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1、Eg: Otherwise we are too weak to open the door.否则我们力气太小打不开门。相关链接1. 相似句型 “be not +形容词+ enough + (for sb) + to do sth”意为“不够去做某事,不够不能做某事”,可与be too +形容词+ (for sb) + to do sth转换,要注意它们各句中的形容词意思是相反的 The door is too small for the elephant to get through.= The door is not big enough for the elephant to get t

2、hrough.这扇门太小,以致大象通不过。2.相似句型 :so + 形容词副词 + that从句。此句型也可以和上面两个句型转换The boy is so short that he cant reach the bookshelf.The boy is too short to reach the bookshelf.The boy is not tall enough to reach the bookshelf.那个小男孩太矮了,够不着那个书架。巩固练习 把下列句子改为同义句l. The room is too small for us to live in.The room is _

3、_ _ _ for us to live in2. The girl is so shy that she cant speak in public.The girl is _ _ _ _ in public. The girl is in public _ _ _ _ _. 3. Im not fast enough to catch up with themIm _ _ _ _ up with them.Im _ _ _ I cant catch up with them. 2. The book was still very popular in the1930s这本书在二十世纪三十年代

4、仍很受欢迎。解读:in the 1930s意思是“在二十世纪三十年代”,英语中表示“年代”用 “in +the +数词复数”,例如:“十八世纪三十年代”; the 1730s,也可以写成in the 1730s, 读作:in the seventeen thirties 3. On 30 0ctober, 1938, a man named Orson Wells put out a radio programme from the book.在1938年10月30日, 一个叫做Orson Wells的人把这本书改编演成广播剧。 1)表示具体日期时,在“日”前用介词“on”,如文中的on 30

5、 0ctober,19382)英语中先写日期,再写月份,最后写年份,也可先写月份,再写日期,最后写年份。如:on 30 October, 1938 = on October 30, 19383).在表示年、月、日时,“年”用基数词,“日”用序数词。例如:1938年10月30日可以写作October 30(th),1938, 读作 October the thirtieth, nineteen thirty-eight 4. Giant things like snakes will come out of spaceships and kill people and peoples guns

6、cannot hurt any of them. 像蛇那样巨大的怪物将从宇宙飞船中出来杀人,而且人类的枪不能伤害到他们任何一个。 1. like在这里不是动词“喜欢”,而是介词“像一样;类似的”,常与be动词或感观动词连用,如sound like,look like等。Bananas look like little boats香蕉看起来小船2. come out of“从中出来”,注意这里的介词要用of,不能用from,类似的短语还有:took out of, go out of, jump out of等 巩固练习 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 毛主席出生于19世纪90年代。Chairman

7、 Mao was born _ _ _.2. 一条大狗从宇宙飞船里跑出来,向我的狗Pluto 问好。A giant dog _ _ _ the spaceship and said “hello” to my dog Pluto.3,像鳄鱼这样的动物喜欢在荫凉的地方生活。Animals _ _ like living in the cool place.4我的生日是10月31日,在我姐姐的生日前一天。My birthday is _ _ _, the day before my sisters. 5. 方位介词 介词是用于名词,代词或相当于名词的结构之前,表示词语之间意义关系的词,介词又称前置

8、词,它是一种虚词,不能在句中单独承担成分。常用的方位介词有h1,on,beside, under, above; next to,in front of,between等,它们的用法详见下表:介 词汉 译例 子in在里面(在范围之内)There are some apples in the basket.篮子里有一些苹果。on 在上面(两个物体的表面相接触)The cup is on the table.杯子在桌上。beside在旁边 The house is beside the river.房子在小河旁边。under在下面(一个物体在另一个物体的正下方,表面不接触)He ball is u

9、nder the chair.灯在桌子上。above在下面(一个物体的位置高于另一个物体,不一定是正上方,表面不接触)The lamp is above the to在旁边(一个物体紧挨着另一个物体,比beside的位置更近)He shoes are next to the box.鞋在盒子旁边。in front of在前面(一个物体在另一个物体的外面,它的前方,相当于before)He is standing in front of the car.正站在汽车前。between在(两者)之间The girl sits between father and mother.女

10、孩坐在爸爸和妈妈中间。巩固练习看图片,用适当的介词填空(不能重复使用同一个介词)。1. There are two beds _ the room.2. The picture is _ the wall _desk.3. The desks are _ the two beds. 4. The shoes are _ the bed5. The bed is _ the desks. 6. The chairs are _ the desks.7. The clock is _ the books. (二)1.sound like 听起来像 2. come out of从出来 3. tell

11、 the truth 告诉实情4. get angry 生气 5in fact 事实上 6play jokes on.开(某人的)玩笑7providewith给(某人)提供(某物) 8. get to 达到地步(或程度);到达(某地)9live 过着.的生活巩固练习 根据中文意思完成下列英文句子。1在万圣节,人们总是开别人的玩笑。On Halloween, people always_ _ _ other people.2她没有把真想告诉她父母:She didnt _ _ _ _ _.3这个消息听起来像是假的。The news _ _ its fake.4那个电影明星从飞机里走出

12、来,脸带微笑。The film star _ _ _ the plane, with a big smile on her face5事实上,知道真相后她生气了。_ _ , she _ _ when she knew the truth.6父母给我们提供一切,使我们过上幸福的生活。Our parents _ us _ everything, so we can _ _ _ _.7当他到达火车站时已经太迟了。When he _ _ the train station, it was too late.语法知识梳理 1. 求救信号1句子:There was enough room in it fo

