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1、 Is _ news true? A. an; the B. an; a C. /; the D. /; a考点一 . a 和an 的用法及重点难点区别: a 的用法an 的用法后边第一个词的读音为辅音音素(发音时气流通过口腔时受到了阻碍,震动声带的叫浊辅音,不振动声带的辅音叫清辅音)后边第一个词的读音为元音音素(发音时气流通过口腔时不受阻碍,震动声带)记住下面的口诀:名词词组前面a,an, 发音挡气与否是关键,气流通畅就用an, 发音挡气a在先, 有this,that,xx的, 不能再用a和an。特别关注:一个可数名词的单数前必须有只能有一个下列词:ones,this,that,the,a,

2、an等,如果名词前没有上述词,即便有不止一个修饰词该名词,仍然要加一个a或者是an。 Such _ clever boy=so clever _ boy What _smart student=how smart _ student. 但是如果一个单数可数名词之前也绝不可以同时出现两个上述限定词。 My a friend 应该为one of my friends 或者是a friend of mine也就是双重属格的使用。 My that old coat 不对 应为 that old coat of mine. ( ) 6.-I just have _ cup of milk for _ b

3、reakfast. -Thats not enough. a B. the; the C. a; 不填( )7. His mother has _ honest brother, he is _ 18-year-old person. A.a,a,an C.a,an, a ( ) 8. _ unlucky day he had got ! Bad news went towards him one after another. We feel sorry for him. A. How an B. What a C. How D. What an ( )9. They bo

4、ught _ expensive pet , its _ one-year -old dog. A.a,a,an, a D.a,an ( ) 10. He gave me _ watch. Its one of _ I had ever had. a nice, best present B.such a nice,the best present C.quite nice a, the best presents D. so nice a watch, the best presents ( )11. He had _ quick breakfast, and

5、then he began to play _ violin. A. /, the B.a ,/ C./, / D./, the ( ) 12. On _ Teachers Day, the teachers in our school will play _ against another teacher team. A.the, football B./, basketball C.the, the volleyball D.a, chess ( )13. _ interesting man talking with our principal over there is _ univer

6、sity professor. He is from London. A. a,a B. an , an C. The , a D. The, an B. 代词关于代词的有关考点。考点一:主格:用在句子的开头,在谓语动词的前面。 宾格:用在动词的后边或者是介词的后边。 1. I like _(她), _(她)likes _(我),_(他)also likes _(我), _ (我们)like to play with _ (他们),_ (他们)help _(我们) 2. ( ) Tom sits between _ A. Lucy and me B.her and I C. Kate and

7、mine D.Lily and I 3.we would like to buy some new machines, but some of _ dont agree. 4.在句中作表语,常用宾格; Who is it? Its _ (my).但有时要用主格:It was _ who told him the whole story. B.mine C.I 两个或两个以上人称代词并列其顺序是: 单数2,3,1,复数1,2,3。若把错误来承担,第一人称排在先。考点二:反身代词的使用:用作宾语、表语,或主语、宾语的同位语,当宾语和主语在人称和数上完全一致的时候,宾语必须用反身

8、代词,但是如果宾语同主语不一致的话,用反身代词就是错误的。常用含有反身代词的惯用语归纳 by oneself= alone 独自 for oneself独立、为自己 seat oneself坐下 be oneself处于正常状态,显得自然 _ oneself to 自行取用、不用客气enjoy oneself玩得愉快=have fun/have a good timedress oneself in 给自己穿 come to oneself苏醒 make oneself at home 不要客气devote oneself to专心于、献身于=commit oneself to Help _

9、to some sweets and make _ at home,boys and girls. (you)Lily enjoyed _(she) at the party and everyone there liked him. 考点三:形容词性物主代词:作用相当于形容词,只能做定语放在名词前,如果后边没有名词就不可用。We love our motherland.名词性物主代词:相当于名词,后边不可再跟任何名词。(形容词性物主代词+名词) Sth. is ones =belong to sb. Your coat is black while mine is red. That new

10、 dictionary is not mine=that new dictionary _ not belong to _ ( ) Our class room is far larger than _. A.yous B.yours D.your( ) 1.Would you lend _your e-dictionary , Nancy?A I B my C me D mine ( ) 2. I have to stay alone tonight because _of my parents is going to attend a party. A both B all C

11、 neither D none( ) 3. When we went through the Customs ,I showed _passport ,and my brother showed_. A my, him, his C mine, his D.mine him( ) 4. Can you take a photo of _, here is a new digital camera of _. A.mine,mine,me,mine D.mine, me ( ) 5. The weather in Shanghai is much warmer th

12、an _ in Beijing. A.the one C.those D.that( ) 6. No one but the British _ the first to invent the watch. A.were B.was C.are ( )7. He asked how many people had passed the driving test. _ , its too difficult. A. No one. b. None C. No one of us D. Everyone C. 情态动词 ( ) 1. -Must I get up early t

13、omorrow , Mum? -No, you _,dear , Tomorrow is Saturday. A cant B mustnt C neednt D couldnt( )2. You _decide now .You can tell me your decision later. A dont have to B mustnt C neednt to D shouldnt ( )3. Could you please _ open the door? Its too cold. A.not to B.dont C.wont D.doesnt ( ) 4. That old wa

14、ll needs _ because it has been five hundred years old. be repairing be repaired repairing repair ( ) 5. Tom _ be at home, for I saw him _ a bus just now. A.mustnt, got on B.cant, get on C.shouldnt, to get on D.wont, to get on D. 时态1. _ Jack _ on with his work or _ to have a rest?

