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1、 Support your argument with appropriate examples or illustrations。命题思路:本试题要求学生对比高等教育的两种主要形式:正规的大学课堂教育与函授、夜大学、电视大学等业余的非正规高等教育。学生必须在对比权衡两种不同模式的利弊后,阐述自己的观点,并有适当的例证。就题目所涉及的内容而言,考生比较熟悉,因为高等教育是与他们最贴近的现实。这样可以在一定程度上保证本次写作考试的信度,确保学生不至于因为思路障碍,无话可说而影响英语写作。从组织结构而言,本试题是典型的”对比型”作文,能够比较有效地考察学生的逻辑思维能力、观点表达能力以及运用适当的

2、语言形式来实现转折、衔接、连贯等语言能力。评分细则:本题作文的评分可参照如下标准:1.内容:(30%)主要观测点:内容是否充实、完整;是否有一定的支撑细节;观点是否鲜明;论证是否有力;逻辑是否合理;2.组织结构:(20%)总体结构是否合理;能否确定有意义的比照点,逐点分层次阐述;能否分段落陈述,各段落有合适的主题句(Topic Sentence)和辅助句(Supporting Sentences);段落之间是否连贯;3.语言表达:(50%)主要观测点:用词是否贴切;句子结构是否符合语法;能否运用不同的语言形式,灵活表达;能否运用对比、递进、转折等语言衔接手段,实现文章的连贯;语言是否得体,语气

3、是否得当。Informal Higher Education Serves Better姓名 黄沁 江苏省南京市南京师大附中 学校 高二(13)班级 准考证号 0413Although most students are still fighting for the diploma in universities after graduation from high school, it has been a clear trend that more and more students choose to start their working career earlier and rece

4、ive informal higher education, which in my opinion, serves better to build more competition (competitive) and suitable personal abilities。Informal higher education offers better opportunities to adapt to social life for students, and help them understand better the reality of their social community

5、and responsibilities they are to take. Compared with those who spend entirely their time in the (on) campus, students who take evening classes could contact with more people, develop their communication skills and social behaviors during working hours. They know better how cruel and realistic the so

6、ciety is and that it is your power and capabilities that only speak. They understand and adapt better to the pressure of lifes difficulties which in universities could hardly be realized。Secondly, after experiencing real working life, these (those) who attend correspondence courses would know better

7、 what kind of knowledge and abilities they must master, which definitely help them in future advancement and career choices. Suppose youre a graduate from high school and become an assist of a car repairing workshop. Then youll have to know how the engine and different parts of the car works and how

8、 to deal with various crisises (emergent problems). Therefore, night schools education (evening classes) would enable you (插入 to) acquire more specialized knowledge which are fit to you. However, in universities, you have to learn a great many courses, some of which are comparatively useless and can

9、 even make you bewilded of future (bewildered to the future)。Furthermore, as they have more time to manage for themselves, students drop higher education in universities could earn some money and gain earlier start in career. These will ease their families burdens and satisfy their desire for basic

10、money needs. As a matter of fact, nowadays, more than a few American teens abandon university s education and try to become a worker like air-conditional repairer (air-conditioner repairman) who can earn as much as $ 30, 000 for the first year. Thus, their decisions benefit themselves and their fami

11、lies。Conclude (To conclude) from all the facts talked above, we can safely arrive at the summary that informal higher education is more efficient and serves better. It make (makes) you ahead of others in career development with more competitive skills, fit knowledge, pre cious experiences of social

12、life and more leisure to earn some essential financial supports. As well one day indulge ourselves in the real soci (walk into the realistic society,) informal higher education serves better for our present and future developing. (development)Fruit & the Vitamin Medicine 俞艾杉 辽宁省大连市第二十四中 210班级 准考证号 0

13、335With the world developing in (at) high speed, more and more young people take part in higher educated (education). Some of the (them) choose to go to universities, and the others joined evening classes and open universities or took correspondence courses. I think, if we put the formal university

