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1、ownownern earbycollegeuni versityacco untan t-acco untduri ngkeen-keenly-keenness be keen on ski-skier-skii ng ski-skied-skied table tennis best-worse physics-physicist-physical ambition-ambitious maybe-may beheight-high weight-weighdream-dreamed-dreamed probably-probabletie tie-tied-tiedroof-roofsg

2、et a letter from=hear from sb.would like to=wa nt toone and a half meters tall66 kilograms heavytell sb. sth. About.tell A from Btell sb. to do as从事,钻研为工作5.七年级6.根本不总共筋疲力尽的7喜欢8.在中间III. Sentenceswork atwork forYear Seve nnot . at allin allbe all inbe kee n on =be very in terested in in the mi

3、ddleMy favorite hobby is play ing computer games.我最大爱好是玩电脑游戏。Shes 4 feet 5 in ches她高5英尺8英寸We usually let our voices fall at the end, too.我们也通常在句尾降低音调。We do this to express surprise, and sometimes other feeli ngs such as happ in ess 我们这样做以表达惊奇,有时也表达其他的感情例如快乐。His father went to Australia and worked as

4、 chief cook in the America n Embassy 他父亲去了澳大利亚,在美国大使馆担任厨师。Unit2 work and play 必背知识点I. Words1相像的;类似的2预料,期望3.生意;公司4有成效的;成功的5.幸运的;有好运的6.受欢迎的7.责任的8.销售,出售9.委托人,当事人10.没趣的;令人厌倦的11.简单的,易于理解的12.达到目标13.失败,不及格14考试13.回来;回去;返回14.出席,参加15.帮助,协助16.持续,继续做similar-alike expect-expectatio n business-businessman-bus in

5、esswoma n successful-un successful-successfully success-succeed lucky-luckily-uniucky-uni uckily popular-unpopular-popularity resp on sible-irresp on sible-resp on sibility be resp on sible client-customer (近义) boring-bored simple-simply achieve-achieveme nt fail-fa

6、ilureexam-mid-term exam-final exam retur n-leave-departatte nd atte nd-atte nded-atte ndedassist-assista ntcon ti nue15.很少,不常16.通常的,惯常的17.重复18.解释,说明20.细胞21.热,加热22.身体的,物理的23.文章con ti nue to do sth continue doing sth.seldom-not ofte n近义) usual-usually-unu sual as usualrepeat-repetiti on explain-expla

7、nati on energy-en ergetic cell heat physical articleU Expressions1.在上学2.起床3.穿衣4.吃早餐5对负责6吃早餐期间7.在路上8.两周一次9放学10.上床睡觉at schoolat primary school at uni versityget upput on (强调动作)wear (强调穿戴的东西或状态)dress sb给某人穿衣have breakfast-have lunch-have dinner be resp on sible forover breakfast over the weeke ndon the

8、 way on on es way to.twice a weekafter schoolgo to bed go to sleep入睡,睡着)s already writte n several successful computer games. 她已经写了几个成功的电脑游戏。I get up at six, wash and put on my school uniform. 我六点钟起床,然后穿制服去学校。I enjoy see ing my school frie nds我喜欢见学校的朋友I n ever fail an exam.我考试从来没有不及格You will hear si

9、x people talk ing about their daily lives.你将听到六个人谈论他们的日常生活Unit3 Trouble 必背知识点trueI.Words1真的2.在任何时候,从来ever3.问题,困难trouble4.争论argue5.往国外,在国外abroad6.快速行动hurry7.抢夺,盗窃rob抢劫案robbery8.偷,盗取steal9.特别的,不寻常的unu sual10.人群,观众crowd11.钱包purse12.拨(电话号码)dial13.细节detail14.担心的,发愁的worried15.领会,意识到,了解realize16打斗,打架fightI

10、I Expressions1.解决,处理,应付deal with2.遭到,遇到happe n to3.等待,等候wait for4. woma n的复数wome nman的复数men5.冲着oooooo嚷嚷/喊叫shout at6相互,互相each other7.递出东西,伸出手hold out8.盯着看,凝视stare at9.乘渡船on a ferry10.开始做start doi ng sth.11对着他人说talk to sb.12.注意到n otice13.不复存在,离开了be gone14.逃跑,逃离run away15.跟随,跟从follow16.害怕,恐怕be afraid o

11、f17.从。0 o o o o旁边走过walk byPaul is writing about an exciting thing which happened to him one day.Paul正在写一件某天发生在他身上的令人兴奋的事。We were dow n in the bookshop, buying postcards 我们去了书店,买明信片。Every one started going dow n onto the ferry每个人开始下来,上轮渡。Six policemen stood around the man, who was in handcuffs. 六个警察站

12、在戴手铐男子旁边Un it4 Numbers 必备知识点1.十进位的,小数的2.奇怪的,奇数的3.平坦的,偶数的相等的4.分数,小部分,破片5.减去,扣掉,减少6增加7.乘,增加8.除,分割,划分,隔开9.度,度数10.非常,十分11计算12.语言13.几乎14.发明15.瞬间,立即16.全部的,整体的17.与。相比18.活着的,活的19.令人惊奇的,令人惊喜的20.解决decimal odd eve n fractio n subtract add multiply divide degree especially calculate Ian guage n early invent in

