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1、学科教学(英语) 所在学院:外国语学院重庆师范大学二0一四年十月A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Normal Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MasterThe Application and Reflection of Task-based Language Teaching Approach to Oral English Teaching in Middle SchoolCandidate: Supervisor: Major:Subject-ce

2、ntered in Instruction (English) College:college of Foreign Languages and LiteratureChongqing Normal UniversityOctober, 201摘 要 任务型教学法是于20世纪80年代兴起发展起来的一种教学方法,如今被广大语言学家和外语教师接受并使用起来。任务型教学法是交际教学法的延伸,遵循“从做中学”的原则,强调学生通过开展老师给予的任务的过程中来达到掌握目标语言知识技能的目的,让学生在真实的交际活动中,通过参与、合作、交流等方式来感知语言的意义,而非仅仅局限于形式。我国教育部在新的英语课程标

3、准中也明确指出任务型教学法在英语教学中的重要性。 目前我国英语教学往往以应试为主要目的,只注重语法、阅读、写作等与考试相关的内容,忽略了口语的教学,以致学生出现哑巴英语的问题。本文旨在讨论如何在初中英语口语课堂中应用任务型教学法,来提高学生的口语能力。本文主要采用的方法是文献研究法,结合中学英语口语教学的实际情况来分析,表明任务型教学法是一种以人为本,有效而先进的教学方法,在提高学生的英语口语能力上发挥着举足轻重的作用。在反思任务型教学法在初中英语口语教学中的应用的同时,需正确看待它的不足之处。关键词:任务型教学法,初中英语口语教学,应用,反思 The Application and Refl

4、ection of Task-based Language Teaching Approach To Oral English Teaching in Middle SchoolABSTRCTTask-based Language Teaching (TBLT), which was developed in the 1980s, is widely accepted and applied by the linguists and foreign language teachers around the world nowadays. TBLT, an extension of commun

5、icative language teaching approach, mainly focuses on the principle of “learning by doing”. During the process of fulfilling the specific tasks, learners can learn the knowledge and skills of target language and learn English in real situation through participation, communication, cooperation. It is

6、 also the approach that recommended to be applied in English teaching in New Curriculum Standard made by the Ministry of Education.At present, English teaching in China usually focuses on grammar, reading, writing and some other aspects that are closely related to examinations, while oral English te

7、aching is always ignored. What this thesis focuses on is the application of Task-based Language Teaching to oral English teaching in middle school. This thesis, using literature analysis and practice analysis method, shows that Task-based Language Teaching is an efficient and advanced one which exer

8、ts a fundamental influence on students oral English competence. However, reflection is necessary because of some drawbacks of Task-based Language Teaching in middle oral English teaching. Key Words: Task-based Language Teaching; Middle Oral English Teaching; Application;ReflectionChapter One Introdu

9、ctionOver the past 20 years, the English teaching in China has experienced a series of major reforms, and the traditional method of teaching grammar centered has been excluded. Therefore, the outline of the current starts concentrating on the cultivation of the students language communicative compet

10、ence.There are two schools of Communicative Approach: the Strong Version and the Weak Version. The Strong Version believes that the goal of teaching is communication. Grammar teaching should be excluded and grammar rules can be grasped naturally in the communicative activities. The Weak Version beli

11、eves that the goal of teaching is to learn language .Grammatical teaching is not rejected and grammar rules are thought to be able to facilitate the students in various kinds of communicative activities .The Weak Version got acceptance among Chinese language researchers and teachers.(李正全和郝慧珍,2009:78

12、). As a typical representative in the strong version, N.S.Prabhu presided over the communicative teaching in Bangalore, in the south of India and required students to communicate in the process of language learning. Besides, he emphasized taking various tasks as the center of the language teaching.