15、A. Did went stopped B. Did go Stop C. Did went stop D. Did go stopped2We _ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us _.A. were waiting waiting B. were waiting wait C. waited waiting D. waited wait 3He told me that he_to see us the next day. 4.The teacher told us that the sun_bigger than the earth

16、. A. is B. was C. has been D.will be5. In three or four months, they _ building that new house. A.should finish B.will finish C.have finish D.finished 6. He _ the book the whole afternoon yesterday, but he _ it.,didnt finish B.was reading, didnt finish C.was reading,wasnt finish D.readed,wasn

17、t finishing 7.where _ you _? I called you several times but nobody answered. A.have,gone B.have, been C.were, go D.were, going E. 描绘性副词( ) 1. She always does her homework _ than her brother. A. more careful B. careful C. more carefully D. carefully( )2. Can you hear me? No, I cant. Would you please

18、speak_? A. clearly enough B. clear enough C. enough clear D. enough clearly( ) 3. The question is _ that nobody can answer it. A. very hard B. too difficult C. strange enough D. so strange( ) 4. Lets do it _ . There is only five minutes left. A. hardly B. slowly C. quickly D. politelyF. 连词They will

19、lose the game they try their best,A. unless B. once C. since D. afterWhat shall we do now? _its raining hard, lets stay at home. A. So B. Since C. Though D. IfThe girl is _ a nice girl _ we all want to help her. A. such; that B. too; to C. so; that D. very; that Jack spends much money on books _ _ h

20、e is not so rich.A. though B. when C. if D. because_ Tom _ Peter are fond of watching TV. A.Not onlybut also B.Bothand C.Eitheror D.NeithernorThe robber told him that he had better keep silent _ he wanted to get into troublea. if b. unless c. otherwise d. whether The professor spoke in a loud voice

21、_ every one of us could hear him.a. such that b. so c. so that d. suchG. 动词短语( )1. Mom, can I leave my homework for tomorrow? Im afraid not. Dont_ what you can do today till tomorrow. A. put on B. put down C. put up D. put off( )Hurry up, Mike. You must get to the airport an hour before the plane _.

22、 A. gets off B. turns off C. takes off D. puts off( )Dont _ too late. or you will feel tired in class. A. wake up B. get up C. stay up D. stand up( )We shouldnt _ our hopes. Everything will be better. A. put up B. cheer up C. fix up D. give up( )What a big storm last night! Yes. I was doing my homew

23、ork. Suddenly, all the lights in my house _. A. went off B. turned off C. took off D. got off( )The girl all her pocket money to the people in the Southwest for the serious drought(旱灾). -What a good girl. A. took away B. gave up C. gave away ( )Her sister _ a taxi driver. Now she works for a charity

24、. A. is B. were used to being C. is used to being D. used to be( )The girl _ the woman. Maybe she is her daughter. A. take care B. takes after C. takes off D. look afterH. 名词辨析( )How many _ are there in the kitchen? -Only two.A. bag of rice B. bags of rice C. bags of rice( )You look worried. Whats y

25、our _? -I have trouble learning English. A. name B. question C. problem D. job( )We need to come up with a/an _ and make a decision at once. A. information B. advice C. idea D. news( )When I hurriedly got to the airport, the lady at the window told me that there were no _ left on that plane. A. plac

26、es B. seats C. space D. room( )The music made me think of the _ of a running stream. A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound ( )They are from _. Theyre _. A. Germany; Germans B. Germans; Germany C. German; Germany D. Germany; Germen( )How many_teachers are there in your school? _them_over two hundred. A

27、. woman; The number of; is B. women; is C. woman; A number of; is D. women; are( ) Did you hear any strange _when the quake happened? No, I was in my garden with my flowers and was enjoying the beautiful _of my birds at that time.A. voice; noise B. noise; sound C. whisper; sound D. sound; voice ( )P

28、eter regards Liaocheng as his second_because he has lived here for ten years.A. family B. house C. home D. roomI . 频度副词短语( ) 1. -I want to know _ he goes to the country to go sightseeing. -He goes there twice a month. soon long C .how many often ( )2. He _ went to see his uncle for he was too busy,_

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