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1、Just you send me the gift I have carefully preserved to the present, that I am afraid cant meet.8、感情久了、就不是爱了、而是依赖。然后当失去时、那并不是痛、而是不舍。Feelings for a long time, it is not love, but depend on. Then when lose, that is not pain, but dont give up.9、爱情是什么?爱情就是无论分隔多远,无论相隔多久,你都是我最牵挂的人。What is love? Love is no

2、 matter how far separated, no matter how long, you are my most care of people.10、上帝只是眨了眨眼睛,我们的故事就开始了。又结束了。他把我们都偷走了。God just blinked, our story begins. And come to an end. He stole all of us.11、如果你也不介意,我愿把所有的东西寄存在你那,这样我可以每天过去看你。If you dont mind, I would like to send all of the things is that you, so

3、I can go over and see you every day.12、你就像一杯美酒,看起来迷人,闻起来诱人,喝起来有点辣,回味起来还挺甜。You look charming, just like a cup of wine, smells inviting and tastes a bit spicy, it was pretty sweet aftertaste up.13、做一个平静的人,做一个善良的人,做一个微笑挂在嘴边,快乐放在心上的人。Do a calm person, do a kind person, do a smile and happy heart.14、现在夜已

4、很深,屋子里没有点灯,春风轻轻的从窗外吹进来,送来了满屋花香。It is deep night, and the room no light, the spring breeze gently blowing through the window to come in, comes the house full of flowers.15、我以为,两颗心的寂寞拥抱就是不离不弃。我以为,单纯的爱过就不会有遗憾。I thought, two hearts of lonely hug is. I think that, pure love wont have regret.16、大部份的痛苦,都是不

5、肯离场的结果,没有命定的不幸,只有死不放手的执着。The lions share of the pain, is not willing to leave as a result, not commanded the unfortunate, only to let go is not persistent.17、山之高,月出小,月之小,何皎皎。我有所思在远道,一日不见兮,我心悄悄。High mountain, on a small, on small, very clear and bright. I think in the way, one day disappear, my heart

6、 quietly.18、记得,一个雨天,你说你会很疼我,现在,又下雨了,带走了我们所有的誓言。Remember, a rainy day, you said you would hurt me, now, its raining again, and went away with all our oath.19、一直都觉得为一个人唱一首歌是件很深情的事。然而你脚步匆匆,我五音不全。Always feel to sing a song about a person is a very deep thing. However you hurry, Im tone-deaf.20、滚滚红尘,我为你心

7、醉,谁为我心碎;那茫茫人海,我为你守候,谁为我等待。Therefore, I for you memories, who is my heart; The boundless huge, I am waiting for you, who is waiting for me.21、你终于把我逼到了这种地步,不再为失去你而哭泣,听到你所有消息生疏有礼。You finally drive me come to this, no longer cry for losing you, hear you all rusty and polite.22、真正的痛苦,只能从一个肩头换到另一个肩头。岁月倥偬,

8、无人待你渐渐长大。Real pain, can only from one shoulder to another shoulder. The years, despite my hectic grew no one for you.23、把自己过得像王后,你才能吸引国王。你是怎么样的人,就会吸引什么样的人。To live like queen, will you be able to appeal to the king. How are you, what will attract.24、幸福其实很简单,就是用心能感到用手能触到一个人真实的心跳,那就是幸福。Happiness is act

9、ually very simple, is the heart can feel with the hand can touch one true heart, that is happiness.25、你说你究竟哪里好?让我如此放不了?都不知道你哪里好,偏偏谁也代替不了。You said you where is good? Dont let me so? I dont know where you good, who also cannot replace.26、有时候,我们等的不是什么人什么事,我们等的是时间,等时间,让自己改变。Sometimes, we is not what peo

10、ple what matter, such as we such as time, such as time, let oneself change.27、我们总是回忆过去的美好,殊不知我们现在的日子,正是我们未来怀念的过去。We always recall the past good, but we now days, we miss the past in the future.28、望穿你眼中的流年,我相信你真的爱过我,就像我当初真的为了你,可生可死。Among the worst in your eyes, I believe that you really loved me, lik

11、e I was really for you, life to death.29、突然感到这世界的负担太重,一个人已承担不起,悲伤太多,一颗心承受不了。Suddenly feel the burden of this world is too heavy, a person cant afford to, too many sad, one heart to suffer.30、绕堤画舸,帘内苦,天若有情天亦老,明明知道失恋很痛,却还是选择了放手。Around the dam Ge, LianNa bitter, if the day sentient days also old, clear

12、ly know that love is very painful, but still chose to let go.31、幸福,就是和喜欢的人,在喜欢的地方,做喜欢的事情,无论是相爱还是争吵。Happiness, is the man and, in places like, do like things, whether in love or argument.32、人群匆匆忙忙,缘份停停留留,一生的知已能有几人,唯有珍惜友谊才会长久。The crowd in a hurry, the fate to stop stay, lifetime know already can have

13、a few people, only treasure friendship would last.33、却是无声遣流年,英雄空冢凋去多少红颜。往昔忆尽无新篇,故园难再留眷恋。Time is silent, the hero empty burial depth to how much beauty. The past have to do without Marty natalegawa, native to stay for love.34、一个人最大的缺点,不是自私多情野蛮任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。A persons greatest weakness, not selfish

14、, affectionate savage wayward, but a paranoid love a not love their own people.35、有多少人,因为寂寞爱上一个人、又有多少人,因为爱上一个人,而寂寞一生。How many people, because of lonely fall in love with a person, and how many people, because fall in love with a person, and lonely life.36、世界上最幸福的一件事,就是当你拥抱一个你爱的人时,他竟然把你抱得更紧。The happi

