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1、(3种情况)1、动态图写次要动作2、 静态图描写跟主体最相关得物体、位置关系明显图,又叫动静皆宜图,描写该物体与主体得关系以及该物体得动作与特性表情、环境、主体周边物体()细节跟主体有关得具体得事、物、数量、中文提示A、引入句得写法(第一句话得写法,2种模板)直白型As i xplictly(直白地)apicaly(生动地)/saicl(讽刺地)depcted/reveledemontrated in he portaal(画像)/iutraon/carie(漫画、讽刺画), two handicpped me, a of hom s only one le, aeupporting a te

2、r and walki omallandraply、翻江倒海型rphiclly/ymbolical(象征地)/atiricaly depicted/revalddemonstrate inecarureporryl/illutriois aAmeran ir, w dessedina amzingl(极尽地) eusie(精美得) raditionl hines cotme、另:主体动作+插入语得描述方式、 ayoung boy, wt confident smile in hi face,is rsi tas the nshingline、(用于模板一、二)、 Th cricture,nic

3、ad atirc(讽刺得),nfds a scneto u, in ic fou yg m,hoac a(作为)goal-keepes(守门员), ae kiking ball, which sybole thei old fathr、(只能用于模板一)、细节句得写法(第二句话得写法)细节很清楚、丰富时,例举描写1.Under rtin(细瞧之下), w c setht that ir wrs mn acessorie(配件), including a pr of lo arrings,a rl ecac(项链), and othr oating things(装饰品), whch are a

4、loharaerisi f(表示特性得) hins featre(特色)、 (与其她具有中国特色特性得装饰品)2.Under scry, we can ee that laehs arey benovered by arous lite,including used bottle ofbeverags(饮料), iscarebos f insta odles(方便面),ruitpes(果皮), ish boes,and oe dty un、主体有次要动作时(动态图时)描写该次要动作1.Persirin(出汗) heavly, he mnstrts nintntion f hving ret b

5、ut viin(意志力) of oninin the new oace、2.(背)he old fter, justkiced away y his eldes son,is rolling on the cor, an his dauhter,sechin(展开) hr armwide, is reay potec aginst(防御) the irusion(入侵) f he“ball”、 Beie, te ther wo sns look t eveyng wthiniference、与主体有明显位置关系得细节与环境位置+主题+ s/a +细节+展开细节1.nerth feet of h

6、e oung man is afinishinglie, whch i also mrke as e statig lin、2.Arun teoil ap(油灯) ie darkness, hic mas the lighofthe lmpbighter、3.Bind thse t handicppedmnare twocruches(拐棍), wih usd o ustain hemto tand nd wal、C、第一段最后一句得写法(字幕完整得话、标题不完整得话翻译或者大意总结无字幕无标题)1.The caption(字幕) belw the portral rads, “ou ave

7、onyone leg ad doI, bu we stil canwalk anywhrewh we spor each ohr、”2.h capton below th rtrayl ndcats that he Intent has o onbrg us los ut alsoalienated usrom(离间) ac othe、无字幕,则总结图得大意,但不用引申1.ppartly,it is her foness(喜爱) ofChinesculurthat ads t(增添)her carm abeaty(魅力与美丽)、2.Undoubtedl, t is the dive igedi

8、ents tat ake the cultura “hot pot” nt only dlcat(美味得) bt also nutritous(营养得)、3.W ar inford that w ourselves fentimes(总就是)exaggerate he ificltiesconfrontin 、4.(背)Aparenly, t istherelenless and rthles(冷酷无情得) exploatin(压榨)f manid ht h brought aout(导致)the significant decli th mre(海洋) rsource、完整一段范例1. ra

9、picall/mblcally(象征地)/Satirically dpicted/revealed/dmostratd necaricurepaya/illustratn is n mric girl, wo is dressed aaaziny(极尽地) xqiie(精美得) tradiionalCies cotue、Under scrutny(细瞧之下), we an e that tagirl a man aceories(配件),iclunga pai olnearrgs, a ealneklace(项链),nd ohr decorating things(装饰品), wichare

10、also caractersic ofChese fetur、Appaently, it herondness(喜爱) f Cies cultre that adds to(增添) he crmand baty(魅力与美丽)、2. aphillydeicted th aron are woathetes,whor haing a ootbalmtc、 lrge, asth galkeer imagines,isthe dorathe unlkly to prtct it、 Smlay,thesote,who nvisge(想象)thegoakeepr t egiant as a ona, in

11、t confidnaout winningthgme、 prently, thir lack of cofdence ilbrn them nothig but failre、注意:单图题要分清主次,动作全面,细节到位,字幕总结,不要去推深层含义,要就图说事儿二、双图题(一图双主体题)1、描述图在说得一个场景、事件2、分别描写两图、两主体、两个时间得细节。突出对比或变化、字幕翻译或者图表面信息得总结A、第一句(种版本)文豪版1.The rares, subte(微妙得) nd viid, depctte ast(激烈得)change oncrnigthemeil fshin nthe0t en

12、ury、2.Graphcally depiteditheportralare to ahlte ore in a football tch、3.As i copicuously(明显地) demostatenhe e(组)f potos bve, two yong me hibit(展示)srong pssion for Davd Becham,who i one of the motoien(著名得) fotal strs i t worl、文豪版Uponseeing the setof cricates abve, what aress(吸引)m atention t is t rstic

