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1、s agree to disagree” attitude. It does not mean that a person has to accept actions or ideas that are against his or her values or beliefs. _4_ When both parties have expressed their opinions, and it is obvious that neither is likely to change position, agreeing to disagree is often the ideal outcom

2、e.Some degree of tolerance is necessary in any civilized society. _5_ It goes against human nature. Putting up with differences is a virtue that requires honest effort on the part of every person. It takes time to develop.A. There are many different ways to show tolerance.B. Therefore, both parties

3、should change opinions if necessary.C. People on both sides of an issue must be tolerant of each other.D. It means showing respect for the race, religion and opinions of other people.E. It is widely accepted that tolerance is a critical step towards a peaceful world.F. But it is not realistic to bel

4、ieve that all people can achieve it completely on every issue.G. It means that each person agrees to respect the others right to his or her feelings on the matter.答案与解析【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了什么是宽容以及表达宽容的三种方式。1. 答案D解析根据空前的“Tolerance means tolerating or putting up with differences”及空后的“This concept means

5、 different things to different people”可知,空处亦是在解释什么是宽容,故D项“它意味着对其他人的种族、宗教和观点表示尊重”符合语境。2. 答案A解析根据第二至四段的内容可知,文章的二至四段分别介绍了表达宽容的三种方式,空处总领这三个段落的内容,故A项“有许多不同的表达宽容的方式”符合语境。3. 答案C解析根据空前的“One problem is the fact that this respect is sometimes onesided”可知,这种尊重有时是单方面的,而宽容要求我们能够忍受差异,尊重他人,因此当问题或争论出现时,当事人双方应互相尊重。故

6、C项“问题的当事人双方必须互相宽容”符合语境。4. 答案G解析根据空前的“It does not mean that a person has to accept actions or ideas that are against his or her values or beliefs”可知,空处的内容与之存在转折关系,应该解释的是“lets agree to disagree”这种态度的相关内容,故G项“它意味着每个人都同意尊重对方对这件事的感受的权利”符合语境。5. 答案F解析根据空前的“Some degree of tolerance is necessary in any civil

7、ized society”及空后的“It goes against human nature”可知,空处所填内容与空前的内容存在转折关系,故F项“但是,相信所有人都能就每一件事完全做到宽容是不现实的”符合语境。下文中的It指代的就是F项中的“all people can achieve it completely on every issue”。(2018江西赣中南五校高三第一次联合考试)More and more people are working remotely.Here are some tips to keep in mind to stay focused on your wor

8、k when working at home:Set and keep regular office hours._1_ Then try your best to leave work at the “office” and turn your phone on silent and enjoy the rest of your day.Give yourself some time to recharge so you can be as productive as possible.Plan and structure your workdays.Structure your workd

9、ays to maximize(使最大化)efficiency.Take advantage of your bodys natural rhythms._2_ If you know you focus best in the morning,resist the temptation to check email until 10 am.or later.Set aside a designated(指定的)work area.Try to work at the same spot every day._3_ And make it a place you enjoy going to

10、each day,an area where you can focus and do your best work.Take breaks.Schedule time for frequent breaks throughout the day.Rise from your desk,stretch or walk around the house or down the street._4_ If you need social activities,go out to lunch with friends or clients.Avoid distractions(使人分心的事)One

11、challenge of working at home is distraction.With no colleagues or partners nearby,its easy to become distracted.Stay focused on work throughout the day to maintain consistent productivity._5_AIt could be a spare bedroom that youve turned into a home office.BPlan your work around your most productive

12、 hours.CDo your best to set work hours and stick to them.DTake a lunch break and enjoy a midday meal.EIt is more comfortable to stay at home.FSome interruptions cant be avoided.GAvoid online distractions as well.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了五种在家工作时如何保持注意力集中的方法。1C根据本段的小标题“Set and keep regular office hours”可知,此处与工作时间

13、的设定有关,所以选C项。2B根据本段的小标题“Plan and structure your workdays”可推知,此处与工作计划有关,并与本段第一句“Structure your workdays to maximize(使最大化)efficiency”呼应,所以选B项。3A根据本段小标题“Set aside a designated(指定的)work area”可知,此处表示家庭办公区的设定和安排,所以选A项。4D根据本段第一句“Schedule time for frequent breaks throughout the day”并结合小标题“Take breaks”可推知,工作期

14、间适当休息一下有助于集中注意力,所以选D项。5G根据本段小标题“Avoid distractions(使人分心的事)”可推知,网上使人分心的内容也是集中注意力所需要避免的,所以选G项。How to Make Good Conversation“Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.” I totally agree with this point. Conversation is the main part of everyones daily life. _1_ Whats more, good conversat

