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1、 _II回忆并写出我们学过的相关职业的英文表达方式:_你知道更多的职业的英文表达方式吗?查资料写下来与同伴分享吧(可参考41页的1a)探究案Before listening 1. 1a各组同学说出职业名称并写在黑板上。 读出这些职业名称,小组成员互相正音。2.在这些职业中, 选出你长大后想从事的职业并简单谈论一下。 I want to be . How are you going to do that? Im going toWhile listening1. 1b Listen twice and fill in the blanks. Then match the items.2. 2a

2、Listen twice. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check the correct boxes in the picture.3. 2b Listen twice again. What are Cheng Hans plans for the future? Complete the chart.观察与思考:1. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a computer programmer.在以上两句话中,want 后跟动词的哪种形式做宾语?_ 即:_(想要做某事)2. How

3、 are you going to do that? - Im going to study computer science.仔细观察上面两句话,他们都含有那种结构?这种结构表达什么含义。 “be going to+_”表示_(过去/现在/将要)发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。翻译下面句子:1)当你长大后你打算成为什么?_ 2)我打算成为一名演员。 _3. 模仿秀: 听录音并跟读,注意语音语调。然后朗读记忆。After listening 1. Practice the conversation in the picture. Then make conversations about

4、 other jobs in 1a. -What do you want to be -I want to be -How are you going to do that? Im going to2. Pairwork Talk about your future intentions. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be Im going to Where are you going to work? When are you going to start?训练案I.单项选择。1.-Whats your brother

5、 going to_when he_up? -A soldier.A. do; grow B have ; grows C. be ; grows D . play ; grow2. Her father is an _in a big factory.A. star B. engineer C. worker D. player3. - are you going to be a pianist in the future ?-Im going to practice playing the piano every day.A. What B .When C. How D. Why4. Th

6、ere an art exhibition this Sunday.A. have B. is going to have C. is going to be D. is going to hold5 He is going to to New York with his parents. A. take B. move C. bring D. stayII. 句型转换1. He is going to take guitar lessons every day(改为一般疑问句) he going to guitar lessons every day ?2. Mom is going to

7、do some shopping this afternoon(对划线部分提问) is Mom going to this afternoon?3. I want to be a pilot when I grow up.(改为同义句)I a pilot when I grow up4. They going to move a new city called Donghai.(改为否定句)They to move a new city called Donghai.5 .My sister is going to be an actress when she grows up . (对划线部

8、分提问)- is your sister going to when she grows up?课后反思:1. 描述未来的打算,能够用什么结构?_其后跟动词的什么形式?_2. 本节课你又学到了那些职业名称?_3. 你能用英语询问你朋友未来的打算吗?请写出来吧!_家庭作业:1. 听本课时的听力录音,跟读并背诵,注意模仿语音语调,培养语感。2. 把课堂上采访同伴未来打算的对话写下来。3. 依据下个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。 Period 2 Unit6 Section A (2d-3c) be sure about, make sure, college, education, univers

9、ity, article, send2、掌握并能准确使用本课时的重点短语和结构:want to do sth, be going to do sth, be good at, keep on doing sth, make sure, try ones best to do sth.I know why youre so good at writing stories.How are you going to become a writer.Im going to keep on writing stories.Just make sure you try your best.能读懂用be g

10、oing to结构谈论理想职业以及为实现理想所做出计划的文章,并能用这种结构谈论自己的理想职业。1. 视野拓展美国人心目中最好的十大工作如下:一、系统工程师(Systems Engineer); 二、医师助理(Physician Assistant);三、大学教授 (College Professor); 四、护士从业人员(Nurse Practitioner);五、 信息技术项目经理(Information Technology Project Manager);六、有执照的的会计师Certified Public Accountant); 七、理疗师(Physical Therapist)

11、;八、计算机,网络安全顾问Computer/Network Security Consultant);九、情报分析专家(Intelligence Analyst); 十、销售主管(Sales Director)。II.你对自己的未来有一个初步打算吗?想一想,填写下表,准备上课时交流。WhatIm going to beWhereHowBefore reading1两人一组交流课前准备II.While reading1. Read the conversation and answer: What does Ken want to be? How is he going to do that?

