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1、On the Characteristics of Uncle Tom 汤姆叔叔的性格分析A Study of the Themes in a Farewell to Arms 永别了,武器的主题思想研究The Tragic Fate of “a Pure Woman ” in the Conflict of the Individual and the Society “一个纯洁女人”在人与社会发展冲突中的悲剧命运On the Language Style of a Midsummer-Nights Dream 论仲夏夜之梦的语言风格The Social Significance of Sw

2、ifts Gullivers Travels 格列佛游记的社会意义The Psychological Analysis in Macbeth 论莎士比亚麦克白的心理刻画Inflexible Ada in Cold Mountain 冷山中执著的艾达On the Romanticism and Realism of Alice in Wonderland 论爱丽丝梦游仙境的童话性与现实性On the Tragicomedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair 论名利场中利蓓加的悲喜一生On the Humour of Oliver Twist 论雾都孤儿的幽默艺术Tom Jone

3、s, a Dissipated but Kindhearted Man 放荡而又善良的汤姆琼斯The Free Will and Rebellious Spirit in Paradise Lost 失乐园中的自由意志和反叛精神On the Development of Shylock s Chara(论夏洛克的性格发展Morality and Criticism in Tom Jones 评汤姆 琼斯中的道德观与批评观On Imogen, the New Feminine Image in Cymbeline 论辛白林中伊慕琴的新女性形象Burns View on Love and Frie

4、ndship论彭斯的爱情友谊观The Reflection of Art and Life in Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode on a Nightingale 希腊古瓮颂夜莺颂中艺术与生活的对照The Womanism in The Color Purple 紫色中的妇女主义On the Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Non-language Communication 谈中国人和英美人非语言交际的差异On the Contribution of the American Blacks during A

5、merican Civil War 美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献On American Black English 浅谈美国黑人英语On the Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American 浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries 中西方国家的餐桌礼仪与文化的对比分析On the Ideological C ontent in Baco n 论培根散文的思想

6、性Womens Movement in 1960s in American 美国六十年代的妇女运动Analysis the negative effects of violent television and movie on children 浅析影视暴力对青少年儿童的负面影响The Influence of Chinese Cultural Circumstances on English Learning 汉语环境对英语学习的影响A Comprehension of Male Centrad Literature through A Doll s House从玩偶之家解读男性中心的文学A

7、 Sad Melody Mocking the Love of God Anlaysis of the Figures in “Mccullough一曲嘲弄上帝爱情的悲歌 -论荆棘鸟中人物分析Love Reflected by Individual Character-view of marriage in Pride and Prejudice 由个性反映出爱 -傲慢与偏见中的婚姻观On the Initiative of English Learners 论英语学习者的主动性On Techni ques in Mark Twa in s Satiric论马克吐温讽刺小说中的技巧Analys

8、is of the Character of Nancy in Oliver Twist 论狄更斯雾都孤儿中南希的人物性格Strategies for Promoting Interactive English Teaching 论英语教学如何走进交际互动课堂The Puritanism in New England of the 17th Century Reflected by Scarlet Letter 从红字看十 七世纪新英格兰清教主义风尚Translation of the Guide Words in Tourism English 论导游词在旅游英语中的翻译Skills and

9、 the Translation of Puns in English Advertisement 英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译On the Fairy-tale Language Characteristics and Religion in Journey to the West 论西游记中的童话语言特色及其宗教色彩Campus Catch-words and the Difference of Thinking Modes between Chinese and Foreign Students从校园流行语看中外学生思维方式的差异Body Language in English Te

10、aching 体态语在英语教学中的运用Forest Gump s Language Characteristics in Forest Gun阿可甘正传中阿甘的语言特色The Symbolic Meanings in Scarlet Letter 红字中的若干象征意义On English Retelling 浅谈英语复述On interesting English teaching 浅谈英语兴趣教学Look through Hawthornes people in the Scarlet Letter 看透红字中霍桑所写人物Translation Technique on the Comple

11、te Sherlock novels 谈福尔摩斯探案集的翻译技巧Comments on the words used in teaching 浅谈教学用语On the Excessive Transition in the English Learning of Chinese Students 论中国学生英语学习中的过度迁移On the difference in the Cultural fondness of Sino-America 浅析中美文化的喜好差异On Ambitiousness in Communication in English 论英语交际中的语用歧义 A Compari

12、son on the Cultural differences in appellation between Chinese and English 汉英称谓 系统的文化对比A comparative study of word order in English and Chinese coordinate constructions and their translations 英汉并列结构的语序对比与翻译On application of Activities-based approach in English teaching 浅谈活动教学法在英语教学中 的应用On Childrens

13、Education between China and America 对中美孩童教育的思考On the Relationship between English Study and Gender Differences 浅谈英语学习与性别差异On the Phenomena of Negative Transference in Translation 翻译中的负迁移现象浅析On the design of multiple-choice lutes in reading comprehension 论阅读理解中多项选择题的设 计On the Culture Penetration in E

14、nglish Teaching in Senior Middle School 谈高中英语教学中的文 化渗透Briefly on the Culture Penetration in the Net Game 浅谈网络游戏中的文化渗透Relationship between Teaching and Learning during the English Enlighten Education 启蒙英语教 育中的教与学English Teaching Orientation in the Background of the New Curriculum 新课程背景下英语教学 的转向On the

15、 Rationality of Selecting English Textbooks 英语教材选用的合理性研究The Advantage and Disadvantage of Bilingual Teaching 双语教学的利与弊The Goal of English Teaching in Senior Middle School 高中英语教学目标初探New Trends of Writing Teaching in English 写作教学的新趋势How to Define and Translate the Meaning of Polysemant in English-Chine

