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高一英语北师大版必修三教学案Unit 9 Section 2 含答案文档格式.docx

1、句式分析句中that引导定语从句,修饰先行词cars,先行词在从句中作主语。佳句赏析飞机是一种会飞的机器。Planes are machines that can fly.2People have been worried about pollution caused by fuels like petrol and gas for a long time now.很久以来,人们一直为汽油、煤气等燃料造成的污染担忧。句式分析caused by .为过去分词短语作后置定语修饰“pollution”,相当于“which is caused by fuels like petrol and gas”

2、。佳句赏析这是一个酒后驾车造成的交通事故。This is a traffic accident caused by drunk driving.考点1sensitive adj.敏感的,能理解的 经典例句A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain.敏感的牙神经会产生剧痛。She is always sensitive and caring.她总是善解人意,有爱心。He is very sensitive about his weight.他对自己的体重很敏感。(1)be sensitive to对敏感/体贴sensible adj. 合理

3、的,可感觉到的(2)sense n. 感觉vt.感觉到,意识到make sense 有意义,讲得通make sense of 弄懂的意思She is sensitive to what people think of her.她很敏感人们对她的看法。The sentence doesnt make sense at all.这个句子根本没有意义。Can you make sense of the poem?你懂这首诗的含义吗?1选词填空:sensible, sensitiveThe eyes of a cat are sensitive to light.There was a sensibl

4、e increase in temperature.I think thats a very sensible idea.2完成句子一个艺术家对美是敏感的。An artist is_sensitive_to beauty.你明白他所说的意思吗?Did you make_sense_of what he said?她的忧伤从她的态度上可以察觉到。Her sadness was sensible_from her manner.考点2likely adj.可能的Youre worried that shell refuse you, but I think it is not likely.你担心

5、她会拒绝你,但我认为那不可能。The flight is likely to have been delayed by the snowstorm.航班很可能因暴风雪延误了。be likely to do sth.有可能做某事It is likely that . 有可能A man is more likely to be addicted to smoking than a woman.男士比女士更有可能染上烟瘾。Its likely that the weather will be fine.天气可能好转。名师点津likely的比较级和最高级为more likely, most likel

6、y或likelier, likeliest;反义词是unlikely。What is the likeliest time to find him in his office?什么时候最有可能在他办公室找到他?辨析比较likely指从表面迹象来看很有可能possible指由于有适当的条件和方法,某事可能发生或做到,强调客观上有可能,但常含有实际希望很小的意思,不能以人为主语。常用句型:It is possible that .; It is possible for do .probable语气比possible强,指有根据的、合情合理的、值得相信的事物,含有“大概;很可能”的意思

7、,不能以人为主语。 It is probable that .1判断正误(T/F)Young drivers are likely to have more accidents than older drivers.(T)Young drivers are probable to have more accidents than older drivers.(F)Its likely that young drivers have more accidents than older drivers.(T)Its probable that young drivers have more acc

8、idents than older drivers.(T)2句型转换She is likely to ring me tonight.Itislikelythat she will ring me tonight.It is sunny, so it is probable that he will come here.Heislikelytocome here, because it is sunny.考点3responsibility n负责,责任,职责经典例句We are recruiting a sales manager with responsibility for the Eur

9、opean market.我们正在招聘负责欧洲市场的销售经理。Parents need to encourage a sense of responsibility in their children.家长必须培养孩子们的责任感。(1)have/take/bear responsibility for .对负责s ones responsibility to do sth. 做某事是某人的职责(2)responsible adj. 负有责任的,应承担责任的Would someone take responsibility for bringing Paul home?有人负责带保罗回家吗?s

10、my responsibility to take good care of my parents and child.照顾好父母和孩子是我的责任。Do you know who is responsible for the air crash?你知道谁应为此次空难负责吗?1句型转换She must take the responsibility for the company after her husband died.She must beresponsiblefor the company after her husband died.你必须对自己的行为负责。You should be

11、 responsible_for your own behavior.根据计划,你将对项目承担全部的责任。According to the plan, youll have to bear full responsibility_for the project.考点4rely on依赖,依靠They have to rely on the river for water.他们用水只能依靠这条河。rely on 依赖,依靠rely on sb. doing sth. rely on sb. to do sth.指望/相信某人做某事rely on it that . 相信,指望It/That al

12、l depends. 视情况而定。The local economy relies entirely on tourism.当地经济完全依赖旅游业。In modern society, computers are largely relied on to help us organize daily life and work.现代社会中,我们经常依赖电脑组织日常生活和工作。We rely on it that you help us.我们指望你来帮忙。Could you pick Mike up?It/That (all) depends.你能去接迈克吗?视情况而定。You cant rel

13、y on your friends lending you the money.You cant rely on yourfriendstolend you the money.t relyonitthat your friends will lend you the money.你放心好了,本周末一定下雨。You_can_rely_on_it_that it will rain this weekend.不要指望去国外度假,我们负担不起。Dont rely_on_going_abroad for a holiday. We cant afford it.明天咱们出去野餐,好吗?看情况而定。天