12、What does Andys parents want her to be?1) 对话中be good at的意思是_, =_2) keep on 后跟_(动词原形/动词ing形式/动词不定式),意思是_3) Just make sure you try your best.make sure意思是_; try ones best (to do sth)意思是_2. 模仿秀:跟读,模仿语音,语调。然后大声朗读、并背诵对话3. 两人一组表演对话。After reading1. 3a Match what these people want to do with what they are go

13、ing to do.2. 3b Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conversation aloud in pairs.3. 3c Complete the chart and discuss it with your partner.4.writing and speaking: 你知道什么职业最适合你吗?请先填好下表,然后听一听同学的建议吧!Personal InformationName :_-_Hobby_Be good at:_Appearance :_Personality:_My ideal job:_Suitable jobs:You

14、r friendssuggestions:_Your resolutions:_听了同学的建议后,你的职业目标应该更明确了吧。那就说一说自己未来的打算吧!1. 单项选择 1.What do they want to do to_so much money? -They want to travel around the world.A. give B. save C. cost D. cut2.-Where are you going for vacation ? - _. I dont like cold weather.A. Somewhere warm B.Something warm

15、C. Somewhere cold D.Something cold3.-What are you going to do this evening ?-Im not sure _. Maybe watch TV or go to the movies.A. Just B. ever C. yet D. neverII. 完成句子。1. 你长大后想成为什么? What do you _ _ be when you _ _?2. 李明善于写故事。 Li Ming is _ _ _ _ stories.3. 我打算坚持写作。 Im going to _ _ writing stories.4. 我

16、父母想让我成为一名演员。My parents _ me _ be an actor.5. 我打算尽我的最大努力协助他。Im going to _ _ _ _ help him.课堂反思:1. 在谈到未来打算时,我们能够说到哪些方面的内容呢?2.通过本课的学习,你还有哪些疑问? 1. 写出你的未来打算。 2. 依据下个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。Period 3 Unit6 Section B (1a-1e)一、学习目标1、熟练掌握以下词汇: resolution, team, foreign2、进一步熟练掌握be going to结构的用法。二、学习重点-What are you going

17、 to do next year? Well, Im going to take guitar lessons.能听懂用be going to结构谈论未来打算的对话,并能用该结构谈论未来的打算。I. 预习44页的1a,根据图片和文字信息,New Years resolutions的汉语意思是 。把图片和相对应的New Years resolutions搭配好,大声朗读这些短语,同伴互相正音。II你是个有目标的人吗?有目标才会有动力,请为自己设计近期和远期的奋斗目标吧! Next week, Next term, Next year, Before listening1. 小组交流、检测课前准备

18、I。2. 根据课前准备II,两人一组谈论下周、下学期或明年的打算。What are you going to do next week/term/year?B:Im going toSounds interesting/exciting1. 听两遍录音,在1a中圈出你听到的新年打算,完成1a。2. 1b Listen again. Write what they are going to do.听录音并跟读,注意语音语调。然后大声朗读5分钟。After listening1. 角色扮演,三人一组,分别扮演Lucy, Kim和Mike,练习对话。2. 假设Lucy, Kim和Mike下周要作为交

19、换生(exchange students)到你们学校来。小组讨论:你们要做些什么来欢迎新同学,让他们尽快适合新环境呢?What are you going to do with the new students?At schoolAfter schoolWe are going to have a welcome party.完成任务所需要的语言结构: -What are you going to do with the new student? -Were going to -Sounds interesting./Good idea Report like this: In our gro

20、up, we are going to_I. 单词拼写1. It s important for a student to learn a f language well.2. All the students should make their New Years r at the beginning of the year.3. Everyone should s water.4. What i do you play in the band?5. Toms family isnt r . But he believes he can make much money by himself

21、in the future.II. 句型转换。1. He is going to move to New York. (对划线部分提问) is he going to ?2. He often gets to school early in the morning(用tomorrow改写句子)He to school early tomorrow. 3. The students are going to the party tonight.(改为否定句)The students to the party tonight.4. I agree with what you said.(改为一般疑

22、问句) you with what I said?5. Im going to make the soccer team.(对划线部分提问) are you ?III. 根据上下文及首字母提示填写单词,补全对话。 Everyone has a dream (1) j . What about yours, Judy? I want to be a (2) t guide. Then I can travel all over the (3) w . (4) S interesting. How are you (5) g to do that? Im going to study Englis

23、h (6) w . Great. However, you also need to (7) l how to talk with people. Youre right. Whats your dream job, Tom? Im going to (8) b a businessman (商人). (9) W do you want to do that? Because I want to be (10) r and successful.1. “做新年的打算”用英语能够表示成 2. 想一想,你决心下学期做哪些事情呢?3. 通过本课学习,你还有哪些疑问?1. 分别写出Lucy, Kim和

24、Mike的新年打算。2. 列举出你们组要为Lucy, Kim和Mike做的事情。Period 4 Unit6 Section B (2a-2e)1. 口、笔头掌握以下句型:Most of the time, we make promises to other people.Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement.Some people say theyre going to take up a hobby likeMost resolutions have one thing in common.For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions!2. 熟

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