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1、第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1, 2, Project第五课时 (Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1, 2, Project)教学设计思路:本课时为复习课。本节课将帮助学生综合复习整个单元询问他人信息、询问及辨认物体的表达方式,并通过设计阅读、填空等形式检测学生的学习情况。首先学生自我总结、小组合作总结出询问他人信息的句子并进行比赛。然后填空、分角色朗读Grammar and Functions中的句子。接着学生完成1,2 部分,最后通过一系列的复习要求学生完成书面表达的任务。. Teaching aims1.

2、Knowledge aims:(1) 复习了解他人基本信息、询问、辨认物体的句型。(2) 复习指示代词 this/that/these/those。2. Skill aims:(1)能够听懂有关询问个人信息、辨认物体的简单对话。(2)能够就询问个人信息、辨认物体的话题进行简单的交流。(3)能读懂介绍个人基本信息的短文。 (4)能用书面的形式正确介绍个人信息。3. Emotional aims:培养学生喜欢英语、乐于用英语进行表达的习惯。4. Culture awareness: . The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)Word

3、s: now, school, his, same, but, friends, high(2)Sentences: Whats your name? What class are you in? What grade are you in?What are these/those?Are these?2. Difficult points: 可数名词单复数及指示代词的正确运用。. Learning strategies1. 课后多用英语跟同学交流,培养口语的同时还能增强自信心。2. 在阅读语篇的过程中,能够根据关键词复述课文。. Teaching aids录音机/多媒体/小黑板/图片V Te

4、aching proceduresStage 1(10mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Group work)Greet and review.T: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you again. How are you? I am fine, too. Look at the screen. This boy is our new classmate. What do you

5、want to know about him? Discuss in groups and put up your hands. The group which can ask more questions will win. I will show you the answer. I hope you can help the boy to answer. Wow, very good question. But I didnt ask him. Sorry. I think he likes English? You can ask so many questions now. And a

6、ll of you are good. Group 3 did best because they ask more questions.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li! Nice to see you, too. I am fine, thank you. And you?G1: My name is Cason.G2: How old are you? I am12 years old.G4: I am in Class 4, Grade 7.G6: Where are you from? I am from Chengdu.G3: Whats your Chinese

7、 name? My name is Cheng Li.G5: Whats your telephone number? My telephone number G3: Whats your ID number? My ID number is Do you like English?常规课堂问候后,假设班上有一名新同学,通过小组讨论询问新同学信息的方式,学生积极主动复习询问他人基本信息的句型。Remark:根据学生的实际水平,也可以采取分小组写句子的形式进行比赛。Stage 2(10mins): Grammar FunctionDesigning purpose 1.(Individual w

8、ork)Guide students to fill in the blanks. Look at the sentences in Grammar and Functions carefully. Fill in the blanks carefully and then check the answers. Group3 did better just now. I hope you can catch up with them. Are you ready? Lets check the answer. Yes, good. I know you can answer more ques

9、tions. But I want to give other groups some chances. It is ? They are ? Good. There is only one blank. Go on, please. Good. Next one? Thanks. The last one? Great! Youve done a good job.Fill in the blanks in Grammar and Functions. No, it isnt. Yes, they are. It is an eraser/a map. They are books/ rul

10、ers and pencils Its. Theyre How old What class What grade How Thank you. Youre学生独立完成填空,并分小组抢答。检测学生的学习情况培养学生的集体主义感。2.(Class activity)Guide students to read these sentences. Please fill in the blanks and read these sentences by yourselves. Pay attention to the tone. This_. These_.That_. Those_. Have y

11、ou got the answer? Yes.Read and remember these sentences. This is These areThat is Those are通过在组内读的形式复习巩固句型同时也为后面的男女生分角色朗读打下基础。3.(Class activity)Present some pictures and practice the language points through a game. Do you think boys are better or girls are better? OK. We can play a game. Boys PK Gi

12、rls. Boys read the questions and girls answer. If there is no question, you should read it together. E.g. Thank you. Excuse me, all of you are from America when you are reading. Pay attention to the tone. Dont be shy. Read aloud. Who did better boys or girls? I think when you are reading together th

13、e voice sounds perfect. So, all of you are good. And working together is the best.Describe the pictures and practice the language points.B: Boys.G: Girls. Is this a pen? Yes, it is. Are these oranges? Yes, they are.通过比赛的方式巩固Grammar and Functions 同时训练学生的口语。老师在表扬学生的同时多从语音语调方面给予指导。Stage 3(7mins): Finis

14、h Task 1 Teacher activity Student activity Guide students to complete the table in 1. Read 1 quickly and get the main idea. Whats the passage about? Yes, names, numbers, time can help us understand the passage.Read the passage and complete the table. Jane and Huang Hua.快速阅读文章,找出文章大意,训练学生快速阅读文章获取文章大意

15、的能力。2.(Individual work)Read the passage carefully and complete the table in 1. Now please read the passage carefully and complete the table in 1. Have you finished it? Good. How about Huang Hua. Yes, fill your own information in the table. And share it in groups.S1: Canada, 12, 4, 7, S2: China, 12,

16、3, 7, 阅读1并完成阅读任务。3.(Group work)Guide students to retell the passage according to the table. Boys and girls, look at the table and try to introduce Jane and Huang Hua. Practice in groups and then share it with us. Whod like to have a try? From your introduction I know Jane. And she is in Beijing Inte

17、rnational School. Who can introduce Huang Hua? Quite well. Thank you.根据表格中提供的信息复述文章。培养学生提取信息和运用语言的能力。阅读语篇时,需注意培养学生的阅读策略,如快速阅读获取文章大意,根据表格复述课文的能力。Stage4(3mins): Finish Task 2(Group work)Ask students to finish 2. Boys and girls, here is a name card. Read the name card and fill in the blanks. Have you f

18、inished? Lets check the answer together. Read the passage and retell the passage according to the name card.Finish 2. Heilongjiang English12, Class Four, Grade number完成2。完成该任务的过程中,要再次提醒学生注意英语中单词首字母大写的情况。Stage 5(4mins): Project1(Individual work)Guide students to make a name card and write a passage a

19、ccording to the name card. Just now you read Lilys name card. Can you make your own name card? Who can share her name card with us? Your name card is very beautiful. Can you write a passage according to your name card? OK. I believe you can.Make name card and write a passage. Name: Chen LinEnglish n

20、ame: Linda Age: 12From: KaixianClass: FourGrade: SevenTelephone number: ID number:School: Nanya Junior High School将所学知识应用于实际生活,学以致用。2 (Class activity)Assign HMK. For todays HMK, Id like you to 1. Review Unit 1.2. Make a name card for your mother or father.3. Write a passage according to the name card.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。帮助学生树立认真对待口头作业的意识。VI . Blackboard design Group1: Group2: Group3: Group4: Group5: Group6:

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