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1、ve got to go now.现在我必须走了。Must you?I thought you could stay for dinner with us.你必须走吗?我认为你要留下来和我们一起吃饭。Excuse me,I didnt realize I was blocking your way.抱歉,我不知道挡了你的路。The book has been translated into thirty languages since it came on the market in 1973.该书自从1973年上市以来已被译成三十种语言。考点三、现在完成时1在条件、时间、让步状语从句中,表示

2、将来某时以前已完成的动作。When shall we restart our business?(2010年高考四川卷)我们何时恢复我们的业务?Not until we have finished our plan.直到我们完成计划。I will not believe you unless I have seen it with my own eyes.除非我亲眼看到,我是不会相信你的。2现在完成时除可以和for 或since引导的状语连用外,还可以和下面的介词短语连用:during/in/over the last(past)few years(months,weeks),in recen

3、t years 等。下列句型中常用现在完成时:It is(has been)一段时间since从句This(That/It)is the first(second.)time that完成时This is the first time we have seen a film in the cinema together as a family.这是我们全家第一次到电影院去看电影。For many years,people have dreamed of electric cars.However,making them has been more difficult than predicte

4、d.多年以来,人们都梦想着电力汽车的出现。但是,制造电力汽车比预想的要难的多。考点四、过去完成时1表示“一就”的几个固定句型:Hardly/No sooner/Scarcely had主语过去分词when/than/before从句(一般过去时)。Hardly (No sooner) had I got home when (than) the rain poured down.我刚到家大雨就倾盆而下。2by,by the end,by the time,until,before,since后接表示过去某一时间的短语或从句,主句用过去完成时。By the end of last year,an

5、other new cinema had been built in our city.到去年年底,我们城市又建了一个新电影院。3表示愿望、打算类的词,如hope,expect,mean,intend,want,think等,用过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的愿望或意图等。I had meant to help you,but I was too busy at the moment.我本打算帮助你,但当时我太忙了。I had intended to call on you yesterday,but someone came to see me just when I was about to

6、leave.我昨天本来要去看你的,但是刚要出门就有人来访。考点五、进行时1现在进行时表示说话时正在发生着的一个动作;表示现阶段但不一定是发生在讲话时的一个动作;表近期特定的安排或计划;go,come等表示起止动作的动词可用进行时表示将来时。Teenagers are damaging their health because they play computer games too much.青少年们正在损害自己的健康,因为他们玩的电脑游戏太多了。He is always thinking of others first.(表赞赏)他总是先为别人着想。He is always making t

7、he same mistake.(表厌烦)他总是犯同样的错误。m not finished with my dinner yet.我还没有吃完饭呢。But our friends are waiting for us.可是朋友们在等我们。2过去进行时(1)表示当时发展中的或正在进行的情况。Hey,look where you are going?嘿,看看你往哪儿走?Oh ,Im terribly sorry.I wasnt noticing.噢!非常抱歉!我没注意。(2)某一动作发生时另一动作正在发生,其中一个在由when或while引导的时间状语从句中。持续性动作用过去进行时,短暂性动作用一

8、般过去时。Tom slipped into the house when no one was looking.当没人注意的时候,汤姆溜进屋来。The reporter said that the UFO was traveling east to west when he saw it.那位记者说,当他看到时,不明飞行物正在自东向西飞行。3将来进行时将来进行时可用于表示将来某个时刻正在发生的动作或者将来某一段时间内正在进行的动作。将来进行时常与一些标志性的时间状语连用。这些常见的标志性状语有:at this time tomorrow/the day after tomorrow,from

9、1:30 to 4:30 tomorrow等。Daniels family will be enjoying their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.丹尼尔的家人下星期的这时将正在黄山度假。If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring,you will be eating fresh watermelon in the fall.如果在春天种下西瓜种子,秋天你就会吃到新鲜的西瓜。4现在完成进行时(1)表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且现在还在进行。I have to see the doc

10、tor because I have been coughing a lot lately.我得去看医生,因为我近来一直咳嗽得很厉害。I have been learning English since three years ago.三年以来我一直在学英语。(现在还在学)The workers have been building the bridge for five months.工人们建造这座桥已经5个月了。(现在还在修建)(2)表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,在说话时刚刚结束。Where have you been?We have been looking for you e

11、verywhere.你刚才去了哪里?我们一直在到处找你。考点六、被动语态1get过去分词表被动He fell and got hurt.他摔倒且受伤了。2主动形式表被动意义(1)系动词look,feel,sound,smell,taste,seem,appear,go,prove,turn等形容词/名词。Ice feels cold.冰摸上去凉。His plan proved(to be)practical.他的计划被证明实用。(2)表示主语的某种属性的词:read,write,act,cut,draw,drive,sell,wash,clean,wear,open,cook,lock,loo

12、k,shut等。The books sell well.这些书畅销。The door wont lock.门锁不上。This coat dries easily.这种外衣容易干。语法训练1(2011年高考北京卷)Tom_in the library every night over the last three months.AworksBworkedChas been working Dhad been working解析:句意:在过去的三个月里,汤姆每天晚上都在图书馆工作。根据时间状语over the last three months 可知,本句应该用现在完成进行时,故C项正确。A项为一