15、ion is the most interesting part for us. In my view, you should pay attention to the following three issues to make good conversation.To start good conversation wed better prepare some questions. _2_ We can ask some questions to show our politeness and care for others. Like, do you have a good sleep

16、 last night? Or what do you do in your spare time? Think twice before you throw a question to others._3_ We should pay attention to what others said and think in their shoes. Allow the others to do most of the talking. Be patient and hold interest for their comments and make some noise to show you a

17、re listening carefully. _4_ In this way you will get the credit for being a good conversationalist as well as a good listener and it will help you to make friends with others.We always said eyes are the windows to the soul. Appropriate eye contact is like a great element of the main dish which makes

18、 it more delicious. _5_ It will help us to improve mutual (相互的) understanding. Do not hesitate to look into them. But dont stare at them and dont look at them for too long a time. It would make others feel uneasy and unwilling to go on talking.A. Good questions make people feel comfortable.B. Withou

19、t conversation, life would be as cold as a rock.C. The most important part of conversation is to listen.D. Enjoy good conversation and be friends with them.E. Do not interrupt others when they share their views excitedly.F. They have some ideas that they want us to know and even convince us.G. Durin

20、g conversation, we should look the speakers in the eye friendly.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了与人交谈应注意的三个方面。1. 答案B解析根据空前的“Conversation is the main part of everyones daily life”可知,交谈是每个人日常生活中的重要部分,空处承接上文,进一步说明交谈在日常生活中的重要性,故B项“没有交谈,生活会冷若磐石”符合语境。解析根据本段的主题句“To start good conversation wed better prepare some question

21、s”可知,我们在开始交谈前最好准备一些问题,再结合空后的“We can ask some questions to show our politeness and care for others”可知,空处应是在说明问问题的益处,故A项“好的问题会让人感到舒服”符合语境。解析根据下文中的“pay attention to what others said and think in their shoes”“Allow the others to do most of the talking”“show you are listening carefully”和“a good listener”

22、可知,本段主要讲的是倾听方面的内容,故C项“交谈中最重要的部分是倾听”符合语境。4. 答案E解析根据上文中的“Be patient and hold interest for their comments and make some noise to show you are listening carefully”可知,空处应是对上文中的“listening carefully”的进一步说明,故E项“当他们兴奋地分享观点时不要打断他们”符合语境。5. 答案G解析根据本段的内容可知,本段主要说明的是交谈中眼神交流的重要性,G项中的“look the speakers in the eye”与上

23、文中的“eye contact”及下文中的“look into them”相呼应,故G项符合语境。广东汕头普通高中毕业班教学质量监测)Heres a surprising truthone of the most powerful weapons to enhance your life is your own tongue!_1_ Concentrate on the qualities of other people that you can affirm instead of on their faults.This alone should do wonders in relievin

24、g stress in your relationships.Doctors know that prolonged anxiety harms you,but encouraging words can remove stress and a peaceful mind leads to improve physical health,too._2_Avoid fueling verbal fire.When someone starts to blow up all at you,be careful about your response.Why burn your relationsh

25、ip house down with your own mouth?Try spraying water on an argument with calm words instead of using a flamethrower.How many marriages have been destroyed when in a fit of anger people spew out hurtful accusations to one another that are never forgotten!_3_ “A soft answer turns away wrath(狂怒),but a

26、harsh word stirs up anger.”Stop complaining.We all know people who complain all the time,especially about the fault of others._4_ Nothing is ever going well for them,and probably nothing ever willas long as they keep complaining and putting their energy on what they really dont want.Do think before

27、you speak._5_ It is useless regretting.It doesnt matter how unintentional they may be,words can sometimes cut a lot deeper than a sword.Very often youll hear people say,“I didnt mean to hurt your feelings.”Well,if you didnt want to hurt feelings why couldnt you be thoughtful before you let the unple

28、asant words escape your loose lips?AYou should practice waiting a while before answering someone when you are angry.BPractice speaking positive words instead of negative ones.CWe store in our minds in a kind of mental art gallery what others have said to us.DOnce the words leave your mouth,it is imp

29、ossible to take them back.EThe longer you think,the better youll speak.FThe more they do so,the more they are disliked.GThink twice before speaking.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,告诉我们应如何注意自己的说话方式以帮助我们减压并改善人际关系。1B根据空后一句“Concentrate on the qualities of.on their faults”和下文的“encouraging words can remove stress”可知,应选B“练习说一些积极的话语而不是消极的话语”

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