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1、3. The students will _ the competition. () A. attend B. take part in C. join D. attend to4. He admitted _ in the examination. So he wasnt admitted _ the school. () A. cheating; to B. to cheat; by C. to cheat; to D. cheating; by5. I can make friends with a person who has a lot _ with me. () A. in ord

2、inary B. in similar C. the same D. in common6. As time went _, she became more and more interested in English. () A. by B. down C. up D. off7. Everyone cant help _ on hearing the funny story. () A. bursting into laughing B. bursting out laughing C. burst into laughter D. burst out laughter8. Have _

3、on him. He is only a child. () A. mercy B. pity C. kindness D. courage9. She pretended _ me when I passed by. () A. to not see B. not seeing C. not to see D. having not seen10. What do think of the newly-elected president? _, I dont like his way of speaking to others. () A. Honest speaking B. To be

4、honest C. Being honest D. To be honestly 第二节 单词拼写(根据汉语提示或首字母及所给单词,填写单词的正确形式(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)11He was _ (挑选)to play for England.12I cant _ (想象) meeting you here.13The head of the large company has many _ (职责,责任)14We will all have a course in _ (古代的) history this term.15The law needs to be _ (简化)16W

5、ith he help of his friends, he finally s_ the problem.17Fresh fruit and vegetables c_ plenty of vitamin C.18We should _ (感激) everything our parents have done for us.19Little Bob likes music very much and he can play many kinds of i_.20_ (民间的) music is very popular with the Chinese people.第二部分 阅读理解(共

6、两节,满分30分)第一节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)AFive years ago, I was sent to a better middle school. For me, everything there was new and strange. After I have been there for two months, there was an important test in the middle of the term. It covered all my courses. In that test, I didnt get a good grades, but m

7、ost of my classmates got an A or A.It made me upset for a long time. I felt everything in the world was changing. I thought my classmates were all better than me. During those days I was very unhappy.One day, my aunt, after talking about what I had done in the past and what I should do in the future

8、. I was shocked by her words. I thought about what I had done during the past months, and I found I had done nothing to improve my grades. I thought I should work harder.After that, I paid more attention to the teachers talking in the classes, and I asked my teachers or my classmates when I didnt un

9、derstand something. I studied very late at night when I met with difficult problems. Most of all, I came to understand the importance of taking notes in class. As a result, I did better in some tests.About three months later, the most important test came at the end of the term. This time, I stood ou

10、t not only in my class but also in the grade. From then on, I have tried to do my best when I do something because I know if I want something, I should work hard for it. 21. Why did the writer fall behind in the new middle school?. A. Because the teachers did not treat him well enough. B. Because th

11、e subjects were becoming more difficult. C. Because he hated the life in the new school. D. Because he didnt put his heart into study.22. What did the writers aunt do to help him out? A. She punished him for not working hard. B. She helped him find out the reasons for his poor performance. C. She fo

12、rced him to work harder. D. She asked his teachers to talk with him about his problems.23. Which of the following learning methods helped the writer most?A. Making notes in class. B. Working deep into the night every day.C. Asking teachers for help when in difficulty.D. Listening to every word his t

13、eachers said.24. What does the underlined sentence mean?A. The writer failed again in the exam.B. The writer became the cleverest in the class.C. The writer did very well in the exam.D. The writer was very proud of his progress.BIn Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family.

14、 These are their pets. People love these pets and have them as their good friends.Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections(注射) so that they wont carry disease. They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost eve

15、ry kind of stores. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit peoples houses, they would be very glad to show their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of bird

16、s are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished. If an animal happened to get run over by a cay, people would be very sad about i

17、t.People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be: their family ties are not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life. Then the old will feel lonely. But pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave t

18、hem alone.25. The passage mainly talks about_. A. how to keep pets away from disease B. pets in Canada C. how to take good care of pets D. life of the old in Canada26. Canadians give their pets injections before keeping them at their houses because_. A. the pets are sick B. the pets are wild C. they

19、 want to stop them from carrying disease D. they want them to sleep on the way home27. This passage shows that Canadians _. A. love animals B. hate animals C. often kill animals D. dont keep pets inside their houses.CTwo traveling angels(天使) stop to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. T

20、he family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the guest room. Instead the angels were given a space in the cold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied, “Things ar

21、ent always what they seem.”The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor but very hospitable(好客的) farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had, the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good nights rest. When the sun came up the next morn

22、ing, the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their only income, lay dead in the field. The younger angel was very angry and asked the older angel, “How could this happen? Why didnt you watch out for the cow? The first man had everything, yet you watched

23、 over his house,” she accused. “The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you didnt help.”“Things arent always what they seem,” the older angel replied. “When we stayed in the basement, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so greed

24、y and unwilling to share his good fortune, I asked God if I could seal(封口) the wall so he couldnt find it. Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I asked God if the angel could take the cow instead. Things arent always what they seem.”28. Why did the ol

25、d angel repair the hole for the rich family? A. Because the basement was too cold to stay in. B. Because she wanted to save the gold for the poor. C. Because she wanted to punish the greedy owner. D. Because she believed that one should always be ready to offer help.29. In Paragraph Two, “the pair”

26、refers to _. A. the poor couple B. the rich couple C. the guests D. the angels30. The story tries to tell the readers that_. A. sometimes things are not what they seem B. angels are always ready to help the poor C. angels are always ready to help the rich D. the young should always learn from the ol

27、d第2节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余答案。Ways to create calm in your daily lifeMost of us need some space for calm in our lives. A few simple minutes can create much needed moments of calm. 31 You can use these skills to create calm in your busy schedule.Go walking. Walking is

28、perfect and you can do it well anywhere. Simply walking and taking in the view is stress reducing. 32 It makes room for new ideas to take root.Appreciate nature. When we think of nature we think of getting out into the open air, and thats great if you can. 33 Actually , nature is everywhere. Find a

29、park or a small patch(小块地) of great green, or just stick your head out of the window! You have many ways to appreciate nature.Listen to music. Many people listen to music to calm themselves down. Music actually lifts us out of ourselves. Discover what music works for you. 34 Do some activities. Cert

30、ain activities like yoga and tai chi need quiet focus. 35 They are good for the body, mind and spirit. Classes are a good place to begin, but once you learn the skills, you can practice anywhere: home, school or even on the road.Try out some of these ways and youll soon be practicing “moments of calm”.A. Notice the animals around you.B. But what if you are in the city?C. They are perfe

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