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1、13. The strawberries are nice. 14. They are rough. 15. These knives are blunt. 16. Those books are so thick. Whose 句型专项练习 班级 姓名1. This is Dannys knife. 2. This is Marks key.3. That is Jills pencil case.4. These are Peters pencils.5. Those are Miss Fangs books. 6. This knife is Dannys.7. This key is

2、Marks.8. That pencil case is Jills.9. These pencils are Peters.10. Those books are Miss Fangs.一般现在时专项练习 班级 姓名1 Sally _ (have ) many books.2 Danny _(want) to buy the grapes.3 The dog often _ (go) with me .4 She never _(play) football.5 The trees shadow _ (grow) long again in the evening.6 The trees s

3、hadows _ (grow) short at noon.7 I _( walk) to school every day.8 Peter and I _ (like) apples.9 They _ (like) playing basketball.10 The men _(go) to the park every day.11 Lets _ (go)and _(ask)her.12 You can _ (touch) the apple.13 Alice likes _ (read) books in the library.14 Peter wants _ (buy) some b

4、ananas.15 Lets go _ (swim) together.16 Dont _ (jump) in the sand.17 Sally sometimes _ ( do) his homework in the bedroom.18 Would you like _ (come ) with us?Sure.19 Swimming _( make) you healthy and strong.20. I often play badminton with my classmates after school.1)I 改成He 2)否定句3)一问两答 4)用What 提问现在进行时

5、 班级姓名1. Flo _( play) with a goat in the boat now.2. Look! Kitty _(do) her homework in the bedroom.3. Where is Miss Fang? She _(have) English class.4. Listen! Some children _ (play) basketball outside.5. It is five oclock. The Lis_( have ) dinner in the dinning room.6. I usually_( read) storybooks ,b

6、ut now Grandma _ (tell) us a fairy tale.7. _ Tony _ (do) his homework at five oclock?8. _ they _(play) basketball in the playground?9. _ the doorbell _(ring) now?10. What _ the ladies _(doze) on the bench now?11、Ginger eats a large bowl of cat food every day.1) 否定句 2) 一问两答3) 用what 提问4) every day 改成n

7、ow12、Im making a model plane in the living room now.1)否定句2)一问两答3)用what 提问4)用where 提问 5)将now 改成oftenA: _, Alice.B: Hi, Danny. _ a badminton club in our school. Would you like to come _ us? Its my favourite _ . But I am _ my homework. Lets go to the gym in the evening. _! Hi, Kitty. I have some _62_.

8、Do you like them? Yes, I _63_. OK. A red apple _64_ you. Thanks. How does it _65_? Its sweet and nice. Fruit can make us healthy. And we also play sports every day. Can you _66_ table tennis? Yes. I like _67_ it. I often play with my friends after school. _68_ you like to join the table tennis club?

9、 Oh, sure. _69_ love to. I think we can play together. Look at that 63 , Clare. Theres a new 64 in our school. Its a basketball club. Do you like playing 65 ? Yes, I do. I can play well. Its my favourite 66 . Me too. Lets 67 the club together, then. Great. 68 else would like to join? Let me see. Oh,

10、 Alice likes playing basketball. She often 69 basketball with me. Lets 70 and ask her. A: OK.The Lis are _61_ a holiday on the beach.Mum: _62_ a beautiful beach! I like _63_ on the sand.Peter: _64_, too. _65_take off our shoes.Great! Ouch! Whats the matter? Theres a _66_ in the sand. Lets take it _6

11、7_ the lost-property office. Peter: O.K. Its hot. Can I take _62_ my coat? Yes, _63_ _64_ you can. I have a _65_ of orange juice. Great! _66_ it. Is it sweet _67_ sour? Its sweet. I_68_. You are _69_.班级 姓名2、变否定句: be +not; can +not ; dont +动词原形 ;doesnt +动词原形 例:(1) I go to school at seven oclock in th

12、e morning.I dont go to school at seven oclock in the morning.(2) He goes to school at seven oclock in the morning.He doesnt go to school at seven oclock in the morning.1. Those knives are blunt. 2. I can touch the desk. 3. The moon rises in the evening. 4. The dog walks down the road. 5. Kitty likes

13、 eating apples. 6. Miss Fang has many books.7. I like reading books. 8. They play basketball in the morning. 9. We have dinner at 6 oclock.10. close your books. 11. Put your hand in the bag. 12. Stick a pencil. 13. Do your homework. 14. Alice, put your ball in the bag. 一般疑问句专项练习 班级 姓名be 动词提前: The gr

