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1、5mm拉线检查Check through bracing 厂制台架安装The factory platform installationAppearance dimension按制造厂规定As per factory specification 对照厂家图检查As per factory drawing 台架油漆Platform paint完整,无剥落Complete, no dropping down安装方式Installation way台架固定Platform fastness主要Primary 牢固Firm 扳动检查Check through wrenching Level devia

2、tion 蓄电池安装Storage battery installation Process Inspection items Inspection method and instrument 容器检查Container inspection 外观检查Appearance inspection 无损伤,裂纹No damage, no crack附件清点Annex checking 齐全All be ready 正负极端柱的极性The terminal post polarity of the positive and negative 正确Correctness 槽盖密封groove cove

3、r sealing 良好Good 容器表面清洁度Surface clearness of the container无尘土油污No dust and oil dirt 电池连接条及紧固件Battery connector and fastener 完好,齐全Complete 透明密封容器内部检查Inner check of hyaline sealing container带电解液的液面The liquid surface with electrolyte 在两液面线间Between the two liquid surface lines极板外形Polarity plate appearan

4、ce 完好,无弯曲剥脱Complete, no bending or falling容器内部清洁度The clearness of the container inside清洁 ,无杂物Clean, no sundry 极间橡胶隔板The rubber division plate between the terminals 齐全,完好密度计,温度计检查Density gauge, thermometer inspection 容器安装Container installation 平稳,间距均匀Steady, the gap distance is well distributed.观察及用尺

5、检查Visual inspection and check with tape 同一排、列蓄电池The same row, rank storage battery 高低一致,排列整齐The same level, neat rank 抗震设施(有抗震要求时)Anti-knock facilities(if necessary) 按有关规定,牢固可靠As per related specification, firm and reliable 轻推手感Push 温度计、密度计、液位仪Thermometer, density gauge, level instrument 位于易检查侧At th

6、e easy-checking side 连接条与端子连接Connect the connector with the terminal 正确、紧固、接触部位涂油电力复合脂Correct, firm, coat the oil electric force compounded grease on the contact side 用扳手检查Check with spanner 电池编号Battery serial No.齐全,清晰Complete, clear 其他Others 电缆与蓄电池连接Connect the cable and the battery 正确,紧固Correct, f

7、irm 扳手检查电缆引出线极性标志The polarity sign of the cable leading out wire Correct 电缆孔洞封堵Cable hole sealing 用耐酸材料密封With acid proof material to seal 铅酸蓄电池电解液的配制The electrolyte configuration of lead acid storage battery 配制电解液Electrolyte preparation 硫酸及蒸馏水检验Inspection of sulfuric acid and distilled water按规程规定As

8、per specification 检查出厂证件或化验报告Check the factory certificate or analysis report 电解液密度Electrolyte density 用密度计检查Check with density gauge 无厂家要求时电解液的密度(T=25时)The electrolyte density without factory requirements (when T=25)(1.2150.005)g/m用温度计,密度计检查Check with thermometer and density gauge 注液条件Liquid inject

9、ion condition 母线绝缘子台架及电池本体清洁度The clearness of the bus bar insulator platform and battery proper 无尘土,油污No dust, no oil dirt 电池组的绝缘The battery pack insulation 0.5M用兆欧表检查Check with megger 极板间绝缘Insulation between the polarity plates 无短路No short circuit 充电设备试运转The trial run of equipment in charge 查试运记录Ch

10、eck the trial run record 放电设备安装Installation equipment in charge 完毕Over 室内暖通排水设施Drainage facility of heating and ventilation indoor正常Normal 室内照明Lighting indoor 完好In good condition 投照明检查As per lighting 注液Liquid injection 待注电解液温度Temperature of electrolyte ready to be injected 通常General 30酒精温度计Alcohol t

11、emperature 室温30Indoor temperature 不高于室温Not higher than indoor temperature 电解液面高度The elevation of the electrolyte surface 接近上液面线Close to the top liquid line 注酸完毕呼吸器注酸孔盖检查The inspection of respirator acid injection hole cover after acid injection拧紧,敞口式盖板齐全Tighten, the open type cover is complete.扳、拧检查

12、或观察Check through wrench, tighten or visual inspection 碱性蓄电池电解液的配制Electrolyte preparation of alkaline storage battery KOH及检验KOH and inspection 化学纯Chemical purity 出厂证件或化验报告Factory certificate or analysis reportCheck with density gaugeThe electrolyte density without factory requirements(T=25)(1.220.3)g

13、/m温度计,密度计Thermometer and density gauge.配置电解液加盖存放沉淀大于6hStore with cover, precipitate more than 6h查施工记录Check the construction record 充电设备试运行Trial run of the equipment in charge Check trial record Installation of the discharge equipment检查Inspection Drainage facilities of heating and ventilation indoor按

14、照明检查As per lighting to check The temperature of electrolyte ready for injection Indoor temperature 30电解液面高度the elevation of the electrolyte surface在高低液面线范围内Within the scope of high and low liquid surface lines 注液完毕呼吸器注液孔盖检查Respirator injection hole cover inspection after injection Tighten, the open

15、type cover plate is complete Wrench, tighten or visual inspection 铅酸蓄电池试运(充电、放电)Lead acid storage battery trial run (charging, discharging)Quality standard初充电Initial charging 电解液注完后静止时间Static time after electrolyte injection 3h-5h查充电记录Check charging record注酸开始至初充电时间The time from acid injection start

16、 time to initial charging time 8h充电过程中允许液温The allowed temperature during charging 45电流值Current value 厂家无规定时Without factory specification恒流充电AConstant current charging A不大于厂家规定最大值Not more than the factory required value 电流表电压表检查Inspection of ampere meter and voltmeter 恒压充电VConstant charging voltage V

17、不大于厂家规定最大值,单体电池电压不大于2.4VNot more than the factory required value, the unit battery voltage should not more than 2.4V.每个阶段的初充电时间hThe initial charging time of each stage hAs per factory requirementCheck the charging record 初充电开始必须保证电源连续供电的时间If the initial charging starts, must make sure the constant c

18、harging time 25h初充电完成The initial charging has been completed. 充电容量charging capacity 达到厂家规定值Reach to the specified value 恒流充电法Constant current charging method 电池电压Battery voltage 连续3h不变Not change within 3hDensity of electrolyte 连续3h不变,产生大量气泡Not change within 3h, produce lots of bubbles恒压充电法Constant v

19、oltage charging method 充电电流Charging current连续10h不变Not change within 10h连续3h不变(或按制造厂规定)Not change within 3h (or as per the factory requirement)电池电压及密度Battery voltage and density 用直流电压表和密度计检查Check with DC voltmeter and density gauge再充电Recharge 电池电解液密度及液面Battery electrolyte density and liquid surface 与

20、初充电开始相同The same with initial charging beginning 查再充电记录Check the recharge record 再充电时间Time of recharging 30min首次放电检查Initial discharging check 放电电流及时间Discharge current and time查放电记录Check the discharge record 无厂家规定时的放电电流Discharge current without factory specification 10h放电率的电流Current of 10h discharge r

21、ate 电池终止电压及密度Battery termination voltage and density 不合格电池的电压与电池组平均电压的差值The difference value between unqualified battery voltage and battery 2%Check the discharging record 电压不合标准的电池数The number of the batteries whose voltages do not conform to the standard5%25时放电容量检查Discharge capacity inspection of 25Primary不小于85%额定电容量Not less than 85% of rated capacitance 极板外形检查Appearance check of polarity plate 无弯曲,剥脱No bending, no falling V

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