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1、 aspect as-pect5Aspektn.方面;(建筑物的)朝向、方向;样子,外表 例句 Tame elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers.(2005年1月B卷词汇50题)译文 经驯养的大象与野生大象在脾性等许多方面都有不同。approach ap-proach vt.向靠近 n.靠近;途径,方式例句Whats the biggest fear of older parents according to New York psychologist Joan G

2、alst? Approaching of death.(2006年6月阅读3)译文纽约心理学家Joan Galst认为老年父母最担忧的是什么?是临近死亡。 assume as-sume vt.假定,假设,臆断;承担,呈现例句People assume that office politics involves some manipulative (工于心计的) behavior.(2004年6月阅读2)译文人们认为办公室政治包括一些工于心计的行为。 attach at-tach vt.缚,系,贴,附加;使依恋,使喜欢;使附属;认为有(重要性、责任等)例句In large cities, som

3、e kindergartens are attached to universities that have elementary and secondary schools.(2005年1月阅读2)译文在大城市,有些幼儿园是某大学的附属幼儿园。这种大学一般都有附属小学和附属中学。用法be attached to sb./sth.喜欢某人/某物 attach importance to sth.认为重要 factor fac-tor n.因素,因子;系数 例句One factor that can influence consumers is their mood state. (2007年1

4、2月完形填空) 译文影响消费者的一个因素是消费者的心态。 四级大纲高频词汇(11-15次)previous a.先的,前的,以前的例句They worked out that people who had quit in the previous decade were much more likely to be overweight than smokers and people who had never smoked .(2008年12月快速阅读)译文他们知道前十年已经戒烟的人比吸烟的人和从不吸烟的人更容易超重。辨析previous,preceding, prior, preceden

5、t, antecedent, forgoing这是一组含有“先前的”之意的形容词。 previous先前的,以前的(时间,书的章节以及事件)。preceding在前的,多指书或文章的前部或前页,也可指时间在前的;e.g. in the chapter在上一章; in the year, 在上一年。prior较早的,指一个行为先于另一个行为,后接介词to。precedent 多指某一事情先于另一事情发生。antecedent “前期的”多指在历史中一个时期先于另一个时期。forgoing 同preceding和prior。slash vt.砍;大幅度削减n.砍,砍痕;斜线号例句Spending

6、about 100,000 on these and other improvements, he slashed his 90,000 fuel and power bill by 60,000. (2007年12月快速阅读)译文为这些和其他改进花费约为十万英镑,他将其九万英镑燃料和电力账单削减了六万英镑。sour a.酸味的;馊的;脾气坏的v.使变酸;使变得乖戾(或暴躁)例句Some peoples breath turns sour every time they go on a job interview. (1998年1月阅读3)译文每次去面试,一些人就会变得没好气的。academi

7、c a.学术的;学院的;纯理论的,不切实际的n.大学教师例句It was Page who, at Stanford in 1996, initiated the academic project that eventually became Googles search engine. (2007年6月阅读A)译文佩吉于1996年在斯坦福大学发起的学术项目最终成为谷歌搜索引擎。advantage n.优点,优势,好处例句A trademark prevents others from using the identical or a similar word, name, or symbol

8、 to take advantage of the recognition and popularity of the brand or to create confusion in the marketplace. (2008年12月完形)译文商标阻止他人使用相同或类似的词、名称或符号,来利用得到大众认知且广受欢迎的品牌的知名度或在市场上制造混乱。community n.社区,社会;团体,界;(动植物的)群落例句Large parts of the community may become mired in a seemingly state of poverty and underachi

9、evement (2008年12月阅读2)译文社会的很大部分可能陷入贫困和成就不好的状态。conclude vt.推断出,推论出;缔结,议定vi.结束,终了例句The report concluded that at a ticket price of $50,000, there could be 500,000 passengers flying into space each year. (2006年1月快速阅读)译文报告的结论是:如果票价为5万美元 ,每年可能会有50万名乘客太空旅行。describe vt. 形容,描写;画出(图形等)例句One should create a sol

