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本文(外文翻译汽车起动机综合性能测试台的设计Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、降低成本、提高工效、增加收益;增加功率和扭矩的输出,改善起动性能,延长寿命等的优越性。 起动机的设计和制造不断地向前发展,特别是轿车起动机出现了多次划时代的变革。20世纪七十年代出现在日本的两轴式电激磁减速起动机,使得起动机的重量大大减少,一台12V、2KW的电激磁减速起动机重量为5.4kg,而同等功率的传统型起动机重量却为11.2kg。 八十年代产生了同轴式永磁减速起动机,它具有两轴式减速起动机的优点,而且在外形上酷似传统型起动机,以体积小、重量轻、功率大、小巧美观而在轿车上广泛采用。 九十年代的永磁减速起动机更轻、比功率更大。主要措施是减轻了电枢的重量,在电机轭部冲有较大的孔。因为永磁电机

2、的磁场强度低于电激磁电机,冲孔后的电枢轭对永磁电机的磁性能影响不大。但优点却是多方面的:a.减轻了重量;b.电枢的动不平衡量大大减小,因为电枢的动不平衡与电枢的重量成正比;c.由于动不平衡的减小,而使电机的性能可靠、噪音小、寿命延长。 现在的博世公司的起动机功率在0.9-4.0kw范围的产品均已采用减速结构,减速机构普遍采用同轴式行星齿轮减速机构。其优点是:a.减速机构与电机本体为同一轴心线,结构紧凑、形体美观、体积小;b.在平行啮合的齿轮上没有横向转矩传递;c.电机运转平稳、振动小、噪音低。 以下是博世传统型起动机80年代和90年代减速电机优越性对比表: 类比项目 传统型 八十年代 九十年代

3、 额定电压(V) 12 12 12 额定功率(KW) 0.95 1.4 1.4 电机外径(mm) 92.4 74 74 激磁方式 电激磁 铁氧体永磁 铁氧体永磁 电机比功(Kw/kg) 0.202 0.389 0.4375 总重(kg) 4.7 3.6 3.2 应用情况 全新的设计,促进了新工艺的产生和新材料的应用。 同轴式减速起动机,从名称上看,一是永磁,二为减速,特点是电枢转速相当高,通过与行星减速机构的完美结合,以达到用户所要求的输出转速、功率和扭矩。从电磁结构上采用永磁代替传统的电激磁,促进了对于永磁材料的研究;同时也促进了全塑换向器的制造及粉末冶金齿轮技术等的改进。 由于电枢的转速高

4、,我们要求电枢的动不平衡越小越好,而动不平衡与电枢的重量有着密切的关系。在达到电磁性能的条件下,要使电枢越轻,则动不平衡就越小,因此90年代对于永磁减速起动机的电枢进行了大胆的创新,在原有电枢相同大小和长度的情况下,将电枢轭部控空,只留下应有的磁路,使电枢的重量在原来的基础上减少了15%以上。 现在减速起动机常用的永磁材料为铁氧体,因为这种材料剩磁高、矫顽力强、磁能积大、完全能满足中、小型电机性能的要求,具价格便宜。德国博世的永磁减速电机基本上都采用这种铁氧体永磁材料。 行星齿轮和内齿轮采用精密的粉末冶金技术制造,其优越性:a.减速齿轮精度提高;b.工作效率提高;c.降低成本;d.使减速机构的

5、传动更平稳、噪音更小。 发展趋势起动机今后的发展必须满足层出不穷的新型汽车品种,随着汽车整车的优化设计水平不断提高,对起动机的设计制造提出了更高要求。今后汽车工业将以节能环保为主题。同时也将不断地朝着可靠、安全、舒适等方面发展。作为汽车的关键部件的起动机将随着科技技术的高速发展,新的加工技术,自动控制技术,自动检测技术及计算机技术的广泛应用,而不断提高,依然朝着小型、轻量、大功率输出、长寿命方向发展。汽车起动机将主要朝以下几个方面发展: 1随着微型车、重型车比重的扩大,起动机也会在1-9KW的功率等级上有新发展,中、小型功率起动机将以永磁式行星齿轮减速为主,大功率起动机将以电激磁式行星齿轮减速

