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1、实用旅游英语口语系列情景对话句子旅游英语:预订机票情景对话及常用句型越来越多的人都选择以飞机为出行方式。但是如何用一口流利的英语订机票呢?这里总结了一些情景对话,还有一些常用的句型。大家都来学一学吧。A:Good morning. The United Airlines. What can I do for you?早上好。美国联合航空公司。我能为您做些什嘛?B:Yes, Id like to make a reservation to Boston next week.是的,我想订一张下周飞往波斯顿的机票。A:When do you want to fly?您想何时去?B:Monday, s

2、eptember 12.周一,9月12日。A:We have Flight 802 on monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether therere seats available. Im sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day.我们有周一802次航班。请稍等。让我查一下那天是否有座。非常抱歉802次航班机票已订完。B:Then, any alternatives?那还有别的吗?A:The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tue

3、sday morning september 13. Shall I book you a seat?有一次航班在九月13日周二上午9:30起飞。我要为您订个座位吗?B:Er. it is a direct flight, isnt it?哦.是直航对吗?A:Yes it is. You want to go first class or coach?是的。您愿意订头等舱还是经济舱的机票?B:I prefer first class, what about the fare?我想订头等舱的机票。多少钱?A:One way is $176.单程是176美元。B:OkI will take the

4、 9:30 flight on Tuesday.好的我要订周二9:30的机票。A:A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. Is it all right, sir?一张807次航班周二早晨9:30飞往波斯顿的机票,对吗先生?B:Right. Can you also put me on the waiting list for the 12th?对。你能把我放到12号等候名单中吗?A:Certainly. May I have your nameand telephone number?当然可以。请您告诉您的名字和联系方式。B:

5、My name is Lorus Anderson. You can reach me at 52378651.我叫Lorus Anderson。我的电话是电话是52378651,您可以和我取得联系。A:I will notify you if there is cancellation.若是取消我会通知您的。B: Thank you very much.非常感谢。A:My pleasure.不客气。【常用句型】1. I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。2. Id like to change

6、this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。3. Id like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。4. Id like to sit in the front of the plane.我要坐在飞机前部。5. Id like two seats on todays Northwest Flight 7 to Detroit, please.我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的机票。6. Id like to buy an excursion pass instead.我要买一张优待票代替。7

7、. Id like a refund on this ticket.我要退这张票。8. Id like to have a seat by the window.我要一个靠窗的座位。9. We have only one a day for New York.到纽约的一天只有一班。10. The flight number is AK708 on September 5th.班机号码是9月5日的AK708。11. Theres a ten thirty flight in the morning.早上10点半有班机。12. Id like to reconfirm my flight from

8、 London to Tokyo.我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的班机。13. My reservation number is 2991.我的预订号码是2991。14. Do you have any tickets available for that date?你们有那天的票吗?15. Would you please make my reservation to Chicago for tomorrow?请帮我预订明天去芝加哥的座位好吗?16. Whats the fare to New York, Economy Class?去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱?17. Where do I pi

9、ck up the ticket?我什么地方拿机票?18. Can I have a secondclass one way ticket to Chicago, please?请给我一张去芝加哥的单程二等票好吗?19. Can I stop over on the way?我在中途可以停吗?20. What time does the plane take off?飞机何时起飞?旅游英语:你会打电话预定酒店吗?很多时候出国旅游前都是要打电话预订宾馆房间的,这里就让大家了解一下如何进行房间预订。在信息高度发达的今天,预定饭店的方式也是多种多样的。电话、上网、信函、电传都是可以的,但最常用的还是

10、电话预定。UNIT 1RoomReservations1-1A long Distance call Reservation 远程预定酒店Scene: Henry Bellow (B) and Margaret Bellow (M), an American couple, are going to spend their Holidays in China. Now Mr. Bellow is making a reservation at Haitian Hotel in Shanghai through a long distance call.Reservations (R): Sha

11、nghai Haitian Hotel. Reservation Desk. Can I help you?B: Im calling from New York. Id like to book a room in your hotel.R: What kind of room would you like, sir? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and Deluxe suites in Japanese, British, Roman, French and presidential styles.B: A British suit

12、e, please.R: Would you like breakfast?B: No, thanks.R: Can you give me your name please, sir?B: Bellow. B-E-L-L-O-W.R: Thank you, Mr. Bellow. And your arrival and departure dates?B: From May 26th to May 29th.R: Very well, Mr. Bellow. British suite without breakfast from May 26th to May 29th.Am Icorr

13、ect, Mr. Bellow?B: Yes, thank you.R: What time will you be arriving, Mr. Bellow?B: Around 5:00 p.m.R: All right. Youll be expected to be here then.B: Thats fine. Thank you, madam. Good-bye.R: Good-bye.在确定了要入住的饭店后,可以拨打他们的电话,告诉他们你的要求以及入住和停留的时间,入住的人数,房间的类型,申请住房人的姓名和到达饭店的大概时间,并问清房费,万一比预定时间晚了,尽快打电话联系,否则预

14、定就会被取消。1-2A Group Reservation 团体预订酒店Scene:The telephone rings. The Reservations (R) answers the phone.R: Reservations. May I help you?Client(C): Yes. The American People-to-people Education Delegation will be visiting Shanghai at the end of this month. Id like to book 10 double rooms with twin beds

15、for five days.R: For which dates?C: For May 23rd, 24th, and 27th.R: One moment please, sir.(The reservations check the list.)Yes, we can confirm 10 rooms for five days.C: Thank you. Is there a special rate for a group reservation?R: Yes, there is a 10 per cent discount.C: Thats fine.R: By the way, how will they be getting to Shanghai? Will they be coming by air?C: Yes.R: Could you give me the flight number, please, in case the planes late?C: Oh, sorry. I dont know the flight number, but Ill let you know b

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