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高二英语译林版选修6学案互动课堂 Unit2 WhatishappWord格式文档下载.docx

1、答案:C2.struggle v. & n. 努力;奋斗;斗争Many countries are struggling for their independence.许多国家正在为他们的独立而斗争。They struggled just to pay their bills.他们辛苦所得仅敷日用。I struggled up the hill with heavy bags.我背着几个沉重的包吃力地爬上山去。He struggled against cancer for two years.他同癌症抗争了两年。【知识小结】struggle against/with sb./sth.同作斗争;

2、与抗争struggle with sb.for sth.为争取而与某人作斗争struggle along/on勉强维持;在困难中坚持struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来2.1)单项选择(1)Though badly injured,he still struggled_walking.A.withB.forC.onD.against提示:struggle on“勉强维持,在困难中坚持。”2)用适当的介词填空(1)Lifes hard,but well have to struggle_.(2)Lisa struggled_her conscience before talki

3、ng to the police.(3)The workers are still struggling_a better pay.(1)on(2)with(3)for3.simply adv. 仅仅;只;确实;简单地Fame is often simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time.成名常常是身在其位,恰逢其时,仅此而已。The view is simply wonderful!景色美极了!The book explains grammar simply and clearly.这本书对语法解释得简明扼要。(

4、1)simply作“仅仅;不过”讲时,强调简单,相当于just。(2)simply作“确实;简直”讲时,强调某种说法,相当于absolutely。(3)simply作“不过;只是”讲时,引出概括或解释。3.指出下列句子中simply的含义,并把该句译成汉语(1)Simply add hot water and stir(搅动). (2)That is simply not true. (3)Anyway,to put it simply,we still owe them 2000.(1)simply相当于just。只加点热水搅动一下就可以了。(2)simply强调某人的说法。那是完全不正确的

5、。(3)simply作“简单的”讲,相当于straightly。不管怎样,简单地说,我们仍然欠他们2000英镑。4.dedicated adj. 投入的;专注的;献身的;专门用途的(只作前置定语)。She is dedicated to her job.她对工作专心致志。Software is exported through a dedicated satellite link.软件通过专用卫星线路出口。dedicate v. 把献给;题献词 dedication n. 献身;奉献;献词dedicate oneself/ (doing) sth.献身于某事;把献给dedicate

6、 sth. to sb.把某物献给某人;为举行奉献典礼4.1)单项选择_the secret of nature,the young scientist has little time for entertainment.A.Dedicated himself to bringing outB.Dedicated himself to bring outC.Dedicated to bringing outD.Dedicating to bringing,to为介词 。2)改错Lets dedicate ourselves to solve the pollut

7、ed problems.solvesolving5.event n. 运动项目;比赛项目;重要事情;公开活动The election was the main event of 1999.这次选举是1999年的主要大事。This is the most social event of the year.这是本年度最重要的社交活动。The 800 metres is the fourth event of the afternoon.800米赛是下午的第四项比赛。in any event/at all events 不管怎样,无论如何in the event结果;到头来in that event

8、如果是那样的话,如果那种事情发生辨析event;incident;accident;affair:event特别指事件,大事,比赛项目;incident事情,小事件,事变,突发事件;accident意外事故(尤指灾难);affair事务;事件;私事。5.单项选择(1) The lawyer advised Tom to drop the_,since he had little chance to win.A.affairB.caseC.incidentD.eventcase“案件;讼案”;句意为:“律师劝说汤姆撤诉,因为他几乎没有胜诉的可能。(2)Mr.Smith came to China

9、 not to go sightseeing but to see some personal_.A.eventsB.affairsC.incidentsD.accidentsevent“大事”;affair“事务,私事”;incident“小事”;accident“意外事故”。6.apart from远离;和不在一起;除了Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents.She was happy to devote herself to gymnastics.即使她的训练意味着她必须和她的父

10、母不住在一起,她也非常高兴献身于体操事业。I have finished apart from the last question.除了最后一道题,我全做完了。Youve got to help.Apart from anything else youre my brother.你得帮忙。别的不说,你总归是我兄弟。apart from有两重含义,表示“除以外(别无)”同except;表示“除之外(尚有)”,同besides,as well as,in addition to。6.单项选择(1)_a few faults,she was a trustworthy teacher.A.Apart

11、B.Apart fromC.BesideD.Besidesapart from在此处相当于except for“除了之外”。(2)Dont you think it is better to live_your parents when you are old enough to get independent?A.apart well additionA7.devote v. 投入;献身;专心She devoted herself to her career.她全力倾注于自己的事业。I could only devote two hours

12、a day to work on the project.我一天只能在这个项目上花两小时。devote oneself to sb./sth.献身于;致力于把用于7.单项选择Although the working mother is very busy,she still_a lot of time to her“把用于”8.rush vt. & vi. & n. 迅速移动;急促;速送;仓促行事;突袭;冲向Ive been rushing around all d

13、ay trying to get everything done.我一整天都四下忙活,想把所有的事都做完。Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital.救护车迅速将伤员送往医院。Fans rushed the stage after the concert.音乐会结束后乐迷们一下子涌向舞台。rush(sb.)into (doing) sth.使(某人)仓促做某事rush sth.out仓促生产;赶制rush sth.through使快速通过in a rush急忙;匆忙rush hour(上下班时的)交通高峰期8.1)单项选择(1)The edito