6、型方向发展。 2轿车用的起动机要在现有基础上进一步优化电磁设计和结构设计,加大减速比,将减速比提高到5以上,应用新材料、新结构,在原有体积和基础上减轻重量,提高输出功率和扭矩,增加比功(KW/kg),使比功在现有基础再提高15%以上。 3加强对高磁性能材料的研究,如果永磁减速起动机的永磁材料能采用稀土永磁,体积更小,重量更轻,比功更大,要达到提高比功15%以上根本不在话下,但现在稀土永磁材料价格昂贵,居里温度偏低,有待进一步研究。稀土研究的成功,将为起动机新技术革新创造美好的前景。 4实现起动机发电机一体化的构思,是满足汽车对起动机和发电机愈来愈高输出要求的有效途径。这种一体化系统中有一关键的

7、可转换装置,该装置具有起动和停止转换,其交流端接异步电机,直流端接蓄电池和汽车用电系统。其工作原理是:在起动状态时,异步电机的轴通过减速机构与发动机连接,带动发动机旋转,并达到起动发动机的目的;当发动机发动以后,发动机反带异步电机旋转,通过超越离合器装置自动降低传速,异步机变为发电机的正常发电状态。同时可转换装置还能将异步机输出的三相交流电变为直流电。给蓄电池充电,汽车用电系统供电和电机本身励磁。 与这种一体化系统装置同时开发的将是一种42V车用供电系统,将极好的满足汽车用电负荷增加的需要。这种42V供电系统是通过一个14V/42V的转换装置来实现的。 随着起动机的新设计、新结构的采纳,新工艺

8、、新材料的应用,新装置、新构想的实现,将把新型起动机、新型汽车推向新的理想境地。国内现状 国内许多汽车电器生产厂都能生产这种先进水平的永磁减速起动机。现在各汽车制造厂的轻轿车都采减速起动机。例如上海桑塔纳、上海大众B5、一汽大众C5车、A4车、捷达5V、2V、神龙富康、北京吉普车都采用永磁减速起动机。大功率起动机将以电激磁式减速为主。 象中汽长电股份有限公司从20世纪80年代后期开始生产减速起动机,已经有15年以上的设计和生产经验,并且从国外(如德国、韩国、日本)引进了从加工、焊接、转子生产线、总装配,到测试技术等大批具有90年代国际先进水平的轿车电器生产的成套设备。生产了1.1Kw-1.4k

9、W的十几种型号的减速起动机,而且大部分为永磁减速起动机。今后将逐步以永磁减速起动机取代中、小型传统型起动机。电激式的5Kw左右的大型起动机也已生产了多种型号,并已批量向各主机厂供货,永磁起动机的永磁材料都是用国产的Y30H-2铁氧体,这种材料剩磁Br高,矫顽力Hc强,磁能积(BH)max大,国内许多厂家都能生产。 国内与制造全新设计起动机部件的相关企业,技术水平也在不断提高,生产的产品也越来越好。如全塑换向器的制造粉末冶金压制的内齿轮与行星齿轮,压铸铝合金端盖等,精密度高、性能好,还有压降小、性能好、寿命长的电刷制品,已达到世界先进水平,在减速起动机上的寿命大大超过4.5万次。 我国的轿车用的

10、减速起动机的制造技术已达到世界先进水平,重型起动机的制造技术也尽快采用新技术,缩小与世界先进水平差距。Car belonging to start technology development trends generator engine is the key vehicle components. Modern car belonging to the request are : small size, light weight, performance, reliable, large capacity, long life. So start in the structural des

11、ign for the new one after another break with traditional design, leading to the emergence of new technologies, new materials, new technology applications; To start the size, weight, electrical performance and useful life have reached more satisfactory level. Technical improvements to improve generat

12、or performance depends on the export of electrical power and torque start, the traditional start to achieve that objective, the need to increase the size and weight of a slowdown in both institutions to improve the output and torque effective way. Electrical power increase magnetism slowdown and the

13、 slowdown has two permanent magnetism slowdown, the slowdown will reduce the size and use permanent magnetism, reduce weight, increase than power; Reducing costs, improving ergonomics and increase revenue; Increase the export of power and torque, improved start-up performance, the extension of life

14、expectancy, etc. superiority. In the design and manufacture of cranes continue to develop, particularly the emergence of a number of cars belonging landmark change. 20th century Japan in the 1970s appeared in the two axis of increase magnetism slowdown start, allowing greatly reduced the weight of t