14、education as the fruits we eat and the informal higher education would be like the vitamin medicine. Both of them could give us what we need。Lets see two examples: The first one is my elder sister, who studyed (studied) very well and went into Beijing University with a high mark. Now, after the four

15、-year university life, she was employed by a lawyer firm and makes a large sum of money every year。Another example is a girl who used to working in (work in) my fathers bar. She was a country girl, (插入 and) she worked hard but got little money, so under my fathers encouragement, she attended an even

16、ing class in spare time. The first two years was a hard time, because on one hand, she must to (去掉) learn knowledge in the evening when she was very tired after one days work; On the other hand, she had to make money to pay for the evening class. But then her way was wider and wider, and now she fou

17、nd a better job in a small company and can offer much more money to her poor family。In my opinion, even both the girl and my sister got a good job at last, but I still think that enter (attending) formal university is better. Because in universities we could make more friends, we could get more chan

18、ces to communicate with the experienceness (experienced) professors, we could get more ways to receive information of our future jobs, and we could also send ourselves into the coulful (colorful) groups in the university so that we could have a happier higher educated life. But in the informal educa

19、tion, there could not be so much fun。Though I thought like this, but I have to say equally that both fruit and vitamin medicine can give us the vitamins we need, the only difference between them is that some people love fruits and the others may thought (think) having medicine is easier. So whatever

20、 you choose, the fruit or the medicine (the formal university education or the informal higher education), the most important is that you can get the knowledge you wanted, isnt it?Lets Go to Universities! 张培培 山东省淄博市第十一中 高二22班级 0209Theres a general debate (插入 on) whether or not universities are the b

21、est place for young people to receive higher education. Some people think it right while others think the opposite is true. Theres probably some truth in both opinions。Some students dream to go (dream of going) to universities be- cause studying in universities does do good to them. Universities hav

22、e super (outstanding) teachers and professors and most universities are equipped with excellent facilities. Also, by taking part in all kinds of activities organized in universities, students can widen their views (插入 and) increase their experience. In this case, many students are motivated to study

23、 harder and acquire more knowledge in middle schools in order to be admitted by the universities they dream of. Not only (插入 do) universities provide good studying place (circumstance), but also they (去掉) encourage students to study. However, there are also some disadvantages. For instance, some uni

24、versities are not so good as expected, (插入 and) many students cant learn much to meet the need of society. Those who fail in their exams cant go to their desirable universities。However, the opportunity is offered by the open universities. Students can be equally educated by taking correspondence cou

25、rses or going to evening class if they fail to go to universities. They can choose courses that cater for their interest and the need of the times freely. Although they are refused to go to universities, they can also benefit from the correspondence courses or evening classes. As the saying goes, “e

26、very coin has two sides”. Things always leave undesiabl (something undesirable). There are some evening classes whoes (whose) quality is not good. Its hard for people to receive sufficient knowledge。For me, as a student, I would like to go to universities. Once a time, I walked in the Peking Univers

27、ity. I was really attracted by the swaggering confidence, the irrepressible spirit and the indomitable nerves that the students in it (去掉) have. I was lost in the studying atmosphere. Im really eager to go to university that I like. It is the goal that motivates me to study hard. I have done my best

28、 and will continue to do so. I believe it wont be long before I achieve my goal!Ibsen once said, “It a your suprem (supreme) duty to cast yourself into a useful emplement。” (implement) I set my mind to go to the university and Im determined to succeed。Lets go to universities for the universities adv

29、antages provided。Stop Your Superstition On Universities 张益 中河北省石家庄市石家庄外国语 高一(10)班班级 准考证号 0208Last decade saw the flood peak of students streaming into formal, venerable universities. It seems as if university is the only cradle for(插入 its) talented professers (professors) and well-known celebribties

30、 (celebrities). However, I myself never believe the theory holds water. On the contrary, I recommend correspondence courses as well as open universities to be the more preferable choices for modem teenagers。Surely, formal universities enjoy a much better reputation throughout the society, which may more or less be helpful for their students to get a well-paid job. But dont be deceived by the attracting illusion. University might

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