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最新大学英语精读2 英语知识点总结Word格式.docx

1、18.Ring out 19. Slam the door shut20. Exclaim21. at the sight of 一看见at the thought of 一想起22. a heated/spirited discussion 一场激烈的争论22. an example of perfect self-control 一个镇定自若的典范23. A faint smile lights up the hostesss face.Two spots of color brightened her face.A strange expression came over her fac

2、e.24. a colonial official 一个殖民地官员25. give a large dinner party 办一个盛大的晚宴26. a visiting American naturalist 美国访问博物学家27. a spacious dining room 宽敞的餐厅28. the major 少校 the colonel 29. feel like doing sth 想要/喜欢做某事30. commotion 混乱,骚动31. The tone of his voice is so commanding that it silences everyone. 他的语调

3、很威严,让每个人都静下来不出声.32. count three hundred 数三百下 count up to three hundred 数到第三百下33. sit like stone images 像石雕一样坐着 Sit rooted Unit 2 Lessons from Jeffersonbe of interest/important 很有趣/很重要obtain knowledge from many sources 从许多源头获取知识personal investigation 个人调查appoint him to a committee 派他去一个委员会study paper

4、s on the subject 研究该课题的文件make on-the-spot observations 做现场观察By birth and by education Jefferson belonged to the highest social class.无论是论出身还是论教育,杰弗逊都属于最高的社会阶层.noble persons 贵族persons of noble origins 出身高贵的人persons of humble origins 出身卑微的人go out of ones way to do sth 特意/专门去做某事a cooking pot 做饭的锅If you

5、 will only do this, you may find out why people are dissatisfied. 如果也只有你愿意这样做,你才可能发现为什么人民不满意.Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error. Use it.上帝赋予你一个判断正确和错误的头脑,就运用它吧.form a correct judgment 形成正确的判断not hesitate a moment to do sth 毫不犹豫地去做某事the former and the latter 前者和后者In a free countr

6、y, there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength.在一个自由的国度,总会有冲突的意见,而这正是力量的源泉.It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive. 让自由保持活力的是冲突而不是绝对的一致.There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with effect, those who take the other side

7、will of course resent your actions.每个问题都有两面.如果你有力地站在一方,那么另一方的人必定会憎恨你的行动.be chained to customs 受习俗的禁锢lose its usefulness 失去它的效用No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. 任何一个社会都不能制定出永久的宪法或永久的法律.He didnt fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future.他不惧怕新观点,也不惧怕未来.I steer my s

8、hip with hope, leaving fear behind. 我满怀希望驾驶着帆船,把恐惧抛在身后.be based on knowledge 以知识为基石men of his age=peer 同龄人practice crop rotation and soil conservation 施行作物轮作和土壤保持standard practice 标准的做法be superior to any other in existence 比现存的任何做法都优越be inferior to 不如Of all Jeffersons many talents, one is central. 在

9、杰弗逊的诸多才能中,其中一个是重要的.He was above all a good and tireless writer. 首先,他是个优秀的不知疲倦的作家. Ageless-parentless-timeless31. complete works 全集32. when the time came to do sth当该做的时候33. the task of writing it was his. 撰写的任务都落在他的肩头了.34. We hold those truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. 我们坚信这

10、些不言而喻的事实:人人生而平等. Every is born equal.35. He left his countrymen a rich legacy of ideas and examples. 他给他的同胞留下一笔丰富的思想遗产和范例.36. owe a great debt to 归功于. =Be indebted to 37. Only a nation of educated people could remain free. 只有一个由受教育的人民组成的国度才能保持自由. Unit 3 My First Jobapply for a teaching job 申请一份教学工作g

11、o from bad to worse 每况愈下enter university 进入大学in a suburb of London 在伦敦的郊区be very short of money 手头很紧Without a degree and with no experience in teaching, my chances of getting this job were slim. 一无学历,二无教学经历,我得到可能性是微乎其微.Chances of doing are/were做某事的机会是It proved an awkward journey. 这一路原来真是麻烦。a ten-min

12、ute bus ride 十分钟的车程a walk of at least a quarter of mile 步行至少四分之一英里9. as a result 结果. with the result that Result in. .Result from.too depressed to feel nervous 太沮丧了就感觉不到紧张了four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner 四个角上各有一个冬青灌木struggle to survive the dust and fumes from a busy main road 经受着从繁忙的大街上吹来

13、的烟尘,挣扎着努力活下来a sandy-colored moustache 一个沙色的小胡子a wrinkled forehead 布满皱纹的前额with an air of surprised disapproval 一种吃惊的,不以为然的神态sth smell of .闻起来有味道 The room smells of unpleasantly stale cabbiage.房间发出一股烂白菜的味道,闻上去很不舒服。ink marks 墨水渍judging by. 依据.判断proceed to do sth 继而去做接下来去。fix me with his bloodshot eyes

14、用他那充满红血丝的研究那个盯着我a vital part of 是极为重要的组成部分mumble sth to sb 向某人咕哝什么grunt/murmur/whisper sth to sbhave little in common没有什么共同语言I had said the wrong thing. 我说错了话teach them in turn at three different levels按照三个不同的程度轮流给他们上课be dismayed at the thought of 一想到.就很沮丧be incompetent at algebra and geometry对数学和几何

