulers. (课件出示:一长一短两把子)

3、Meimei has two rulers. This one isS: Short. You are right! Is this ruler short, too? No.Look! The second ruler is Long.tudents read the word “long” aftr the rcording.(3)Learn the word “ring”.(课件出示:女孩Meimei在客厅图片) Were is Meimei now? She is in the living room电话铃声) Listen! The telephone is ringing. Rea

4、d after m:ring.Students read the wrd “ring”after the teacher.(4)Learn theword “young”. h telephone is ringing. (课件出示:婴儿哭声) Listen! Whatdo you hea now? A baby is crying. Great! The telehon is ringing. So the youn baby crieStudents read the wod “youn” after the teache.(5)Sumar. What do you find? (课件示:

5、Lets pell上面四幅图)Summary: All these words contain “ng”. “ng” souns “/ /”.Write down the words“ong, sing,ring, young” on te blackboad.)The teacher smmarizes the pronunciation rule. Students rad after the teacher and then read the words loudly. “g” sounds /.(Write down“ng/ /” on the blackboar.)(6)Practi

6、ce.a. Fast readingThe teacher shows the cards of these five words one by one. Students read them out quickly.b. Can you read more?更多含有“ng”的单词)The teacher checks from all the students to the individuals.2. Learn the pronunciation of “nk”.(1)Learn the word “think”.女孩做作业思考的图片) (Point at the homework.)

7、Look! What is this? Homework. Oh, look! The girl cant do her homework now. What is she doing? She is thinking.Students read the word “think” after the teacher.(2)Learn the word “ink”.墨水瓶倒了的图片) Look! The ink bottle falls down. You can see the ink.Students read the word “ink” after the teacher.(3)Lear

8、n the word “pink”.女孩Meimei穿着粉色连衣裙的图片) This is Meimeis dress. What colour is it? Its pink.Students read the word “pink” after the teacher.(4)Learn the word “trunk”.女孩Meimei在动物园看大象的图片)T: Meimei wears her pink dress. Look! Where is she now? At the zoo. What does Meimei see? An elephant. Yes. And the el

9、ephant has a long trunk.Students read the word “trunk” after the teacher.(5)Summary.Lets spell下面四幅图)Summary: All the words contain “nk”. “nk” sounds “/k/”.(Write down the words “think, ink, trunk, pink” on the blackboard.)The teacher summarizes the pronunciation rule. Students read after the teacher

10、 and then read the words loudly. “nk” sounds /k/.(Write down “nk/k/” on the blackboard.)Can you read more?更多含有“nk”的单词)Step 3: Practice 这首轻松愉快的chant 既包括“nk”在单词中的发音,又包括“ng”在单词中的发音。在动感的节奏中,进行操练与巩固。1. Read, listen and chant.(1)Read the words together.s spell八幅图)Students read after the recording.(2)Liste

11、n and chant.a. Listen to the chant.让学生通过本课时习得的发音规则来尝试读出新单词的发音,以此来进行语音知识的巩固和迁移,培养学生的自主探究学习能力,巩固相应的发音规则。The teacher plays the recording. Students listen carefully.b. Read the chant.Students follow the recording and read the chant.2.Read and distinguish.完成课本上“Read, write and listen.”的练习,要求先读,再听音将单词分类,最

12、后写出来。要求较高,培养学生的综合运用能力。Step 4: Consolidation &Extension 1. Read, write and listen.(1)Look and read.训练现在进行时的用法。在写的过程中,教师在课堂内巡视,帮助并点拨学生。Two students work in a pair. Read the words to each other.(2)Listen and write.Students listen to the recording and write the answers in the blanks.(3)Check the answers

13、 and listen again. (课件出示:答案及音频)2. Look, listen and write.(1)Read the words one by one.(2)Listen and follow the recording.(3)Write down the sentences on the textbook.(4)Check the answers together. (课件出示:答案及听力材料)板书设计作业设计1. Try to find more words that have “ng” or “nk” and share them. 2. Do the exercis

14、es. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业100分或状元作业本对应课时作业)教学反思1教师创设了情境进行语音教学,使得枯燥的语音知识生动有趣,便于学生接受和学习。2练习的设置具有梯度,由易到难,并让学生利用拼读规则尝试读出新的单词,及时地巩固了本节课的语音知识点。3本课时还有写的练习,教师一定要在课堂上进行巡视,帮助指导学生。Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsPerceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “ng” and “nk” in words.Master the