13、a flash whole aga inst livi ng amaz ing solveII SentencesEvery one knows at least two his or her own Ian guage每个人都知道至少两种语言However, they n early all coun ted in the same way-i n tens.然而,他们几乎都以相同的方式,及以十为计数单位。With these ten numbers we can write any number from the biggest to the smallest.通过这些十进制数,我们能够写

14、出任何最大和最小的数字。Because it made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate.因为这使得写大数字和计算变得更容易。Unit 5 Encyclopaedias 必背知识点I Words1.exist -existi ng-existed-existed存在;生存2.危害3.有害的无害的4像喜欢不喜欢不像5.使开心,是发笑 引人发笑的,好笑的 被逗乐的娱乐6.创造创造力,创造物有创造力创造性地;创造性地7.温和的,温柔的 温和地温柔地8.死亡无生命的死,死亡9.凶猛的,暴躁的 猛烈地10.思想家11.思想12.仔细的,小心的

15、 仔细地 粗心的粗心 粗心地harmharmfulharmlesslikedislikeun likeamuseamus ingamusedamuseme ntcreate reat in g-created-created creati oncreative creatively gen tle gen tly die -dy ing -died - dieddeaddeathfiercefiercelythi nker- thi nk-thought-thought thoughtcarefulcarefullycarelesscareless nesscarelessly1.Dinosa

16、urs lived on the Earth over sixty million years old. 六百多万年前,恐龙住在地球。2.Some were as small as chicke ns.Other were as big as ten elepha nts.有些是鸡一样小,有些比十头大象一样大。3.He taught that the way to be happy was to own as few thi ngs as possible. 他教导说,获取幸福的方法是尽可能少地拥有物品。Unit 6 Nobody wins(1 必备知识点I Words1船长机长2(飞机,船舶

17、上的)的领航员,驾驶员3迷路的,迷失的4无人涉足的5谷,山谷6悬崖,峭壁7岩石,石头8楼层9靠近,接近10怪物,怪兽11部分12 一定程度上,部分地13明显14显然地,明显地15袋鼠16巨大的,特大的17除了,只是18除了。0 0 0 0之外19仅有一个的,单个的20咆哮,吼叫21老鼠22捕鼠器23磁铁24笼子25信任,相信26主动提议,给予27使惊吓,惊恐28(轮船,飞机等上的)全体工作人员29安排,筹备30在或到下面31陷入困境32用尽,耗尽33使飞机着陆34离。ooo很近35和平地36成为碎片37帮oooo的忙38迷失丢失39着路capta in n avigator lost un e

18、xplored valley cliff rock storey approach mon ster part partly clear clearly kan garoo gia nt except except for sin gle roar rat trap magnet cage trust offer frighte n crew arra nge below in trouble run out of bring dow n close to in peace in pieces do a favourbe lost land on two storeys high40两层楼高4

19、1通过,穿过42与0 0 0 0 0相似43在地球上44转向,变成45发源自来自于46主管,掌控47被用于48由oooooo制成49去远足50想要去做。oooogo through be similar to on the earth turn tospri ng from in charge of be used for be made of go hiki ng would like to do1移走、拿开2惊恐地3匆忙地4听起来像5天气预报6讨论、议论7逃跑8保持冷静9损坏、出毛病10堆雪人11手机12全湿了我一点儿也看不见。 ” I said to my self.move away

20、in fear in a hurry sound like weather report talk about run away keep calm break dow n make a sno wma n mobile pho ne be all wetIII .Sentences1.It was dark around me. I could not see at all.我的四周一片漆黑。2.“I m trapped.我想到,我被困了3.1 set a trap for mice.我安装了一个捕鼠器。4.A mome nt of fear went through my mind but

21、 I told myself to calm dow n since I was still alive.脑海中出现了一瞬间的恐惧,但我告诉我自己平静下来,因为我仍活着 .5didn t know if anyone was around me.我不知道是否有人在我周围。(宾语从句用陈述语序)Unit 7Nobody wins(2 必备知识点1逃走,逃跑2躺,平卧3说谎4吸引 5打扰6瞄准7袭击,攻击8查找9猛撞,碰撞10决定11逃跑,逃走,逃出12入睡13瞄准,对准14确保,设法保证15处境艰难,肯定不行16过了一会17在0 0 0 0 0 0的末端18想要,意图做0 0019跑进 。0 0

22、20爬进 21在山边escapelie lay lainlie lied liedattract in terrupt aim attack search crash decide escape from eall asleep aim at make sure be done for a moment later at the end of intend to do run into climb into on the side of the hillaim atone by onecover .with do nothing but do sth hear about at oncethe police be badly/ seriously hurtII Expressions1瞄准、对准2一个接一个3被覆盖起来4除了做某事外不能做任何事5听说关于6立刻7警方8严重受伤III.SentencesWere too weak to ope n the door.我们力气太小,打不开那扇门Heres what well do!这就是我们要做的事情!re done for.我们都完了!A few mome nts later,he escaped though the door to freedom. 过了一会儿,他从门洞里逃了出来,获得了自由。

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