10、id statement in a dozen or so sentences that describe in detail how they see their life related to work. (2007年6月快速阅读)译文一个人应该用十几个左右句子做出坚定的说法,详细描述他们怎样看待与工作相关联的生活。despite不管,不顾例句Despitetheirvarieddesigns,navigationcomputersusedincars. (2002年1月阅读1)译文尽管是各种不同的设计,用于汽车的导航计算机。construct vt.建造;构思n.建筑物;构想,观念例句E

11、very morning now she turns on a specially constructed light box for half an hour and sits in front of it to trick her brain into thinking its still enjoying those long summer days.(2005年6月阅读4)译文现在她每天早上打开一个专门建造的灯箱半小时并且坐在前面,欺骗她的大脑认为自己仍然在享受那悠长的夏季。economy n.经济;节约,节省例句Watching the U.S. economy soar durin

12、g the 90s, the Germans had decided that they, too, needed to go the high technology.译文观察了美国在90年代经济增长之后,德国已经决定他们也需要走高科技的路线。 emotion n.情感,感情;激动例句By accepting who you areall your emotions, hopes and dreams, your personality, and your unique way of beingyoull project more confidence when networking and

13、talking with potential employers. (2007年6月快速阅读)译文接受你是谁所有的感情,希望和梦想,你的个性,和你存在的独特的方式当你在做网络工程和与潜在的雇主交谈时,你会更有信心。engine n.引擎,发动机;机车例句Googles search engine is so widespread across the world that search became Google, and google became a verb. (2007年6月阅读A)译文谷歌搜索引擎在世界各地如此广泛以至于搜索就是谷歌,谷歌成为一个动词。enormous a.巨大的,庞

14、大的例句What makes going to space the most expensive vacation is the enormous cost involved in the fuel to take off / launch.(2006年1月快速阅读)译文起飞/发射所需要燃料的巨大成本使前往太空成为最昂贵的度假。establish vt.建立,设立;确立;证实例句There was no established athletic footwear industry in North America from which to recruit those knowledgeabl

15、e in the field. (2008年12月阅读A)译文在北美没有已经成立的运动鞋行业,也就无法从这一领域招聘博学之士。intense a.强烈的,紧张的;认真的;热情的例句what impressed Amitai Etzioni most about Harvard MBA students? Their intense desire for money. (2006年1月阅读2)译文哈佛MBA学生给阿米泰埃奇奥尼最深刻印象是什么?对钱的强烈愿望。occur vi.发生,出现;存在;被想到例句Then she read about seasonal affective disorde

16、r, a form of depression that occurs in fall and winter, and she saw the lightliterally.(2005年6月阅读4)译文然后,她阅读有关季节性情感精神障碍,一种出现在秋季和冬季的抑郁症,并且她确实看到了光。oppose vt.反对,反抗例句But high-tech groups, including the Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group and the American Electronics Association, oppose the measures, argui

17、ng that fees of up to $30 will drive consumers to online, out-of-state retailers. (2005年1月阅读2)译文但高科技群体,包括硅谷制造集团和美国电子协会,反对该措施,认为高达30美元的费用将把消费者推到网上和外州的零售商那里。一:alternate a.交替的,轮流的;间隔的v.(使)轮流,(使)交替例句Professor Smith and Professor Brown will alternate in presenting the series of lectures on American liter

18、ature. (2004年1月词汇70) 译文史密斯教授和布朗教授将轮流主持有关美国文学的一系列的讲座。 辨析alternate,alternative 这是一组形近词。 alternate(使)轮流,(使)交替;alternative另外可供选择的。但是现在英语中已经有了用alternate来代替alternative的倾向。英文报刊常提到用,alternate fuels(其他燃料)。 二:argue vt.争论,争辩,辩论vt.(坚决)主张;说服例句Their loudest critics argue that the new wave of immigrants cannot,and