15、pronunciation of words which have the letter combination “ng” or “nk”.Read and write down the words that have the letter combination “ng” or “nk” according to the pronunciation rules.Teaching PrioritiesPerceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “ng” and “nk” in the words.Te

16、aching DifficultiesTeaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up &2. Enjoy the song.Cultivate students learning interest. Lead in the topic.Presentation1. Learn the pronunciation of “ng”.(1)Teach the words “sing, long, ring, young”.(2)Summarize the

17、 pronunciation rule of “ng”.(3)Lead students to practise.Learn the words. Find and summarize the pronunciation rule of “ng”. Practice thesewords.Lead students to perceive and conclude the pronunciationrule of “ng”.(1)Teach the words “think, ink,pink, trunk”.(2)Summarize the pronunciation rule of “nk

18、”.Learn the words. Find and summarize the pronunciation rule of “nk”. Practice theseUse the same way to teach the pronunciation of “nk”. Developstudents autonomous learning ability.PracticePlay the recordings.Listen, read and chant.Strengthen the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “ng” and “

19、nk”.2. Read and distinguish.Read more words that have the letter combination “ng” or “nk”.Lead students to read more words that have the letter combination “ng” or “nk” according to the pronunciation rules.Consolidation Extension(3)Check the answers andlisten again.(1)Read the words with the partner

20、s.(2)Listen and write. (3)Check the answers and listen again.Cultivate students listening ability. Students can listen and write down the words.(2)Listen and follow therecording.(3)Write the sentences on the textbook.(4)Check the answerstogether.Train students to write sentences with the present con

21、tinuous tense correctly.Homework1. Try to find more words that have “ng” or “nk” and share them.2. Do the exercises.【素材积累】 1、走近一看,我立刻被这美丽的荷花吸引住了,一片片绿油油的荷叶层层叠叠地挤摘水面上,是我不由得想起杨万里接天莲叶无穷碧这一句诗。荷叶上滚动着几颗水珠,真像一粒粒珍珠,亮晶希望对您有帮助,谢谢 晶的。它们有时聚成一颗大水珠,骨碌一下滑进水里,真像一个顽皮的孩子! 2、摘有欢声笑语的校园里,满地都是雪,像一块大地毯。房檐上挂满了冰凌,一根儿一根儿像水晶一样

22、,真美啊!我们一个一个小脚印踩摘大地毯上,像画上了美丽的图画,踩一步,吱吱声旧出来了,原来是雪摘告我们:和你们一起玩儿我感到真开心,是你们把我们这一片寂静变得热闹起来。对了,还有树。树上挂满了树挂,有的树枝被压弯了腰,真是忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。真好看呀! 1、不求与人相比,但求超越自己,要哭旧哭出激动的泪水,要笑旧笑出成长的性格。倘若你想达成目标,便得摘心中描绘出目标达成后的景象;那么,梦想必会成真。求人不如求己;贫穷志不移;吃得苦中苦;方为人上人;失意不灰心;得意莫忘形。桂冠上的飘带,不是用天才纤维捻制而成的,而是用痛苦,磨难的丝缕纺织出来的。你的脸是为了呈现上帝赐给人类最贵重的礼

23、物微笑,一定要成为你工作醉大的资产。 、不求与人相比,但求超越自己,要哭旧哭出激动的泪水,要笑旧笑出成长的性格。先讲一个我个人的经历。我高二旧摘创业了。办校刊,拉赞助,学校外面租房子,开书店,仿佛是懂事完了,吊炸天了,那时候脑壳里旧只有创业两个字,谁的话我都不听,人挡杀人,佛挡杀佛。摘美国的科罗拉多州的博尔德景区内有一座平衡石头艺术公园,每天都会吸引很多世界各地的游客前来观赏,人们无不对这里独具特色的石头平衡造型惊叹。这个公园的帝造者是来自加拿大的迈克尔。 1、2019年,文野31岁那年,买房后第二年,完成了人生中最重要的一次转变。这一年,他摘心里对自己的定位,从穷人变成了有钱人。一些人哪怕有钱了,心里也永远甩不脱穷的影子。 、10月19 日下战书,草埠湖镇核心学校组织全镇小学老师收看了江苏省泰安市洋思中学校长秦培元摘宜昌所作的教训呈文录象。秦校长的讲演时光长达两个多小时,题为打造高效课堂 实现减负增效 全面提高学生素质。

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