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1、学习描述别人的外貌Vocabulary词 汇police officer, 警察,mail carrier, 邮递员,doctor, 医生,farmer, 农夫,baker, 面包师,toy maker 玩具师 teacher, 教师,carpenter, 木匠,firefighter, 消防员, pilot, 飞行员,dentist, 牙医,nurse 护士kind, 善良的,mean, 吝啬的,generous, 大方的,greedy, 贪婪的,brave, 勇敢的,cowardly, 怯懦的,hard-working, 努力工作的,lazy,懒惰的Grammar语 法What does

2、he/she do?他/她的工作是什么?Hes/Shes a police officer.他/她是一个警察。What do they do?他们的工作是什么?Theyre police officers.他们是警察。Is he/she a teacher?他/她是老师吗?Yes, he/she is.是的,他/她是。No, he/she isnt.不,他/她不是。Are they teachers?他们是老师吗?Yes, they are.是的,他们是。No, they arent.不,他们不是。What is he/she like?他/她怎么样?Hes/Shes kind.他/她很善良。

3、Story practice 故事练习Open the Student Book to the story pages and play the audio (Tracks 23). Have your child just listen first, then play it again and have him/her read along with the audio. Encourage your child to tell you about what is happening in the story scenes.翻到学生书的故事页面,然后播放第2和第3个音轨。让孩子先听一遍,再

4、播放一遍并让孩子跟读。鼓励孩子自己讲述故事情节。Storyline for pages 67 (Track 2): A police officer goes into the toy store and asks the toy makers wife (Mrs. Jones) if they can give away toys. Two characters (Bobo and Lola) are watching the toy maker (Mr. Jones) and discussing what he does. One of the toys that the toy mak

5、er is working on explodes and the parts hit Bobo and Lola, but they are OK.第6-7页的故事概述(第2音轨):一个警察走进玩具店问玩具师的妻子(琼斯太太)他们是否要捐一些玩具。两个玩具(波波和罗拉)看着那个玩具师(琼斯先生),悄声谈论着他在做什么。突然玩具师正在制作的一个玩具爆炸了,玩具零件砸到了波波和罗拉,幸好他们没事。Storyline for pages 1415 (Track 3): Bobo and Lola discuss who the police officer, Mrs. Jones, and Mr.

6、 Jones are. Lola describes Mr Jones as being hard-working. Mr. Jones gives the police officer some toys. She thanks him and says that he is generous. Bobo and Lola look on. Lola tells Bobo to be careful near the edge of the table.第14-15页的故事概述(第3音轨):波波和罗拉在谈论那个警察,琼斯先生和太太是什么样的人。罗拉说琼斯先生是一个工作努力认真的人。琼斯先生给

7、了警察一些玩具。那个警察向他道并说他是一个大方的人。波波和罗拉在一旁看着,罗拉提醒波波要小心桌子的边缘。Song practice 歌曲练习Play the song (Track 18) and have your child sing along. You may want to join in and sing together. Practice until your child is confident with the song, then sing along to the music-only track (Track 19).播放歌曲(第18音轨)并让孩子跟着唱,你也可以加入

8、孩子一起唱。一直练习到您的孩子可以熟练地演唱,这时您可以只播放音乐(第19音轨)并让孩子自己跟着音乐唱。Online practice 在线练习Enable your child to go to the Online Learning Center on HipHipHoorayOnline. to do the practice activities for Unit 1. Challenge him/her to re-try the activities until all questions have been answered correctly. To reward your c

9、hild, allow him/her some time to explore the Fun Zone.可以让您的孩子在HipHipHoorayO的在线学习中心进行第一单元的练习。让他反复做练习直到所有问题都回答正确,然后允许他去游戏中心玩玩小游戏作为奖励。Suggested activity 其他参考练习Have your child talk to various family members and find out what their jobs are. Ask him/her to write down his/her findings. Then help him/her m

10、ake a chart in English, showing each family members name, photo and corresponding job.让孩子从各个家庭成员那里了解到大家的工作,并让孩子把他们了解到的情况写下来,之后帮助孩子制作一个图表,图表上可以看到各个家庭成员的名字,照片和对应的工作。Reminder: If your child uses the Level 2 Workbook, ensure that assigned homework has been completed.Ask him/her to check the work before

11、submitting to his/her teacher.小提示: 如果您的孩子使用第二册的练习册,请确认完成指定的家庭作业,并在作业上交前进行仔细检查。Home Practice Support Guide Level 2(第2册), Unit 2(第2课)Page 19(第19页)Page 22(第22页)Page 24(第24页)household items学习日常生活用品的名称 Learn to ask whatsomeone needs学习询问别人需要什么? Learn to state what is needed学习说明需要什么 Learn prepositions学习介词

12、Learn to ask yes/noquestions about where something is学习询问简单的关于东西在哪里的问题 Learn to answer yes/no questions about where something is学习简单回答东西在哪里的问题 Learn names forhousehold chores学习家务的名称 Learn to ask someone to do a household chore学习请别人做家务 Learn to respond to a request to do ahousehold chore学习如何回应做家务的请求a

13、 mop, 一个拖把,a bucket, 一只水桶,a broom, 一把扫把,a dustpan, 一个簸箕,a trash can, 一个垃圾桶,a sponge一个海绵above, 在上面,next to, 在旁边,in front of, 在前面,between _ and _,在和之间sweep the floor, 扫地,mop the floor, 拖地,pick up the trash, 捡垃圾,empty the trash, 把垃圾桶清空,wash the dishes, 洗碗,water the plants, 给植物浇水What do you need?你需要什么?I

14、 need a mop.我需要一个拖把。What does he/she need? 他/她需要什么?He/She needs a mop.他/她需要一个拖把。Is the (mop) above the (bucket)? (拖把)在(水桶)上面吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.是的。/不,不在。Are the (mops) above the (bucket)?那些(拖把)在(水桶)上面吗?Yes, they are. / No, they arent.Can you sweep the floor, please?能麻烦你扫下地吗?Sure, no problem.