14、rs rushed_an item on the crash for the late news.A.throughB.offC.outD.onrush out“仓促赶制”。(2)I cant stopIm_rush.A.onB.on ain a rush“急忙,匆忙”。D2)完成句子We dont want to.(我们不急着吃晚饭。)rush into having supper9.severe adj .严重的;严厉的;严格的;恶劣的;艰巨的The Party suffered severe loses during the last election.该党在上次选举中

15、惨败。She was a severe woman who seldom smiled.她是个严肃的女人,脸上很少出现笑容。be severe with 对要求严格be strict with对要求严格be severe on/upon对很严厉severe looks严肃的神色a severe sentence重刑判决a severe winter严冬a severe wound重伤9.单项选择(1)We should be_with ourselves and lenient(宽大的) towards others.A.severeB.severely C.seriousD.seriousl

16、y“我们应当严以律己,宽以待人。(2)I think you are too severe_ the boy.A.toB.onC.ofD.toward(3)He was given a_sentence because of his robbery.A.seriousB.heavyC.big D.severe10.cheer n. 欢呼声;喝彩声;欢乐(或幸福)的气氛v. 欢呼;喝彩;加油;鼓励A great cheer went up from the crowd.观众爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。Christmas and New Year are a time of good cheer in

17、 the company of family and friends.圣诞节和新年是至亲好友相聚充满欢乐气氛的时刻。We all cheered as the team came on to the field.球队入场时我们都为之欢呼。She was cheered by the news from home.来自家里的消息使她受到鼓舞。cheer sb. on(赛跑、比赛中)以喝彩声鼓励,为(某人)加油cheer up;cheer sb./sth. up使变得更高兴,(使)振奋起来cheerful adj. 快乐的;高兴的cheering n. U 欢呼声adj. 令人高兴的;令人鼓舞的c

18、heers n. (用于祝酒)干杯;告辞,再见10.单项选择(1)Ill attend the driving test tomorrow._.A.Good luckB.Well-doneC.Cheer upD.Enjoy yourself“我明天要去参加驾驶测试。”“祝你好运。(2)The results of the test were very_.A.cheerB.cheerfulC.cheeringD.cheerscheering adj. “令人高兴的,修饰某事。(3)Give Mary a call;she needs_because she failed in the test.

19、 cheer upB.cheering upC.cheer upD.cheered upneed to be done,need doing.“需要被”。 good spirits情绪好;精神状态饱满Though she was badly injured,she was in good spirits.虽然她受伤很严重,然而她的精神状态很饱满。spirit n. 精神;勇气;意志;心态spirits n. 情绪;心境;烈酒in spirit 在心里;在精神上in spirits 愉快地;活泼地keep up ones spirits打起精神;提神11.单项选择(1)I wo

20、nder why Tom has been in low_recently;he is always a man of_.A.spirits;spiritsB.spirit;spiritC.spirits;spiritD.spirit;spirits (2)Do you know the three words that show the_of the Olympic Games?A.spiritB.spiritsC.natureD.character12.accomplish vt. 完成The first part of the plan has been safely accomplis

21、hed.计划的第一部分已顺利完成。I dont feel Ive accomplished very much today.我觉得我今天没干成多少事。accomplished adj. 才华高的;熟练的accomplishment n. 完成;成就;成绩;才艺;专长12.单项选择Most of the time has gone by,but we only_one-third of our task.A.accomplished B.are accomplishingC.have accomplishedD.accomplish“虽然大部分时间已经过去了,但我们只完成了三分之一的任务。13.

22、adapt v. 使适应;使适合(新情况、新用途);改写;改编Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.过了好一阵子,他才适应新环境。Three of her novels have been adapted for television.她的长篇小说中已有三部改编成电视节目。adapt sth.for sth.使适应新用途;

23、为改编adapt oneself to sth.适应新情况adaptable adj. 有适应能力的;能适应的adaptation/adaption n. 改编本;改写本adopt vt. 采用;收养13.单项选择(1)He failed to_himself to the new environment.A.adopt B.adaptC.attachD.arrange.adopt“采用,收养”,adapt oneself to“使适应”。(2)Mr.White had to arrange his newly-bought suit,because his wife said it does

24、nt_his sun-burnt face.A.fitB.suitC.adaptD.matchfit指大小适合,suit指合乎要求、口味、性格、情况,match指色调、形状、性质等相配或相称,adapt 指作出较大的修改或改变以达到目的。14.inspire v. 激励;鼓舞;启发;启示;使产生(感觉或情感)The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm.演员们以热情鼓舞着孩子们。His paintings were clearly inspired by Monets work.他的绘画显然是受到了莫奈作品的启示。Her work did

25、nt exactly inspire me with confidence.她的工作并没有真正地使我产生信心。inspire do sth.鼓励某人干某事inspire sb.with sth.用某事鼓舞某人inspired adj. 品质优秀的;能力卓越的;受影响的inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(物)14.单项选择(1)_by the heros deeds,the students study harder than before.A.InspireB.InspiredC.InspiringD.To inspire“被英雄的事迹鼓舞了,同学们学习比以前更努力。”此时应用过去分词表被动。(2)The movie is_,and we are all_.A.inspired;inspiredB.inspiring;inspiringC.inspired;in

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