13、般现在时,B项为一般过去时,D项为过去完成进行时。答案:C2(2011年高考浙江卷)The manager was worried about the press conference his assistant _ in his place ,but, luckily, everything was going on smoothly.Agave BgivesCwas giving Dhad given根据后置语境everything was going on smoothly 可知,空格处描述的是当时的情景,所以要用过去进行时态。经理对于他的助手代替他举行的新闻发布会感到焦虑,所幸的是,一

14、切进展顺利。3(2011年高考北京卷)Bob has gone to California.Oh,can you tell me when he_?Ahas left BleftCis leaving Dwould leave“鲍勃已经去了加利福尼亚。”“哦,你能告诉我他什么时候走的吗?”根据第二句中的连接词 when 可知,这里问动作发生的时间,因此应该用一般过去时,可直接排除A、C、D三项,故选项B正确。B4(2011年高考江苏卷)The fact that so many people still smoke in public places_that we may need a nat

15、ionwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.Asuggest BsuggestsCsuggested Dsuggesting仍有许多人在公共场所吸烟这一事实表明我们可能需要一次全国范围内的运动来提高人们对吸烟危害的认识。本句说明了一个现在存在的事实,故用一般现在时。主句的主语是 the fact,故谓语用动词的第三人称单数形式 suggests。suggest 在此句中的意思是“表明”,并非“建议”。5(2011年高考重庆卷)That piece of music sounds quite familiar. Who_

16、the piano upstairs? Ahas played Bplayed Cplays Dis playing那首乐曲听起来相当熟悉,谁正在楼上弹钢琴呢?根据句意,本题应用现在进行时。D6(2012年日照检测)Ann is in hospital.Oh,really?I_know.I _go and visit her.Adidnt;am going to BdonwouldCdonwill Ddidnwill第一空的“不知道”应该是过去不知道,现在已经知道了,要用一般过去时。be going to和will都可以表示将要发生的动作,be going to往往表示事先已计划或思考过的事情

17、,而will常表示临时作出的决定,因此选D。7(2012年烟台模拟)Nowadays,we can obviously feel that the Internet _our life rapidly.Ahad changed BchangedCis changing Dwas changing考查时态。现在我们能很明显地感觉到网络正在迅速改变着我们的生活。根据语意和时间状语Nowadays可知用现在进行时。8Sir,Im here.Please listen.I _asking your parents to come our school,but Id like to hear your

18、opinion first.Ahave considered Bam going to considerCconsidered Dhave been considering老师,我在。请听好。我一直在考虑让你父母来学校,但我想先听听你的意见。have been considering 是现在完成进行时,表示从过去开始的一个动作一直持续到现在并且还在进行。9(2012年宁波十校联考)My uncle _in Taiwan for 20 years.Now he has settled down in mainland.Alived Bhad livedChas lived Dwas living

19、我叔叔在台湾住了20年,他现在已经在大陆定居了。由Now he has settled可知他现在在大陆,所以表达“曾经在台湾”要用一般过去时。A10(2012年郑州质量检测)It is believed that many more popular terms _on the Internet this year.Awill be created Bhave createdCare created Dare creating考查时态和语态。句意“人们相信,今年的网络还会创造出更多的流行语。”结合句意以及句中的时间状语this year可知句子陈述的情况是将来会发生的,应用一般将来时。再结合句意

20、,流行语将被创造出来,故用被动语态。11(2012年福州质量检测)Excuse me,but I wonder if Joan is available at 330 this afternoon.m afraid she _Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.Awill watch Bwill be watchingCis to watch Dis watching根据问话中的this afternoon可知是将来的时间,语意表示在三点半这个时刻Joan将正在看哈利波特与魔法石,所以用将来进行时。12May I speak to Mr.Willia

21、ms at five tomorrow afternoon?m sorry.He _a conference then.Aattends Bhas attendedCwould attend Dwill be attending答句中的then指代的是at five tomorrow afternoon,此处意为“明天下午五点那个时候他将正在开会”,故应用将来进行时。13(2012年济宁模拟)Turn on the TV or open a magazine and you _advertisements showing happy,balanced families.Aare often s

22、eeing Boften seeCwill often see Dhave often seen打开电视或者杂志,你会看到体现幸福、和谐家庭的广告宣传。此处考查“祈使句and/or陈述句”句型。陈述句多用一般将来时。14Maybe it was because he _to the radio,but he didnt notice the dark object in the road until it was too late.Awas listening BlistenedChad listened Dwould listen考查动词的时态。可能是因为他当时正在听收音机,等他注意到路上有个黑色的物体时已经太晚了。根据语意以及第二个分句的时态可知应用过去进行时。15Mr.Smith _these days.I think he should take a holiday before he burns out.Ahas been overworking BoverworkedChad overworked Dwas overworking结合本句中的时间状语these days以及下一句中的时态可知史密斯先生这些天一直在过度工作,所以用现在完成进行时。

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