13、Task-Based Approach, also known as task-based language teaching, was proposed formally by him in 1983 . The new National Curriculum Syllabus for English Language Teaching, published in 2001, advocates the use of Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT).Willis(1999)claims that Task-Based language teaching

14、 refers to an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching(李正全和郝慧珍,2009:78).Task-Based Approach requires the interactive activities from both teachers and students.The teacher will only help all the students to organize their activities to go o

15、n smoothly and meaningfully . Through activities Students will gain knowledge and communicate with others in English naturally and mutually ,which is not only the teaching of language form, but also the training of students four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), their learning inter

16、est, motivation, willpower, confidence, learning strategy and intercultural communicative competence (戴莉新,2009: 36).The whole thesis consists of seven parts. First part is introduction, mainly introducing the origin and background information of TBLT. The second part is literature review referring t

17、o studies on TBLT of different countries. The third part is divided into three parts. Firstly, it mainly about the definition of task and task-based language teaching approach. Then it presents three theoretical backgrounds of TBLT. At last its the importance of TBLT. The fourth part stresses the ne

18、cessity of applying TBLT to oral English teaching in Middle School. And fifth part is to analyze the uses of TBLT to oral English teaching in middle school. The sixth part explores the reflection of TBLT in junior oral English teaching. The last part draws a natural conclusion of the former parts.TB

19、LT provides more opportunities for students to speak out in oral, which makes students language developed fully not only in spoken English, but also in listening, reading and writing. TBLT encourage students to speak English bravely and increase their confidence in learning English. Task-based instr

20、uction emphasizes on the balance between the accuracy of language forms and meaning expression, which is considered to be the complexity, the accuracy and the fluency of the language. To some extent, its a kind of an ideal teaching model. Chapter Two Literature ReviewIn this part, the author has put

21、 some theories to support this paper. They are Oral Approach, Communicative Approach, and Task-based language learning.2.1 Uptake of ELT Curriculum Innovation Curriculum innovation in education is characterized by an extensive literature that examines this phenomenon from multiple perspectives (see,

22、 for example, Fullan, 2001; Markee, 1997). The traditional conceptualization of curriculum sees it as a blueprint setting out all of planned learning experiences for a specific group of learners (the intended curriculum). More recently, it has been acknowledged that an adequate understanding of curr

23、iculum must include not just what is intended, but also the implemented curriculum: what actually happens at the level of classroom action (Wedell, 2009). Here we are particularly interested in the relationship between the intended 2003 English language curriculum and its implementation, with specif

24、ic attention to teachers use of tasks. One approach to research on curriculum implementation described by Snyder. Bolin and Zumwalt (1992) is the fidelity perspective, which studies the extent to a curriculum which is implemented as planned. Our study reflects such a perspective, although our intere

25、sts extend beyond describing whether what the teachers do reflects the planned curriculum; we are also interested in factors that shape teachers actions, such as teachers beliefs and the classroom context.Evidence of the challenges that English language teachers face when they are required to move f

26、rom traditional to communicative curricula emerges from a number of studies (e.g. Orafi & Borg, 2009), though specific attention to the use of tasks has been limited (one exception is Wyatt & Borg, 2011). In a recent study in China, Yan (2012) identified an implementation gap despite the fact that t

27、eachers of English were positively disposed towards the new curricular principles; however, teachers felt that their ability to implement those principles was hindered by several adverse conditions, including student resistance, the lack of support from school administrators and the backwash effect

28、of the examinations (see also Yan & He, 2012; Zheng & Davison, 2008).The author takes some specific rules about the as follows:1.This curriculum represented a marked shift in the pedagogy that teachers of English were expected to adopt. Learning was presented as a process of enquiry rather than bein

29、g based on knowledge transmission and memorization. More specifically, the traditional emphasis on grammar and vocabulary learning was replaced by a focus on the development of communication skills( Wang&Lam, 2010).2. Another key element in the new curriculum, and that which we focus on here, is tha

30、t it recommends that task-based teaching methods be used to develop students communicative competence. Teachers are also provided with guidelines to consider in developing appropriate tasks ( Ministry of education, 2003)3. Curriculum innovation in education is characterized by an extensive literatur

31、e that examines this phenomenon from multiple perspectives. The traditional conceptualization of curriculum sees it as a blueprint setting out all of planned learning experiences for a specific group of learners ( the intended curriculum). More recently, it has been acknowledged that an adequate und

32、erstanding of curriculum must include not just what is intended, but also the implemented curriculum: what actually happens at the level of classroom action (Wedell, 2009).2.2 Communicative ApproachThe Communicative Approach(CA): also called Communicative Language Teaching(CLT), refers to an approach to the teaching of foreign or second language through communicative activities. Language teaching is targeted at the development

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