15、est thing in the world, that is, when you embrace a love you of person, he should have held you more tightly.37、我不懂什么叫挽留,我只知道,爱我的人不会离开我,因为他知道,我会难过。I dont know what to retain, I only know that I love the one who is, wont leave me, because he knows that I will always be sad because I will.38、幸福是一种感觉,而

16、不是拥有多少,不要说谁比谁幸福,因为幸福是无法比较的。Happiness is a feeling, not have how many, dont say who than happiness, because happiness is unable to compare.39、深秋的原野有种晕眩的味道,似乎被流贯自身的色彩变幻的漩流弄得有股子醉意。Autumn fields taste kind of dizzy, seems to be flow penetration of color changes the whirl of a proper slightly drunk.40、爱你

17、时,你若晴天里的太阳,再明亮的星也黯然。不爱你的,你却成了明亮的星。I love you, you ReQing day in the sun, again bright star also shade. Do not love you, you became a bright star.41、如果幸福,那是因为我爱你,也被你所爱;如果不幸福,那是因为我不懂爱自己。If happiness, that is because I love you, are you love; If not happiness, that is because I dont understand, love yo

18、urself.42、我一直以为,我没有对不住任何人,但现在我知道,我最对不住的,就是我自己。I always thought, I did not sorry to anyone, but now I know, I am sorry, is my own.43、那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林。Those carved on the chair behind the love, will not like the flowers of cement, open no wind, lonely forest.44、鱼对水说你看不见我的眼泪因为在水里,水对雨

19、说我能感受的到因为你在我心里。Fish says to water you couldnt see my tears because in the water, the water says I can feel the rain to because you are in my heart.45、和你一同笑过的人,有可能把他忘记,但是和你一同哭过的人,你却永远忘不了。And you laughed together, are likely to forget him, but people cried with you, but youll never forget.46、世界上最可笑的事情

20、是,我知道了真相,你却还在说谎,还说的那么真,那么深。In the world the most ridiculous thing is, I know the truth, but you still lying, also said so true, so deep.47、爱一个人是要用心去爱的,如果你爱他就一定要放手,让他做他自己想要做的事。Love a person is love, if you love he must let it go, let him do what he wants to do.48、两个人在一起就是幸福,不必要求太多;两个人见见面就是幸福,不必奢求太多。T

21、wo people together is happy, dont ask for too much; Two people meet is happiness, dont expect too much.49、想做这样的人:有充分的自信当配角。可一旦到该发力的时候,全世界都是我的。What do you want to be such a person: there is sufficient confidence when in a supporting role. But once to the power, the world is mine.50、我没有变,只是心情变了,我还是我,只

22、是面对现实,多了点无奈,多了点沉默。I didnt change, just the mood changed, I am still me, just face the reality, more than a little helpless, a little more silence.51、既然无处可逃,不如喜悦。既然没有净土,不如静心。既然没有如愿,不如释然。Since no escape, not joy. Since there is no pure land as meditation. Since no wish, relief.52、回忆,一片片凋零。迷茫的红尘,如烟的往事,

23、像萧瑟的秋风,擎着回忆的叶子。Memories, pieces of fall. Lost in the world of mortals, remember the past, like the bleak autumn wind, into the memories of the leaves.53、所谓成熟,就是:你要习惯,任何人的忽冷忽热;也要看淡,任何人的渐行渐远。The so-called mature, is: do you want to habit, anyone of hot and cold; Also want to see the light, anyone away

24、.54、岁月,是一首诗,一首蕴含丰富哲理的诗,岁月是一峰骆驼,驮着无数人的梦想。Years, is a poem, a poem contains rich philosophy, time is one hump camels, carrying the dream of countless people.55、最佳的报复不是仇恨,而是打心底发出的冷淡,干嘛花力气去恨一个不相干的人。The best revenge is not hatred, but hit the bottom of my heart cold, why make efforts to hate a irrelevant

25、 person.56、这世上最难堪的事不是他不爱你,而是他说很爱很爱你,最后却轻易地放弃了你。This the most embarrassing thing in the world is not he does not love you, but he said that love you, but finally easily give up you.57、在爱情里,坚贞是假相,誓言是应景,生活是改变,统统在永远之前就有了结局。In love, firmness is illusion, the oath is appropriate, life is changing, all bef

26、ore never have ending.58、容颜易改,心意难变,不管哪种结局,都只愿能得一人心,来生共相守永不分离。The appearance change, heart hard to change, no matter what kind of ending, only wish can have a heart, next life together never part.59、时间是世界上最伟大的事物,因为它可以轻易地吞灭一切在意的或者是不在意的。Time is the greatest thing in the world, because it can easily con

27、sume all care about or dont care.60、离别,多么伤感的字眼。一聚一散之间,满脸的愁容,满眼的泪痕,满面的无奈。Parting, how sad words. Together a spread between, with a sad face, with tears, with the helpless.61、如果有一天你我擦肩而过了,请别可惜,别说对不起,不是每个故事都会有结局。If one day I miss you, please dont be shame, dont say Im sorry, not every story is ending.6

28、2、有时候,低处落脚,也不是自甘堕落,而是一种放低心态,从平淡中去升华人生。Sometimes, lower arrival, nor self-indulgence, but a lower point of view, from the mundane to sublimate life.63、人生在世,恍若白驹过膝,忽然而已。然,我长活一世,却能记住你说的每一话。In life, every white pony over-the-knee, suddenly. Of course, I long term job I can remember every word you said.64、当一个女孩叫你去听一首歌的时候,要认真听因为歌词内容都是她想对你说的话。When a girl ask you to

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