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1、CRevision and edition date 修订版及海图版本的出版日期DVariation information 有关磁差的信息0118. Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean _D_ 本海图上礁石的高程等高线是用英尺为单位的,在()以上ALower low water 低低潮面BHigh water 高潮面CLow water 低潮面DSea level 海平面0276. The Chief Officer _A_ told the stevedores to stow the c

2、argo lot by lot 大副()告诉码头工人一票一票地装载货物。APlainly 明白地BPlayfully 开玩笑地CAbsolutely 绝对地DCompletely 完全地0298. While you are on watch entering port,the Master gives the helmsman a rudder command which conflicts with a rudder command from the PilotYou should make sure the helmsman _B_1715进港时你在当班,船长给出的舵令与引航员的舵令不同

3、,你应确认舵工()AObeys the Pilot 遵守引航员的指令BObeys the Master 遵守船长指令CAsks you for instructions 向你询问指令DBrings the rudder to a point midway between the two conflicting positions 按两个不同的命令取平均值操舵船首玄指的是 正横 首部 还是船的一侧0675. _ B_ is a circular traffic lane used at junctions of several routes,within which traffic moves

4、counterclockwise around a separation point or zone()是指在几条航线交汇处设立的圆形通航通道,船舶交通流在该区域内被分隔带隔开,在各自的通航分道内反时针方向行驶。ATraffic Lane 通航分道BRoundabout环形道 CInshore Traffic Zone 沿岸通航带DTwo-way Route 双向航道0696. The direction in which a vessel is steered is the courseThe path actually followed is the _ D_ 操纵船舶时使用的方向是航向,

5、实际航行的方向是()ARoute 航向BTrack 船迹CHeading 艏向DCourse over the ground 对地航向0706. The time required for a lighted aid to complete a full cycle of light changes is listed in the Light List as the _ C_1216灯标表,某灯标按所需的灯质特性完成一个完整的周期所需的时间是()ASet 设备BFrequency 频率CPeriod 周期DFunction 功能0735. Neap tides occur when the

6、_ A_ 小潮发生在()AMoon is in its first quarter and third quarter phases 月亮上、下弦月时BSun and Moon are on opposite sides of the Earth 太阳与月亮分别位于地球两边时CMoons declination is maximum and opposite to that of the Sun 月亮赤纬处于最大值,且与太阳异名时DSun and Moon are in conjunction 太阳与地球在同一黄纬上时0756. The velocity of the wind,its ste

7、ady direction,and the amount of time it has blown determines a wind driven currents _ D_1236风速、长期风向及风吹的时间可决定风致海流的()ATemperature 温度BDensity 密度CDeflection 偏向DSpeed 速度0779. For any given pedestal crane,when the boom is lengthened,the lifting capacity is _D_ 对任何特定的克令吊来说,如加长吊杆,则起吊能力()Aunchanged 不变Bincrea

8、sed 增加Celiminated 消除Ddecreased 减少0847. Making cargo plan for appropriate distribution of the cargo on board is _A_ duty 制作装卸计划,以正确积载货物是()的责任AA ships officers 驾驶员BA Tallymans 理货员CA port planners 港口调度DA foremans 工头0985. When a wind blows round clockwise,it is _D_ 当风向呈现顺时针变化时,叫()AVariable 不定BChanging 变

9、化CBacking 逆时针变化DVeering 顺时针变化1558. Generally speaking,the most favorable bottom for anchoring is _C_ 一般来说,抛锚最好的底质是()AVery soft mud 烂泥底BRocky 石底CA mixture of mud and clay 泥土和粘土混合DLoose sand 松沙 33 A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n) _. A. white light FL (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheres B. occult

10、ing green light and may be lettered C. yellow light and will be numbered D. continuous quick white light and may be numbered 53 A compass card without north-seeking capability that is used for relative bearings is a(n) _. A. bearing circle B. pelorus C. bearing bar D. alidade 84 A fire starts on you

11、r vessel while refueling. You should FIRST _. A. stop the ventilation B. sound the general alarm C. determine the source of the fire D. attempt to extinguish the fire 154_ A safe fuel system must _. A. prevent engine overheating B. have proper air/gasoline fuel mixture ratio C. be liquid- and vapor-

12、tight D. supply sufficient air to the intake manifold 255 ACCIDENTAL ESCAPE OF OIL OUT OF A TANK WHEN IT GETS TOO FULL BECAUSE PUMPING WAS NOT STOPPED IN TIME defines _. A. Overloading B. Over discharging C. Overflow D. Overtaking 385 By the time charter,a Shipowner agrees to place his vessel at the

