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1、学 院:外国语学院指导教师:2015年05月21日Strategies in Business Interpretation from the Perspective of Skopos TheoryByA graduate thesissubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree of Bachelor of Arts to theCollege of Foreign LanguagesNorth China University of Science and TechnologyMay 21st, 20

2、15摘 要随着世界范围内文化互动的日益频繁,各种形式翻译的重要性日益凸显。作为双边口语交际活动的口译,成为我国对外交流和国际交往的桥梁和纽带。在国际口译界,口译根据其服务对象和工作的实际情况分为不同类型,其中商务口译,又称谈判口译,是侧重在企事业单位或组织团体内部,以会谈、业务谈判、商贸和技术交流等特定工作为主的专业口译。商务谈判是跨国商务合作的重要环节,是贸易双方消除分歧、互信互利的重要手段。因此商务口译的准确与否成为谈判能否成功的重要因素之一。我国每年都有上万次经贸洽谈会、招商引资会和商品交易会,需要大量精通外语和商务知识的外语口译人才。在这一背景下,如何避免语用错误,提高商务谈判效率成为

3、亟待解决的一大课题。德国功能派的奠基理论目的论认为,行动皆有目的。翻译活动的目的决定预期目标的策略,决定整个翻译行为的过程,即“目的决定手段”,简言之,翻译策略必须根据翻译目的来确定。本文以 “目的论”为理论基础探讨商务英语中的口译策略。全文由六部分组成:第一部分介绍本文的研究背景、研究目的和研究意义。第二部分文献综述。第三部分为理论框架。该部分将详细介绍目的论的基本内容:概念,发展历程,翻译标准,翻译要求和以目的原则、连贯性法则和忠实性法则为内容的三大法则。第四部分介绍商务口译的特点和商务口译的目的。第五部分是本文的核心章节。本部分将结合目的论,举用大量实例详细分析在商务口译中的过程中采取不

4、同策略的原因及其必要性,包括在商务谈判的目的和商务口译的程序上,并在目的论指导下提出几种重要的商务口译策略。第六部分总结全文。关键词 谈判;目的论;商务口译;策略选择ABSTRACTWith the cultural interaction between countries becoming more and more frequent, various forms of translation become increasingly important. Interpreting, a bilaterally oral communicative activity, turns into

5、the bridge and the link of foreign exchange and international association between China and other countries. In the world of interpreting, interpretation can be divided into different types according to the actual situation of the service objects and the work. Business Interpreting, also called nego

6、tiation interpretation (In - house Interpreting), is a kind of professional interpreting that focuses on some certain work such as talks, business negotiations, trade and technology exchanges in enterprises and institutions or organizations. Business negotiation is an important link in international

7、 business cooperation, and also an important means of bothcommercialsides settling differences and achieving mutual benefit and trust. So the accuracy of the business interpreting is one of the key factors that decide negotiation to a success. There are tens of thousands of economic and trade fair a

8、ctivities, investment attraction meetings and commodities fairs every year in China, so a lot of interpreters that are proficient in foreign languages and business knowledge are in a urgent need. In this background, how to avoid pragmatic errors, as well improve the efficiency of business negotiatio

9、n become a big issue to be resolved. Skopos Theory indicates that every translation action has its own intended purpose. The purpose of translation decides the target strategies, decides the process of the whole translation behaviors, namely purpose decides means. In short, translation strategies mu

10、st be determined by the purpose of translation. This paper explores interpreting strategies in business English based on the skopos theory. This thesis contains six parts. The first part serves as an introduction, which presents the background, the purpose and signification of this study. The second

11、 part is literature review. The third part is theoretical framework. This part describes the basic content of Skopos theory in detail:the concept, development history, translation criteria, requirements and three guiding rules including the Skopos rule, the Coherence rule and the Fidelity rule. The

12、forth part introduces the characteristics and the purpose of interpreting. The fifth part is the core chapter of this thesis. This section probes into the decisive factors for interpreting strategies and some important business interpreting strategies are put forward under the guidance of Skopos The

13、ory. The last part of is a conclusion summarizing the study.Keywords negotiations; Skopos Theory; business interpreting; strategy choice CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundWith the development of global economy and the increase of communication, trade cooperation between China and