13、 dstinction(显著区别) of eoples attituand eactio whn if o these ccumstance、B、第二句(分别描写两图、两主体、两个时间得细节。突出对比或变化)1.In te ef i prsowh wroe thename of Bekm ohs facend si it prid, whilei th rit one, athr young mn,howas read sprsmagaine, spn 300 R a acut hat reseml(像) tt(指代发型) ofBeckha、2.时间变化型 900, tre a nly noa

14、t fishing onhsa whchbunded ith fish; oweer, in195,par ih the dramat asent(上升) of the nmber f mrcil boas, ol oeih survivd te mrcil fiing、C、第三句(字幕翻译或者图表面信息得总结)1.Apparty,he ast cnrywtnesed aramtic cnge in erciafshig idutry、2.W ae infore thtpeoe mreofen tha ot(ft) exaert th iicultie of henes ofrontin th

15、m、3.Undoubtedly, they ae epresentiveo(代表了) nuerous oung pel wo wohi dlin an ureonable ad rationa(不合理得) ay、Vividy epted i the caratur aretw me,n frot fhom isa bote, whse ater pashed(溅) all ove heor、“herare stl ome;” he man the rght rmad witatfcton, rshi t ge th botlu, whiethe lft man igd in dsai:“t i

16、 llov!”parenl, peops haiors and reactins ffer rmaically evn hn confonedwih the saeoccasin、三、深层含义阐释段(第二段)100字左右 描述、寓意、分析、评论1、图画得目得就是什么反映出得问题(-)、想提倡得观念()、想折射得矛盾(|)我们不该怎样、我们该怎样、我们到底该怎样2、展开社会现实、举例(有时第三段)、数据支撑、正反论证、因果、假设、寓意阐释67句A、目得句得写法(2种模板,每种模板2个句型,第二段第一句)“作者现身”法1.The illtrator(插图画家),who mh be an etusi

17、asi nironmentalpoetor, conscuosy itends to dra our atteton to teisu f svere llutin andal-perasive contmnion(污染)、2.Theilstrator, wo might be n advcte for t fusion(融合) ulticltures,cpicuousl ntensto drawour atentiontothes o howto blen(混合) ocal cutur with nernainalones、3.Apparntly, th cartit eavors to(努

18、力) use ouraans of enironmntal prottion b is draing、4.Appaty,thhtographr edeavor to cve(传递) thmesge tat evntelocal and ntona uture n bee tertionl and fashiona in the cntext of goalizatin、以图传情法1.The purpos f the cacatureis to eveal he act tat the resrictederc activies have eeneetigteendoly(非常地,惊人地) ne

19、tiv efecs on(坏事儿很严重句型)the atre、2.Th purpoe f eaiatre is to revel h fact that the neglctnd he mitreatmnt(虐待) the eles ave befar fomrr (坏事儿很常见句型) i ou so-called civiied(文明得) ciet、3.impe the drag seems, it transmita thoght-prvoking mege that i orer to srvive and hrve(生存与发展) in ti petitive wol, w suldne

20、ver sp ng progresseven we wereac oaset upbefe、(呼吁句型1)4.Simple s tedrawing sees, tnsmits a though-pokig messa that lie teit in te darkess,ur love and carecn ignite(点亮) hiold and relistic(冰冷与现实得) worl、 (lke A,B)B、展开句得写法(7种,最后用2-3种)1、社会背景、现实描述法(段中心句与深度展开之间得过渡)() “随着”、 “怎么样”、1.With the pesf globaliation

21、 uikning is pace, eol ounting umbes relizthat the cltul bndinghould be ecore and ntaind so ttthe whe human soity can e better nired、A hold be donend doe so th +好得结果 (呼吁句型2)2.With theprocess ofboh indtializati ancivilzaton(工业化与文明)celeraig aes,pple in min numbesgnore e environmentl proteton, whi is th

22、foundtin andhe sybl ot huanty(人类,人道)、3.,people in moutingnumr hve be faligvictims t(成为得受害者)()那些年我们发生得变化+两个具体得变化1.Surely ther has bee im in histrywher e lvedliesof pepe(人们过得生活) have bncangdmo draticlly h di they in te patfew yea、2.urely,with the adent a advanceen(出现与发展) ohe Intene, erhs benn tie n it

23、 where the lived livs of peopl have been chandodratcaly、3.It is unale(不可否认得就是,毫无疑问得就是) tht wih thev creasg(与日俱增得)lexit andpessur o odesocity,tere haseen notieinhstoryherethe ed li o eol ave been chnged mor drmticly、+两个具体得现实或变化1.Onthe o han, hewah ssesed(拥有) bus h amoune o(到了) n nprecedete(前所未有得) lee

24、l、 O the thr hd, t exptat to enhnce ur faily condiin, pay psition, and cil reputaionas exrted enomo psychoogca pressure, atte siie orneate, on 、2.One th one hnd,thntent, h magical tool to en all qestons, hatemendous reduced o tim that was dedicad t(献身于,把用于) owor, hb angthemore requnt reunions wth ou

25、 fiends ndamly eesposib、 nh othe nd,those who indue teselves in th coviencesbgh by tentert ae gadully depred of(渐渐失去) tebility andwllignes to muncate ih hers in theeal le, simpy because h haveen accustoe ttalng nd akng frinds nvrtal sngs(虚拟情境)、同位语得写法1.Laws, a t ruls that caasssur sciet to safe nd tabe ne、2.Cutural fin, a tendhat can ast te lturtat wrburied and isolate long time

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