16、se translation 英汉互译中多义词的确定及翻译On How to construct Interpersonal Environment in Class 论课堂人际环境的构建On TPR in the Primary English Classroom 小学英语课堂反应法探索社会背景对斯圭丽婚姻的影响The Impact of Social Background on Scar letThe Sun Also Rises and Its Social Context 太阳照样升起和其社会背景Pause Phe nome non in EFL Learners英语初学习者的停顿现象

17、Meaning and Paraphrase: A Strategic Model 含义和释义:一种战略模式The Prominence of Discourse 话语的突显On Mans Tragic En-d-Viewed from The Old Man and the Sea 从老人与海看人的悲剧Some Fresh Thoughts on English Teaching in Classroom 英语课堂教学的新思考On Conrad s Narrative Techniq-u-eFrom “Nostromo ”从“Nostromo看康拉德的叙事技巧A contrastive st

18、udy of Directional verbs in Chinese and English 中英趋向动词的比较研究Sema ntics In flue nee on Structi语义对结构的影响The Impact on Structures Change by Cognition 认知对结构变化的影响Social Psychological Factors and Their Influence on Ell 社会心理因素和他们对语言学习的影响Learner-Centered College English Teaching 以学习者“为中心”的大学英语教学Contextual Res

19、triction in Translation 语境对翻译的限制Contrastive Analysis of English-Chinese Tourism Texts 英汉旅游篇章对比分析Amplification and Omission in Translation 翻译中的信息增减Three Techniques in English-Chinese Alternating Translation 中英互译中的三个技巧An alysis of Tess TraSe丝悲剧的分析Translation and Business-oriented Terms 经贸术语及其翻译Applica

20、tion of Games in Middle School English Teaching 游戏在中学英语教学中的运用Transformational Technique of Parts of Speech in Translation 翻译中词性转换的技巧 Non-verbal Behaviors for Activating Students in English Classes 英语课堂中激活学生的非语言 行为Application of Absolute Construction in Interpretation 独立主格在口译中的运用Effect on Translation

21、 from Different English-Chinese Modes of Thinking 中英思维方式的差异 对翻译的影响On Ways of Breaking Cultural Barriers in Translation of Human Names 如何克服人名翻译中的 文化障碍On Translation of Chinese Dishes 论中国菜名的英译On Translation Skills of Traditional Chinese Medical Terms 论中医用语的翻译技巧On Influence of Cultural Differences on U

22、nderstanding English and Chinese Advertisements 论文化差异对解读英汉广告的影响On Aesthetic Association and Translation of Names of Commodities 论审美联想与商品名的翻 译On Changes of Business Etiquettes in Cross-Cultural Communication 论跨文化交际中商务礼仪 的变迁On Tragic Fate of the Heroin in Life 论一生中女主人公的悲剧命运On Language Communication Sk

23、ills in Business Negotiation 论商务谈判中语言沟通技巧On Comprehending and Usage of Euphemism in Business Negotiation 论商务谈判中委婉语的理 解和运用On Influence of American Culture on Import and Export Commodities 论美国文化对进出口商品 翻译的影响On Application of Nonverbal Means in Communication 论非语言形式在交际中的运用Cultural Gap and Mistranslation

24、英汉文化差异与误译On The Nature and functions of Metaphor 论隐喻的本质与功能On the Status and Role of the Translator in Literary Translation 论文学翻译中译者的地位与作 用On the Origin, Word-Formation and Translation of English Neologisms 浅谈英语新词的产生、 构 成及翻译On Discourse as the Unit of Translation 浅谈以语篇为翻译单位A Study on Punctuation and

25、Omission in Simultaneous Interpretation 论同声传译中的断句与省 略The Comparison and Translation of “ Nine ” in Chinese and Wes英汉数字ure九 的文化对比与翻译The length and width of the English study in the translation part of the TEM8 从英语专业八级卷翻译部分看英语学习的广度和深度A Brief Study on the Translation of English News Titles 英语新闻标题翻译初探Kn

26、owledge Base in Professional Interpreting 论专业口译的基础知识On Translation Techniques of Loanwords 浅谈外来语的翻译A Study of Application and Translation of Idiomatic Usages of English Preposition 浅谈英语介词惯用法的运用与翻译Strategies and Impact on Education from China s Entry into WTOWTO 对中国教育的影响及对策The Cultural Influence on E

27、nglish Expressions and Word Choices 文化对英语表达和词汇的影 响Application of Inverted Sentences in English 浅谈英语中的倒装Decomposition and Translation of Ambiguous Structures 歧义结构的化解与翻译The Orientation of Nonfiction in Contemporary English Literature 英语记实文学在当代文学中 的定位On Presenting New Teaching Materials of Junior Engli

28、sh 论中学英语教学材料的呈现Function of Discourse in Translation 语篇功能在翻译中的表现Function of Translation in English Teaching 翻译在英语教学中的地位The Regional Differences between Chinese and Western Culture 中西文化差异之地域文化差异 Non-equivalence between Chinese and English Idioms and Intercultural differences 英汉习语的不等值现象于跨文化差异Usage and

29、Translation of Numerals in English Expressions 英语中数量词组中的用法和翻译技 巧A Contrastive Study of the Formation of English and Chinese Antonyms 论英汉反义词的形成 Various Factors Reducing the Efficiency of English Learning 论影响英语学习成效的各种因素 Chicago as a Mirror of American Social Problems 电影芝加哥所透析出的美国社会问题 A Contrastive Study of Animal Cultural Implication between Chinese and English 英汉语动物文 化含义比较On the Development of English New Words 英语新词的发展On the Usage of English Abbreviations on the Internet 谈网络英语中的缩略语My View on Rhett in Gone with Wind 白瑞德 理想化的男人,斯嘉丽真正的灵魂 我读 飘中的白瑞德The Cultural Difference b

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