14、the world are increasingly frequent. International business negotiation is the foundation of international trade contract signing, and it directly affects thesigning and implementation of thecontract, and is also related to the economic interests of both sides. Due to both sides belong to different

15、countries and regions, they not only have difficulties in language and text communication, in different social system, political system, legal system, economic system and trade practices, but also in different cultural background, values, religious beliefs and social customs. This requires the inter

16、preter not only to identify and understand different accents of English, and to have rich knowledge of business negotiation, knowledge of cross-cultural communication and knowledge of pragmatics. Informal international business negotiations, negotiators negotiating styles differfrom each other inath

17、ousand ways, which need to be accurately transmitted and expressed by the interpreters. As a lubricant in international business negotiations, the interpreters have a big challenge that how to avoid the unnecessary misunderstanding caused by pragmatic errors and tofacilitatereachinganagreementand to

18、 achieve the expected result. Before studying interpreting skills, lets talk about what the negotiation is. The word negotiation has a long history. So to speak, since the human society was established, negotiation occurred in all aspects of human activities. Negotiations are everywhere, in politics

19、, culture, education, marriage, family, social economic activities, and even in daily life. In economic activities, the developing countries introducing the foreign capital, absorbing foreign advanced technology, or negotiating with the developed countries, they need to communicate their ideas to de

20、cide the final opinion.Today, economic activity links becoming increasingly close, each international business negotiator should be fully prepared for business negotiation with interpretation skills in foreign business negotiations. Only by this, both sides can achieve compromise and win-win goal in

21、 the process of business negotiation. Learn to enhance strength, to overcome the weakness, to form reasonable business negotiationinterpretingkills and avoid conflicts, we will get the final success in the negotiations.1.2 The Purpose of The ResearchUnder the guidance of functional translation skopo

22、s theory,the purpose of this paper is to, by discussing the characteristics and difficulties of business interpreting,combine the flexibility of the skopos theory with the rigor of interpreting. Analyzethe reason why toadopt different strategies in the process of interpretation, thus to make the int

23、erpretators understand interpreting theory, and on the basis of this, the author proposes the corresponding interpreting strategies and skills, in order to achieve the purpose of business negotiations.1.3 Data Collection and MethodologyThe applied materials such as data for current study, are collec

24、ted not only from published journals and books on interpreting, but also from some information on the Internet. The research methods of documentary research and summarizing are adopted in the study. According to the conception and the research direction of this paper,the author read related books, s

25、o as to comprehensively and correctly understand the interpretation. Then induct, reorganize and analyze each kind of information and finally compete the paper.1.4 Organization of the ThesisThis thesis contains five parts.:The first part serves as an introduction to the research object, which presen

26、ts the background, the purpose and signification of this study. The second part is literature review.The third part is theoretical framework. This part describes the basic content of Skopos theory in detail:the concept, development history, translation criteria, requirements and three guiding rules

27、including the Skopos rule, the Coherence rule and the Fidelity rule. The forth part introduces the characteristics and the purpose of interpreting. The fifth part is the core chapter of this thesis. This section probes into the decisive factors for interpreting strategies and some important business

28、 interpreting strategies are put forward under the guidance of Skopos Theory. The last part is a conclusion summarizing the study.Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Previous Research on InterpretingBusiness interpretation is interactive communication, and the participants all intend to cooperate with ea

29、ch other and achieve the win-win object. Before we have a through discussion of the business consecutive interpretation we should look back to see the history of the interpretation.The interpretation became the professional career on the stage of history began around the end of the First World War.

30、For the former language of diplomacy French was not the unique one, and the international communication was also increasing. The Paris Peace Conference held in 1919 was considered to be the turning point of the modern interpretation. In the years after the Second World War, there was a increasing de

31、mand of interpreter, and the establishment of the United Nations, European Union and many other international organization also enforce the need of the professional training interpreter.After the execution of the open-up policy of China, the increased chance of the international cooperation enforces

32、 the demand of the professional business interpreter. But the systematic cooperation research of the interpreter practice toward the field of the business is limited.So far, there have been many researches analyzing strategies in business interpretation from different perspectives, which includes the perspective of relevance theory, the perspective of reputation theory, the perspective of interpretive theory and so on.

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