15、一窍不通worse perhaps was. 更糟糕的是.worse still, enjoy leisure 享受闲暇之乐get /rise to his feet 起身the last straw 终使人不堪一击的是The prospect of working under a woman consisted the ultimate indignity. 在一个女人手下工作的前景构成了最大的侮辱。 Unit 4 The Professor and the Yo-yoa simple, modest and ordinary man一个淳朴,谦虚的普通人a shy young visito

16、r to his home 小时候有一次去他家拜访的时候很害羞feel at ease 感到无拘无束roll back up the string 顺着线转上去when my turn came 当轮到我的时候display a few tricks 露了几手 balance 使失去平衡sb be impressed by. 对 有印象(被动) sth impress sb by 给某人留下印象(主动)come to terms with. 与.一致,妥协within his limits as a human being 在他作为一个人类的能力范围内beyond his i

17、ntellectual reach 超乎他的智力范围be content to do sth 满足于做某事jealousy, vanity, bitterness, anger, resentment, happinessbe immune to.不受的影响/干扰beyond any pretension 丝毫不矫揉造作correspond with sb 与某人通信corresponding=matching 相应的mean nothing to 对.而言毫无意义believe in simplicity 信奉简朴do the job 就可以了,就行了so much so thatprese

18、nt sb with sth 赠予某人某物beam with pleasure 高兴得满脸含笑revert to using plain water又回复到用清水了Einstein was purely and exclusively a theorist. 爱因斯坦完完全全是个理论家。begin a long explanation 开始长篇解释pursue various theories 试着用各种理论his quick expression of disapproval他迅速现出的不赞成的表情work out the solution 研究出解决的办法He had developed

19、the theories that were profound and capable of exciting relatively few scientists.他所提出的理论都是非常深奥,只能使比较少的科学家感兴趣的理论a household name/word 一个家喻户晓的名字across the civilized world在整个闻名世界be bewildered by.对.迷惑不解stare at瞪着receive such attention 备受关注be singled out as sth special被挑选出来当做特殊人物对待as far asbe capable of

20、 doing sth 有能力做某事take apart 拆开 Unit 5 The Villain in the Atmospherebe essential to life对生命而言至关重要 to a dangerous degree/extent到一种很危险的程度do sb harm 对某人有害serve as the basic food supply for.充当.的最基本的食物供给convert.into把转化成.this apparently harmless and certainly essential gas 这一看上去无害而无疑必不可少的气体rise slowly from

21、 year to year 年复一年的缓慢地上升in all likelihood 极有可能a large fraction of the worlds population世界上的大部分是人口advance steadily 稳步前进retreat inland 向内陆退居under the pressure 在压力下 under the leadership of 在.的领导下The various gases in the atmosphere are transparent to sunlight. 大气中各种各样的气体对太阳光来说是透明的。strike the top of the

22、atmosphere 直射大气层的顶部radiate heat into space in the form of infrared radiation 将热量以红外线的形式放射到太空。visible light 可见光invisible man 隐形人in particular 尤其是,特别是tend to do sth 往往会,常常会做.We are thankful that.我们很感激.go up steadily 稳步上升rise slowly 缓慢上升rise steadily 稳步上升creep upward 悄然攀升make up.account for.占.比例Its est

23、imated that.据估计the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 大气中二氧化碳的浓度as a result,.with the result thatat a rapidly increasing rate 以快速上升的速度 at a rate of many tons per day 以每天数吨的速度 at an equal rate 以同样的速度in the process 在此过程中in the course of. 在.的期间a new perspective on this matter 对此事的新观点by i

24、tself 自行cut down the forests=fell the forests砍伐森林new sources of fuel 新燃料源nuclear power 核能alternative sources of energy 替代能源solar energy 太阳能interior heat 内部的热量support competing military machines 支持对抗性的军事器械melt away 融化visible distinct obvious evident apparent clearto make the matter wore, 更糟糕的是,.worse

25、 still, 更糟糕的是,. Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeonthe making of a surgeon 一位外科医生的成功之道the point in time=the moment 时刻,那一刻the point in time when he finally become a “surgeon” 当他终于成为一名外科医生的那一刻。draw to a close-come to an end 结束on more than one occasion 不止一次at one time or another 说不定何时not infrequently 经常more

26、 than once 不止一次have trouble (in) getting back to sleep很难再重新入睡the operating room 手术室the emergency room 急诊室the peace of mind 内心的平静the state of mind 心境There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently. 任何外科病人我都能胜任地进行治疗。 Be competent at/in 能胜任地做某事treat-treatment 治疗,待遇near that point 接近那个时刻encounte

27、r emergency situations 遇到紧急情况dread the ringing of the telephone害怕电话铃响起dread errors 害怕犯错To err, is human; to forgive, divine. 犯错是人性,宽恕是神性make a considered decision 做出一个深思熟虑的决定make a poor/sound/critical decision不妥当的/稳妥的/至关重要的15. conceit-conceited adj 自负的 Smug 自鸣得意的 adjin trying moments 在很难受的时候be bothe

28、red by doubts and uncertainties 受到重重疑虑的煎熬the practice of medicine 行医实践practice medicine 行医 be out in practice 外出行医dwell in=reside in=live indwell on 老想着,仔细阐述live with=tolerate 容忍,忍受be bound to . 一定.be equally confident 同样地自信handle any emergency situation 应付任何紧急情况There are no more butterflies in my stomach. 我再也不忐忑不安了。open up a chest or ab

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