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1、有需要时清洁抽屉、柜及衣柜里面。3. Clean the exterior and interior of the refrigerator清洁雪柜里面及外面。4. Clean the exterior and interior of the kitchen清洁厨房5. Wash the window curtain清洁窗帘1. Kitchen 厨房- Clean the wall tiles.清洁墙砖- Clean the window and frames清洁窗及窗框- Clean exhaust fans and smoke hoods清洁抽气扇油- Clean the exterior

2、 and interior of the oven, microwave oven and garbage bin.清洁焗炉、- Clean the exterior of kitchen cabinets清洁厨柜面。- Clean the kitchen rack清洁厨房用的架2. Bathroom / 浴室- Wash the wall tiles清洗墙砖- Clean the door and door frames清洁门口及门框- Clean the window and exhaust fan清洁窗户及抽气扇- Clean the mirror清洁镜子- Clean the exte

3、rior and interior of the bathroom cabinet and glass rack清洁浴室柜内外及玻璃架。- Clean the exterior of the heater water清洁热水炉之外面。- Wash the shower curtain清洗浴帘-Clean the exterior and interior of the washing machine, including the washing powder container清洁洗衣机之内外,包括放洗衣粉储存格。3. Sitting Room, Dinning Room and Bedroo

4、ms 客厅、饭厅及睡房- Clean all door, windows and frame清洁所有门、窗及框- Wax clean the TV set, Hi-Fi, air-conditioner, fan, wardrobe, etc抹干净电视、音响组合、冷气机、风扇及柜。- Change and laundry all bed sheets, pillow cases and quilt covers更换及清洗床单、床笠及枕袋。- Laundry the cushion cover清洗咕臣。- Clean the childs bed清洁小孩所睡的床。4. Others 其他/ La

5、in-Lain- Wash the babys carriage and toys清洁婴儿车及玩具- Clean hair combs and brush清洁梳及刷子- Clean shoes清洁鞋- Polish leather shoes用鞋油刷亮皮革的鞋- Clean non-leather shoes with detergent or wet cloth用清洁剂或湿布清洁非皮革的鞋C) Daily Routines Households 日常工作指引 家务1. Prepare breakfast if require准备早餐2 Daily general clean-up日常清洁Ki

6、tchen 厨房- Mop the kitchen floor. When it is greasy, clean it with detergent.清洁厨房地板,如地面有油渍,需用清洁剂清洁- Wash dishes and cups清洁碗碟- Clean the stove, sink, rice cooker, pan, pots and after cooking utensils after each meal每次煮食后,必需清洁炉灶、洗手盆、电饭煲、镬、平底锅、煲及所有厨具。- Clean the kettle and water bottle when necessary.有需

7、要时清洁水壼及水樽Bathroom 浴室清洁镜- Clean the toilet bowls daily with cleansers每日用清洁剂清洁坐厕- Mop the toilet floor daily and clean it with dry cloth it is wet厕所地面需每天拖洗,如地面弄湿,必须用布抹干- Scrup and clean the bath tub and sink要小心谨慎地清洁浴缸及洗手盆Sitting Room, Dinning Room and Bedrooms 客廰、饭厅及腄房- Sweep the floor拖地- Mop the floo

8、r with diluted bleach and rinse with water daily每天用稀释的漂白水拖地及用清水抹干净- Make up beds every morning每朝整理好床单- Dust all furniture and decorations所有家俬及摆设均须扫尘- Wipe the sofa擦净沙发-Wash the babys changing mat with water and wipe dry with designated cloth用清水洗干净婴儿换尿片垫及用专用布抺干3.Prepare lunch and dinner准备午餐及晚餐4.Prepa

9、re drinking water and always check if there is water in the hot pot and glass bottle.准备饮用的水及经常检查是否有热沸水和冻沸水5.Laundry and iron the clothes after laundry dry and mend the clothes if necessary.洗衣后要熨衫及摺好衣服6.Go to market去街巿买餸7.Clean shoes, which were worn and that day with dry cloth用干布抹干净僱主所穿的鞋8.Watering

