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8、为各种各样的节日。比如春节(即古代的立春节)、腊八、端午等。腊八,即十二月腊日,原为冬至后的第三个戍日,后固定为初八日,先秦时为重要的农事祭日,或谓“祭猎(腊)神”,或谓庆贺一年的丰收,其规模相当于现在的春节。后来,腊祭改为只供五祀,即门、户、宅、灶、井五神,同时祭祖。再后来,与佛教的“释迦牟尼得道日”相融合,便演变成为一个综合性的节日。Section 5 The Festival Culture The Origin of FestivalsChinese festivals originated from the ancient Chinese calendric system. To u

9、nderstand the origin of Chinese festivals, one must first know something about the ancient Chinese calendric system.The traditional Chinese calendric system is a combination of the solar system and the lunar system, which is known as nongli, the agricultural calendar. The basic principle of nongliis

10、, a month is a period as long as a complete moon change cycle, and a year is a period approximately as long as a solar year. Whenever necessary, a leap month is added. According to this system, 24 jieqi(24 seasonal periods indicating the obvious changes of weather when they come around) are designed

11、 to guide agricultural activities, so the system is commonly known as the agricultural calendar, and it is also known as zhongcalendar, summer calendar and lunar calendar.Generally speaking, the ancient Chinese calendar devides a year into four seasons, 24 jieqi, 72 hou, 360 days. To be more specifi

12、c, a day consists of 12 double hours (shichen); five days make up a hou, so there are 72 houin a year; three houmake up a jieqi, so a year has 24 jieqi; two jieqimake up a month, so a year has 12 months; three months make up a season, and four seasons make up a year. The four seasons, the eight jieq

13、i, the Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches are all important factors in the forming of Chinese festivals.The four seasons refer to spring, summer, autumn and winter. According to the lunar calendar, the first three months make up spring, the next three summer, the following three autumn, and the

14、 last three winter. Each season is subdivided into three equally long periods, namely early (meng), middle (zhong) and late (ji). For instance, early spring refers to the first month, middle spring the second month, and late spring the third month.The first eight jieqirefer to the earliest designate

15、d and the most important eight seasonal periods. Since ancient times, China has always attached great importance to seasonal timing, which is closefly related to agricultural activities. As early as in the Zhou Dynasty, the first eight jieqiwere defined, namely, the Beginning of Spring, the Spring E

16、quinox, the Beginning of Summer, the Summer Solstice, the Beginning of Autumn, the Autumn Equinox, the Beginning of Winter and the Winter Solstice. During the Qin Dynasty, all 24 jieqiwere defined.Whenever two jieqimeet, a festival comes. Along with the designation of 24 jieqi, many festivals came i

17、nto being. Up till now, there are still some festivals closely related to jieqi, for example, people now still celebrate the Beginning of Summer, the Summer Solstice, the Beginning of Winter and the Winter Solstice. Today some jieqi-related festivals have evolved into traditional festivals.The Chine

18、se ideograph nian(year) shows a person carrying ripe crop. The cycle of planting, growing and harvesting approximately equals the length of a year, i.e. the time during which the earth goes round the sun. The original meaning of the Chinese character yue(month) was “the moon”, in the Chinese calendr

19、ic system, it refers to the moon movement cycle. The traditional Chinese calendar divides the whole year into 12 months, among which 6 months consist of 30 days and another six consist of 29 days. Thus, a “Chinese year” is 364 days, which is 1.14219 days shorter than a solar year. To make up for the

20、 gap, ancient Chinese set up “the leap month”. In the end, they decided that in every 19 years, there should be 7 leap months. The first day and the fifteenth day of some months have become important festivals.After the 1911 Revolution, the first day of the lunar month was defined as the Spring Fest

21、ival, while the first day of the solar month was defined as the New Year. Today most Chinese people attach greater importance to the Spring Festival, they regard it as the “big new year”, and they call the first day of the solar month “the foreign calendar New Year”. The Mid-Autumn Festival, which f

22、alls on the 15th of the eighth lunar month, was very popular during the Tang and the Song dynasties. Today it has become the second largest traditional Chinese festival for people of the Han nationality.In the traditional Chinese calendric system, the designation of years by Heavenly Stems and Earth

23、ly Branches demonstrates the unique cultural characteristics. There are altogether ten Heavenly Stems, namely, jia, yi, bing, ding, wu, ji, geng, xin, ren, gui, and twelve Earthly Branches, namely, zi, chou, yin, mou, chen, si, wu, wei, shen, you, xu, hai. The ten Heavenly Stems and the twelve Earth

24、ly Branches are combined and their least common multiple, which is 60, is regarded as a cycle, commonly called “the sixty jiazi”. Some Chinese festivals have evolved from this designation, for instance, February 2nd, March 3rd, May 5th, June 6th, July 7th and September 9th, are all Chinese festivals

25、. Among them, some have become traditional festivals, e. g. , May 5th has become the Dragon Boat Festival, and there is a story concerning the great Chinese patriotic poet Qu Yuan attached to it.Another factor related to the forming of traditional Chinese festivals is peoples spiritual demand. Study

26、ing more carefully, we can find that the forming of festivals actually have something to do with ancient peoples beliefs. Behind the traditional Chinese festivals, we can see peoples psychological and practical demand. On most occassions, people held memorial ceremonies, offering sacrifices to heave

27、n and their ancestors. The purposes are none other than asking for bessings and praying for protection against disasters.春节中国人通常所说的过大年,实际上就是指春节,也就是每年农历的正月初一。春节是我国最盛大的一个传统节日,也是在漫长的历史过程当中逐渐融合、衍变而成的一个综合性节日。从节日的时间上来说,现在的春节实际上就是古代农历的元旦,是古代的新年。元旦一词起自三皇五帝之一的颛顼,当时规定以正月为元,初一为旦。“元”是一岁之始,“旦”则是早晨的意思。“元旦”亦即一年开始的

28、第一天。但古代过元旦的日期并不统一,夏代为正月初一,商代为十二月初一,周代为十一月初一,秦代为十月初一,汉武帝复为正月初一,此后延续2 000多年至今。南宋吴自牧在梦粱录中就说:“正月朔日谓之元旦,俗呼新年。”辛亥革命以后,中国采用世界通用的历法公元历,将元月1日定为元旦,而将农历正月初一定为春节。1949年9月27日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议通过使用公元纪年法,正式将公历元月1日定为元旦,将农历正月初一改为春节。但中国老百姓仍然重视农历的正月初一,也就是春节,将农历的正月初一称为“过大年”或径称为“过年”,而将公历的元月1日称为“阳历年”(或写作“洋历年”)。从节日的名称上来看,春




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