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When will I stop skimming the surface and begin using all theseWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、 ocean, sand, hunger, cold, thoughts, and Stars. Beautiful, Beautiful Sta And coconuts. Coconuts everywhere. You hear them fall to the sand every so often. Plumpf. Plumpf. Thatll be my head if Im not careful. Plumpf. Coconuts, the Stars, and my thoughts. Build Overlapping words to create “thought ch

2、atter”When will I finish wasting time, and begin using all these empty shells around me as tools? The coconut husks lying in the sand on this empty island of mine would be best put to use collecting the raindrops, the milk, refreshment, sustenance. But I have no patience to form complex structures.

3、Maybe at night, when its dark and my thoughts run away, but then Im always tired and scared. During the day, I skip and skip and skip over to the next husk. Poke it with my machete once, twice, then on to the next, carefree as a gull. Not one of them all that fascinating, but most have just enough m

4、ilk or meat to hold my interest for a few minutes. Do we hear this construction?Sure, Im trying to see how they all might fit together, but! Im trying to be impressive about the whole operation Ill work it all out in my head first so that I dont waste my energy. So that I can, presto, produce an int

5、ricate, brilliant, detailed, efficient and complete coconut rain-gathering machine. Why should I labor strenuously to build, fail, rebuild, fail once again, and frustrate myself with the never-ending success and loss of imperfect human creation? After all, if I dont let myself rest every so often I

6、might run out of steam.World cuts out, building beat, like a grinding steam trainI have no discipline of the coconut. I have no mastery of the soul, of the pen, of the brush, of the microphone, of the wooden spoon. I surround myself with ingredients because I revel in the ingredients, but not the su

7、btler fine workings of complex and beautiful art and science. I have no patience to construct the sublime tuned harmonies, the balanced flavors, the flowing colors. I throw the ingredients together in a clump, stomp on it once, twice, and call it: Art.Perhaps I am achingly visionary in this way.Plum

8、pf.II) Manifesto.Benedictine MonksThe last actual idea that I had was for an illuminated manuscript, cool, I love monks and it was this, I wrote: Printin g Press gone crazy, News Reel voice/ Carnival Barker“Manifesto: This is me. The following is my manifesto. Im about to do something really neat. D

9、ont close your eyes, cause Im going to do something really neat, but Im not sure what quite yet, so it may pass by your field of vision at an extremely accelerated rate. Its just this:” Machine Whirs downcrazy! And there, I ran out of steam.I think thats when I first felt the dread that I have nothi

10、ng important to say. totally Hell, all most 22 year olds are really concerned about, lets be honest, is how long since their genitals were properly interfaced. Interfaced=Clamps/Cash Register/Swing Trumpet/AIM Logon beepright?Sure, Sure, its all very exciting. But.Valkyries played on Power Tools tha

11、t ends with a fartSo there was this idea that I had built up in my head - so grandiose in scope and so insightful in concept that it was clearly far too epic for there ever to be a way to actually get to writing it down on something as concrete and rigid as paper. This immortal kamikaze vision was t

12、hus:beat, then: coughMusic, slow verb with sudden build on “Sun” Polyphonic Spree?Two friends find themselves interfacing Interfacing in a comparatively unexciting way Unexciting Interfacing / AIM Logoff in a park late one Saturday eve, and they are struck dumb as the sun appears, throne, scepter an

13、d chariot, at the edge of the sea. They are overcome with an inexplicable yet complete joy and awe that we shall call the spirit of Mr. Turtle. Mr. Turtle Synth Pad Sound Glorious Interfacing during: They are so struck with wonder by the scene of the sun interfacing with the lake interfacing with th

14、e wind interfacing with the autumn leaves interfacing with their poor dim monkeys eyes, one of them somehow erupts forth a possibly brilliant and socially dangerous idea:Drum March and building crowd sounds builds under:Every week, they will meet here. Saturday morning, at dawn. Every week they will

15、 bring one person along, to witness the glory of the sunrise on Saturday, and hopefully, witness the glorious spirit of Mr. Turtle. The people they bring along will each bring another person, each week. Theyre all encouraged to bring all kinds of people Friends, Strangers, the Homeless, the Downtrod

16、den. After some quick calculations, lets seeVocal effect: Verb as through megaphone2X2=4, 4X2=8, 8X2=16, 16X2=32, 32X2=64, 64X2=128, 128X2=256, 256X2=512(stop me if youve heard this one)EIGHT weeks and youve got a mob! dude. (Drum hit out) Keep in mind, its early on a Saturday people are making a pe