13、 disposal of a Charterer for _. A. a period B. a trip C. a voyage D. a journey 757_ Loran-C uses the multiple pulse system because _. A. less signal energy is necessary for receiver operation B. more signal energy is available at the receiver C. it significantly increases the peak power D. it increa

14、ses the signal capacity 918_ The Port-Off-Stbd selector switch on an autopilot steering stand is used to _. A. change from hand electric steering to automatic gyro B. change over one steering system to the other C. change over hand electric steering to non-follow-up D. change over the port to the st

15、arboard bow thruster 970_ The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? A. Surging B. Spilling C. Plunging D. Converging 985 The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to tu

16、rn power switch to _ position first,then to _ position A. offstandby B. standbyoff C. standbyclose D. closestandby 1009_ The Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon on a cargo vessel must be stowed _. A. in an inside passageway B. in an approved bracket C. so that it is accessible from the bridge

17、of the vessel D. so that it will float free if the vessel sinks 1021_ The first cloud formations you can use to indicate the bearing of the center of a hurricane or tropical storm are _. A. the point of convergence of the cirrus clouds B. the direction of movement of thunderstorms on radar C. the da

18、rkest point of the clouds in the bar of the storm D. the point of origin of the altostratus clouds 1037_ The generators on your ship have shut down,leaving you without navigation lights. Which emergency signal would you transmit over the VHF radio to alert vessels in the area of your predicament? A.

19、 Mayday,Mayday,Mayday B. Pan,Pan,Pan C. Security,Security,Security D. Lights out,Lights out,Lights outPassage 10The amount of detail shown on a chart varies with the scale of the chart. On a large scale chart,for example,full details of all lights and fog signals are shown,but on smaller scales the

20、order of reduction of information in elevation,period,range,until on an ocean chart of the area only lights with a range of 15 miles or more will normally be inserted,and then only their light-star and magenta flare. On the other hand,radio beacons are omitted from large scale charts where their use

21、 would be inappropriate,and,unless they are long range beacons,from ocean charts.037.Ocean charts are _ ones. A. large scale B. small scale C. inappropriate D. omitted038.What cannot be found in the large scale charts? _. A. Radio beacons of small range B. Full details of all lights. C. Elevations D

22、. Full details of fog signals039.The light-star and magenta flare are shown on _. A. large scale charts only B. small scale charts only C. both small and large scale charts D. neither small nor large scale charts040.The title of this passage should be _. A. Lights and Beacons on Charts B. Characteri

23、stic of Lights and Beacons C. Corrections to Small and Large Scale charts D. Navigational Charts Publication10代 数额的详细图表显示随图表的规模。大规模的图表,例如,所有的灯和雾信号显示的全部细节,但直到一个小规模的区域海洋图表的海拔,时间,范围,信息降阶射程只有灯15英里或更多,通常会被插入,然后只有他们的光明星和洋红色耀斑。另一方面,无线电信标中忽略了大比例尺海图在其使用是不适当的,并且,除非它们是长程灯塔,从海洋图表。 037.Ocean图是_的。 答:大型B.小规模 三不宜省略

24、四 038.What无法找到在大比例尺海图? _。小范围的无线电导航台乙所有灯光全部细节。 四三海拔雾信号的全部细节 039.The光明星和洋红色耀斑载于_。只有大比例尺海图 二只小比例尺海图 C.两小,大比例尺海图 四既不小,也不大比例尺海图 040.The这篇文章的标题应该是_。灯和图表灯塔 二特性灯光及灯标 三更正和大比例尺海图小 四出版海图 看看以前真题吧!第57期【单选】You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from _.A. mFAG.B. Tide tables.C. Noti

25、ces to mariners.D. Table of azimuth. KEY: B【单选】Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? _.A. List of LightsB. Coast PilotC. Sailing DirectionsD. List of Radiobeacons A【单选】A line of position from a celestial observation is a seg

26、ment of a _.A. circle of equal altitudeB. parallel of declinationC. parallel of altitudeD. vertical circle【单选】What defines a great circle?A. A curved line drawn on a Mercator ChartB. A course line that inscribes a loxodromic curveC. The shortest distance between any two points on the earthD. The sma

27、llest circle that can be drawn on the face of a sphere C【单选】Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle?A. Aero lightB. Radar stationC. Radar transponder beaconD. Radiobeacon【单选】Charted depth is the _.A. vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tideB. vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottomC. average height of water over a specified p

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