10、the plants outside the window盆栽/植物需浇水9.Dispose all the garbage and close the window in the kitchen before you go to bed.睡前必须清理所有垃圾及关上厨房的窗1. Keep all doors and windows clean and free of dust.经常保持门窗清洁及避免铺尘2. Keep the kitchen clean, tidy and free from odor.保持厨房清洁及整理,并避免产生异味3. Keep the living room, dini

11、ng room and bedrooms clean and tidy at all times.要经常保持客厅、饭厅及睡房时常整洁。4. Put back childrens toys and belongings in their respective places.将小孩玩完的玩具放回原处。5.Use separate towels for different purposes, e.g. separate towels for wiping floor, cleaning furniture, cleaning dining table, washing cups, washing b

12、asin and washing toilets etc.用不同的抹布予不同的用途,例如将不同抹布分别用于抹地、清洁家具、清洁饭桌、洗杯、洗洗手盆及清洁厨房等。1. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing or serving food.必须彻底清洁双手才准备食物。2.All drinking water must be boiling point (after the water kettle has been beeping for at least one minutes) before serving.所有饮用的水必需达到煲滚程度(当水壶

13、至少发出“BeeBee”一分钟)才可供饮用。3.Learn to prepare and cook meals. Do not hesitate to ask and learn to cook more dishes.须要学习如何去预备及煮餸,要主动去学煮多些不同款式的餸菜。4.Be able to provide the children with good meals in the absence of your employers, and make sure that they finished the meal.当僱主不在家时,也要为小孩提供丰富有营养的食物,以及确保小孩吃饱。5.

14、 Do not waste food.不可浪费食物。6. If you have to answer the telephone while cooking, wash your hands first.如果你在煮餸时需要接听电话,必须先清洁双手。7. Ensure that meals are prepared and served at the proper time.要确保所预备的餸菜能准时预备妥当。8. Always keep all dished and cooking utensils clean.要经常保持碗碟及厨具清洁。2.Wash clothes according to i

15、nstructions as in label of detergent and label attached to clothes. Hand wash of delicate clothes when needed.洗衣时应按照衣服上的洗衣标签而清洗衣服,当有需要时要用手洗名贵衣物。3. When washing clothes, do not mix with those changing-color. Always check with your employer when you are in doubt.当洗衣时,不可将容易 脱色的衣物其他衣物放在同一机洗。如有任何疑问,应问清楚僱

16、主。4.Wash adults clothes by machine when there is a full load. Hand wash of babys clothing immediately when they are soiled with milk, urine or feces.当成人衣物储满一机时可以用洗衣机洗, 但婴儿的衣服沾满奶、5. Check all pockets before washing.先检查衣服的口袋里是否有东西要拿出来才清洗衣服。6. Remove dirt with pre-wash before washing.要先清洁顽固污渍才放在洗衣机内洗。7

17、. Ensure clothes are inside-out before washing.要确认衣服是向外翻才放进机洗。8.Ironing must be very good especially sirs shirts and business suits. Always ask for advice if you are not clear what temperature should be used for ironing some particularly clothes. 熨 先生之恤衫或西装时要特别小心和留意,如对于一些不清楚物料,便要向僱问清楚可用几高温度去熨这些衣服。9.

18、Ironed clothes must be hung up properly in the wardrobe or kept in the respective shelves/ drawers熨好的衣服必须挂在衣柜内或摺好分别放在有关之抽屉或柜内。10.Tidy up the drawers and wardrobes from time to time. 要定期整理衣柜及抽屉内的衣物。11.Repair works must be done when necessary, e.g. replacing loosened buttons, hemming, etc.有需要时,必需做简单的缝

