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1、高考英语写作常用话题汉英对照翻译典型例句300句高考英语写作常用话题汉英对照翻译典型例句300句高考英语写作常用话题汉英对照翻译典型例句300句第一部1. 保持生态平衡很重要。 2. 懒汉谋生日益艰难。3. 夏天到湖里游泳多有趣呀!4. 我们多兴奋啊!5. 如何处理垃圾是个大问题。1. It is important to keep the balance of nature.2. It is getting harder every day for a lazy man to get/make a living.3. What fun/How interesting it is to swi

2、m in a lake in summer!4. How excited we are!5. How to get rid of rubbish is a big problem.6. 他的爱好是晚饭后下棋。7. 我对他的话深感失望。8. 他的演讲鼓舞人心。9. 他不知道是否该去那里。10. 他认为帮助别人是他的责任。6. What he likes is playing chess after supper.7. I was greatly disappointed at what he had said.8. His speech is encouraging.9. He didnt kn

3、ow whether to go there or not.10. He feels it his duty to help others.11. 我盼望收到你的回信。12. 他一定要我们俩都接受邀请。13. 请接受我诚挚的歉意,我昨晚没参加宴会。14. 谢谢你在英语上给予我的帮助。15. 我们听到他大声唱歌。11. I am looking forward to hearing from you.12. He insisted on our both accepting the invitation.13. Will you kindly accept an apology for my n

4、ot being present at your party last evening?14. Thank you for your great help with my English.15. We heard him singing in a loud voice.16. 我回到家时,发现客人已走了。17. 她发现房间收拾得井井有条。18. 他总是第一个来,最后一个走。19. 一个人开着车从北京赶来。20. 现在讨论的问题必须保密。16. When I get home, I found the guests gone.17. She found the room in good orde

5、r.18. He is always the first to come and the last to leave.19. A man riding a car came from Beijing.20. The problem being discussed here must be kept secret.21. 我多么懊悔在林间和田野里浪费那么多时间!22. 她轻轻地走进来,以免吵醒睡觉的孩子。23. 他回到家里,发现老朋友Tom正在等他。24. 海水太冷,不能游泳。25. 我们爬到塔顶,看到一片美景。21. How I regretted the hours wasted in th

6、e woods and fields!22. She came in quietly so as not to wake the sleeping child.23. He went home only to find his old friend Tom waiting for him.24. The sea was too cold to swim in.25. Climbing to the top of the tower, we saw a wonderful view.26. 如果照管得好些,这些树会长得好些。27. 他气喘喘地跑到她面前。28. 老师走进教室,后面跟着几个来访者。

7、29. 女孩一个人坐在那里,陷入深思。30. 鱼必须呆在水里,否则会死。26. Given better attention, the trees would grow even faster.27. He ran up to her breathing heavily.28. The teacher walked into the classroom, followed by some visitors.29. The girl sat alone for some time, lost in thought.30. Fish must stay in water, or they will

8、 die.31. 要努力工作,否则不会成功。32. 那就是他所住的地方。33. 他失败的原因是他太依赖别人了。34. 站在那儿的高个子是我弟弟。35. 书在桌上,你放在那里的。31. Work as hard as you can, or you will never succeed in life.32. Thats where he lives.33. The reason why he failed is that he depends on others too much.34. The tall man standing over there is my brother.35. Th

9、e book is on the table, where you left it.36. 只有你的话他才可能听。37. 我每次见到她,她都在读书。38. 把它放在原来的地方。39. 无论到哪,雷锋都乐于助人。40. 机会这样好,我们可不能失掉。36. You are the only person whose advice he might listen to.37. Every time I see her, she is reading.38. Put it where you found it. / Put it where it was.39. Wherever he went, L

10、ei Feng was always ready to help others.40. Its such a good chance that we mustnt miss it.41. 大声点,以便大家都能听见。42. 他讲得很慢,以便让人人都能听见。43. 只要你努力,就能通过英语考试。44. 不管喜欢与否,你非做不可。45. 他经常受表扬,但从不骄傲。41. Speak louder so that everyone can hear you. Speak louder to make yourself heard.42. He spoke slowly in order that ev

11、eryone should understand.43. You can pass the English examination so long as you work hard.44. Whether you like it or not, youll have to do it.45. He has often been praised but he is never proud.46. 我除了学英语,还学法语。47. 这件事对你我都很重要。48. 他不光给我钱,还给我建议。49. 他不仅是著名诗人,还是著名剧作家。50. 他们去了长城,我也去了。46. Im learning Fren

12、ch as well as English.47. It is important for you as well as for me.48. He gave me money as well as advice.49. He was not only a famous poet but also a well-known play writer.50. They went to the Great Wall and I went as well.51. 过马路之前,他左右看了看。52. 由于不知道走哪条路,他问了警察。53. 她气得说不出话来。54. 他很生气,一言不发就走了。55. 这是你

13、要的书。51. He looked both ways before crossing the road.52. As he didnt know the way, he asked a policeman.53. She was so angry that he could hardly speak.54. He was angry so that he left the room without saying a word.55. This is the book which you asked for.56. 明天一位美国人要来教我们英语。57. 我是照你说的做的。58. 他尽管年纪小,

14、英语却很好。59. 他那样穿戴是为了引人注意。60. 我不知道发生了什么。56. An American will come tomorrow to teach us English.57. I did as you told me.58. Young as he is, his English is quite good.59. He dresses like that to make himself noticed.60. I dont know what is happening.61. 今天上午我在河边走。62. 我听到一个女人喊救命。63. 我跑过去得知她儿子掉下了河。64. 我没多

15、想就跳下去。65. 我抓住他的手把他拖上岸。61. This morning while I was walking along the bank of a river.62. I heard a womans cry for help.63. I ran towards her and she told me that her son had fallen into the river.64. Then I had no time to think it over and jumped into the river.65. Finally I caught hold of his hand and carried him to the bank.66. 几个月前我病了不能上学。67. 我怕被别人落下。68. 班长来帮助我。69. 他为我解释课文中的难点。70. 在他的帮助下,我终于赶上了别人。66. Several months ago, I was ill and I didnt go to school for two weeks.67. I was afraid to fall beh

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