17、rsonal sacrifice to be there. grumble grumble fucking early They begin their meeting always with the awe-inspiring beauty of nature Even if its a rainy, shitty day (quick thunder / downpour / drizzle) even then the fog diffuses the city lights, (brave birds) and the patter of the rain on the leaves

18、quiets the bitter inner monologues, and someone will have most likely brought hot coffee mmm thankyou and warm danish dude and stale bread eww. to share with the huddled pigeons. oh The dangerous social experiment? After six or seven weeks, what does this tired, dedicated, coffee-sipping mob start d

19、oing of its own free will? (megaphone) Do leaders emerge, anxious to mold this secular interest group to a purpose of their own devices? Do they march en masse to the wrong side of the tracks and start (Jackhammers, Basketball) cleaning up, Refinishing roads and Painting Murals and Giving Back to th

20、e Greater Community of which they are but a small fraction? Do they break up after sunrise? this is bullshit! Do they form their own religion? free form from A3H Do they give up after four weeks, because for crying out loud, its five in the morning on a Saturday, and they finally had the opportunity

21、 to properly interface their genitals (Cha-Ching!) last night, and they gave up dancing and drinking for this bullshit?!? (Ambience suddenly Out) yeah, bullshit! As a friend of mine says, that makes for a better social experiment than it does a hypothetical illuminated manuscript. And boy is he righ

22、t.III) Recipe.(Mixing bowl and Kitchen Sounds for a while, then:)Fold in brown sugar to egg whites. Stir, stir and stir. The ingredients dont always want to go together. Sometimes you have stir the fuck out of it, rather, in to it. Like when youre using peanut butter or almond paste. The recipe says

23、 fold when it means stir the fuck out of it, but for CRYING out LOUD not anymore than necessary. (Mixing Montage ends with Really loud Electric Mixer gone crazy)Same is true with writing, music, sound engineering, drawing, editing video, baking. (Baker scrapes up remnants of last recipe and then sta

24、rts again with mixing build. Breath, then:) When it seems most delicate and refined, thats when you know the sap behind the screens mixing the batter has finally mastered his ingredients, discovered their properties, refined and focused his senses, redefined his process, and then BEAT the ACHING SOU

25、L out of it all, spilling flour all over his clothes, squirting the lemon juice in his eyes, ripping a hole in his mixing bowl with his spoon, flinging batter all over the walls, screaming, sobbing, then finally scraping the globs of dough off the ceiling and into his rusty pan, slapping it in the o

26、ven and after all that, BURNING it, BURNING the whole mess into a caramel carbon shell (oven door crash boom slam). After all this pain and failure, he picks up the pieces and starts it all again. From scratch. Just to get it right.This “process” never ends. Its what we artists and scientists call “

27、utter foolhardy madness.”But its really love that drives the artist to work, rework, get the ingredients and the timing just right. Love, and the glorious spirit of Mr. Turtle.IV) Goggles.(Mr. Turtle Theme)PATH. TAO. WAY. TRUTH. GOD. ROAD. JOURNEY. BLACK. WHITE. When we look about the world around u

28、s, we put on our favorite goggles first. Theyve got those sweet tinted lenses so everything looks a little blue, pink, whatever. Some of these lenses are really powerful cokebottle lenses. that let you see forever in one direction, so you can see the coke machine on the edge of the horizon, but that

29、 wont prevent you from tripping over the turtle right next to you. The lenses are made of philosophy. They are forged and cut and polished through our many years, and if you put on some elses, youll get a monster headache. (Overwhelming hum leads to “funny documentary music” Bluegrass?For example, w

30、eve got these goggles here which are labeled “Red State / Blue State” Its sort of Dr. Seussy, which is why I bring it up. Here, put on these goggles for a second:Ah, thats better. Now the Red Staters love Consensus. The Blue Staters love Critical Thought. Thats not quite true. The Red Staters will a

31、ct like they love Consensus but theyre really Critical of people who dont love Consensus. And The Blues, well, theyll act like they love Critical Thought, but they really want to build Consensus with the people who dont love Critical Thought. um, what? Reds value, above all things, Stability; while Blues value, above all things, Flexibility. In Red States, Good Ideas a

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