19、 indeed do not want to, fit in as previous generations did. (2008年12月阅读2)译文他们最严厉的批评认为,新一波的移民不能,确实不想像前几代人一样适应进来。 三:attach vt.缚,系,贴;使依恋,使喜爱;使附属;例句Zamorano is also using technology that attaches a probe to surgical instruments so that she can track their positions.(2004年1月阅读4) 译文萨莫拉诺也正在使用一种把探针附在手术器械上的技

20、术,这样她就可以追踪他们的位置。 四:challenge n.挑战;艰巨的任务;质问vt.公然反抗;向挑战;对质疑 例句The challenge is particularly evident in the workplace. (2007年12月阅读A) 译文在工作场所这种挑战是特别明显的。 五:compare vt.比较,对照;把比作 例句Compared with all other options, its the biggest, easiest and most profitable bang for the buck. (2007年12月快速阅读) 译文 与所有其他选择相比,这

21、是最大的,最简单和最有利可图的划算选择。 六:concentrate v.全神贯注,全力以赴;聚集,浓缩n.浓缩物,浓缩液例句Also on the agenda for next year: a proposal, backed by some influential law-makers, to split the INS into two agenciesa good cop that would tend to service functions like processing citizenship papers and a bad cop that would concentrat

22、e on border inspections, deportation and other functions. (2004年6月阅读4) 译文同时,在明年的议程上:一些有影响力的立法者支持的一项提案,把移民归化局分成两个机构一个往往有像处理公民身份文件的服务功能的好警员;一个将集中精力于边境检查,驱逐和其他职能的糟糕的警员。 七:consist vt.由组成;在于 例句13.A)The US population doesnt consist of white European descendants only (2005年12月听力13) 译文美国人口不只包括欧洲白人后裔。 辨析comp

23、rise, compose, consist, constitute, include 这一组动词都有“组成,包含”的意思。comprise包含,由组成,构成;e.g. Our companys product line comprises 1,600 different items.我们公司的生产线由1,600个不同的部分构成。compose构成,由组成;创作(作曲、诗歌等),通常用be composed of 的搭配形式。e.g. The organization was composed mainly of teachers and parents.这个组织主要由教师和学生家长组成。co

24、nsist构成,由组成,常用consist of搭配形式,注意不用于被动句;e.g. The problem consists of two parts.问题由两部分组成。后接in,consist in意为存在于。constitute构成,组成(整体),多用于主动语态。include包括,包含,把列入。argue ar-gue vi.争论,争辩,辩论 vt.(竖决)主张;例句 Its pointless to argue about matters of taste.(2003年9月阅读4)译文 争论这种事情是毫无意义的。用法 argue for 为辩护; argue with与争论;argu

25、e against争辩compete com-pete vi.比赛,竞争,对抗例句 Im conscious enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams.(2005年1月词汇48题).译文 我充分地意识到与三个强队竞争处境将非常艰难。用法 compete with sb. 与某人竞争financial fi-nan-cial a.财政的,金融的例句 In many cases, a victims losses may include not

26、only out of pocket financial losses(2007年6月快速阅读)译文 在许多情况下,受害人的损失可能不仅包括经济损失issue is-sue n.问题,发行,分发v.发行,分发,发出例句 Retailers whore responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who arent so friendly.(2008年12月阅读2)译文 会做出友好反应的零售商比那些没这么友好的零售商更能顺利地处理问题。appeal ap-peal vi.求助,诉请,要求vt.控诉n.吸引力;呼吁,上诉例句 Three high school students start a website in order to appeal to the public for contributions and donations.(2005年12月阅读4)译文 三名高中生开设网页是为了呼吁公众募捐。用法 appeal to sb. 对有吸引力,有感染力; appeal to sb. for sth. 呼吁,恳求; appeal to sb./sth. against sth.上诉,申诉

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