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七年级英语下册阅读理解真题 1Word文档格式.docx

1、(2)Why do many people take buses or drive cars to travel during the vacation?Because it is more interesting.Because they have more time.Because it is difficult to buy train or plane tickets.Because it is cheaper to take buses or drive cars.(3)How long does it take the writers family to get to the hi

2、ll by car?For fifty minutes.For about an hour.For about two hours.For about three hours.(4)Why does the writer say What a bad vacation!?Because there are lots of cars on the street.Because there are many people fishing.Because they dont take enough food and drink.Because it rains hard when they are

3、having a picnic.【答案】 (1)A(2)C(3)C(4)D 【解析】【分析】文章大意:随着经济的发展,中国人外出旅游的越来越多,当然并不是每次旅游都非常的如意。本周六我们一家到乡下旅游就赶上了下雨天,十分糟糕。 (1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 So people living in the countryside (乡村) come to cities and people from cities go to the countryside for vacation. 理解可知,城市的人喜欢到乡下去旅游,故选A。 (2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 It is very har

4、d to buy train or plane tickets. So many people take buses or drive cars to travel. 理解可知,因为买火车票和飞机票很难,所以很多人决定自驾游或乘坐公交车去旅游。故选C。 (3)理解计算题。根据文中的语句 It takes us about an hour to get out of the city. Then after fifty minutes drive, we come to a hill. 理解可知,作者到达小山花费了两个小时的时间,故选C。 (4)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 We sit down

5、 under a big tree on the hill and begin to eat. Before we finish eating, it suddenly starts to rain hard. We have to run back to our car. Then we drive back home. What a bad vacation! 理解可知,在野炊时赶上下雨,所以作者认为这个假期很糟糕,故选D。 【点评】考查阅读理解。 本题涉及细节理解题和计算题。做题的时候,先从题目中找到一个关键词,再定位原文,找到答案。2根据材料内容,选择正确答案。B TWO Englis

6、h phrases show what people think about mice and rats: As quiet as a mouse, and a dirty rat. People think rats are dirty because they live in sewers(下水道) and other unclean places. They also carry diseases(疾病). Having a rat in your house is bad news. They smell terrible and make a lot of noise. Callin

7、g someone a rat in English means they are not to be trusted(信任). Saying Rats! is also a way to show that you are angry. Mice, on the other hand, are seen as quiet and cute. They live in fields and as unwelcome guests in peoples houses. They are small and often kept as pets. Walt Disneys famous chara

8、cter Mickey Mouse helped make them lovable to children. Jerry, from the Tom and Jerry cartoons, is smart and naughty. It makes everyone happy. Rats and mice are both classed as rodents(啮齿类). But people think about them in different ways!(1)Why do people think rats are dirty? Because they . live in u

9、nclean placescarry diseasessmell terrible and make noiseA,B&C(2)When people call you a , that means People like you.People dont trust you.You are very popular.All the above are wrong.(3)According to the passage, which is TRUE?People think mice and rats are the same.t like the mouse Jerry in the Tom

10、and Jerry cartoons because its very dirty.People often keep rats as pets.Mickey Mouse is very lovable and popular to children.【答案】(1)D(2)B(3)D 【解析】【分析】1.文章第二,三行 People think rats are dirty because they live in sewers(下水道) and other unclean places.“人们认为老鼠脏的原因是,因为生活在下水道和其他一些很脏的地方”。 They also carry dis

11、eases(疾病).“它们也会带来疾病”。They smell terrible and make a lot of noise.“它们闻起来很臭,并且会制造很多噪音”。故选D。2.文章第四行Calling someone a in English means they are not to be trusted(信任).“用英语rat叫某人时,意思是他们不被信任”。故选B。3.文章最后Rats and mice are both classed as rodents(啮齿类).“Rats和mice都被列为啮齿类”。 But people think about them in differe

12、nt ways “但是人们用不同的方式思考它们”。故排除A。文章倒数第二行Jerry, from the Tom and Jerry cartoons, is smart and naughty. It makes everyone happy.“来自猫和老鼠这部卡通中的老鼠,它很聪明淘气,使得每个人都很开心”,可判断出人们是很喜欢猫和老鼠这部卡通中的老鼠的。故排除B。从倒数第四行 Mice, on the other hand, are seen as quiet and cute. “mice,从另一方面说,被视为安静和可爱的”。They are small and often kept

13、as pets“他们很小,经常被当做宠物”。故排除C。【点评】文章细节理解。3根据材料内容,选择正确答案。 It was only with her death that Nurse Edith Cavell became known, but her story became one of the great epics (ASF) of the First World War. Edith Cavell, born on December 4, 1865 at Northfolk, England, studied nursing, and became First Matron(护士长)