13、r David and they provided him with manytoys. There was enough room in it for lots of toys and books.请问老师,句中的room是“房间”的意思吗?为什么不加s?快速解救room在这里不是“房间”而是“空间”的意思,是个不可数名词,没有复数形式。这两个句子的意思分别是:这里面有足够的空间给David,而且他们给他提供很多玩具;这里面有足够的空间放很多玩具和书。求救信号2在课文有这样一句:The plastic bubble made it a safe place for David to live

14、,since the air inside was cleaner and the water was purer than outside.这个句子很长该怎样理解呢?快速解救2虽然这个句子很长,但结构是很容易梳理的。这是一个由since引导的原因因状语从句,srnce是“因为;由于”的意思,整个句子从since分开两部分,前部分“The plastic bubble made it a safeplace for David to live”是结果:那个塑料泡使之成为一个让David居住的安全地方。为什么这个地方是安全的呢?后半句“the air inside wascleaner and

15、the water was purer than outside”就是原因:因为里面的空气比外而的更干净,水比外面的更纯净。因此,这个句子意思是“塑料泡为David创设了一个安全的居住环境,因为这里面的空气比外面的更干净,水比外面的更纯净。” 2. sleep, fall asleep, , beasleep,go to bed“睡觉一族”的成员,它们的“睡法”可是不一样的哦,一起来看看它们的区别吧!sleep 强调“睡觉”这一动作,是延续性动词,可与表示时间段的状语连用。 He slept for eight hours. 他睡了八个小时。asleep是形容词,用作表语,表示“睡的;睡熟的”

16、,常用短语有fall asleep与be asleep:fall asleep指“睡着;入睡”。强调“入睡”这个作,即begin to sleep。 I always fall asleep watching TV.我看电视时总是睡着。be asleep表示“睡着”的状态,是系表结构,其中asleep不能用very修饰,只能用sound(彻底地),fast 等词修饰,意为“熟睡;酣睡”。 The baby is solmd asleep那婴儿睡得很香。go to bed 意为“就寝;上床睡觉”,强调上床准备睡觉的动作,一般说来,是go to bed在前,然后才fall asleep。He us

17、ually goes to bed at ten oclock and falls asleep five minutes later. 他通常十点钟就寝,五分种后入睡。1陈雨每天9:30上床睡觉。Chen Yu _ at 9:30 every day.2.昨晚她很难入睡,因为她一直在等电话。It was hard for her to _ last night beacause she was waiting for the call all the time.3. Look! The dog _ by the fire. A. is alseep B. falls asleep C. go

18、es to bed 4. Doctors say people should _ for eight hours every day.A. fall asleep B. go to bed C. sleep 5. Xiao Lin took some medicine and soon _.A. was asleep B. fell asleep C. went to bed 3. enough 的用法enough 在运用时位置较灵活,因此很多同学觉得难理解,其实只要大家能熟悉它的词性便会灵活运用了。用法一: 作副词,意思是“充分地,足够地”,修饰形容词或副词,位于所修饰词的后面。Eg: 1)

19、 Most things were not clean enough for him. 大部分的东西对于他都不够干净。(enough 修饰形容词clean)2)He did not work hard enough. 他学习不够用功。(enough 修饰副词hard)用法二: 作形容词时,意思是“充足的,足够的”,在句中可作定语,既可放在所修饰词前面,也可以放在所修饰词后 We have enough seats (seats enough) for everyone. 我们有足够的座位给每一个人。 4. through 是介词,意为“凭借,通过”。 观察下面的句子的画线部分,看看它们用法是怎

20、样的。1 We went through the cave. 我们走过那个洞穴。2 They could not touch their son but they could read to himand talk to him through the speaker outside the bubble.他们不能碰他们的儿子,但是他们可以凭借泡泡外面的扬声器给他阅读和跟他说话。1) 句中的through 是“通过,穿过”的意思,指一个人或物从另一个物体内部空间穿过,构成动词短语: run through, get through 等。区别: through 与across across 也有

21、穿过,通过之意,但是指的是从物体表面通过 Look left and right before you go across the street.2) through在句中意为“凭借;过(媒介手段)”,与by和with的用法相似。【巩固练习】一、根据中文意思完成下列英文句子。1他们带了足够的食物去野餐。They took _ to have a picnic.2这个房子很大,我们足可住得下。This house is _ for us to live in.二、用through与across填至。1. They went _ the forest and got to the village.

22、2. I heard of the news _ the radio.3. My father swam _ the Changjiang River 20 years ago. 5. 限定词some与anysome与any是限定词,修饰或代替可数名词或不可数名词。1. some 一般用在肯定句中,any用在否定句或疑问句中,否定式not any相当于no。There isnt anyis no milk in the glass, there is some water in it.杯里没有牛奶,但有一些水。2some也可用在表示邀请、请求或希望对方给予肯定回答的问句中。Would you

23、like some bananas? 你要吃香蕉吗?3any也可以用在肯定句中,这时它表示“任何”。Come any day you like. 你愿意哪一天来就哪一天来。复合不定代词some,any,no可与bodyone,thing构成复合不定代词,详见下表:some (某) any (任何)no (无)人somebody = someone anybody = anyonenobody = no one 物Something anythingnothing 1. 这些复合不定代词常看作单数,谓语动词用单数There is nothing in the room. 这间房里什么东西也没有。

24、Does anybody want to go to Disneyland? 有人想去迪士尼乐园吗?2修饰这些复合不定代词的形容词要后置 I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事情告诉你。3nothing相当于not anything, no one l nobody相当于 not anybody / anyone巩固练习 用 some, any, something, anything, nothing, somebody /someone, anybody/anyone, nobody / no one填空。1- Do you have _ abacuses?- No, but we have _ good calculators.2- Is there _ in this box.- No, _. Its an empty box. But there is _in that box3. - I knocked at the door again and again, but _ answered the door. I was sure there wasnt _ inside. - Look, _ is in the garden. He is working there.

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