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新编英语教程第三版练习册1翻译句子 2Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、Education is supposed to make one rich, not wealthy.3.他因为遵从父亲的愿望才读了法学院.He went to law school out of respect for his fathers wishes.4.种子随风飘荡,也不知飞向何方。The seeds drift about at the mercy of wind. Nobody knows where they are going.5.他多才多艺,懂多门外语。Her knowledge of foreign language is among her many accompli

2、shments.6.一对新来的大熊猫将在香港海洋公园首次与游客见面.A pair of new-comer pandas will make their first public appearance in Hong Kongs Ocean Park.1.利用这种方法,衣服可以织成各种各样的形状。Various shapes can also be woven into a garment using this method.2.来自俄罗斯和德国的领导人在波兰纪念了第二次世界大战爆发70周年.Leaders from Russia and Germany marked the 70th ann

3、iversary of the start of World War II in Poland.3.立法在反对歧视方面应该扮演怎样的角色?What should be the role of legislation in efforts to combat discrimination?4.大概是恶劣的天气使,飞机误点了。Presumably the bad weather has delayed the plane.5.他发现他妻子和他不是同时有空。He found that his wifes free time does not coincide with his.6.她从阅读英文小说中

4、获得了极大的乐趣。She derives great pleasure from reading English novels.1.警察想知道那个刚才给它打电话的男人是不是他们正在搜寻的嫌疑犯。The police wanted to find out whether the man who telephoned her just now was the suspect they were seek after.2.上海的交通问题相当严重,世界上的其他大城市也都这样。Traffic in Shanghai is quite a serious problem. The same is true

5、 of other big cities in the world.3.今年我们有这么多的工作要做,不得不取消假期。 We have so much work to do this year that we will have to do without a holiday.4.他不给学生任何发言的机会。He denied his students a chance to speak.5.日语和汉语的语法在许多方面是不同的。Chinese grammar differs from Japanese grammar in many aspects.6.有些学生在设法消磨时间,而另一些学生却总是觉

6、得时间紧迫。Some students are trying to kill time whereas others feel pressed for time.1.杰克昨天非常忙,否则他一定会到火车站去接你。Jack was very busy yesterday, otherwise he would have gone to meet you at the station.2.要不是医生及时治疗,我会终身残疾。If it hadnt been for the doctors timely treatment, I would be disabled for life.3.这块土地专门用于

7、修建儿童游乐设施。This land is devoted to building recreation facilities for the children.4.这位负责的医生总是密切注意患者的病情变化。The responsible doctor is often on the watch for the change in the patients condition.5.所有12岁以下的小学生都可以参加这个竞赛。The competition is open to all pupils under the age of twelve.6.爱尔兰驻华大使说:爱尔兰和中国建立外交关系以来

8、,文化交流与合作一直都是两国关系的重要组成部分。Culture exchange and cooperation have been the heart of the Sino-Irish relationship since the establishment of diplomatic relation, said the Ambassador of Ireland to China.1.他们两个昨晚不在事故现场,因为我在酒吧里看到他们了。Neither of them was on the site of the accident last night,because I saw the

9、m in the bar.2.怀特先生有一个非常大的农场,农场里养着20匹马和15头奶牛。Mr. White has a very big farm in which he feeds 20 horses and 15 cows.3.谁能想得到所有这些傻事都是你做的呢?Who could have supposed that it was you who did all these silly things?4.回到家后,他得知女儿刚刚订婚了。He returned home to learn that his daughter had just become engaged.5.他们想要登到

10、山顶,但徒劳地尝试了几次之后,还是被迫退回了营地。After a number of vain attempts to climb to the top of the mountain they were forced to return to the camp.6.毫无疑问,在当时主动提出与敌军谈判是一个不可宽恕的错误。Undoubtedly, offering to negotiate with the enemy at that time was an inexcusable blunder.1.这一事故并不是在星期一下午三点发生的,而是在星期三下午四点。It wasnt at thre

11、e on Monday afternoon that this accident happened,but at four on Wednesday afternoon.2.我早就忘记我们上次见面争吵了些什么。I have long since forgotten what we quarreled about when we last met.3.我们打算在本星期五把这项工作完成,除非有意料之外的事情发生。We are going to finish the task this Friday unless something unexpected happens.4.如果我的讲话中有什么错误

12、,请随时打断并纠正我。If there is anything wrong in my talk, please dont hesitate to stop me and put me right.5.除了折磨和威胁,他们再没有其他的办法让这名青年说出真相。They had no other means of getting the truth out of the young man but by torturing and threatening.6.他们试图找出这些问题的答案的努力白费了。They failed in their attempt to find the answers t

13、o these questions.1.两个人在大兴安岭猎捕野生动物时碰巧被抓了。It so happened that two men were caught in the act of hunting wildlife in Daxinganling.2.你举止竟然如此粗鲁,真丢人!It was just shameful that you should have behaved so rudely.3.经验告诉我们,要使我们的商品适合每一个海外市场的特殊需求。Experience has taught us to tailor our merchandise to the special

