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1、8 He seemed totally _ in that book. When I came in he didnt notice me at all.9 According to the _ of relativity, nothing travels faster than light.10 Wearing loose clothing gives you greater freedom of _.第二组:handle, serve, enthusiastic, scientific, analyse, complete, blame, valuable, spin, conclude1

2、1 She is a _ woman who never smiles.12 They didnt draw a conclusion until carrying out lots of _ experiments.13 It came as a _ surprise to me. I never thought of that.14 This kind of gold watch is really _. It costs a lot of money to buy one.15 He _ his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home.16

3、 Suddenly the plane was _ out of control.17 Who is to _ for this road accident?18 It took us a long time to _ what went wrong. And eventually we knew the problem.19 She was even less _ about going to Japan.20 She turned the _ and opened the door.第三组:cautious, repeat, reject, pump, virus, announce, e

4、xpose, defeat, instruct, radium21 I _ three times but he still couldnt remember it.22 This engine is used for _ water out of the mine.23 The government _ yesterday to the media plans to create a million new jobs.24 This is the first time that our team has been _ at basketball match.25 Madame Curie i

5、s always remembered by people as the discoverer of _.26 You will be _ where to go as soon as the car is ready.27 Dont _ yourself to strong sunlight; it will harm your skin.28 He was seriously ill because of a _ infection.29 This proposal was firmly _ at the meeting.30 He is very _ about committing(承

6、诺) himself to anything.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):put forward draw a conclusion in addition linktoapart from be strict with lead to make sense point of view1 You must organize your composition well. _, you should pay attention to your handwriting.2 What he thought and said didnt _.3 It was becau

7、se of his carelessness that _ his failure.4 My boss _ me in my new work.5 He was brave enough to _ objections at the meeting.6 Peter, whats your _ on that matter?7 _ Changjiang and Huanghe there are many other rivers in China.8 After reading the article once again he _.9 You may _ your mobile phone

8、_ a computer.Unit 2 The United Kingdomconsistent, communism, clarify, fold, influence, collection, delight, unite, smart, unfair, puzzle, available, construct1 It was Karl Marx who developed _.2 Please _ down the blanket and put it into the closet.3 I have a larger _ of coins than he has.4 Two parti

9、es _ to oppose the governments plans.5 It was _ for the mother to treat her five kids unequally.6 The newly-developed software is _ to all PC users. It is cheap and easy to install.7 The old bridge _ in the 1950s was washed away during the floods last week.8 The math problem _ both the teacher and h

10、is students.9 Mr. you need to make a _ decision.private, tablet, surroundings, mud, flash, skip, require, master, temple, capsule11 The doctor told me to take two _ with water before meals.12 My car got stuck in the _ and couldnt get out.13 Since you have learned this chapter, let us _ it and begin

11、the next chapter.14 I received my _ degree for economics in Beijing University.15 Those miners were brought up from the mine in a special _.16 That old _ with a history of more than 300 years is visited by lots of people every day.17 The height of the desk _ adjusting a little lower.18 A neon(霓虹灯) _

12、 on and off above the door.19 My hometown lies in a small village with nice _. I enjoy living there.20 The number of Shenzheners who have _ cars has reached 1 million.length, herb, switch, impression, mask, lack, optimistic, settlement, lemonade, jet21 I like to drink tea mixed with _. It smells fra

13、grant.22 If you dont like this channel, just _ to another one.23 She succeeded because she had the determination that her brother _.24 The management and the unions have reached a _ over new working conditions.25 What kind of drink would you like? A glass of _, please.26 The two sides are not too _

14、about the result of the negotiation.27 The robbers were wearing stocking _ when they robbed the bank.28 His words left me the _ that he didnt like the plan at all.29 In our school each class is 40 minutes in _.30 The accident happened as the _ was about to take off.remindof lose sight of sweep up sp

15、eed upassist in catch sight of take up1 Wang Ping ran very fast and soon I _ him.2 Since retirement Old Wang _ gardening.3 After the train pulled out of the station it soon _.4 They greatly _ searching for the missing boy.5 This old photo _ me _ my college days.6 Well make our bathroom more comforta

16、ble if we _ the mess every day.7 I _my brother immediately among the crowd, for he was very tall!Unit 4 Making the newsedition, process, chief, reporter, guilty, acquire, course, section, occupation, department, approve1 Before he became the _ editor of the newspaper he was a journalist.2 I often re

17、ad the electronic _ of Shenzhen Daily on the internet.3 The judge announced the man not _ and then he was set free.4 Tomato-egg soup is the last _ of our dinner.5 The Japanese _of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.6 The new edition textbook is _ by the Department for Education.7 Months later I was appoi

18、nted manager of the sales _ of our company.8 I glanced over the sports _ of China Daily.9 From whom did you _ the latest information?10 Our chief editor is having a friendly talk with those _ from New York Times.11 I sent three rolls of film away to be _.technical, employ, task, appointment, meanwhi

19、le, photograph, profession, trade, intention, thorough, accurate12 Learning is the main _ for us high school students.13 We will offer free _ support for those buying our software.14 There are 20 minutes to go before the meeting. _, I want to have a drink of coffee.15 He was an electrician by _.16 I

20、 have no _ of leaving the city. On the contrary, I do like this city.17 My watch is not _. I am afraid it needs fixing.18 Miss Wang did a _ investigation of who broke the classroom windows.19 A few years ago China became a member of the World _ Organization.20 Shenzhen is a beautiful city. I spent a

21、 whole day taking _ of it.21 In some countries you must make an _ before going to a doctor.22 Since how long ago have you been _ in this factory?deliberately, gifted, normal, recorder, note, colleague, seldom, senior, eager, polish, case, crime23 Lisa is a very _ girl for music. She can play the pia

22、no very well though very young.24 Now when we enjoy music we use DVD but dont often use the tape _to play cassettes.25 We are friends and _ for many years. We are getting on quite well.26 After graduating from a junior middle school I went to a key _ middle school in our city.27 My article was caref

23、ully _ and checked before release(发表).28 Anyone who commits a _ shall be punished.29 You probably wont need to call, but take my number, just in _.30 After the exam all the students were _ to know their results.31 I dont like films, so I _ go to the cinema.32 Please _ that the new law will come into

24、 effect on July 1st.33 It is _ to feel tired after such a long trip.34 I have been _ ignoring her all day, so she is very upset.concentrate on accuse of so as to (do sth)defend against have a nose for be supposed to1 He moved to live with the disabled man _ take care of him.2 Mike is a reporter who

25、_ those film and TV stars love affairs(诽闻).3 Johnson was _ murder by the police and condemned to 10 years in prison.4 He _ be a college graduate but he knew nothing of history.5 The law allows people to _ themselves _ a charge.6 In this chapter I shall _ the early years of Charlies reign(王朝).Unit 5

26、First aidmild, throat, bandage, jewellry, ceremony, liquid, injury, aid, radiation, present, wounded1 I cannot raise my voice, for I have got a sore _.2_is a personal ornament, such as a ring, necklace, bracelet, made from jewels, precious metals or other substances3 Matter has three statessolid, gas and _.4 With the _ of my English teacher I have made rapid progress in English.5 The family _ an ancient sword to the museum.6 Those _ soldiers were

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