15、当然了,没问题。Sorry, Im busy.对不起,我很忙。Open the Student Book to the story pages and play the audio (Tracks 45). Have your child just listen first, then play it again and have him/her read along with the audio. Encourage your child to tell you about what is happening in the story scenes.翻到学生书的故事页面,然后播放第4和第5个

16、音轨。Storyline for pages 1819 (Track 4): When Mr. Jones goes home for the night, Bobo and Lola decide to help clean up as the store is messy. They look for the things that they need, but cant find the broom. Then Lola realizes that the broom is under Bobo.第18-19页的故事概述(第4音轨):当琼斯先生晚上回房之后,波波和罗拉决定帮助他打扫屋子。

17、他们先去找所需要的东西,但却找不到扫把。这时,罗拉发现扫把在波波的下面。Storyline for pages 2627 (Track 5): Bobo and Lola continue to clean the store. Lola sweeps the floor and asks Bobo to mop it, but they cant find a bucket. Bobo falls off the table into the bucket. After finishing with the cleaning, Bobo and Lola start to make toys

18、.第26-27页的故事概述(第5音轨):波波和罗拉继续打扫屋子。罗拉扫地,然后让波波拖地,可是他们找不到水桶。波波从桌上掉到了水桶里。打扫结束之后,波波和罗拉开始制作玩具。Play the song (Track 20) and have your child sing along. You may want to join in and sing together. Practice until your child is confident with the song, then sing along to the music-only track (Track 21).播放歌曲(第20音

19、轨)并让孩子跟着唱,你也可以加入孩子一起唱。一直练习到您的孩子可以熟练地演唱,这时您可以只播放音乐(第21音轨)并让孩子自己跟着音乐唱。Enable your child to go to the Online Learning Center on HipHipHoorayOnline. to do the practice activities for Unit 2. Challenge him/her to re-try the activities until all questions have been answered correctly. To reward your child

20、, allow him/her some time to explore the Fun Zone.可以让您的孩子在HipHipHoorayO的在线学习中心进行第二单元的练习。Show various cleaning products to your child. Take a look at page 19 of the Student Book for ideas. Have your child name the products in English and tell you what they are for. You may use this time to teach your

21、 child the importance of keeping the home clean and tidy.参考学生书第19页的容,拿一些生活用具给孩子。让孩子说出这些用具的英文名字然后告诉你这些用具的用途是什么。借这个机会,您可以告诉孩子保持家里干净和整洁的重要性。Home Practice Support Guide Level 2(第2册), Unit 3(第3课)Page 33(第33页)Page 36(第36页)Page 38(第38页)computer equipment学习电脑配件名称 Learn to say what there is in a specific pla

22、ce学习表达什么地方有什么 Learn names of classroom items学习教室里的物品名称 Learn to ask and answer yes/no questions aboutwhether there is somethingin a certain place学习询问和回答关于什么地方有什么的简单问题describe the weather学习描述天气的形容词 Learn to ask how the weather is学习询问天气怎么样 Learn to describe how the weather is学习描述天气怎么样monitor, 显示屏,keyb

23、oard, 键盘,mouse, 鼠标,flash drive, 闪存卡,webcam, 摄像头,speakers,话筒pencil case, 铅笔盒,notebook, 笔记本,pencil sharpener, 铅笔刀,ruler, 尺子,colored pencil, 彩色铅笔,marker,马克笔sunny, 晴天,cloudy, 阴天,windy, 大风天,rainy, 雨天,foggy, 大雾天,snowy,下雪天Theres a monitor (on the table).那里有个显示屏(在桌子上)There are speakers (on the table).那里有一个话

24、筒(在桌子上)Is there a pencil case (on the desk)?(桌子上)有一个铅笔盒吗?Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.是的,有的/不,没有。Are there pencil cases (on the desk)?(桌子上)有铅笔盒吗?Yes, there are. / No, there arent.How is the weather?今天天气怎么样?Its sunny.今天天气很好,是晴天。Open the Student Book to the story pages and play the audio (Tracks 67

25、). Have your child just listen first, then play it again and have him/her read along with the audio. Encourage your child to tell you about what is happening in the story scenes.翻到学生书的故事页面,然后播放第6和第7个音轨。让孩子先听一遍,再播放一遍并让孩子跟读。Storyline for pages 3233 (Track 6): Mr. and Mrs. Jones go into the store to fi

26、nd it clean, and with new toys on the table. They also notice a hole in the window. Lola tells Bobo to keep quiet.第32-33页的故事概述(第6音轨):琼斯先生和太太进屋后发现屋子不仅很整洁,而且还有新的玩具放在桌子上。同时他们还注意到在窗户上有一个洞。罗拉一直在让波波小声一点。Storyline for pages 4041 (Track 7): Mrs. Jones is in the store when a young man comes in. He has an umb

27、rella and says that the weather is cloudy and windy, then looks around the store. He notices Lola on the table and asks if there is a flower behind the lamp, but Mrs. Jones (picking up Bobo) tells him that there isnt. Two other people come into the store and apologize for slamming the door shut as it is windy outside.第40-41页的故事概述(第17音轨):当琼斯太太在店里的时候一个年轻人走了进来。他拿着一把伞,说外面是阴天和大风天,接着他在店里四处看着。这时他注意到罗拉在一桌子上,他问在灯后面是否有一些鲜花,但是琼斯太太(捡起波波)告诉他没有。这时两个人走进了店里,并为因为外面风大而把门吹得猛烈地关上而道歉。Song practice

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