14、 needs of each overseas market.4.当前需要更多的土地种粮食,只能抽出较少的土地用于放牧。Nowadays more land is needed to grow food and less can be spared to graze cattle.5.劳动者该得食,不劳动者该挨饿。Those who work deserved to eat, those who do not work deserve to starve.6.语言是文化的一部分,也是一个种族的重要象征与代表。Language is an integral part of culture and

15、 the symbol of a race.1.棋盘上的黑白方格相间排列。The black and white squares on a chessboard are arranged alternately.2.越来越多的人对环境继续遭受污染感到不安。More and more people are concerned about the continuing pollution of the environment.3.她过度劳累,正在伤害自己的健康。She is endangering her health by overwork.4.他为我省去了记下所有那些名字和地址的麻烦。He s

16、aved me the trouble of having to note down all those names and addresses.5.由于违反安全规范,那栋楼塌了。The building collapsed as a result of safety violation.6.他宁愿听别人的话,他不愿自己多说。He would rather listen to others than talk himself.1.如果这个伟大的作曲家现在还活着,他必将会创作出更多美妙的作品。If the great composer was still alive, he would sure

17、ly compose many more wonderful works2.如果你在这座城市里迷了路,最好向警察求助。If you lose your way in the city, youd better ask the police for help.3.他过于自信了。事实上,他还没有他所自认为的一半那样能干。He is overconfident. Actually he is not half as capable as he thinks of himself.4.作为外国人,他无法与当地人进行交流。Being a foreigner, he had no way of commu

18、nicating with local people.5.使用新的教学法后,教师们发现学生在课堂上更积极主动了。With the use of the new teaching method, teachers have found that students have become more motivated and active in class.6.他真够幸运,能够及时赶到车站,坐上了回家的末班车。He was lucky enough to get to the bus stop on time to catch the last bus home.1.要在这么短的时间内,募集到3亿

19、资金实在是非她能力所及的。It is really a task beyond her powers to raise 0.3 billion yuan within such a short time.2.随着地球越来越暖,越来越多的人开始意识到环保的重要性。As the world is becoming warmer and warmer, an increasing number of people have become aware of the importance of environment protection.3.每个人都在关注目前的这场金融危机,看其如何发展。Everyb

20、ody is concerned with the current financial crisis, wondering how it will work out.4.他已经下定决心戒烟了,但是每当看到朋友们在抽烟,他就很想抽烟。He has made up his mind to give up smoking, but whenever he sees his friends smoking, he feels an urge to smoke.5.他被公司派往美国负责公司驻美办事处的成立工作。He was assigned by the company to set up a repr

21、esentative office in America.6.这是一个很大的项目,牵涉到许多部门。It is a very large project involving many departments.1.他从上小学开始就梦想着以后能上一所有声望的大学。He has been dreaming of entering a prestigious university since he was in primary school.2.如果你不喜欢我所说的,你能否想出点什么呢?Could you please come up with something if you dont like wh

22、at i said ?3.地方政府未料到这个事件会引起全国范围的关注。The local government didnt expect that the incident would arouse nationwide interest.4.他很明显地意识到她的拒绝虽然礼貌,但非常坚决。He obviously realized that her turndown was polite but very firm.5.这家新公司正留意招募有才能,有热情,对市场营销感兴趣的年轻人。The new company is looking to recruit talented and is ent

23、husiastic young people who are interested in marketing.6.一个能使发生车祸的机会降到最低的有效措施就是教育人们遵守一切交通规则。An effective measure to minimize the dangers of driving is to teach people to obey all the traffic rules.1.为了奖励他的忠诚和努力,公司给他提供了一个出国学习的机会。In repayment for his loyalty and hard work, the company offered him an o

24、pportunity to study abroad.2.我要感谢我的父母,没有他们始终如一的支持,我是无论如何坚持不下去的。My gratitude goes to my parents, without whose unfailing support I could never have carried on.3.委员会处理完紧急事务后出会抽出时间来研究你的建议。The committee will get around to your proposal after they have dealt with urgent business.4.正是由于医务人员的全力以赴,他才很快从伤病中恢

25、复过来。It was thanks to the dedication of medical staff that he recovered from his injuries soon.5.在金融危机时期,消费者往往倾向于选择低价位的商品。In times of financial crisis, consumers tend to opt for low-priced goods.6.尽管深得选民拥戴,他还是被迫离开了市长的职位。He was forced to step down as mayor despite his popularity with the voters.1.该公司开

26、始专营无线电器材,现在已决定扩展到计算机了。The company began by specializing in radios but has now decided to branch out into computers.2.他越坚持自己是无辜的,人们似乎越怀疑他。The more he insisted on his innocence, the more people seem to suspect him.3.这个农夫情愿以半价出售这些蔬菜,也不愿意听任它们烂掉。The farmer sold the vegetables at half price rather than allow them to rot.4.那本小册子里的全部信息仅限于高级军官知道。All the information in that booklet is restricted to high-ranking military officers.5.一般来说,为了你的身体健康,医生会要求你戒烟戒酒。As a rule, f

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