14、apes are sour. Are the grapes sour? 情态动词提前. I can hear an aeroplane. Can you hear an aeroplane? 借 do 或does放在前:Do you go to school at seven oclock in the morning? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Does the sun rise behind the hill in the morning?Yes, it does. No,it doesnt.1、 The trees shadow is long. _2、 I can p

15、aint a tree._3、 The sun goes down in the evening._4、 We like the purple grapes.5、 I like my shadow._6、 The trees shadows grow short.7 The trees shadow grows short.四年级动词的第三人称单数及现在分词三单规律:1 一般加s,如eat eats2 以o, s, x, ch, sh结尾加es,如do-does, catch-catches3 以辅音字母加y结尾,y变成I 加es.如,carry-carries.现在分词规律:1 直接加ing

16、.2 去e加ing.3 以重读闭音节结尾,双写末尾字母加ing.如,sit-sitting.练习:单词三单现在分词playbiteeatmakesleepdoswimgoruncatchreadwashwritefixlookflypaintcrytellstudysithave四年级英语进行时态构成:be + 动词ing ,表示正在发生的动作或事,其句中常有now, look, listen 等词。一般疑问句be提前,否定句be加not, 划线提问,疑问词+be+ 从头抄。1. I am doing my homework in the living room.一般疑问句:肯定回答: 否定回

17、答:否定句:用 where 提问:用what提问:I成Tom:_2. Dad is washing his car in the yard. 改成一般现在时:1Those students are playing basketball in the playground._用what 提问:用where 提问:_2 Grandpa is watching TV in the living room.3 Im brushing my teeth in the bathroom._否定回答:_I 改成Kitty:四年级英语数词表达及时间表达数词:19: one ,two,three,four,fi

18、ve,six,seven,eight,nine,ten.eleven , twelve, thirteen , fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 时间表达三部曲:1、 直接表达法 整点表达法:“基数词+oclock”表示整点eleven oclock点非整点表达法:“小时+分钟”nine ten 点分2、 间接表达法分钟+past+小时twenty past seven(60-分钟数)+to +(小时+)二点五十分ten

19、 to three3、特殊表达法 分钟指向或,可用a quarter ,如a quarter past ten 10点半,a quarter to ten 9点分 分钟指向,可用half ,如half past ten 九点半 不精确的时间加about,表示大约。时间前面加介词at,表示在。如at one oclock.点钟_ 点钟 _ 点分_ 点分 _7点半_ 7点分_ 点分 _ 6点分点分_ 8点分_1点分_ 12点分_趣谈名词所有格英语名词所有格,表示物品所有权。名词后加s ,这种情况最常见。两者共有添最后,各有各添记心间。复数名词有s, 后面只把来添。Of 用在名词前,翻译语序后到前。

20、1. 单数名词或不以s结尾的复数名词后加s. 如 my fathers,childrens.2. 规则复数名词加.如 teachers3. 两者或两者以上共有,在最后一个名词尾加s. 如:lily and lucys bedroom4. 两者或两者以上各自所有,在每个名词词尾加s .如:lilys and lucys bedrooms5. of +名词,也构成名词所有格。如:a picture of my family 我家人的照片唱学现在进行时现在时行时真有趣,be +动词ing ,直接,双写,去哑e,加ing 时须注意。别看be词无意义,主语和它最亲密,am,is ,are随主变,没有它便

21、不成戏。Be 后加not,构成否定准没错,它若跑到主语前,一定是个疑问句。何时需用进行时,look!listen! now!看仔细。一、 现在进行时的构成 :be(am,is,are)+现在分词二、 现在分词,即动词ing。规律:1. 直接在行为动词后加ing,如eat-eating.2. 以不发音的e结尾的行为动词,去e 加ing,如write-writing, close-closing ,make-making come-coming等3. 以一个元音字母加上一个辅音字母结尾,且为重读闭音节,要双写再加ing ,如swim-swimming, run-running等。三、 现在进行时的基本用法:现在进行时莫用错,需看时间和动作,look, now和listen,时态标志记在心。话说祁使句1.动词原形来开头。如close the door. 2.否定形式动词前加dont.如:Dont pick flowers. Please dont walk on the grass.3.please用在后,逗号来隔开。Please put the rubbish in the rubbish bin. Feed the chick, pleas

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