14、 at a hospital in Brussels, Belgium. During the war she became an important link in a chain of people helping the wounded and stray Allied soldiers (离散的盟军土兵) back to their own lines. The Germans caught her and she was sentenced to be shot. This brave woman, who had helped over two hundred soldiers t

15、o safety, acted with great pride during the short trial(审判). She said at the end her only regret was that she could not have done more than she did. Edith Cavell was killed by several German soldiers on October 12, 1915 after an Americans request to spare her life had been rejected. There is a statu

16、e(雕塑) of her in London, arid Mount Edith Cavell in Canada is named for this heroic nurse.(1)The best title for this passage should be A Brave WomanNurse Edith CavellMount Edith CavellAn English woman, Brussels(2)Edith Cavell was and became the head nurse in a German; Belgiumfrom Belgium; England Can

17、adaan English woman; Brussels(3)Which of the following is NOT true?Edith Cavell served as a matron during the war.Edith Cavell had been to Canada.Edith Cavell was on the side of the Allied Armies.Edith Cavell acted bravely before the enemies.(4)Mount Edith Cavell is named by Edith Cavellthe name of

18、a ladythe name of a mountainnamed after Edith Cavell because she had once worked there(5)The writer wrote the article to a. show that the war was very cruelb. cell on us to learn from Edith Cavellc. tell us why Edith Cavell was killedd. just record the important happening during World War Ie. sing h

19、igh praise for Edith Cavellb and ea and ba, e and dd and e【答案】 (1)B(2)D(3)B(4)C(5)A 直到她去世,护士才知道,但她的故事成为第一次世界大战的伟大史诗之一。1865,出生于1865年12月4日,在英国northfolk学习护理,并成为第一护士长在医院在布鲁塞尔,比利时。在战争期间,她成为一个人链中的重要环节,帮助受伤和流浪的盟军士兵回到他们自己的战线。德国人抓住了她,她被判处枪决。这位勇敢的女人,帮助了二百多名士兵的安全,在短期审判(审判)的伟大骄傲。她最后说,她唯一的遗憾是她做不到比她做得多。 Edith Cav

20、ell 于1915年10月12日被几名德国士兵杀害。1915年,一个美国人要求她的生活被拒绝后,他被杀害。她在伦敦有一个雕像(雕塑),加拿大的arid Mount Edith Cavell 是这个英雄护士的名字。(1)文章第一段It was only with her death that Nurse Edith Cavell became known,提到了Nurse Edith Cavell,倒数第二行Edith Cavell was killed也提到了,结合整篇文章内容都在讲 Nurse Edith Cavell,故选B。(2)从文章第二行Edith Cavell, born on D

21、ecember 4, 1865 at Northfolk, England, studied nursing, and became First Matron(护士长) at a hospital in Brussels, Belgium.1865,出生于1865年12月4日,在英国northfolk学习护理,并成为第一护士长在医院在布鲁塞尔,比利时。(3)A选项Edith Cavell served as a matron during the war.Edith Cavell 在战争期间担任护士长。从文章第三行and became First Matron(护士长) at a hospit

22、al in Brussels, Belgium. During the war she became an important link in a chain of people helping the wounded and stray Allied soldiers (离散的盟军土兵) back to their own lines. 成为比利时布鲁塞尔一家医院的第一位护士长。C选项Edith Cavell was on the side of the Allied Armies.Edith Cavell在盟军的旁边。文章第三行helping the wounded and stray A

23、llied soldiers (离散的盟军土兵) back to their own lines. 帮助受伤和流浪的盟军士兵回到他们自己的防线。D选项Edith Cavell acted bravely before the enemies.Edith Cavell勇敢地面对敌人。文章第四行The Germans caught her and she was sentenced to be shot. This brave woman, who had helped over two hundred soldiers to safety, 德国人抓住了她,她被判处枪决。这个勇敢的女人,帮助二百

24、多名士兵脱险,故排除D,故选B。(4)文章最后There is a statue(雕塑) of her in London, arid Mount Edith Cavell in Canada is named for this heroic nurse.故选C。(5)a. show that the war was very cruel表明战争非常残酷。b. cell on us to learn from Edith Cavell我们要向Edith Cavell学习。c. tell us why Edith Cavell was killed告诉我们为什么Edith Cavell 被杀。d. just record the important happening during World War 只记录第一次世界大战期间发生的重要事件。e. sing high praise for Edith Cavell对Edith Cavell赞不绝口。综合考虑,故选A。【点评】文章的细节理解,主题概括。4根据短文内容,完成下列小题。 Most midd

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