19、补工夫如补衫钮及缝补。1.When there are guest for meals, clear their dishes and make sure drinks are topped up.当有客人到访用膳,要替客人清洁干净碗碟及留意客人饮品需否增添。2. When there are house guests, attend to their needs, e.g. serving drinks.当客人到访,要随时留意她们的需要。例如准备饮品予客人。3. After the guests have left, tidy up the place immediately.当客人离开,要

20、立即收拾整理地方。H) Others 其他 Lain-lain1.Get up before 7:00 in the morning.每天早上七时起床。2.In case of illness, please notify your employer.如有不适,要先通知僱主.尿液或粪便时便要实时手洗。3.All breakable items must be handled with great care. If something is broken of damaged because of carelessness, it is agreed that the equivalent re

21、placement costs of those items can be deducted from your salary according to labor law.易 碎物件应小心轻放,如不小心打烂,僱主有权按劳工法例要求工人作出赔偿,并于工资内扣取相等价值。4. Must report any mistakes or accidents immediately and ask for instruction.如发生任何意外或做错事,应向僱主汇报及寻求指示。5.Do not use your employers belongings and articles. Do not eat

22、snacks in front of children or give your food to them without the prior permission of your employer.不可擅自使用僱主物品,不可在小孩面前吃零食,不可在没有僱主批准下给予你的食物予小朋友。6.No contents of the house are allowed to be taken away or removed from the house without the prior approval from your employer. It will be reported to polic

23、e immediately if any valuables are stolen.不可未经僱主同意拿取屋内的任何物品离开,否则如有任何贵重物品遗失,僱主会立即报警。7. Do not leave the house without your employers prior permission.不可未经僱主同意擅自离开屋企。8.No friends or relatives are allowance to your employers house or let them stay overnight.僱主严禁你带朋友或亲属到僱主屋企或让她们过夜。9.During working hours

24、, you should refrain from making personal calls. If you need to make urgent phone calls, please limited them to no more than 5 minutes.在工作时间内,你不应倾谈私人电话,如你有紧急的电话要致电,也应限于五分钟内倾完。10. Do not make long-distance telephone calls or receive collect calls at the house.在家里不可月僱主电话打长途电话或翻阅电话记录。11.Do not read boo

25、k or write any letters during your workings days, so it on your holidays.不可于工作时间内看书或写信,应该在你的假期内进行。12.Follow your employers instruction on how to do the household work and take care of the baby. Please make sure that you understand your employer instructions clearly all the time by jotting down instr

26、uctions if necessary or ask your employer to repeat it.按照你的僱主指示如何处理家务及照顾小朋友,如有需要,可用笔记下重点或重覆问清楚僱主以确保你能清晰明白僱主的吩咐。13.Do not feel bad when being criticized. It may mean that you have not performed satisfactorily and timely comments may help you make improvements.当你被僱主责备时,不可露出不悦之色,因为适当的责备能改善你的工作表现。14.Nev

27、er show annoyance when working and do not grumble.不可在工作时埋怨,不可赌博。15. Do not ask for advance salary from your employer.不可向你的僱主预支工资。16.Do not borrow money from your employer, friends or finance companies. You will be dismissed if it is found that you have an outside loan from finance companies.不可向你的僱主、

28、朋友及财务公司借钱,如僱主发现你向外面的财务公司借钱,僱主会实时与你终止合约。17.Do not use your passport as a collateral to borrow money. Make copies on all documents, e.g. passport, visa contract, and HKID card and keep them in a separate and safe place.不可用你的护照作为抵押去借钱,所有文件如护照、合约及身份证都应影印副本,并将你的正本文件分开及存放于安全的地方。18.You are not allowed to u

29、se employers address and telephone number for whatever purpose without your employers permission.在未获僱主同意下,你不可给予僱主的地址及电话予他人作任何目的。19. Smoking is strictly prohibited.严禁吸烟。20.Do not take drugs and alcohol anywhere and anytime.在任何情况,不可饮酒及吸毒。21.Without employers permission, you are not allow to turn on the air conditioner, watch TV and listen to radio.未经僱主同意,不可擅自开冷气、电视及收音机。22.When you are at

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