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1、 6-17.原文The research of block chain technology developmentKate BranAbstractIn 2015,block chain technology by European and American mainstream financial institutions- The technology of the first by the founder of the currency in the currency in the white paper to work certificate Chain (Proof - of -

2、work Chain)” form is put forward Block chain” is the basis of the currency,is time order, do not tamper with the book, by distributed consensus algorithm, so as to realize decentralized” trust. COINs in a narrow sense can be understood as a new kind of digital currency,broadly,are thought to be a ki

3、nd of decentralized digital currency payment system. Block chain technology solutions, there is no central server each run chain software computing devices are the block in the chain network, a peer node need not establish trust relationship between nodes,of any number of nodes in the system,all the

4、 time in the system of information communication data,through the cryptography algorithms to calculate and record to a block of data, and generating the data olock of fingerprint used to link the next block of data and calibration, and maintenance are verified through the collective way to establish

5、 a reliable database.Key words: Block chain,Bitcion, ServerThe currency block chain technology revolutionary way to solve the problems the Byzantine generals , d not change,do not fake, fully traceable security features, implements a consensus without trust network system. This consensus without tru

6、st a center node network system, fundamentally with todays human society and the organizational structure of different Internet network system, closer to the nature and human nature is a kind of organizational structure. More and more technology giants,research institutions and technology group have

7、 realized block chain disruptive technology, and participate in the blocks in the study of chain. Block chain is the foundation of the currency support technology, first published in Satoshi Nakamoto COINS: a kind of point to point electronic cash system11, this paper describes in detail how to buil

8、d a new, decentralized, dont need to trust the point-to-point transaction system, the method of its reliability has been running since 2009, has demonstrated the Bit coin. Block chain technology is the prominent advantages of decentralized design, by using encryption algorithm,timestamp,tree structu

9、re,consensus and reward mechanism,in the node without trust based on the decentralized, distributed network credit point-to-point transactions,to solve the current centralized mode existing problem of poor reliability and low security, high cost and low efficiency, etc. Although currency in recent y

10、ears, rapid development, its trading anonymity and as currency distribution cannot be mastered, most state institutions dont admit its monetary attribute,and chain blocks with its unique advantages, attracts a lot of attention, related research and the trend of application for a while a gusher. Bloc

11、k chain technology is considered to be the more large computers, personal computers and the Internet and mobile social after the fifth subvert computing paradigm,is following the blood in the history of human credit,precious metals,and the central bank credit notes after the fourth milestone. Genera

12、lized block chain technology is expected to completely reshape human social activities,such as finance,science and technology,culture, political field brings profound changes- 2 The technical analysis of block chainChain block by block chain network all nodes to participate in the maintenance of dec

13、entralized, distributed database system which is produced by a series of method based on cryptography data blocks, each block is a block in a chain block. According to time sequence,blocks are orderly linked together, forming a chain data. The currency as a kind of digital currency trading system, t

14、ransaction records is the most basic part of the currency system. Through the use of the clever design of the data structure and protect the authentication mechanism based on cryptography, the currency block chain will record all the transaction is complete and correct to the various sections. There

15、fore, we can put the Bitcoins in the block chain as a distributed billing system. The currency of the trading records is essentially the currency transfer information, a transaction record store a transfer of information. Transaction records mainly consist of two parts, capital source and money to.

16、A deal, but there are a number of sources of funding, and each has occurred before the sources of funding are pointing and legal (recorded into the chain block) for a transaction records in a money goes. Every money whereabouts are recorded in the lock instruction can use the money of all informatio

17、n, use the money to trade must be in the transaction data of the structure of the sources in unlock instructions provide all proved that can make trading become a legal and valid. In currency trading system,funds all adopt the control public key Base58 coded representations of hash value, proof of f

18、unds all generally includes two parts,one part is the public key itself,the other part is calculated by using the public key corresponding to the private key of digital signatures. After the transaction is published to block chain network,each node in the network will use transaction data structure

19、provided by the funds all proof to verify the legitimacy of the transaction,if the deal is not valid,block chain network node will directly to abandon the dealBlock is to record the currency trading information data unit, it consists of two parts, the head and the block content. Link is through the

20、block header data hash value to complete, all use this hash value chain as the block of a unique identifier, through recorded in the head of the father the block hash value can be found in the block chain links to the only block. Thus through each link to their father the block sequence creates a ha

21、sh value from the latest date back to the first the block chain, to form a chain of all blocks in data structure. Block chain network USES is referred to as a work proof of competition mechanism to generate new blocks, each node block chain in the network can participate in the competition. The root

22、 is a kind of need method, which USES cryptography to solve the need to consume a large amount of computing power and time of math problems. Specifically, blocks in the chain of fftargetn difficult to identify the uniqueness of the block has carried on the strict rules hash value,namely a difficult

23、goals represent the” block hash value starting from the first digit value is 0, this needs to generate new blocks nodes use different Mrandomff to calculate the hash value of the new block,until you find a random” hash value is calculated by the block meet the corresponding difficult goals4 The deve

24、lopment and improvement of block chainBitcoins in the block chain is specially designed for digital currency trading, adopts the mechanism based on the computing power ofconsensus,to some extent,and limits its application scope. With the importance of block chain technology constantly improve, on th

25、e basis of the original block chain, the appearance of some new block chain technologies and concepts-Currency block chain is completely open,everyone can participate, can be thought of as a chain of public relative to this,limit block chain network within a certain range becomes a f,privaten chain.

26、 According to the privatization will block chain technology adopted by different ways, and can be subdivided into private chain alliance chain, licensing chain, etc.Enteric lane as similar digital currency to the currency trading system at the same time is also a complete set of decentralized applic

27、ation platform. At the same time of using Ethernet fang digital currency trading, anyone can Application release and use of Decentralization in the enteric fang (Decentralization Application).Enteric fangs outstanding in its application and provides a decentralized development,deployment and use of

28、a complete tool chain, makes the application development based on the block chain become extremely convenient.Block chain is decentralization,to trust, data tamper-proof advantages, at the same time in the anonymous and has the characteristics of data transparency, but does not mean that block chain

29、 technology does not have limitations. Block, for example, capacity limits, confirmed a long time,based on the work proved that the consensus of the mechanism, problems such as large energy consumption limits its large-scale application in the business. Transparency at the same time, the data privac

30、y, how to smooth integration with the existing system, law and regulation, also need to constantly research and solution, like any new technology, block chain technology breakthrough, also need a long time accumulation.译 文区 块 链 技 术 发 展 研 究 K a te B ra n摘 要2 0 1 5 年 , 区 块 链 技 术 受 到 欧 美 主 流 金 融 机 构 的

31、高 度 关 注 。 该 技 术 最 先 由 比 特 币 创 始 人 在 比 特 币 白 皮 书 中 以 “工 作 量 证 明 链( Proof- of- w ork C ha in) ”的 形 式 提 出 。 “区 块 链 ”是 比 特 币 的 基 础 , 是 时 间 有 序 、 不 可 篡 改 的 账 本 , 通 过 分 布 式 共 识 算 法 , 从 而 实 现 “去 中 心 化 ”信 任 。 比 特 币 狭 义 上 可 以 理 解 为 一 种 全 新 的 数 字 货 币 , 广 义 上 则 被 认 为 是 一 种 去 中 心 化 的 数 字 货 币 支 付 系 统 。区 块 链 技 术

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