15、he cranes, one Taiwan 12V, the power increase magnetism 2KW slowdown start to 5.4kg weight, and the traditional power equal weight is to start 11.2kg. 1980s produced feature-style permanent magnetism slowdown start, it has two advantages keen slowdown start, but in shape, simulating traditional star

16、t to the small size, light weight, great power, delicate appearance and widely used in cars. Permanent magnetism start of the 1990s slowdown lighter, more than power. Key measure is to reduce the armature weight in the Department of Electrical horse jumped a larger Kong. Because the magnetic field i

17、ntensity lower than permanent magnetism electrical power increase magnetism electrical, accessible to the armature perform permanent magnetism to electrical magnetic little impact. But advantages are manifold : a. ;b reduced weight. Armature imbalance of the move greatly reduced because of the movin

18、g armature imbalances and armature weight proportional ;c. Since moving unbalanced reduced by reliable electrical performance, noise small, increasing life expectancy. The visitors 0.9-4.0kw companies in the scope of the power generator products have been used to slow down the structure, institution

19、s slowdown common feature of planetary gear slowdown. The advantage is : a. Slowdown institutions and electrical identity for the same axis line, tight structure, physical appearance, size small ;b. In parallel to the gear mesh no horizontal torque transmission ;c. Electrical smooth operation, small

20、 vibration, noise low. Following is the traditional start visitors in the 1980s and 1990s slowdown electrical superiority comparison table : Analog Project traditional 1980s 1990s rated voltage (V) 12 12 12 rated power (KW) 0.95 1.4 1.4 Electrical Waijing (mm) ?92.4? 74-74 increase magnetism way ele

21、ctricity increase magnetism ferrites permanent magnetism ferrites permanent magnetism electrical weight (kg) 4.7 3.6 3.2 than Kung (Kw/kg) 0.202 0.389 0.4375 application of the new design, promote the emergence of new processes and new materials applications. Feature-style slowdown start from the na

22、me of speaking, one permanent magnetism, two for the slowdown, characterized by a relatively high rotational speed armature, with the planetary bodies slowdown perfect combination to achieve the required output rotational speed users, power and torque. From the electromagnetic structure of a permane

23、nt magnetism instead of the traditional increase magnetism promoted to permanent magnetism materials research; More commutator also promoted throughout the manufacturing and powder metallurgy gear technology improvements. Since the rotational speed armature high, we ask the armature smaller the bett

24、er move imbalances, and to move the weight imbalance and armature are closely related. After achieving electromagnetic performance conditions for armature more light, the move is more small, and therefore the 1990s for permanent magnetism slowdown start the armature for a bold innovation in the orig

25、inal armature same size and length of the armature perform the control air, leaving due Cilu to armature weight in the original basis reduced by 15% or more. Now slowdown generator commonly used materials for the permanent magnetism ferrites, because such material remanence high, reconstruction seek

26、 power, magnetic energy from large, fully able to meet medium and small electrical performance requirements, with cheaper prices. German visitors to the permanent magnetism slowdown electrical materials are generally used such ferrites permanent magnetism. Planetary gear, plus a sophisticated powder

27、 metallurgy and manufacturing technology and its advantages : a. Slowdown gear ;b improve precision. ;c work efficiency. ;d reduce costs. The slowdown agencies transmission more stable and less noise. Future development trends start new vehicles must meet the endless varieties, with 1,338 cars const

28、antly raise the level of design optimization to start creating a higher design requirements. Will be the theme of environmental conservation in the future auto industry. Will also be continuously towards reliable, safe, comfortable and development. As a key vehicle components will start with the rap

29、id development of technology, new processing technologies, automatic control technology, automatic detection technology and the widespread use of computer technology, and continue to improve, still towards small, light volume, high output, long-life direction. Car belonging to the following major de

30、velopments : 1. With micro-cars, the proportion of heavy vehicles expansion will start in the power hierarchy 1-9KW a new development, small and medium sized power generator will be permanent magnetism of planetary gear slowdown mainly electric power generator will increase magnetism of planetary ge

31、ar deceleration type direction. 2. Cars used to start on the existing basis to further optimize the electromagnetic design and structural design, increasing slowdown than to slow down than to 5 above, the application of new materials and new structures in the original basis of the size and weight re

32、duction, increased output and torque increase than Kung (KW/kg), compared to the existing credit basis to raise more than 15%. 3. To strengthen the high-magnetic materials research, if permanent magnetism slowdown start to use the permanent magnetism rare earth permanent magnetism materials, will be smaller, lighter weig

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