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1、前厅部英语前 厅 部 英 语Reception Desk 总台1.Good morning (afternoon, evening),welcome to our hotel、清晨好 (下午好、夜晚好 )欢迎您来我们饭馆。2.What can I do for you sir ?我能帮您做些什么?3.Do you have a reservation?您预定过房间不?4.I have a reservation for a double room with bath here、我在这预定了一个带卫生间的双人间。5.We do have a reservation for you、我们的确为您预

2、定了房间。6.Please fill in the registration form、请填写一下住宿登记单。7.May I have your passport?我能够瞧一下您的护照不?th8. Your room number is 1118,on the 11 floor 、您的房间号就是 1118,在 11 楼。9. The bellboy will send you to your room、将由这位行李员送您到房间。10. You can take this room card to have free breakfast on the fifth floor、您能够拿这张房卡吃免

3、费早饭 ,在五楼。11. Is there conference room in your hotel?这里有会议室不?12.What kind of room do you have ? Can you tell me the room rate?您这里有什么样的房间 ,请问房价就是多少?13.Which floor is the conference room on ?会议室在几楼?14.Id like to sign an agreement with your hotel、我想与您饭馆签署一个协议。15.Certainly, you can take up this matter at

4、 the Sales Department、能够 ,请您到营销部办理。16.Where is the Sales Department?营销部在哪?17.Can you tell me where the washing room is ?请问卫生间在哪?18.Would you tell me the free breakfast serving time?请问免费早饭从几点到几点?19.Can you tell me the facilities of the room?请问房间有什么设备?20.There are telephone, colour TV, a minibar and b

5、athroom in the room 、 We can offer you 24hours warm water、房间有电话、彩电、小冰柜、卫生间二十四小时为您供给热水。21.Can you give me a morning call service tomorrow morning?明日清晨能够给我一个叫醒不?22.Please dial No 、9、 They can give you morning call service、请您拨总机 9,她们将为您供给叫醒服务。23.Id like to inquire a guests room number 、His name is zhan

6、g wei 、我想查一位客人的房号 ,她叫张伟。24.Id like to reflect sth 、with your assistant manager、 Would you please help me to find her ?我有一些事情要向大堂副理反应 ,请帮我找一下好不?25.Please wait a moment 、Ill find a quiet room for you 、稍等 ,我为您找一间比较寂静的房间。26.I want to dial a long distance call、 How can I dial it ?我想拨一个长途电话 ,请问怎么拨?27.plea

7、se first dial No、 0,then international code and the telephone number、请先拨 0,而后拨国际区号与电话号码。28.How can I get to the post-office?请问邮电局怎么走?29.It will take 10 minutes to get there by taxi 、假如您坐出租车 ,10 分钟就能够抵达。30.The water closet in my room is clogged 、Will you help me to repair it ?我房间的马桶堵住了 ,请帮我修一下好不?31.N

8、o problem, The maintenance man will repair it at once 、没问题 ,我们的维修工立刻就去为您维修。32.Hello 、Are you advance reservation ? Id like to reserve a room、您好 ,预定处不?我想预定一间房。33.Certainly 、 can you tell me the arrival date?能够 ,请问您预定哪天的房间。34.May I have your name ,sir ?请问先生怎么称号?35.Sorry 、 sir ,would you please speak s

9、lowly ?对不起初生 ,请您讲的慢一些好不?36.We look forward to your visit ,good-bye 、我们期望着您的莅临 ,再会。37.Sorry sir ,we are fully booked, I would suggest that you try Hebei Grand Hotel 、对不起初生 ,我们房间已经预定满了 ,我建议您到河北旅馆去试一试瞧。38.Is there any discount for our room ?请问我的房间有折扣不?39. Sorry 、 Is there any discount in our hotel at p

10、resent、对不起 ,我们饭馆当前没有折扣。40.Can I sign my name on the bill to transfer accounts ?请问我能够签单转账不?41.Certainly, Please show me your room card to transfer accounts、能够 ,出示您的房卡就能够签单转账。42.Your key is out of date 、您的钥匙过期了。43.May I get your number ,please ?我能知道您的号码不?44.Do you want to pay cash or bill it to your r

11、oom ?您就是现付还就是转账?45.The water closet is on this way ,on your left hand side、卫生间在这边 ,在您的左手方向。46.Clinic is on the 4th floor ,There offered a variety of cold medicine、医务室在四楼 ,那边有各种各种的治感冒的药。47.There is a problem with my toilet 、我房间的马桶有些问题。48. Dontworry 、 I will help to find somebody to fix it、不用焦急 ,我将找人去

12、维修。49.Let me tell you something about the service in our hotel 、让我告诉您一些对于我们酒店的服务项目。50.Please contact the service center ,the number “is8999”、请与服务中心联系 ,电话号码就是“ 8999。”51.Heres a message for you ,lady、女士 ,这里有您的留言。52.Theres west-style food on the fifth floor 、五楼就是西餐。53.Do you have room courier service ?

13、您们有送餐服务不?54.our restaurant serves very good local dishes、我们的餐厅有特别爽口的地方菜肴。55.We hope you an enjoyable stay with us、我们希望您与我们在一同高兴。56.You can deposit your luggage here , and please fill out this card、您能够在这里存放行李 ,请填一下存放卡。57.Do you have massage service in hotel ?您们酒店有按摩服务不?58.Yes ,the telephone number is

14、“8669”、有的 ,电话号码就是“ 8669”。59.Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long 、对不起 ,让您久等了。60.Bring me the bill 、please 、请把账单给我。61.How much altogether ?总数就是多少?62.would you please give the bill to me ?请把账单递给我好不?63.Here is your bill 、 Would you like to check it ?这就是您的账单 ,请查瞧一下。64.Your bill total is账单总数就是65.You

15、r bill comes to 、账单总数就是66.Please wait a moment、请等一下。67.Would you speak a little louder?请高声点好不?68.It is five hundred and sixty -four yuan、共就是五百六十四元。69.Does this include the charges for drinks?它包含酒水在内不?70.Here is six hundred yuan、 Keep the change ,please、这就是六百元 ,不用找了。71.Here is the change、这就是找您的钱。72.Thank you, sir、 This is the receipt、感谢您先生 ,这就是收条。73.May I have (know, ask)your name? Would you mind telling me your name and room number ,please?请问您的名字与房号。74.Im sorry to have ta

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