14、气好就去。Lets go out for a picnic, shall we?It/That_(all)_depends. If it is fine, we will.考点5pull up(车辆)停止,停车教材原句She pulled up suddenly at the traffic lights.她在交通灯前突然把车停下了。He didnt pull his car up at the red light.他看见红灯没有停车。pull down拉下;拆毁,拆掉(建筑物)pull in 到达,进站;(船、车)靠向一边,停靠pull on/off 穿上/脱下pull out 驶离路边,驶

15、出pull through 渡过难关,摆脱危难We got there just as the train was pulling out.火车正要离开时我们到了那儿。I can put up a good means to him to pull him through.我可以向他建议一个好办法以使他渡过难关。1介、副词填空His injuries are severe but hes expected to pull throughTheyd pull the old buildings down and then left an open place.The taxi pulled up

16、 and the driver jumped out.He pulled up/in at the side of the road.警察让那个开车的人停下来,要求看他的执照。The policeman pulled_up the motorist and asked to see his licence.为了给新修的道路让路,几座房屋被拆毁了。Several houses were_pulled_downto make way for the new road.考点6content n内容vt.使满意,使满足adj. 满意的,满足的I like the style of the book,

17、but I dont like the content.我喜欢这本书的文笔,但不喜欢它的内容。t be content with such a small success.不要满足于这样一个小小的成功。He was content to have such an apartment.有这样一所房子,他就很满足了。He is not content himself with the prize.他不满足于这个奖项。完成句子她的手提包掉在地上,东西散落了一地。She dropped her handbag and the contents_fell_out on the floor.你应该满足于你

18、所拥有的一切。You should be_content_with/content_yourself_with what you have.我们满足于在农村过安静的生活。We are_content_to live quietly in the country.考点7so far迄今为止(通常与现在完成时连用)Ive designed five or six different cars so far.到目前为止,我已经设计出了五六种不同款式的汽车。s a shame that I have not been abroad so far.到目前为止,我还没出过国,真遗憾。He said he

19、would telephone but we havent heard from him so far.他说要打电话来,但我们到现在还没有收到他的音讯。up to now so far到现在为止as/so far as 远到;就所;就而言far from 远离,远远不;完全不by far 得多;最far away from 远离The last of these reasons is by far the most important.这些理由中最后一条比其他的重要得多。As far as I know, what he said is far from the truth. 就我所知,他所说

20、的绝非事实。so far副词词组,意为“到目前为止;迄今”,所在句子常用现在完成时by far介词词组,一般作表示程度的状语,常用来修饰比较级或最高级,是“非常;得多”的意思(1)so far在句中用作时间状语,表示从过去某时到“现在”(即说话时)的一段时间,相当于until now,因此常与现在完成时连用。它在句中的位置较为灵活,既可位于句首,也可位于句末。(2)so far as, as far as作从属连词引导状语从句,意为“就来说,在范围内”,强调程度或范围,从句中动词常用know, see, concern等。 so far, by farHe is by_far the best

21、 student in our class.I have read three English novels so_far2介词填空The village is far away from here indeed.s far from being perfect.I dont think the film is by far the most boring.3完成句子到目前为止,我已完成了这本书的三分之二了。I have_written two thirds of this book so_far/up_to_now就我来说,我想去游泳。So/As_far_as_Im_concerned,_I

22、d like to go swimming.考点8take place发生;举行 教材原句Where do these races take place?这些比赛在哪里举行?As is known to us all, the 32nd Olympic Games will take place in Japan.众所周知,第32届奥运会将会在日本举行。Miracles will take place if you keep working hard toward your dream.如果你坚持不懈地为你的梦想而努力,奇迹就会发生。in place在恰当的位置in place of 代替ta

23、ke the place of 取代,代替take sb.s place 坐某人的座位;代替某人的位置give place to 让位于They put in place the tools of my new business.他们把我干这一新行当所需要的用具安放得井井有条。By and by electricity will take the place of coal.不久以后,电将取代煤。take place为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态。类似词语还有:happen, occur, break out, come about, turn out等。1用place的相关短语填空Mary

24、took_the_place_of Helen as an instructor.Credit cards are now widely used in_place_of cash or cheques.The robbery took_place in California last month.Many people offered to give_place_to the elder.2单句改错Great changes have been taken place in our country in the three decades.去掉beenAll this may be turn

25、ed out to be impossible.be_turnedturn考点9impression n印象,感觉I want people to have a good impression of solar cars.我想让人们对太阳能汽车有好的印象。(1)get/have a good/bad/deep impression on对有好的/坏的/深刻的印象make/leave a good/bad/deep impression on为留下好的/坏的/深刻的印象(2)impress vt. 印上;给留下深刻印象impress sth. on/upon sth./sb./ones mind

26、把某物印在某物上/使某人铭记某事impress sb. with sth. 使某人铭记某事;用打动某人(3)impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的Whatever I saw and heard on my trip gave me a very deep impression.旅途中的所见所闻给了我很深的印象。We left/made the impression on audience that we were determined to win.我们给观众留下了这样一种印象我们志在必得。He impressed her with his honesty.他的诚实打动了她。Our

27、teacher impressed the importance of knowledge on us.老师使我们铭记知识的重要性。The general is an impressive man. 这位将军是个令人肃然起敬的人物。1介词填空His speech made a strong impression on/upon his audience.The teacher impressed the value of honesty on/upon me.The girl impressed us with her skillful hands.I impressed him with the importance of his work.I impressed the impo

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